The images above are from a 1970’s left wing publication known as the New Manchester Review. It makes fascinating reading (click on the individual images to enlarge). It is interesting to note the then leader of the council was Conservative stalwart Colin Grantham, also of interest was the fact that the Tories then held the majority on Tameside Council. What about the passage from Bert Ellicott - very interest when put into historical context. As for the immigrant population totalling just 1200; I would hazard a guess at saying more than that attend Hyde Mosque for Friday prayers these days. There is a further piece to this feature, a suggestion was made a certain boisterous individual appearing in one of the photographs is now a well known councillor. I cannot verify this to be true so I will keep that until the authenticity of the claim can be verified.
1 – 200 of 227 Newer› Newest»National Front, Police Lines, Bricks, and John Taylor.
Yes I was there he did not walk down our main roads again, these were the good old days when we faced up to the fascist.
We organised the protest via the trades council good old Bert Ellicott and Dave Hallsworth wish we still had them.
If its me in the photo please publish it I am proud of my attendance in Hyde that day and my days in the anti Nazi League.
Yep, Burt Ellicott - what a man “Do you know, we don’t even have decent ghetto! No streets have ‘gone black’, non of our terraces have been ‘taken over’. Well you cursed Communist filth - come back and look at your handiwork now; you have a ghetto you could be proud of and many of ‘our’ terraces have now been taken over. Burn in hell traitor!
40% of the under 20 age group in what used to be London are non-white. Unless drastic action is taken in the very near future we will soon be an ethnic minority in our own country. The particularly massive and exponentially increasing Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim population, if it is not stopped will result in us being 'bred out'. The demographic evidence shows it is clearly headed towards not a multi-ethnic melting pot put an Asian Islamic republic.
Yes John you are proud that you attacked the police with bricks, because thats what you did. You are a violent thug with a very violent past.
The anti-'fascists' frequently attack or refer to the absurd, posturing blackshirt Oswald Mosley but virtually never criticize Enoch Powell. This is because Powell was an independent minded, courageous genius and when his behaviour or record is assailed it is extremely easy to quote from one of his brilliant speeches which show astonishing foresight and accuracy. The more time goes on the more accurate his prophecies are revealed to be.
Once a violent thug always a violent thug. He's too old now so incites the UAF/Searchlight animals to launch hammer attacks on members of law abiding Parties.
Never mind Hyde years ago someone tell us Why Stacey Knighton is hated so much in Denton and what caused this massive split in the Tory ranks.
No Tory boy go on the West video for that crap.
Please no more about Denton lets have more on this Hyde story and Taylor's activities
It is as sad as it is predictable that this item has drawn the bigots out of the woodwork. This article proves two things and one is that Tameside has always been blighted by the far-right menace and the second is that the Asian community has been here for many years and that they have perfectly assimilated into the Hyde community. How many people reading this can honestly say Hyde is a worse place for having these hard working and industrious people living in the community? If it were not the vibrant Asian community Market Street would be a scruffy ghost town. The dynamism of the ethnic minority communities has breathed new life into decaying and decrepit post-industrial Britain. Long may these people be welcomed, and if one day they do come become the majority ethnic group in Britain – so what? The white mans tenure may have expired but Britain will still be Britain. The same rivers will flow and the same mountains will rise from the mist. Earth and rock make a country – not the temporary human inhabitants.
I remember the event well. The proposed march was banned but Martin Webster made his "One man march" down Market Street.
The NF had a march up Stockport Rd in Longsight and held a rally outside Belle Vue in Gorton.
Bert Ellicot...full name NORBERT Ellicot left the Labour Party and joined the SWP in May 1979.
I recall Dave Hallsworth. He was kicked out of the SWP and joined the RCP. He was secretary of Tameside Trades Council when they were expelled from the TUC for organising a "Day School" on Ireland in March 1980. He later protested about Ireland at the TUC conference in Blackpool the following year, for which he was chucked out.
These old lefties had more bottle and dedication than the new crop. I can actually respect them
Meh... take a look at this.
Yeah supporting an illegal and expensive war in Iraq which the money could of gone on prioritizing the issues of our own country such as crime, health, education. It is time to go back to basics.
Can I just say how predictable this is - is Labour going for the nationalist vote? Denise has big hair, but you would expect that. She is a hairdresser, but she looks like she has been Tango'd.
If Denise is elected, then we will have a councillor that is more orange than Councillor John Taylor. Then hell will freeze over...
If Denise is elected,do you mean when Denise is elected your lot are still at each others throat you have not lifted a finger in Denton.
