Facing a 125-mile charity walk, three fundraisers thought their biggest ordeal would be exhaustion and blisters.
They certainly didn’t consider that their charitable efforts would make them the target of a vicious assault by thugs who accused them of being too ‘worthy’.
Gareth Cottrell, 26, needed ten stitches in his cheek after one of the attackers slashed him across the face with a key.
His brother Fraser, 15, and their friend Josh Fitzpatrick, 21, were left bruised and bloodied after being repeatedly kicked and punched in the face and body.
Last night the friends said they were depressed that trying to do a good deed had apparently led to such a hate-filled attack.
Mr Cottrell, a radio producer, said: ‘I just cannot believe you can be targeted by yobs simply for wanting to help others.
‘You would think people would be happy to see us doing some good, yet all these guys wanted was a fight. It shows what England is like now.’
The attack happened on the banks of a canal in Stalybridge. Full article can be read on the website of The Daily Mail
Sadly this is not the only attack to have taken place on this canal in in the recent past. I did previously report on this cowardly attack and this one as well as this attack which saw a barge being burned out. All these attacks are in fairly close proximity to each other so it is fair to say the feral rats responsible for this latest attack are probably connected to the previous incidents. Tameside Citizen
The stone cold facts are these, the police are 'fucking useless' They don't even bother to investigate violent crimes like these ANYMORE. The police are covering up the scale of the problem, with these vicious attacks on people on the canal banks.
Shit this is weeks old news where have you lots been.
Did the thugs who attacked the lad in the video ever get caught?
No the police did not even bother to investigate the attack. They promised to take the lad to the cop shop to look at some photos of known thugs, but they never turned up. The police came to the house six months later to say sorry to the lad, they had left the investigation too late, and in any case the CPS would not touch it because of the police cock up of the investigation.
The lads work boss bought him a new bike.
Where is the news about TMBC spending £36,000 on Second Life TC?
One does not want one evil scumbag to come in.
Don't worry H.R.H. the mussies will look after you when they take over.
H.R.H? Do you mean that old trout thats apost to be the head of the church of England the defender of the faith? She,s a forgioner and she,s not even part of the really Royal Family, simply DNA test would prove this.
When the BNP get in we,ll throw her out of the palace and reinstate the true Royals.
This bloke in the video has got to be a relation of Roy West!
Horrible story, but I'm puzzled by the yobs' quick identification of their victims as charity workers and use of the word "worthy" (hardly Chav vocabulary) - any more detail on this incident in the local press?
The Police:
Hungerford massacre - total cock-up, including directing people back into path of gunman, 16 dead.
Shipman - Original Police 'investigation' total cock-up, leading to more deaths.
Recent Whitehaven massacre - man drives around shooting people for THREE HOURS and is still not caught, shoots HIMSELF after car is damaged in accident.
Raoul Moat - durham prison contact the Police and say Moat is a very high risk of attacking his former partner and her boyfriend. Police action taken in next 12 hours-none. The man was killed, the woman seriously injured, a police officer shot in the face and blinded and Moat went into hiding leading to a week long massive police manhunt costing tens of millions.
Officers strutting around in paramilitary gear as a matter of course, further alienating the public.
Chief Constables obsessed with political correctness, motoring offences and the 'rights' of criminals. The list goes on and on.
No wonder so many ordinary, decent, law abiding people are so alienated from and utterly contemptuous of the modern police 'service', bring back the police FORCE and start ENFORCING THE LAW.
The truth is scum like this should be birched until they beg for mercy. They'll actually get, if they're convicted, a small fine or paltry prison sentence in four star, rent free luxury.
I complained about the offensive manner and behaviour of a policeman two years ago - I am a law abiding citizen and have never been in any trouble with the police. Despite his Inspector telephoning to tell me how 'genuinely surprised' he was and that this officer 'hadn't behaved like this before', I later found out he had been immediately transferred out of that station. Nobody with an unblemished record would be disciplined like this.
The lesson is, don't sit back and do nothing about it, complain. Public organisations are procedurally bound and filled with buck passers whose only priority is to protect their cushy job.
Spare the Rod, let's have both the birch and the stocks back. If we did, and we had public floggings, then the scumbags who do this kind of thing would think twice, especially when they realised they'd be ritually humiliated by public punishment for their misdemeanours.
These people need to be taught some humility. They do NOT need be 're-educated' 'rehabilitated' or anything else. They already know what they did was wrong. It is the State's job to bring this home to them by catching, convicting and PUNISHING them.
No Anonymous I dont think the lad is related to Roy West, his knuckles dont touch the floor
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