The picture contains details of a list of interests of MP's secretaries and researchers. Your attention is drawn to the outlined section.
Obviously it was this prior experience and knowledge of the British Parliament and it's procedures which were a great help in gaining Mr Reynolds the nomination for the seat. We thought the record should reflect this state of affairs.
Home rule
Isn't Andrew Gwynne linked to this organisation as well?
This explains why Peter Mandelson, whose father and paternal grandfather were editors of the Jewish Chronicle, was so keen to fast-track Reynolds to the short list for the Hyde and Stalybridge seat.
It's well known that Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) is a stepping stone for MPs to ministerial office. In the case of Mr Reynolds it would appear that his involvement in LFI strongly influenced Mandelson's decision to fast-track him to the Hyde and Stalybridge short list ahead of more deserving candidates.
dear TC today was the CPL Joesph Etchells memorial a sponsored event in aid of the Fusiliers killed and injured in military duty? it was nice to see mr reynolds there among us mossley folk he completed the event walking ten or so mile and did it with pride so perhpas you should also post this
Yes and post how he votes in parliament if there's a proposal to bring our troops home from this barbaric, medieval dump that isn't worth the life of one British serviceman or woman. It's a virtual certainty he'll toe the line. People with integrity and the character and brains to form their own opinions and act on them are virtually non-existent in our modern legislature.
Is he homosexual? If so he should have been 'straight' about it during the election campaign, hang on though that would have cost him the Muslim vote for sure, and a lot of others besides. Naturally all those people, who believe normal, decent family values should be prioritised are evil bigots and haters and must be destroyed by abuse and demonisation. Some of course may simply 'not understand' and need 're-educating' by arrogant, fascistic, patronising pressure groups whose members can't confront the fact that there's something wrong with them.
Isn't Andrew Gwynne linked to this organisation as well?
The Jewry, sorry, jury's out.
Yes, Home Rule, he's the Chair
Hey TC. How about a feature on Tameside Council wasting of £36K on a "Second Life" way to access Council Services?
It is an absolute disgrace that these jokers are pis*ing away our money on ego-trips like this. They probably hoped to win a few another award.
This explains why Peter Mandelson, whose father and paternal grandfather were editors of the Jewish Chronicle, was so keen to fast-track Reynolds to the short list for the Hyde and Stalybridge seat.
Wake up Goys and smell the coffee!
Well done TC for unearthing this document.
It's well known that Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) is a stepping stone for MPs to ministerial office. In the case of Mr Reynolds it would appear that his involvement in LFI strongly influenced Mandelson's decision to fast-track him to the Hyde and Stalybridge short list ahead of more deserving candidates.
Purnell and Reynolds were rumoured to be in a gay relationship around the time of their visit to Israel. Now then, Mandelson is also gay. Hmm
The gay mafia
HOMOSEXUALITY: Definition: A lifestyle that is exactly equivalent to heterosexuality. Anyone who disagrees is a: homophobe; bigot; hater etc.
HOMO, from the Greek (in this case) meaning "SAME" and not the Latin meaning "MAN".
PHOBE Irrational fear.
HOMOPHOBE. One who irrationaly fears what is "THE SAME"
ie a man fears a man, a blonde fears a blonde etc.
I have no fear, hate or dislike of Gays, but ANY kind of "Mafia" IF it exists is to be deprecated.
As is the wrong use of language or invention of words
dear TC today was the CPL Joesph Etchells memorial a sponsored event in aid of the Fusiliers killed and injured in military duty? it was nice to see mr reynolds there among us mossley folk he completed the event walking ten or so mile and did it with pride so perhpas you should also post this
Yes and post how he votes in parliament if there's a proposal to bring our troops home from this barbaric, medieval dump that isn't worth the life of one British serviceman or woman. It's a virtual certainty he'll toe the line. People with integrity and the character and brains to form their own opinions and act on them are virtually non-existent in our modern legislature.
The one who buys, sorry pays, the piper calls the tune.
Is he homosexual? If so he should have been 'straight' about it during the election campaign, hang on though that would have cost him the Muslim vote for sure, and a lot of others besides. Naturally all those people, who believe normal, decent family values should be prioritised are evil bigots and haters and must be destroyed by abuse and demonisation. Some of course may simply 'not understand' and need 're-educating' by arrogant, fascistic, patronising pressure groups whose members can't confront the fact that there's something wrong with them.
More deserving candidates? Get a life Fiona.
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