When Denise is elected we will all have new hair styles and that includes John Bell as a gesture of good will.
A hairdresser? And they called Stacy a bimbo!
The rason the Tories haven't been out yet is because Joan Howarth and the rest of the old bats wont tell the rest of the party who the candidate is, nor is there a leaflet yet for us to deliver. Denton and Reddish don't want the CF to help at all, leaving the wheelchair brigade to do all the delivering. This is going to be another crap result from the tories. Well done Joan, you're doing a brilliant job of splitting the party and helping us lose.
Don't blame Joan when you don't even have a clue what is going on. It's been awful. see previous posts for an incling.
I know that Joan left Stacey on her own in Duki without any leaflets or any help. My message to Stacey would be to stand against Joan as an Independant in Denton West. Stacey lives in Denton West but Joan doesn't. Stacey is well liked in her area and would win as an Independent.
Dn't forget how you were stabbed in the back Stacy. You have the talent and intelligence to win in Denton West. Come and have a chat with us and we will give you all the help you need.
upset neighbor races his pigs in protest of new mosque
racism is so borring, much more fun is the pitched battles being played out with the Tories in Denton on the previous post, its vicious.
In fact it's boring to read about denton cons at each otthers throats
Anon. JOAN HOWARTH DOES LIVE IN DENTON WEST you dunce. And if Stacey Kinghton was ever the official candidate I would vote Labour just to stop her the bullying bimbo. She will NEVER be a candidate in Denton and Reddish EVER. She's got the message which is why she's taken her bat and ball to Ashton and why she has caused us so much trouble, along with the Tameside Tories and CF cronies. There's no going back. The blonde lemming has jumped off the edge.
So if Stacy isnt standing as candidate in Audenshaw who is? I cant obide the tories but I did think Stacy put up a good fight and worked hard. Why hasnt anything been done with Audy since? Have the Tories thrown a shower of **** candidate in there?
Why didnt the tories keep Stacy in Audy when she was an active campaigner?
We need to know!
Georgina to stand as an independent Conservative - putting Denton First candidate.
Stacy isnt blonde, she has brown hair.
Georgina would be the best candidate a true worker. If it's true "great news"
Her and her rancid mother look blonde enough to me. Perhaps you've not had them screaming at you close up!
I think someone is jealous of Stacy and her mother.
It is true Anon. I have signed her papers, though I am not sure they have been returned yet. Georgina's got great support at the Club. There is a lot of pressure to back down and back the 'official' candidate. Most people I know in the association will not lift a finger, they will be out leafleting for Georgina.
Actually I seem to remember her description as actually 'An independent conservtive - Putting Denton people First'.
Oh happy days!
jealous of that bimbo and her bitter and twisted crippled mother. I dont think so! THEY HAVE NO FUTURE IN OUR PARTY.
Whats a bimbo?
Bimbo: a young woman indulged by rich and powerful older men
I don't think we should lower ourselves to their ways. We are ordinary party members who want our party to do well. We have to lance the boil and rid ourselves of that small number of people who think they know better.
If it means short term pain for long term gain, so be it. The die is cast.
Anonymous said...
The rason the Tories haven't been out yet is because Joan Howarth and the rest of the old bats wont tell the rest of the party who the candidate is, nor is there a leaflet yet for us to deliver.
Honestly, that last posting wasn't me, but it's fair comment!
The identity of Strength Through Diversity is becoming painfully obvious.
Does he really believe all the nonsense he writes, or is he playing the devil's advocate?
It has to be Georgina because if they impose an outsider on us they will reap what they sow. We need a clearout after this election. Not just the brazen hussey and her bitter mother but the gay mafia too.
Calligrapher is on the ball. Come on Jones, we know it is you posing as STD. Look at the timing of the post by STD, then look at the time he posts under his own username. It is as obvious as it is embarrassing.
Never mind that, I think Manchester Road is another Anthony... am I right?
And Toryboy is Mike I reakon.
Toryboy is Tony on behalf of Joan.
Look at the Tories going at each other like this: Our Nation is being run by corrupt Labour politicians, and all this lot can do is bitch at each other. This country has become a right shit hole.
I remember when this blog was good Tameside Citizen.
Some of the comments on here are just so wrong and should be removed.
I never thought i would say this but comment moderation needs to be brought in.
Shame on the people who are posting blatent lies.
Surly the above comment is one of those Tories in the spotlight of the Denton group
Tony who?
Kershaw of course. Joan's pet muppet.
