Sunday, 21 June 2009

Roy West on his travels - again!


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True Brit said...

If you can do all this why cant you work for a living instead of sponging off us.
Don't you understand that people like me are sick of people like you always on the take, so don't mention immigrants you are just as bad get off your arse and do some real work.

Rocketeer said...

True Brit, if you're so worried about the British taxpayer getting ripped off why don't you vote for the only Party that will put them first. Labour have spent the last twelve years building up their client state of scroungers, scum and immigrants. Massive numbers of the latter claim every benefit going and have contributed nothing. Under international law Britain has no obligations whatsoever to take any asylum seekers unless they come from a neighbouring country.
Mr West is a registered carer for his partner thereby actually SAVING the taxpayer money.

Anonymous said...

Has Roy ever had a job? has he worked for anyone for more than 3 months. Has his wife ever had a job? I think living with Roy would cause me mental health problems too. I did like your wedding photos, did you have to pick your date to allow the black eyes to fade?

Strength through Diversity said...

The Advertiser have picture of this lazy and hate filled man wearing a KKK robe. They will be publishing it soon.

British Nationalist said...

220,000 British passports to be handed out in 2009, 37000 handed out in 1997 when these lunatics came to power. An increase of 600 per cent. This has been done without the consent of the British people. Keep voting for the three main Parties or listening to Britain hating cranks like STD and Britain will vanish.

True Brit said...

Rocketeer and some namby pamby social workers may fall for this carer scam but many don't,how can you be someones carer and never be with them.
Hes costing us a least £700 per week to keep him with all the freebies he gets, he then campaigns for British jobs for British workers he would run a mile if he was offered a British job.

St. Chad's said...

Roy's day out with St. Chads

Tameside BNP activist eating my words said...

True Blue, let me make it clear to you and everyone else involved in the Tameside political scene. Roy West is now the leader of Tameside BNP, not only this, he was also charged with the task running Nick's election campaign throughout the NW region. Early indications tell us Nick has failed to get the required percentege needed for him to become an MEP. As a result an inquiry will be held into the matter and Roy may very well be replaced as elections coordinater. With the failure of the BNP to get an elected MEP the issue of the illegally erected BNP boards will become a civil rather than an electoral issue and if it is proven that Roy or any of his allies were involved in this illegal act they will answer to former SAS man and NW regional organiser Clive Jefferson.

I will be petitioning local activists for the reinstatement of David Jones as Tameside organiser.

Anonymous said...

Roy's not been seen in Denton but boy have we seen plenty of real activist from the Labour party.
I understand today is a big day for them and many more will be out on the streets later, they claim to be already 30%in front of any other party on their returns, looking like Newton all over again Tories could come a poor third again.

Anonymous said...

Calm down Mr Anonymous plenty of time. Leaflets,Leaflets,Leaflets, people will get the message. Quality leaflets for all on the way.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Denise Ward?

Anonymous said...

Who is she you should have been in Denton tonight 5pm huge crowed outside the Labour club local papers and radio there interviewing her.
Looked like some sort of event by Labour Andrew Gwynne was there with loads of councillors and Labour supporters.
They all had leaflets in their hands looks like another one on its way.

Anonymous said...

Oh for God's sake Taylor give it a rest man!

Denton Independent candidate said...

All well and good, but you can be sure Labour will be exposed during this election. Simple but effective A4 leaflets saying things like this:

If you want illegal foreign wars VOTE LABOUR

If you want the NHS to be privatised by stealth VOTE LABOUR

If you want more Political Correctness VOTE LABOUR

If you want more unlimited immigration VOTE LABOUR

If you want more sleaze and corruption in politics VOTE LABOUR

If you want to watch the rich getting richer and the rest of us getting poorer VOTE LABOUR

If you want Britain to become nothing other than a province in a federal European super state VOTE LABOUR

Do not be fooled by Labour lies. Labour has destroyed Britain. If you love Britain but hate what Britain has been turned up to stand up and be counted and vote for anyone but Labour.

I need a little more help with this leaflet. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Keep GIBRALTAR Forever British

Anonymous said...

Anyone got any info about other candiates for this Denton election, sick of seeing only Labour people on our streets where are they others we deserve better from you.

Old Labour said...

Roy, under no circumstances must you make one of these campaign videos for the Denton by-election. The local mafia chiefs running the campaign on behalf of Labour intend to get their puppets in the Advertiser to run yet another ‘shock and horror as convicted racist campaigns in Denton’. Do not give them the opportunity to gain more free publicity. If you can provide me with an email address I can supply you with some useful info on Gwynne and the election agent, this information will be of interest to anyone who wants reveal the true face of the shysters we now have posing as Labour representatives in Tameside.

Anonymous said...

Is it sinking-in yet? said...

Nearly a quarter of a million colonisers - mainly from the Third World - will be given British passports before the end of this year, according to new figures.

In the first three months of 2009, 54,615 citizenship applications were approved, up 57 percent on the same period in 2008. At that rate, the number receiving passports - and with them the right to full benefits - this year will smash the record of 164,540 set in 2007.

Labour Out said...

The more passports Labour hand out the more votes they get. They couldn't care less about the damage they're doing to Britain.

Retribution said...

1029 BNP leaflets put out today, Haughton Hall Rd area.

Denton Blue said...

BNP not a threat when they have had candidates in the past they get very little support,they came last in all elections.
We will be the threat and will win easily Martin Wareing was a very nice man and a good local councillor he got hundreds of votes because of who he was, they are now gone no matter how good their candidate is.
Its breakthrough time for us in Denton and heartache time for the BNP.

New World Order said...

Denton Blue, is that a cheese? You must be delighted to belong to a Party whose multimillionaire leader, David 'Raffles' Cameron, has been claiming £2000 a month in mortgage relief of the taxpayer for the last eight years.

Denton Blue said...

It's ok for us as long as we don't get caught.

Denton Blue said...

Conservative Councillor raped school girl.

No I'm blind to the facts of the matter, the bnp are the thugs. We fail to talk about the perverts in our own ranks. It's not a subject for the public, only a fool would talk about this s***

Denton BNP New Member said...

Denton Blue, so we came last in Newton, Dukinfield, all elections?

BNP to be banned said...

Forget this election the bnp will not be standing because they will be banned unless they allow thousands of black, asian, chinese, jewish, roma, gay, lesbian and trangender people join. We always win and always. The bnp is imminent. Enjoy your ban boneheads or if not enjoy the company of your new multiracial membership. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. This is great, fantastic, smashing!

Anonymous said...

Make us even more popular, it's a government car crash.

tonydj said...

I seem to recall that when Apartheid was in force in South Africa Lord Soper and Bishop Trevor Huddleston said that the ANC were justified in resorting to military struggle (aka "Terrorism") because they were banned. Hmmmm so we have a precident.

Also the unions, police, prison service refuse membsership to the BNP because our views are not in agreement with theirs.

Therefore the BNP will merely refuse to have ANYONE as members who do not agree with our policies or who do not do as they are told.

This could be interesting....we could accept ethnic members who would be ordered to join Labour, UAF, Lib-Dems etc as infiltraters. If they agree we learn the enemies secrets, if they refuse they are expelled for refusing to adhere to instructions.

Also. Expect local BNP members to apply for the "Bangladeshi Welfare Association" to accept them.

Denton Blue said...

