For Sale: Unused virtual town hall. Real price £36,000. No overheads, council tax or buisness rates. Gullible populace to pay running costs provided. Only a stone's throw from several pubs, restaurants and loan sharks.
Apply in first instance to Tameside M.B.C.
Further datails see local press
Hearty "Well done" to Liam Billington. Beat us to it Liam...well done!
There out again the Labour lot had another leaflet this afternoon in Denton.
Just been on the UKIP web site for Tameside there's less than f**k all on it, have a look and click onto the various wards, same old story we are currently selecting candidates for this ward.
Tell the truth and stop misleading people you cant get candidates and your party is a one issue party.
Leave Tameside to the party that can do some real damage with a real nationalist campaign the BNP.
Above thats because the guy who runs the local website is a FAKE. He's there at the pay of Searchlight to be a spoiler in local elections.
Well done TC for putting this Second Life fiasco up on the site.
No doubt Tameside thought that doing stuff like this would win them another award.
Just remember, when the Labour Councillors moan that the cutbacks mean that Granny isn't going to get her lunch, that there is still money around to chase stupid projects like this to prop-up the egos of Tameside staff.
It was in 2008 when there were no cuts and grants were available for new technology.
Liam knew about this ages ago hes only let it out now because his Labour party membership was cancelled by the Ashton Labour branch.
The lads been seen knocking on the door of Mr Jones this week looks like hes trying the BNP now, best place for him.
Billington and the Labour Party would have been very strange together to say the least.
I am so glad that this man is our deputy leader............
to: done for spite said...
Is your post meant to be some kind of an explanation? "There were no cuts" and "grants were available" - Does this mean it is Ok for Council staff to piss money up the wall? Where do you think the grants came from? Outerspace? Typical Labour logic...they will always find someone else to pay for their 'worthwhile' gestures.
Anonymous, it is NEVER acceptable for those who are on the public payroll to waste money. Labour thinking has always appeared to me to be a case of having numerous politically correct pet projects on the go and expecting the poor old conned taxpayer and ripped off ratepayer to finace them.
One solution that springs to mind is to surcharge the loony leftie councillors who allowed this nonsense to go on. They do after all bleed enough out of the good citizens of this obviously socialist rotten borough in expenses year on year to be able to afford to pay for their ignorance, arrogance and blind, rampant abuse of ratepayers' money.
Can a councillor comment on here about why a Borough of 200,000 people needs 57 councillors. I suggest 38, two per ward, would be more than sufficient. It would save us all a lot of money in elections, expenses, allowances etc etc etc.
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