Right children - enough of this nonsense. If this persists you will leave but no option to make an official complaint.
Thank you Ian. My words exactly. This nonsense is a load of rubbish. I got bored with it a long time ago.
I am not who you think I am then. What fun. Joan's puppet? Don't make me laugh! You wouldn't dare say that to Tony's face because he'd plant you one. Anyway, close of nominations soon. After the by-election boy are feathers going to fly. At least it should be the end of that pair of pillocks from Radnor Avenue.
Hahaha like that's really a threat Ian. What is a threat is refusing to accept the Conservative association decision, to challenge it, to implicate Conservative Future, Tameside Conservatives and the Regional Campaign HQ. What is a threat is to sack our officers who have served this Constituency party well. What is a threat is to suggest expulsions. What is a threat are the kinds of phone calls good honest members hacve received over the Greenwood affair.
This is far from over. You'll see. AND THAT IS A THREAT!
Anthony Hannay perhaps?
You are pushing this too far. Just accept that the best candidate has been chosen for the good of the Party and not for the good of you, and your small clique's ego's.
That is a threat and now I have no option but to take this further.
Is this all a wind up? Are all these posts really from Tories.
Toryboy is a spineless coward who doeasnt have the guts to say who he is. That means that he's from Labour, otherwise he'd just spill the beans.
I think its Cllr J Taylor
Hypocrisy: ‘Black Lawyer Society’ Chief Wants Race Laws Tightened against Whites
I'm not a masochist. I am not going to out myself just yet. I have already been threatened with disciplinary action so am not going to hasten it all.
Look we are having a torrid time just no BUT we will come out of it stronger. CF and the borough party can whistle. We have put up with so much. We will not back down now.
And yes I AM a Denton Conservative, and I think Liam knows who I am. NO I am not Joan's puppet either though I do think Joan has been treated with utter contempt.
Those that know what has been going on know precisely that I know far too much to be John Taylor... And NO I am not Anthony Hannay (of Reddish Con Club Committee - and if I wasn't a Tory how would I know that level of detail?)
All I can say is these are dark days for Denton and Reddish Conservatives.
According to the article the Tories had 28 councillors to Labours 24. What has happened to the Tameside Tories since those heady days? Why is it Labour now outnumber Conservative in the council chamber on a ratio of over six to one? Have the people of Tameside rejected Conservativism or have Labour found a magic formula to charm the electorate? Something has happened – I just never noticed it happening.
Go on tory boy have the bollocks to say who you are
Or are you that spineless?
Lets see if you could handle the conciquneces
Tell me who you are 'Neil' and we will see.
STD, why do you hate white people? Are you Anjem Choudry?
OR JUST SHUT UP FOR FUCKS SAKE - the party is in disarray right now. Do our opponents really need to know everything? NO! So SHUT UP.
David - what do you mean old lefties? The BNP is a socialist left wing party itself.
Common sense prevails. From now on we all behave like Conservatives, not spoilt babies. This disgraceful episode will go down in infamy. In future we discuss problems in a civil manner and behind closed doors – not in a public arena where the world can look and laugh. Quite frankly; I am utterly ashamed at the behaviour of some of the individuals involved in this whole affair. I will save my true feelings until I manage collar them in person.
Well said Ian
F**k off Barker. This isn't Nazi Germany. If people knew what had really gone on NO-ONE could keep a lid on it.
How is it, given the massive unpopularity of Labour, Tameside Tories have only managed to amass 11 Councillors despite Conservatives making huge gains at local level virtually nationwide? Conservative Central office must be tearing their hair out at such a consistently pathetic performance in what is a relatively affluent area.
It's bell's leadership holding the Conservatives back. Pathetic leadership
While the local Tory egomaniacs squabble about who's got the biggest personality Tameside's unemployment rockets and Labour coast along under no real threat. The person laughing most is Taylor.
Who put those Corex boards out during the European Elections to try and land us in it? Outside anti 'fascist' agitators brought in by senior Labour Councillors just like Hyde Newton is hot favourite.
You know that the borough solicitor says that the police are very frustrated with this blog.
The police and the borough solicitor want this blog shut down.
It's a fact@ Not to mention a number of high ranking corrupt cllrs
Having had THREE phonecalls from on high I am not commenting further. I am disgusted at may party. I am disgusted at certain individuals within it. I am disgusted at how good dedicated people are treated. I am disgusted at the bullying and abuse. Call yourselves democrats. Disgusted. Bloody disgusted.