How can you take the bnp seriously they are delivering the old E.U.election leaflet in this by-election.
Two residents gave them to us today on Osbourne street said they did not want these sort of people around here.
We understand they have been told there are no resources left for them to fight this election and they are making a token gesture, unless the local members can fund a campaign themselves.
The BNP are skint and they may have a big legal battle on their hands now.

Anonymous said...

No just a warm up leaflet, they are not old leaflets but very imformative. A campaign leaflet.

Adam Derbyshire’s note pad said...

“the ANC were justified in resorting to military struggle (aka "Terrorism") because they were banned. Hmmmm so we have a precident(sic)”. So there you have it people; Anthony Jones from the British National Party using the internet to incite BNP sympathisers to participate in acts of terrorism. I am just about to lodge a complaint to the police and forward Jones’s piece to every accredited news agency in the UK. Just like we always said; give the BNP the rope to hang themselves and they will do it to perfection each and every time.

Old sule gunter said...

Lets hope Adam Derbyshire hangs himself!

Mellor Road Mincer said...

Hey Alison Gwynne is looking a bit on the chunky side. Has she put on weight? I put it down to her husband, Andrew, claiming over £9000 on food on the past two years as part of his MPs expenses.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope old sule gunter dies of AIDS.

Fat Fighters said...

I don't know how you can pass judgment on someones weight Liam

goosye said...

Can you prove that Gwynne spent so much on food?

Mellor Road Mincer said...

It is what he has claimed in his additional costs allowance. Can we proove Gwynne spent so much on food? No. As he doesn't have to or did provide reciepts for his "grocery" shopping.

Anonymous said...

Mellor Road Mincer is looking like an a***hole with no life.

"Please don't look on my hard drive"

Denton NE independant said...

Judging by the abusive remarks by the Labour cretins directed towards MRM, it is safe to say MRM's info is good and can taken as reliable. More of the same please MRM.

Reverend Robert West said...

Christian Missionaries Murdered in Yemen: Tolerant Islam?

Real Denton socialist said...

Anyone got any info about the in fighting over the Tory candidate for Denton.

Towton 1461 said...

BNP to be banned, they won't be because every ethnic minority organization -and there are a massive number - would have to explain why they don't accept people not of that particular ethnic group (and don't quote the Black Police Association's website which states they accept everyone, the clue's in the title). Every Muslim organization would be forced to accept homosexuals, a massive vote loser for Labour who now rely totally on the Islamic vote in many areas. The BNP had well over 100 elected Councillors before the recent elections without a murmur from the EHRC, unfortunately the BNP have dared to significantly increasing their support, the status quo of consensual centre left politics don't like it and have instructed their unelected dogsbodies to try and put the frighteners on.
Note the ultracautious tone of the EHRC's comments, they know this could open up a whole can of worms with no way of knowing where events might lead.

War Party said...

Denton Blue, It's the EU related British Jobs for British Worker's leaflet which relates directly to the current mass refinery walkouts. Try to keep up with events.
By the way has that treehugging, left-wing thieving ponce decided if he's going to deign to give the British people the referendum on the EU Constitution he promised?

ABC said...

BNP to be banned, The Guardian and Trevor Phillips ooohh! Frightening.
The EHRC and all the Government's anti-indigenous bootboy QUANGOS know the BNP are operating within the law or action would have been taken years ago.

Fight Islamification it's your right. said...

The Keltic race, embracing the Gauls, old Britons, the Picts and Scots, the Welsh and Irish with their numerous emigrants in all the large cities of Great Britain and the United States, appear in history several hundred years before Christ, as the first light wave of the vast Aryan migration from the mysterious bowels of Asia, which swept to the borders of the extreme West.22 κελτοίor Κέλται, Celtae, Γαλάται, Galatae or Galati, Galli, Gael. Some derive it from celt, a cover, shelter; others from celu (Lat. celo) to conceal. Herodotus first mentions them, as dwelling in the extreme northwest of Europe. On these terms see Diefenbach, Celtica, Brandes, Kelten und Germanen, Thierry, Histoire des Gaulois, the art. Galli in Pauly’s Realencyclopädie, and the introductions to the critical Commentaries on the Galatians by Wieseler and Lightfoot (and Lightfoot’s Excursus I). The Galatians in Asia Minor, to whom Paul addressed his epistle, were a branch of the Keltic race, which either separated from the main current of the westward migration, or, being obstructed by the ocean, retraced their steps, and turned eastward. Wieseler (in his Com. and in several articles in the ”Studien und Kritiken, ” and in the ”Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte,” 1877 No. 1) tries to make them Germans, a view first hinted at by Luther. But the fickleness of the Galatian Christians is characterristic of the ancient Gauls and modern French. The Gauls were conquered by Caesar, but afterwards commingled with the Teutonic Francs, who founded the French monarchy. The Britons were likewise subdued by the Romans, and afterwards driven to Wales and Cornwall by the Anglo-Saxons. The Scotch in the highlands (Gaels) remained Keltic, while in the lowlands they mixed with Saxons and Normans.

West RoyKevin said...

Thanks for the sound advice Old Labour........

Denton Blue said...

An E.U. related leaflet that election is now gone this is the Denton by-election wheres you local leaflet.
Try being honest you have no intention of doing anything other than having a token campaign in Denton, lets try to take a few Labour votes to stop them.
We don't need your help to win this election it will be won by our members efforts,and we will win other seats next year.

War Party said...

Denton Blue, I'll repeat it for the hard of thinking, 'An EU related leaflet' i.e. pertaining to issues related to the European Union NOT a European Elections leaflet. You clearly have no idea of our intentions as we'll be going all out to win and have no intention of helping any of the three main Parties whose virtually identical policies are equally ruinous for Britain.

Denton Blue said...

Thank you for the bullshit the truth is you have no other leaflet and you needed to get out on the streets because Labour were there before you.
You have been selective with this vintage leaflet lets have some real policies from you about local services Tameside provide what will you do if you were in power, come on use your imagination because it will never happen.
We have a huge programme of change that will be put to the electorate of Denton, a new vision for Britain when we take power even you must realise that this will happen next year, you wont win any seats in the real election.
David will allow us to have a referendum on Europe we will be part of the old common market the one we voted for years ago,we will be out of the so called Federal Europe this lot are dragging us into.
Just a little wager we will get at least four times more votes than the BNP,we will beat Labour by around two hundred votes and have a Tory councillor in Denton again, the first of many

Racist but true said...

Did you see that programme about black rape gangs on CH4 the other night? The problem of black men raping white women is at epidemic levels in the US, 37000 in 2005 alone a figure that is massively disproportionate, particularly considering relative population densities. The media on both sides of the pond are instructed to avoid the subject like the plague so well done CH4 for having some guts for once.

War Party said...

Denton Blue, after your utterly disastrous vote in HydeNewton you'd BETTER improve drastically, incidentally you still haven't thanked us for standing in Duki/Staly last year which got Councillor Cartwright elected. Don't worry about our campaign or our excellent and highly relevant (re the refinery mass walkouts) leaflets, concentrate on trying to convince the Denton electorate there's any difference between you and NewLabour. And for God's sake don't mention your out of touch, environment obsessed upper class twit of a leader who thinks the 'plebs' should support him financially. If you think he's a vote winner in Northern England you've got a screw loose.
His last comment of note on the European Constitution referendum was 'I don't know if it will be possible to have one'. The extremely unrepresentative first past the post system suits both
Labour and the Tories but its days are numbered due to the rise of the smaller Parties
Finally if Mr Cameron is such a great leader how come so many of his MP's were stealing fron the taxpayer for so long and he did absolutely NOTHING about it until the Telegraph forced his hand.

