Friday, 19 June 2009

Denton Woods has a new tawny owl

Isn’t it cute? I could have taken a brilliant close up of this little owl - had I had my camera with me when I found it perched on a branch less than six feet off the ground. I tried to capture a photo of it on my phone - but it was useless. By the time I returned with my camera it had relocated to a higher branch. It is obviously a baby and I know where it sits most nights. No sign of mummy or daddy owl, maybe they make their chicks leave the nest at an early age?


War law said...

Another winning shot, emphasizing the importance of preserving our urban open spaces.

Anonymous said...

Sorry MH or should I say TC, I had thought you had taken the hint, remove this blog or be unmasked.

Denton Blue said...

Can you get a shot of the wild life on the streets of Denton day and night, they were out at 8 30 pm last night again canvassing.

Anonymous said...

There out now just seen three councillors giving out leaflets at Crown Point.

Keir Hardy said...

Oh no, is it curtains for TC?

Local lad said...

It's the Tories they're terrified of not the BNP. Although if the latter get a reasonable vote it may well let the Conservatives in. Losing in Wales in the Euros has spooked Labour big time, they've never worked so hard.

Labour til I die said...

A tough day today cant trust this weather but we got another 103 Labour contacts signed up.

Treehugger said...

Labour may cling on in Denton or in a few other minor local elections over the next few months but then a few pumps kept working on the Titanic.

Anonymous said...

I have seen the Labour candidate today she will increase the Labour majority,shes got my vote and my mates.

Anonymous said...

Excellent shot TC,I agree War law, we do indeed need to protect and preserve our urban open spaces.

Anonymous said...

is nice to see local wildlife

Nosy said...

Who is MH ?

Anonymous said...

Had the lot out today Denton is full of the Labour gang again,they met at the big chap.

Iain Lindley said...

We start our campaign this week a full team will be out in force to win this seat, we are now united with an experienced candidate who knows how to lose elections.

Mr Owl said...

Thank you for taking my picture Mr TC, here's my favourite song for my night time life. Please keep my home safe from the greedy developers.

Can't be bothered said...

Fuck off Lindley. You're a fat, spotty, jobless tosser who has never had a propper job in your life. You're just blue Labour all over.

"Full time councillor" - Can't get a propper job. Plus you can't win by-elections yourself.

??????? said...


Tameside Citizen said...

Anon, ‘unmask’ me by all means as I am keen to know what ‘MH’ stands for?

I can confirm Labour are going for it in Denton. I have spoken with two separate people who have had Labour canvassers at the door during recent days. The way Labour will win this election is simply by canvassing the entire ward and identifying the brain dead drones who ‘always vote Labour’ - without even thinking why they vote Labour. The Labour team will then ignore the rest of the electorate and concentrate on getting the drones out to vote. They know most people in the ward will not vote, and those that do will be split between the various parties, but unlike the other parties; Labour can truly rely on the a brain-dead section of the electorate who will turn out and vote for them, plus, we all know about Labour and the postal vote scam. Unless the other competing parties contesting this election drastically up their game I predict another Labour win.

New World Order said...

bPeople still voting Labour:
1. Benefits scroungers.
2. Those too thick or mentally lazy to think for themselves.
3. Certain 'communities' who expect and will get 'something in return'.
4. People who like the state of modern Britain and the direction it is heading.
5. The insane (AKA number 4).
6. Those who've 'always voted that way', (watch any Zombie film for an example).
7.Postal voters who may or may not exist due to endemic fraud.

Strength through Diversity said...

People vote Labour because Labour has been good for Britain. No party in the history of Britain has done as much to promote diversity and tolerance. People keep voting Labour because they enjoy living in a multicultural melting pot where everyone regardless of race or gender is equal. The only objectors to this utopia are the knuckle draggers who seem to lurk around this blog day and night.

Anonymous said...

The owls in the photos are fake.

British Nationalist said...

STD, 220,000 British passports handed out this year, in the middle of a recession - 600% up from 37000 in 1997 when Labour came to power.
Bearing in mind England has virtually the highest population density in the world and is experiencing a major recession this is highly likely to lead to civil unrest. Promoting uncontrolled immigration under such circumstances leads me to question your motives and sanity.

Towton 1461 said...

The more are let in the more likely it is to end in violence.

Labour for Life said...

Well said STD. The ignorant buffoons that frequent this ridiculous blog are so stupid they cannot see the whole picture. We have historically and pledge to in the future to continue to make Britain the most welcoming destination on the planet for economic migrants. Migrants bring us untold wealth and are prepared to do the jobs the British are cannot be bothered doing. We fully support the principle of the free movement of labour and capital in the interests of globalisation and free trade. We are at the centre of the global economy and the British people have never had it so good. Labour has revolutionised this country and transformed it in such a way that it is barely recognisable from when we took office twelve years ago. We can never compete in manufacturing industries with the efficient nations of the Pacific Rim but we can compete on providing services and capital as well expertise. They have a huge population advantage over us, but if we can boost our population to 100 million we will then have an advantage over them. Unlike vast countries such as China and India our population will be highly concentrated in huge urban conurbations, this then gives us a distinct advantage in the global market place. We only need two terms in office to complete our mission. I am sure with the help of all the people we have benefited since we came to power we can achieve this goal.

British Nationalist said...

Labour for Life, Shhhh. Don't let the cat out of the bag. This is still a democracy and only you and a few of your insane mates would vote for national destruction.