Well thats what you get when you abandon true Conservative values my friend.
When the nominations go in it will really take off. This is just the calm before the storm.
Any problems in Blackley and Charlestown and Labour (AKA The Pro Immigrants and Muslims Pseudo socialist Party) gerrymander the electoral rolls by shipping in a load more immigrants who go straight to the top of the housing queue and then repay the favour come Council Election time. Their names are on the list so they MUST be there legitimately mustn't they. Tameside Labour's tactics are different but equally corrupt.
Meanwhile the local legal authorities are 'desperately concerned' about a bit of flyposting that was actually done by the anti-BNP lobby to make trouble. Utterly sickening and pure double standards when you consider what Labour were allowed to get away with in HydeNewton.
BNP Sleazebuster Mick Barnbrook Takes another Scalp as Harry Cohen Steps Down
Britain Becomes World’s Laughing Stock as 71% of All New Jobs Go to Foreigners
I'm a Tory looking for those days can you help me find the truth?
This election is over I am standing down the Labour team in Denton and transferring them to Reddish where we have a real contest, a small rearguard team will remain in Denton to mop up any resistance that may come from the Greens or another minority party.
Can I express our gratitude to the Denton conservatives for making this election so easy for us in what would normally have been very hard times, we would have been grateful for a majority of 13 again in Denton.
Could be a bit of a suprise in store, imagine if you came in behind UKIP like you did last month
The Conservatives may be finished in Denton but we will win the war in Waterloo!
Anonymous, never a truer word spoken in jest... I sadly fear that if that crew get their way, the Conservatives will be a spent force in this corner of Tameside. That desperately saddens me as a lifelong Conservative. I am proud of my party and the local activists who have given their entire lives for Conservative values and I am disgusted that our party can turn their backs on us in the way they have because of the bitter and twisted tactics of a small number of people who have never really had the party's true interest at heart.
The bullying, the intimidation and the dirty tactics have appalled me. Seeing good people in tears, seeing a life's dedication to the party count for sod all. Disgusting.
The truth will out and I am sure the people of Denton when they know the full story will be as disgusted as I am and my friends are.
MRM, I sympathise with you but you must realise it is for the best. Change is sometimes difficult to embrace but our Party is in a transitional period at present. Some tears will be shed during this changing of the guard but if you are a real Conservative you put the greater good of the Party before your bruised ego. Pick yourself up, brush yourself down and then take up the fight with renewed vigour.
RW if only you knew. I share MRM's frustration, disappointment and anger at how we've been treated by that bimbo, her family and friends, CF and Tameside Conservatives. I predict we'll fall back in Denton by-election as a result of all of this even IF another nomination is not submitted. The pressure has been intense for that not to happen. But bullying and threatening us may backfire. What else have we left to lose?
The Tories are a bunch of tossers only they could have failed to take advantage of the National situation and balls it up.
I see John Taylor now has a photograph of the Greenwood poster in the Denton Tory Club window on his Dukinfield Views blogsite. Hmmm interesting, and shows those previous posts may just have an element of truth running through them.
Hasn't Liam Billington gone quiet too.
Billingham has won, he can afford to be quiet, and he is not even in our party!
Frankly, the gay mafia that operate in Tameside Tories have a lot to answer for.
An open message to all Tory party members please keep John Bell leading your local party,his leadership during this by election in Denton is vital to the success of the Labour candidate.
We can not recall your party being in such a state of disunity for a long time in Tameside.
Our agent is thinking of offering to deliver some leaflets for you if you ever get an official candidate, just to give Denise some experience of opposition.
I've had enough of being gagged. Close of nominations is only a day away. There is SO MUCH which needs to be said publicly during this campaign, and WILL BE!
Labour will have an 'official' opposition in this election, but they may have an 'unofficial' one too. Much pressure is being piled on the key people involved, myself included, not to use the nuclear option, but it may now be the only course of action left. Bullying does not work on us, it makes us stronger in our determination to rid our ranks of the likes of Stacey and co.
She is finished. She won't even be fit for dog meat when we've finished with her. What she has done and attempted to do is UNFORGIVABLE and will NOT be forgotten. Nor will the biased side-taking of the Tameside party over our association officers. To have good people yelled at in meetings, bringing them to tears and the stress from poison phonecalls and letters is disgusting. They deserve respect for the length of service given to our party not sick abuse from a silly girl and her twisted mother.
Denton Conservatives will come through this difficult period. We will be stronger after we purge ourselves of those who have caused so much pain and angst.
Boooorrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg now.