Anonymous said...

Denton Blue calm down

Tameside Nationalist said...

If the local BNP are doing such a bad job why did they poll 13.5% in Tameside in the European Elections NorthWest region? Only just second to Burnley-a known BNP strongnold. The Tameside Group played a major part in Nick Griffin's narrow victory.

Arson attack on home of BNP candidate said...

Thanks to the hatred fermented by people such as Quinn and Cooney.

Denton Blue said...

Analise the Duki/Staly vote and you will see the truth, our vote steadily increasing and labours on the decline despite the BNP and UKIP standing the year before ,we came withing 35 votes of taking it in 2006.
What you have seen is our members working the ward year on year until we won it, we will win it again even if the BNP don't stand we have the votes in the bag already our canvass returns are encouraging.
Dukinfield ward will be our next target much harder to win but we will do it Labour have been losing votes to the BNP we think the racist court case will be a bit of a set back for them but they might change the candidate who we all know is strange to say the least.
Our result in Newton was bad I hold my hands up but it was a strange situation with Labour bringing in huge resources to defeat the BNP, they did a good job we know that many of our supporters voted Labour to stop the BNP.
Since then Labour have been on the decline all over the country even in Wales and many of their traditional strongholds our information is that the same will happen in Tameside.
We are confident of a great victory and are confident the BNP will get nowhere Denton people are good honest people who will reject the BNP and their policies on race.
The BNP vote in Tameside was down on previous elections a good sign for us in Denton.

No ake to grind said...

Hey Denton Blue, for someone not to concerned about the bnp in Denton, you certainly go on about them a great deal.

chris@admin said...

War Party, don’t fall it. “Denton Blue” is really ‘Tameside Red’. Whoever it is, is just fishing for information hoping you will reveal what type of campaign we intend to run. Remember the rules; treat them like mushrooms and on matters of importance ‘radio silence’ is the order of the day.

War Party said...

Denton Blue, the 366 votes our last minute replacement candidate got in Duki/Staly last year got the Tories in, even twelvebellies said so in his defeat speech.

Towton 1461 said...

The anti-BNP feeling stoked up by certain senior Tameside Councillors helps to incite murderous attacks like the one in Nelson and the near fatal claw hammer attack in Leigh a few weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Denton Blue is John Taylor just looking for information on the bnp. Don't be fooled.

Old Sule Gunter said...

Here's something for Denton Blue (really John Taylor)

EU to Cut Private Pensions in Britain by 20% as New Report Reveals Our OAPs Are “Worst off in Developed World”

Old Sule Gunter said...

How Labour Has Betrayed
Working People In Britain

The growing estrangement between the Labour Party and working people, one effect of which has been the rise of the BNP, is rapidly turning into a formal separation.

Mass demonstrations are taking place at industrial sites such as the Lindsey oil refinery in Lincolnshire in protest against the hiring of foreign labour while local dole queues are lengthening.

They are greatly frowned upon by Government ministers such as Peter Mandelson, whose primary loyalty appears to lie with the European Union as a whole rather than with the United Kingdom.

He has spoken out against such “pro-tectionist” outbursts, saying they are fuelled by “the politics of xenophobia”.

In fact they are a rational protest against the failure of Labour to live up to its name by representing British working- class communities.

They could even be seen as an admirable expression of solidarity by British tradesmen for their out-of-work compatriots.

Labour Out. said...

Denton Blue's semi-literacy and general mangling of the English language shows it's Taylor.

Anonymous said...

Cllr John Taylor is a corrupt individual you need only to look at his methods. It has become clear that he has certainly used his position to gain information fron new charter housing. Certainly, he has been looking through council documents "Strictly Confidential" in order to smear his political opponent in Dukinfield ward. Taylor's website gloats about violent acts against BNP members, this is not a surprise as Taylor took part in violent acts against members of the National Front in the 70's. One eye witness explains 'I saw him throw a brick over the police lines, at the marches that day.'
I don't think it will be long in coming when Taylor's UAF friends will start attacking bnp members. Of course, the police will stand by the way and do nothing. Taylor's politics are about threats and violence against his political opponents. You need only to read his comments on his bnp page on his website. A truly nasty man that would not be to concerned to see bnp people attacked in a violent way.

Labour til I die said...

When you have all finished behaving like children,the dust will have settled on another magnificent Labour victory, we are now on our second leaflet having almost completed a full canvass of the ward.
The Tory split is getting even wider the infighting is ferocious lots of blue blood being spilt,Denton Blue is trying gloss over the serious split they have.
Central office are about to intervene.

tel tale said...

Wait til Reichsfuhrer Griffin hears West has been calling him a one eyed witness. This will lead to instant expullsion from the bnp and a death sentence when power is gained.

Anonymous said...

Mike Labour till I die, you can't even tell the difference between a German Iron cross and the Maltese cross. St. John Ambulance cross.
Ya thick backward Labour T***

Anonymous said...

Hey Roy why did you not want to stand in Denton East then?

Duki Fightback said...

How do you know I am not standing Mr Fisherman? However, I will make it clear - my 'Reclaim Dukinfield for the Working Class' campaign begins in ernest in July. It is about time the Dukinfield Mafia Gravy Train Riders are exposed and replaced. This campaign will be the most intensly fought BNP campain in the history of Tameside. The people of Duki deserve better than the freeloaders that they currently have as councillors.

Anonymous said...

On one famous march, the one man march (Martin Webster NF) in Hyde. John Taylor lead a group of thugs and attacked the police lines with bricks.

Albert said...

No your wrong mate John led peaceful protests against the National Front Nazis.

Allen Ave resident said...

I feel sorry for the people in Dukinfield, but must admit we had a party when West left the area, me and my mates from Back Bower Lane had nothing but trouble with him.
We read his statements on here and remember what it was like having him around and all the idiots he attracted.
I feel for you in Dukinfield you don't deserve him nobody does.

UKIP said...

Roy's heading up a fight on behalf of the working class,think about it Roy working class, bit like your British jobs for British workers, let us know which British Job you want to do to become a member of the working class.
You cant join your party if you are not white, can you join the working class if your a well known skiver

Anonymous said...

Reply to Allen Ave resident you prefer to have violent convicted thugs from 11 Werneth Avenue? Get a life and speak the truth

UKIP said...

We will make West's life very difficult in the coming weeks and months. Our campaign will see results West could only dream of having.

Duki Blue said...

West will be crushed in Dukinfield our candidate will storm that ward in 2010.

Mighty Quinn said...

The result in Denton is already in the bag my team far to strong for the other lazy sods.
Cllr Ward will be a great asset, the people of Denton will have another hard working Labour councillor.

3,151,295 views said...

(3,151,295 views) you think National socialism is dead?

BNP Friends Of Palestine said...

Free Palestine

Christian Support For Palestine said...

When it's fashionable to support the Zionist murder gangs, the Palestinian people still have friends in the World.

Strength through Diversity said...