Result = Labour Hold Denton North East
Let's move on now.
It might be boring for you, it looks like a very public mass suicide to me... when will you learn to SHUT UP Tony?
Is Georgina Greenwood standing that's what we want to know.
Who is the official Conservative candidate?
Is there an unofficial one too?
Come on... spill the beans!
If the egotistical maniacs cannot accept our candidate it is obvious they are not Party people and most certainly not Conservatives. If they dare stand an ‘Independent Conservative’ or anything similar I will press for their immediate expulsion from the Conservative Party.
You are wrong RW, there will be no expulsions. We will sort this problem as Conservatives do, by diplomacy. We will listen to all sides of the argument and make an informed decision on what action if any is necessary. I hope you all feel happy that you have turned yourselves into total laughing stocks! The Labour Party cannot believe their luck. We could have won the Denton North East by-election had it not been for this bout of collective madness. This is my last comment on this farcical school yard fight: None of you are bigger than the Conservative Party. When the Party makes a decision, you obey or leave. We have got no room for splitters who are motivated by their own huge egos. If a campaign team arrives in the Denton NE of which you do not approve – fine, just stay out of the campaign, but never publicly humiliate the Party in this diabolical way again.
Just to add, Ian Barker (Chair of Ashton Conservatives) has not been making any comments on this blog.
Some comments have been made whilst in meetings. So it isn't Ian.
Barker, of all the egomaniacs posting on this issue you're in a league of your own. You seem to believe your word is law and when you speak there'll be no comeback. You are an arrogant tosser and whatever happens about Denton North East this is NOT the end. Do you seriously think your 'divine' commands for Party unity can paper over the chasm that has been created. We're utterly sick of the appalling treatment we've received and both you and your demands for
Party unity can take a running jump.
'There will be no expulsions, I, Barker have spoken'. What a wanker.
Do you like Kylie because she looks like a little boy?
From 1997 to 2007 there was a 77% increase in the number of RECORDED violant attacks. The figure rose to 1,158,000, that's more than two a minute making Britain one of the most violent countries in the world. This is the tip of a massive iceberg as the vast majority of incidents are not reported. Another testament to the ruination NewLabour has visited on Britain.
So Stacey wasn't the real Stacey posting because you were drinking with her, Ian Barker not the real Ian Barker because you were meeting him... It's all far too bizzare! Why are you covering up for these nit-wits? Denton Conservatives are imploding because of their actions. We will never forgive those involved at destroying our happy party. But retribution will be ours. The bullying and intimidation WILL end.
Patterson for Denton eh? Happy now?
It's quite simple, Stacey is not the candidate for Denton NE nor does she want to be. Someone is posting fake comments. Anyone who falls for this is thick for falling it!
Stacey WILL NEVER be candidate in any of the Denton and Reddish Tameside wards and anyone who suggests otherwise is a liar. After what she did, she's never going to be trusted again. Whatever happens in the by-election is largely irrelevant because Knighton and her family are dead n buried as far as we are concerned.
Why do you think she's not been selected to fight Audenshaw again? Why do you think her own ward of Denton West (easily achievable) is a Stacey free zone? Because that evil tart is having nothing here at all. Especially after the past few months antics.
Joan, Glenn, Tom, Mike, Tony or whoever you are, please stop this now. You are doing harm to my party's chances in the election for pure revenge. I am hurt at your postings, and do not wish to be part of your association while you are in charge. That is the real reason I am in Ashton and you know that.
Stacey Knighton.
CF will flush you out you blogging traitors. You deserve to hang. We're coming to get you...
Can't believe any New Labourite is spending valuable seconds commenting on here when they could be using their time more profitably at the Mosque grovelling for votes from their mates in the 'community'. Still a win's a win. Even if it is taking Britain towards destruction.
Stacey, you have caused enough trouble to last you a life time. Take my advice and stay away from our patch because you and your gay friends are not welcome.
Now! Now! Labour (John Taylor) stop pretendibg to be Conservatives from Denton.
Flattery gets you everywhere but there's just far too much information including names etc on here that Taylor just wouldn't have access to. And there IS the issue of the Greenwood poster up in the Tory Club window which Taylor cannot be responsible for, that's just silly!
OK don't give a shit anyway
LATEST: Denton and Ashton Tories pissing themselves at the time wasted by Labour activists spending their time on blog peddling the same style of crap they peddled during the Newton by-election.
Yeah but Tories won't be pissing themselves if they knew how just much information Labour have on voting intentions from *actually* knocking on doors and phoning residents too. Ward almost fully canvassed, soon be going back to all the outs and undecided again.