Michael Jackson is dead. I hope you hate filled Nazis are happy with yourselves. Michael was the biggest superstar in the history of pop music. Michael promoted love and racial harmony and was a brilliant artist loved by millions. RIP Jacko you will be sadly missed by all of human kind with the exception of the Nazi hate mongers.

Wacko Jacko said...

I told you I was bad.

tonydj said...


I am still waiting for the police knock on the door. Perhaps they read my piece more carefully.

It was two "faith leaders" who supported and incited violence, not me.

I was wondering whether the local faith leaders would take a similar line if the BNP were banned.

Real UKIP Concern said...

Britain’s Bloodless Genocide: 40% of Under 20s in London Are “Ethnic”

John Taylor the Shabbat Goy said...

I just had a peek at Cllr Taylor's website. It was a sureal experience. He has adorned the header with patriotic symbols - yet he is known to be one of the most un-patriotic people in the whole of Tameside. Then there is the worship of the Jews. Check it out and have a look. It is so so bizarre. I know he is not Jewish, neither is his mentor Andrew Gwynne MP, but both worship the Jews. Gwynne's reason for this is monetery; he is the chairman of the Labour Friends of Israel, and as any student of politics will tell you; when you climb the ladder of the LFI - doors suddenly start to open for you. But what about Cllr Taylor, why is he always batting for the Jews? It is very odd!

Anonymous said...

Another leaflet through the door again today lots of them out again, not seen anything like this before, is there any opposition in this election or is it a one horse race?

Anonymous said...

All these post from John Taylor like the one above, the man is on something. Do we all need to know about his millions of leaflets going out in Denton East? Thw man's a dick@

itermitPrittStick said...

His video has been up for 5 months and no F***** is listening to him.
Only 296 views in 5 months.
It's a bit of a God send to us this by-election. What a dick.

I'm Free said...

Is the dude speaking in the HNH video gay?

John Taylor said...

We have now posted two million leaflets in Denton East this week, knocked on every single door. We have 500 Labour people now on the streets. 4OO new members come and joined us, People saying that we are great and super and they could not imagine life without Labour in Denton.

Anonymous said...

A real true dead honest story now listen to this, there are Greenwood posters up in the Tory club, however the new younger Tories want Audenshaws defeated candidate Stacey to be the candidate.
This story is unfolding day by day a very unhappy member is leaking information, why do you think there is no Tory campaign up and running yet in a seat they think they can win.
Keep an eye on this one.

mobilise the blue rinse brigade said...

Stacey is our No1 choice. We know Salford fat boy 'full time councillor' is sticking his beak into our affairs. They must be mad if they think we will cooperate in their outside influenced campaign.

one rule for all (excluding white native Brits) said...

So this is how it goes: BNP = BAD for having a membership policy limited to those of European kindred stock, but all these listed are good because they represent specific community interests.

The Black Police association
Black people’s mental health association
Black and Asian therapists online
National BME mental health network
Federation of Black housing organizations
The Black Londoners forum
Positive action in Housing,
Asian modelling service
Society of Black lawyers,
London Society of Asianlawyers,
London Black Lawyers
Ethnic media Group
Al-Nisa Muslim Women’s Group
Al-Nur Muslim Women’s Association
Antrim Chinese Community Association
Barnardos Chinese Lay Health Project
Chinese Welfare Association
The Windsor Fellowship Sponsors for Educational opportunity,(SEO)
Link Net Mentoring
Suga fix media arts
Sussex Black police Association
The National Black Writers and Artist Association
Black students AssociationUK
Black teachers Association
Black UK online
Ashiana Housing Association Ltd.
UK Asian business directory
Asian People’s Disability alliance
Asian arts agency
Black Enterprise awards
AIM magazine
Natwest Bank (Asian Entrepreneurs Unit)Asian
Voice Black womens rape action Project,
The Drum,African,asian arts venue,
Birmingham Black training and enterprise group
UK Black Pride
Ethnic Minority Foundation,London
Oshwal Elderly Welfare Association,Surrey
Ethnic Minority and Black Regional Action for Community Empowerment (EMBRACE),Birmingham
MENTER,Regional network for Black / Minority Ethnic (BME) voluntary organisations
Black and Minority Ethnic Elders Group,Scotland
Latin American elderly project,London
Latin American golden years day centre
Naz project London,Sexual health & AIDS prevention(NPL)
The Black Fundraisers Network,
LondonBlack Arts Alliance,
ManchesterSouthall Black sisters,Middlesex
Black student unionDudley
Black regeneration council
Black Professional events,events planners
Black Health Agency,Manchester
National Association for the advancement of Black people,
African Caribbean Development agency (ACDA)
African caribbean education and training services (ACETS)
Amaani Tallawah mental health support services,Nottingham
APNA arts,Nottingham
Asian day centre,Nottingham
Broxtowe African Caribbean Elders group
BUILD Nottingham Mentor project
Calabash supplementory school
Afrik-African International Network,Nottingham
Asian mens group
Somerset Black development agency (SBDA)
Black families education support group,Bath & somerset

Anonymous said...

You will do what you are told a candidate will be forced upon you, Stacey promised the people of Audenshaw she would campaign and campaign for them, what she really meant was she would blog and blog for them,she found out you cant win an election sat on your back side in front of a computer, and that's why she is not wanted by a large section of the Tory party.
When will we see some real action from the Tories in this election.

Anonymous said...

stacey hasnt updated her blog since september despite saying she was going to 'fight' for audenshaw til the 2010 elections.

haven't seen head nor tail of her.

She'll lose Denton North East then that'll be the end of her.

Ta ta m'dear

The Tories can not compete with Labour's man-power and it's as simple as that.

Denise Ward has a lot of personal support through all her voluntary work like signing for the deaf of the local church. She'd be an asset to the Council.

The whole truth said...

Michael Jackson gave £20 million to the family of his young 'friend' to keep them out of Court.
You might well think an innocent person accused of one of the worst crimes there is would do everything in his power to clear his name as publically as possible and would sue his accusers not financially reward them for trying to destroy him.

Majority riled said...

Taylor's constant campaign to make as many enemies as possible suggests he has lost touch with reality and may be brought back to earth with a f*****g big bang.

Labour Out. said...

One of Tameside Labour Mafia's greatest achievements is their ongoing campaign to turn the Borough into one gigantic housing estate. Never mind overcrowding, massive future infrastructure problems or quality of life think of all that Council Tax.

Courting disaster said...

Don't stand for all these 'false' allegations Mr Taylor. Sue and let the whole truth come out. Or maybe not.

Anonymous said...

fucktard Taylor

Anonymous said...

Stacey is upset because Joan Howarth the witch hasn't selected her to stand in Audenshaw. Stacey didn't want to let the people of Audenshaw down as she has been the strongest opposition to stand in Audenshaw for over ten years But Joan Howarth has blocked Stacey from standing there because she's a witch and that's why she's not updated her blog etc. There's no point in working and area that she's not been selected to stand. Joan Howarth has selected another candidate who hasn't been seen in Audenshaw at all.

As a result, Stacey is standing in Ashton Waterloo, and has already been leafleting, campaigning, and working closely with local residents in the ward.

It is a shame that The Conservatives in Denton and Reddish do everything in their power to bring the Conservatives down in Tameside but Stacey can have a fresh start in Waterloo, working with other dynamic, passionate and likeminded individuals.

The younger members on the Tories are tired on party infighting and negativity. If as much energy was put into winning elections then we would see A Conservative Tameside.

Stacey is one of the active members of the party, despite being held back by the like of Joan Howarth and it is unfair to say otherwise.

John Taylor said...

Do you wanna be in Helen's gang , meet the brave bnp scum bag who took young children to attack a lone Asian woman she is a thief and known for her drug problems, all you need to be a good bnp activist .

Cheesed off Blue said...

Stacey is a dreat activist. It is a pity the dinosaurs who still hold the balance of power put their personal vanity and financial being ahead of Party unity.

Muslim grooming exposed (The Times) said...

Give it a break John - you are making yourself look silly. Will you condemn the systematic grooming and rape of white children by Muslim paedophile gangs? This is an epidemic sweeping the country and the GMP officers monitoring this blog are fully aware of it. It is the scandal of the modern era because PC 'politicians' like you, PC, pc's in the police and a corrupt establishment place 'community cohesion' as higher priority than the vile and evil systematic rape of white children by racist gangs of Muslim paedo's. Go on John, grow some balls and speak out about this scandal!!!!!

Denton Rose said...

Only worked half day today huge Labour event in Victoria park for armed services day.
Our candidate look really nice again with all those service men and women I think we had the odd photo taken.

Help for Heroes said...

How dare the Labour war criminals pollute Armed Forces Day. These criminals are responsible for the deaths of countless thousands of innocent Serbian, Iraqi and Afghani men, women and children, plus hundreds of our nations finest sons and daughters.

We have a very courageous lady in our campaign team. She is a representative of Help for Heroes and she despises the Labour war mongering criminals. She tore into a Labour team in Newton during the by-election, she will do the same in Denton if any evidence appears of the Labour warmongers polluting today’s event in Victoria Park.

Anonymous said...

They were all there today did not see Stacey or the other Tory independent candidate there.

007 said...

Paul Moss joins Labour, the Lib Dems parliamentary candidate for Denton And Reddish resigned from the Lib Dems this week and joined the Labour party.
Word on the streets now is that a well known Tory is also about to join Labour anyone got any inside info? lets have

Hyde Tory said...

Any Tory who would consider joining Labour is not fit to be called a Tory. We may have our differences with Mr Bell, but when we sweep into government at the next GE, life will once again be good as a Conservative.

Lord Protector said...

Posing with the troops while the Labour Government sends them out there to die in shitty old LandRovers. The Armed Forces have been systematically and deliberately underfunded by this Government for twelve years.
They are unfit to lace their boots.

Outside the box said...

There's virtually no difference between the three main parties so who cares about LibDems or Tories joining NewLabour.

Armed Forces Betrayal said...

British troops are left without medics.

Oh yeah Labour really do give a shit don't they?

Justice for victims of Muslim grooming. said...

Have you noticed how quiet Taylor goes when you ask him to do the right thing and condemn the vile grooming and rape of white children by organised gangs of Muslim paedophiles‘? What a disgrace he is. He blusters on about justice and decency, firework bans and hunting bans, but when there is an epidemic of white children being systematically groomed and raped there is not a peep from him. It is this cowardly denial by self serving Politically Correct zealots which will one day, not too far away from now, lead to an unstoppable backlash against PC and its willing apparatchiks like the Dukinfield coward.

Germanic Christian said...

It's great that I can send the above article to over 40,000 people from my page

Anonymous said...

So would you make an issue of Muslim grooming of white children if you were ever elected West? said...

Not just white kids, you know that they are on the look out to groom any non-Muslim child.

I admire the black folk (Christians) that came here in the 50's 60'S.

Anonymous said...

Why would Stacey help Joan Howarth and the rest of the dinosaurs after the way they have treated her! I don't think the Denton and Reddish Tories will get any help from anyone because of their pre-historic attitudes and back stabbing. Stacey and the other young, hard working Tories will concentrate on their own wards, rather than waste their time helping wicked witch of the west Joan Howarth (who by the way, should have been kicked out of the party years ago).

Anonymous said...

We don't know that John but your obsessed with this whole issue

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha Waterloo?!

She's got no chance.

Why isn't she standing in Denton West?

Toryboy in the know said...

because Joan Howarth is the candidate for Denton West in perpetuity.

She stood in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2008. She will stand in 2010 too.

Joan is not an old witch as a previous blogger put it, she has solidly built up a profile in the ward from getting around 600 votes to 1,500 votes last time.

Little blue said...

So who is the Tory candidate for Denton North then? Stacey or Georgina or someone else?? Time is running out!

Ask the audience.
Phone a friend.

Desperado said...

She still lost though, in the "best ever" elections for the Tories and the "worst local elections for Labour since 1969".

I remember when Denton West had THREE Conservative councillors, with 1,000+ majorities, Denton South had Conservative councillors AND Denton North East had a Conservative councillor too... that was in the 1970s when the last Labour government was as unpopular as the current one. The difference was Tameside has a dynamic Conservative party who took advantage of the public mood AND WON CONTROL OF THE COUNCIL.

If they can't win in Denton West or Audenshaw, under the current favourable conditions, they're doomed as a political force in this borough. We need a new Colin Grantham style leader to really get the party going again.

Toryboy in the know said...

Georgina Greenwood should without a doubt be the cnadidate.

Like Joan she's built up a profile in the ward. If the Liberals hadn't have stood in 2008 she would have won.

The Liberals split the anti-Labour vote and let the blessed St Martin of Denton squeek in with less than 50% of the vote. In both West and South at least Labour got 50% in North East they failed.

Georgina lives in the ward, she is known, she is respected and she has deserved and earned the right to stand in the by-election. It is the best chance she has at getting elected.

Georgina is a valued member of the Conservative club in Denton and will get lots of help from members there in her campaign. They will not lift a finger for an imposed candidate. The Tories are threatening to bring in manpower from outside Denton, but that will go down like a lead balloon.

Georgina has been a Councillor before in Salford. She is experienced in campaigning and in local government. The alternative in nieve an wet behind the ear. All she has under her belt is a pathetic result in a ward we would have won with an experienced campaigner.

Georgina is polite and personable. She hasn't thrown her weight around like a spoilt school girl who desperately wants power but has no idea what it involves or what to do with it.

Georgina for Denton said...

Joan Howarth, do you remember David Cameron telling her she was in the wrong party,her comments about ethnic candidates had her making a groveling apology to save her skin.
Stacey Knighton, said this - At this years election(2008)I was supported by 1000 votes in my bid to become the first conservative in Audenshaw since 1996, IT IS MY INTENTION TO CARRY ON TO THE NEXT ELECTIONIN 2010.
What we need are good honourable people to stand for us, we have that in Georgina Greenwood listen to the grass roots or we will have another disaster on our hands, we are already three weeks behind the Labour campaign.
This is what you get when outsiders interfere.

toryboy in the know said...

Joan Howarth is NOT in the wrong party. That was when Cameron was going through his politically correct 'we're to the left of Blair' phase.

Joan Howarth is a lifelong Tory and if she was in the wrong party then why is she still in charge of the Denton and Reddish Conservatives? Why didn't Cameron throw her out? She's been a local candidate twice since her minor gaffe.

Where I am with you (and so is Joan) is we need... NO WE WANT Georgina Greenwood to be our candidate, but is anyone listening to us? ARE YOU LISTENING JOHN BELL? You'll destroy Denton Conservatives if you insist on forcing that useless bimbo on us.

UAF said...

Stuff the Tories let them knock ten bells out of each other, here is some very important news.
The fascist are holding their Red White Blue Nazi Rally in Derbyshire again at Denby village from 14-16 August we will be organising a peaceful protest again in the village come and join us details will be published soon.

Billy said...

So you won't be smashing shop windows in the Town centre this year then?

The hidden official said...

The BNP will not allow it's self to be intimidated by the UAF/Taylor/Wild orchestrated violence. Using the police to intimidated political opponents is Taylor's job, he's done it in Duki and beyond. He's a thug from the 70's. It's strange that he now uses the law to intimidate his political opponents, yet he used to throw bricks at the police lines in his violent 70's past.

concerned voter said...

Stuff this boring BNP crap lets get back to this real fight we have within the Tory Party in Denton.
Can we have real update who will be the candidate and who is picking the candidate the local party or North west region, its only right that the people of Denton know the truth about a possible imposed candidate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

See so boring spelt Tories TotiesZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Take a Break said...

Now this is funny man, take your mind of this Denton Tory crap. Taylor's obsession with the Denton Tory candidate sends you to F****** sleep.

Anonymous said...

I remember John Taylor putting pictures of Stacey on his website. She had a short skirt on. The guy looked like a dirty old man doing that.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if its the sun that's attracting them out in big numbers again today in Denton the Labour campaign team.

Anonymous said...

No it's Stacey in her short skirt that's attracting the likes of John Taylor the dirty old man.


Labour now have 6,000 Labour members and supporters on the streets of Denton East, it's caused an INNER CITY SPILLOVER!

The Future To Come said...

Mass Third World immigration has reached such epidemic proportions that even members of the parties responsible for the invasion policies have described it as “madness.”

According to figures in the recently released Office for National Statistics (ONS) Regional Trends report (which said that at least 40 percent of London’s under 20-year-old population was non-white), one new household will be formed every two minutes until 2021 with half of it driven by immigration.

The report revealed that 70 percent of the population increase up to 2031 will be due to immigration. It showed that the projected number of households in England and Wales will rise by nearly four million over 15 years, from 21.52 million in 2006 to 25.44million in 2021.

Anonymous said...

I don't regularly log onto these blog pages but decided to have a quick look this afternoon.

Firstly, I would like to point out that the majority of those commenting must have nothing better to do with their time. Residents do not look at these blogs, only the likes of John Taylor etc. Nothing is to be gained politically by commenting in this way.

I would also like to set the story straight for all those who are losing sleep.

I would have liked to have stood again in Audenshaw as I have built a great relationship with many residents, and I am fully aware of local issues. Also, it would be nice for Audenshaw to have a long standing candidate in the area. However, Joan Howarth held a selection without letting me know, putting a block on my standing in the ward.

As a result, I will be standing in Waterloo. This has turned out well for myself and my constituents as I can work hard in the area for residents over a long period of time. I will be working around other likeminded members who share the same optimism as myself.

I would also like to add that I am not a bimbo. I studied politics at college and did a HNC in business whilst working full time. My professional career is at a high level, and I most probably earn more money than most Labour councillors can in the private sector. I apologise if this has come as a disappointment to those tring to personally attack me, but you will have to find something else to say of some substance.

P.S. I am looking forward to a Conservative win in the next General Election and a Conservative Tameside in the near future.

Stacey Knighton.

Anonymous said...

That is completely untrue Stacey and you know it. You really shouldn't be making such public pronouncements and this has already been brought up at the constituency association as it's not the first time you have made serious procedural allegations.

You know full well why you have not been re-selected for Audenshaw ward. It has nothing to do with not being notified about the selection process, and you know that full well.

In respect of Denton North East, I suggest you keep your own counsel as our opponents are loving the suggestion that we are divided. We will have a candidate in place at the close of nominations, and I suggest no more is said about it until next Friday.

Toryboy in the know said...

Joan Howarth DID NOT force a selection for Audenshaw without letting Stacey know about it, Stacey was advised she had not performed as well as expected under the pressure of the 08 elections in a ward we should have won. People forget there was no Lib Dem that year and we could have sailed past Labour.

I wish people would stop harassing Joan and the Denton and Reddish Conservative Association without having any of the understanding of just what has been going on in recent weeks and months. Stacey and associates would be better placed to shut up.

Were she a capable candidate instead of a loose cannon not to be trusted, she would be standing in her own ward, Denton West. Trouble is, she IS a loose cannon, cannot be trusted and people round there know all about her mad antics.

Roll on Denton North East and Tory GAIN with Georgina Greenwood.

ABBA-esque said...

My my at Waterloo our Stacey felt dejected;
Oh yeah, in Audenshaw the same girl had been rejected...

WATERLOO how does it feel you lost the war?
WATERLOO promise to blog me forever more.


For my next turn, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme a seat after midnight.

Denton and Reddish CA Chairman's Panel says said...

Let me set things straight:
1) Joan, Alurie and Georgina were here running the show when you were still at school, standing in elections when it was deeply unpopular to be Conservative, heeping our blue torch burning.
2) They deserve your respect when they tell you how you should approach campaigning.
3) The constituency association officers' decision is final!
4) There is a correct appeals procedure for you to follow. Scurrying off to the Council Group Leader does little to endear yourself to your colleagues.
5) Conservative Future's meddling in the process is meaningless in our rulebook.
6) You need to grow up, dust yourself down, toe the line a bit, sit in the long grass and maybe then we can trust you to stand again.
7) In the meantime, please do not try and force us to have a candidate we do not want or need in a by-election. We have our own very credible candidate who is known in the ward. We do not need the meddling of a bimbo - that IS what you are - and your hapless leader, who has failed to land a single blow on his mate Roy these past few months. YOU WILL LOSE US THE BYELECTION IF YOU CARRY ON DOWN THIS PATH. THINK ON!

Anonymous said...

stacey if Audenshaw thought you'd be an asset to them you would have been selected. Simple as.

Ditto for Denton West.

What's your plan, to stand if every seat you have absolutely no connection to until you've lost them all?

Doreen for leader said...

I fully agree with that last posting.

Anonymous said...

fyi waterloo are not your constituents. They have 3 Labour cllrs to represent them

Toryboy in the know said...

And what did Mr and Mrs O'Sullivan have to say about what you allege Joan did, Stacey? Oh yes... they backed Joan Howarth 100%.

You're a loser who can't even get selected for a seat in her own constituency by her own constituency association.

Even Fat Gaz can't save you now. If Georgina is selected, will you and he be out campaigning or will you carry out your threat? That's why you can't be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Stacey did not write that post. Whoever is doing this is betraying Stacey and Tameside Tories.

Anonymous said...

I like Stacey I would vote for her.

doreen for leader said...

The only betrayal is from that blonde blabbermouth. She has caused so much trouble in our local party you couldn't even begin to understand. The worst thing that ever happened was her joining us. She might look sweet but if you had been on the receiving end of her venomous poison like I have, you would understand. Then when things don't go her way she scurries off to others like a spoilt schoolgirl. Elected representative? Ha! Not in this Conservative association. Let Ashton have her.

Anonymous said...

Stacey was betrayed by John Bell and co in Dukinfield, she was left to her own actions. No campaign team. It's wonder that this girl stays with a party that betrayed her in Dukinfield and Audenshaw.

toryboy in the know said...

Anon, whoever you are, you're so wide of the mark. She is John's little lapdog and boy does he like her! But actually where you do hit the nail on the head, and as a Conservative member, I know, is that Stacey is finished in Dukinfield, finished in Audenshaw and from her latest tantrums and antics, finished in Denton completely. She can't stand in Reddish because it's in Stockport so as far as Denton and Reddish Conservative Association are concerned, she's finished full stop. If she wants a seat elsewhere in Tameside that's a matter for our leader but there's nothing for her here.

Desperado said...

I wouldn't put it past her to defect if she was offered something decent.

Doreen for leader said...

So will you be out with Gareth and co in the by-election Stacey if your person does not get it, like you've threatened to John Bell??

Come on. We need to know!

SURRENDER Stand Independent said...

Message for Stacey: Stand independent in Denton East, don't let John Bell and co betray you again. You are just to good for that shower. Look what they did to you in Dukinfield Stacey. Remember that?

Crown Point said...

Stacey for Denton North East... in your wet dreams John.

West End Girl said...

Joan Howarth is an old bag.
Alurie O'Sullivan is bonkers.
Gerard O'Sullivan a corrupt bullyboy.
Georgina Greenwood a deaf old hag.

And they wonder why Labour walks it in Denton and Reddish. The Tories have no hope while the above old guard are in control.

Blue rinse said...

Stacey Knighton, congratulations on your professional qualifications. If you're such a high calibre of person why do you work -apparently non-stop - for a Party riddled from top to bottom with fraudsters, thieves and criminals.
Conservative MP's under David 'The plebs can pay my mortgage' Cameron have been getting away with mass fraud under HIS leadership for years. He did nothing until forced to by the Telegraph. He has yet to tell us what he is going to do about our crime infested country, uncontrolled mass immigration-tinkering around the edges is useless, it needs total suspension until the problem is resolved, and is clearly looking for ways to renege on his word to give the British people a referendum on the European Constitution. Anyone who votes or works for the Tories is wilfully ignoring these and a huge number of other issues that reveal the true nature of an extremely ambitious man who is no more a Conservative than Tony Blair was a socialist.

Stacey said...

The disgraceful way in which Britain’s elderly people are the victims of decades of Labour and Tory economic mismanagement has been highlighted with the news that over 1.4 million old age pensioners have been forced back to work to make ends meet.

Research released by Key Retirement Solutions Group, a firm specialising in equity release schemes, found that 17 percent of pensioner households were receiving income from earnings in the financial year 2007-08, compared to 12 percent in 1997-98.

The figures also showed the proportion of pensioner couples supplementing their income through work had increased from 22 percent to 29 percent over the same period.

Anonymous said...

It's the last straw, John Bell is destroying our local Conservative party. We want him out. He's a corrupt back hander, in bed with the corrupt Labour mob.

New broom said...

What a pathetic load of self-obsessed, backstabbing tenth raters we have fighting amongst themselves in the corridors of power in Tameside. The situation is replicated at national level. The best interests of Britain are near the bottom of the list of priorities for the busted flush three card trick in Westminster that ran out of steam, principles and ideas years ago and clings onto power and position because it has nothing else left.
Look at the desperate state of Britain 2009 and ask yourself why you're giving your vote to the people who made it that way.

I.D. said...

If the British people don't rebel over being denied the referendum on the European Constitution they were promised they will get the fate they deserve.

Anonymous said...

Although I am not politically minded nor am I a member of any political party, I feel that there are some underhanded tricks aimed at Stacey Knighton. What is it that makes people of public standing belittle themselves, makeing rude and untrue comments about this very nice, well educated young woman. It would appear to me that she has something they do not and that is carisma.

Anonymous said...

Stacey has said nothing on here.

Dr Cool said...

JeeZUS! I'd rather listen to the f*****g racists than these boring load of c***s.

Non - aligned Conservative said...

Leave John out of this - he is doing sterling work under difficult conditions. The plain truth is that the assorted hags, racists, semi-literate buffoons and drunks who oppose Stacey do it for one reason in particular; they are jealous of her stunning good looks, they are envious of her popularity with our local activists and they cannot cope with the fact she is a political heavyweight unlike the losers sniping at her from the sidelines. If the Conservatives are going to move forward in Tameside we must have a top to bottom review of our organisational structure and put an end to the ridiculous network of ageing dinosaurs who think we are still the glory days of the past. Conservatism has moved on and with these dinosaur lead weights around our necks we are leaving the field open to the Labour Party wreckers to do their worst on Tameside. In the 2005 GE Lisa Boardman was approximately 8000 votes behind Labour in a constituency which arguably should be our best in Tameside. With the universal unpopularity of Purnell we could easily win Stalybridge & Hyde - with the right candidate. If Stacey was chosen and started work now we would have at least one Conservative parliamentary gain in Tameside.

Werneth Blue to the core said...

Of course they are jealous of Stacey, but you are wrong about John doing sterling work. He's got his hand out all the time. Labour gave him his new car of course. He's corrupt, our party is going no-where under John Bell's leadership. Lets have someone honest and not a clown in John Bell

Tory Wave said...

Stacey will make a great change with-in the Tameside Conservative party. She has worked hard for our group with very little backing.
The state of the Tory group can be seen with this single betrayal of Stacey.

Labour recruitment office said...

If Stacey really wants to get elected - she knows how to contact us. We would guarantee her a team of activists and first class election material. The door is open Stacey - all you have to do is knock and you will be welcomed in.

Anonymous said...


doreen for leader said...

We'd sooner she WAS dead. None of you know what a destructive force she has been on the local Conservatives in Denton and Reddish. When you have stalwarts like Joan Howarth who was delivering leaflets for the likes of Norman Smith, Fred Adshead and Jesse Amor years before Stacey was even a sparkle in her parents' eyes in floods of tears, you'd know what a spiteful individual she is.

Georgina Greenwood is OUR candidate. Got the message?

Anonymous said...

Ok Stacey, when you first join the Red mob they corrupt you with offers of money to keep your silence. John Bell is doing very nicely thank you very much indeed, due to this Labour approach.
The issue is about corruption in the Tameside Labour council offices.

Toryboy in the know said...

Fred Adshead, now there was a real gentleman. He won us loads of working class support with his friendly smile and his trademark bowler hat. Pity there aren't more like him around these days. Of course, the likes of Georgina are in his very fine mould.

Why can't the party hierarchy understand that it is offensive for us to have a candidate we don't want forced on us?

I have told Georgina I will sign her nomination paper if she does decide to stand as an unofficial Tory. Let them throw us both out of the party. There will be virtually no-one left in Denton if they try.

Doreen for leader said...

Toryboy is that you Mike? I've already been asked to sign her papers. And I will. Cee. xx

out with the old and in with the new said...

You are missing the point you archaic blunderbuss. We are now in 2009 NOT 1979. If the Party in Tameside does not let the dinosaurs out to graze and bring in and nurture the new blood - we are destined to be eclipsed by the BNP. Can you not see the writing on the wall you foolish person. The old guard must step aside and embrace change because the facts are stark and make grim reading but I will put into simple terms so you understand. EMBRACE CHANGE OR LET THE DINOSAURS LEAD US INTO POLITICAL EXTINCTION. We are withering on the vine and only the young up coming generation can reverse the rot.

Mighty Quinn said...

This is very good stuff a quick call to Adam at the Advertiser is on the cards , but he may have already seen it.
But let me tell you the leaflet is already at the printers with the story so far please keep it going.

Toryboy in the know said...

Hi Cee. No not Mike from the club it's Tom J. Will definitely sign for G if she asks. Time to take a firm stand.

(Stacey was our candidate) said...

Lets have this whole matter open and out on the political table.
Stacey was our candidate for Denton East. The best person for the job. So whats changed?

Doreen for leader said...

Out with the old, either you are (a) a Labourite or (b) a total dunce. You are certainly not a member of Denton and Reddish Conservatives. You have no idea at all what we are going through.

We have our person - it is Georgina Greenwood. She is the best person for the job. She is known in Denton. She knows the Labour candidate as they are neighbours and has a personal reason to see her lose. Stacey and her team of pubescent know-it-alls will not be allowed to stop her from standing. We have a nomination to submit if John Bell does not back down from his blundering bullying.

36c said...

Jealousy and nepotism - just to mention a few. They are embarrassing themselves by trying to prevent the inevitable. They should do the honourable thing but their pig-headed attitudes will ensure that will not happen

Bring back duffy said...

If the bnp beat us in Denton East, then it's certainly the end of the road for John Bell and his backward thinking yes men.

Anonymous said...

For all those complete obsessives, let me state again. I am happy being the candidate in Waterloo. Denton and Reddish are content to let Labour win. I am not. We have gone our own ways for now. I will be back in my home town but do not expect me to help a backstabbing old bat if she is the candidate, and as for Joan Howarth and the O'Sullivans, well all I can say is I will still be here when they are six foot under.

Stacey Knighton.

Anonymous said...

Hey wheres the mincing mellor road munchkin when you need him? shurely he knows more about the stacey and georgina battle going on through his many bumchums in the party. Spill the beans coz it sounds like all out civil war. Looks like the bnp could nip in through the middle of the field to come a close second especially if there are 2 tories.

Doreen for leader said...

Tories CAN WIN DENTON NORTH EAST but, and here's the BUT:
1) Stacey needs to shut her trap. She's blabbering all sorts to anyone who will listen.
2) We need to pick the right person.
3) We need to rally around that person.
4) That person can only be GEORGINA GREENWOOD.
5) Any outside influences (Tameside party, CF or other CA's) should keep their beaks out!


Anonymous said...

Will you all just be quiet on this issue now, it's quite frankly dull old news.

Close of nominations are on Friday, so be patient. You will see who the candidates are then. Good luck to the Denton Conservatives. I will of course be happy if they win. I just might not be around to celebrate at the club.

Stacey Knighton.

Desperado said...

Too right you won't be around at the club lassie as YOU'RE NOT WELCOME THERE!

Denton & Reddish Tories are losers! said...

It is obvious that some numpty is coming on here and posting as different people; you can just tell this from the times the posts are published. Get a life and stop fighting from within.


Posting under a different name said...

Look at me, I am posting as another person, but obviously I did the previous post too as I only did it a minute or two ago.

Look at me aren't I sad!

Anonymous said...

Not as sad as the Denton mob hey?

Anonymous said...


whatever! said...

Cultural and religious pluralism has meant the end of the Church of England and the decline of Britain as a Christian nation, Anglican Bishop the Rt Rev Paul Richardson has warned.

In a move which confirms the British National Party’s warnings of the effects of mass Third World immigration, Bishop Richardson said that the rise in multiculturalism means that “Christian Britain is dead.”

Predicting that at current rates of non-attendance, the church would die out within a generation, Bishop Richardson said that declining baptisms and church weddings were a sign that the Church of England was on its way out.

The number of babies being baptised has fallen from 609 in every 1,000 at the turn of the twentieth century to only 128 in 2006/7 and church marriages have also dropped.

Of course, Bishop Richardson did not point out the obvious, namely that government statistics and anecdotal evidence show that nearly 50 percent of all live births in Britain are to Third World colonisers, and that this alone would have massively impacted the number of church baptisms and weddings.

The mass Islamic colonisation of Britain has meant the creation of a Muslim parallel society which will ultimately physically destroy all vestiges of the CoE and the falling baptism rate is but the precursor to this process.

Mellor Road Mincer said...

I would like to make it clear that Stacey was never in the frame for Denton North East because she has been working hard with her large support base in Ashton Waterloo.

I think the above comments are utter bollocks. The posts purporting to be Stacey are done at times when I have been having a drink with her.

There is obviously some opposition antagonist who has the wrong end of the stick. Doreen for leader... Doreen has stated that she doesn't want to be leader, so again you are wrong. She is busy enough at the GMPTA handling the mess left over from Labour. She is now in charge of sorting out our trains and bringing in a Metrolink with no congestion charge attached.

Isn't it a bit odd that all these posts are done at similar intervals. It makes you wonder if it is just the one person.

I will go through the comments, but it is like treading through horseshit.

Bugger off said...

F**k off back to (C)anal (S)treet sodomite. No-one's interested.

New Model Army said...

Christ, if the Tories are this divided nationally as well no wonder the pundits are talking about a hung parliament, and that's against the worst Government in British history.

Tameside Nationalist said...

Many thanks from the BNP we now have a great opportunity to progress in an area we had not worked in the past,that will change.
The Tories have been a disaster in opposition Labour have had it very easy thanks to them.

A sceamer and a charmer said...

The Tories are held back by John Bell's Leadership in Tameside

Come back Colin said...

Its time for the ordinary Tories to speak up we hear nothing from any of them just their leader.
They are frightened of him anyone who goes against him gets the chop. Denton is a disaster for us we should be out canvassing and returning a Tory councillor for this ward its should be easy for us at this rate we will come last.

Strength through Diversity said...

Good people of Tameside - now is not the time to be having this type of infighting and this is certainly not the place to be discussing it. This pathetic blog is crawling with Nazis and bigots. The mainstream parties in Tameside must unite to smash the BNP threat. In this by-election we must have a united front from all the mainstream parties and we must get the message accross that a vote for the BNP is a vote for death camps and torture of the innocent.

Doreen for leader said...

Liam is one of the problem children along with Stacey. At least John Bell had the sense to do the right thing with that one.

Doreen may be focusing on the GMPTA but she is wasted there. She is the only one with a pair of testicles. She is Tameside's Thatcher to Bell the protoge of Heath.

Liam if you really were with Ms Knighton yesterday then you also know the real reason why she's not allowed a seat in any of the Denton and Reddish wards. Although you are certainly more discreet than she is about it.

Did Joan Howarth have a selection without letting Stacey know? NO
Do Denton Conservatives like people scurrying to their masters to tell tales? NO
Does Conservative Future have a say? NO
Do we want the candidate they are pushing on Denton North East? NO
Do we want Georgina? YES

This is our first chance of a Tory Councillor in this ward since Marion Tracey. WE WILL WIN WITH THE RIGHT CANDIDATE.

Mellor Road Mincer said...

I wouldn't call Doreen a Thatcherite and if you were "in the loop" you would know that. You have a lot of information which is completly wrong, it is why I think you are not a Conservative. Doreen has no interest in becomming leader.

Doreen is happy at the GMPTA. She has been there for years. She could be chair of the GMPTA if she wanted.

As I say, Stacey is firmly in Waterloo. We did a weekend of campaigning in the ward.

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