Meanwhile the Tories split themselves in two.
And can you explain the poster please if all this is crap?
MORE LATEST: Labour ruse rumbled before election campaign begins in earnest. Tories activists prepare election assault en masse as Labour run out of steam before kick off.
Charge of the Shite Brigade:
'Onward onward rode the five hundred! Voting Labour after twelve years of disaster, we'll keep backing them no matter what they cried. Facts, evidence unemployment, crime, social disintegration, mass immigration, Ignore them! was the cry. 71% of all new jobs gone to foreigners, It's not happening! they roared. Onward onward rode the five hundred! And even the NewLabour Generals sat at the back in their taxpayer funded armchairs were struck dumb at the sheer f*****g braindeadness of their most reliable troops'.
You can see why the gay mafia would want Doreen for leader. It’s quite obvious really, there is a distinct essence of drag queen about her. Come on TC put a picture up of one of Manchester’s queens and one of Doreen in all the war paint and let’s see if we can tell the difference.
Can any Tory tell me, what leadership change in their local party will take place if they come in behind the bnp?
Why is John Bell still leader? They've only made tiny gains despite almost universal hatred of NewLabour and their most recent performance in HydeNewton was pathetic. A homosexual clique now seems to have disproportionate influence (a bit like Westminster and large parts of the media).
Minority rule is becoming an established and extremely destructive influence on public life. Minorities' real concern is their cause and greater issues such as the national interest are left to rot.
Jean Brazil is no mug. It's a bit of a F****** joke man these Tories at each others throats.
BREAKING NEWS - Greenwood does not stand as independent, Tory candidate NOT Stacey or Greenwood, Lib Dems candidate form rejected...
Labour, Tory, BNP, UKIP, Green standing.
And they're off has correctly predicted the result. Labour will romp it, Tories will limp in a distant second with the BNP a close third, UKIP and Green fourth and fifth.
Why was the Lib Dems candidate form rejected?
What a motley crew of minority candidates; that BNP woman again and a guy who is seemingly the only UKIP member they have.
These chancers have NEVER stood in DNE, and both parties have NEVER fought DNE before. What a joke. What a token example of opportunism.
The rank amateurishness which characterises the modern Conservative Party has been exposed with the embarrassing claim by Tory Home Affairs frontbencher Chris Grayling that Britain has a higher violent crime rate than South Africa and America.
In reality, both South Africa and America have dramatically higher rates of violent crime than Britain. The Tories are simply lying, and have shown the intellectual shallowness of the people who want to make up this country’s next government.
To make matters worse, evidence from the British police shows that immigrants to Britain are responsible for a majority of the reported murders and related violent crime in Britain - making a mockery of the Tory allegations that British people are violent.
No lies. Just shocking that Britain can be mentioned in the same breath as these two violent countries. Does is not make you stand and think how low our stanmdards have fallen under ZanuLabour?
So, is Denton a crime free zone? What are Labour going to do NOW that they haven't been doing for the last 12 years?
Residents want change not more of the same from Labour, or the opportunistic chancers from the minority parties.
You can depend on me in this election, I'm up for it. The 33 votes last time will never happen again. "We are in it to win it"
Who's smiling now Liam? Nice to see Georgina's choice got selected in the end.
Something to do with a signature on the Lib Dems form being signed by a resident who had already signed for another submitted candidate - BNP I am told! Sheesh! You couldn't make it up could you?
Floyd Patterson's a knockout!
Floyd Patterson died years back... bit like Denton Conservative Party. Probably why Georgina Greenwood is supporting him.
I really like the Conservative candidate Floyd Paterson's blog page. READ IT AND WEEP LABOUR! YOU ARE FINISHED AND YOU'RE GOING TO GET KICKED OUT ! You can't possibly win against us.
Have you noticed that the Labour lot have given up on their hilarious Tory split wheeze? How we laughed at their smugness! They simply do not know what's coming...
Many Tory party members including me will not be doing any work in this election,and that's because of the way we have been treated by so called leaders of the party.
The whole process is disaster we have been made to look silly,coming third will be seen by many of us as a victory its that bad.
When its over we have some sorting out to do and it will be done.
I think it's hillarious that "Toryboy" really thought he knew what was going on. But that's Labour for you! Look who's a nieve, wet around the ears, poisonous bimbo now. What a total idiot! NITWIT! lol.
What will happen with the Tory leadership if the bnp beat you in this election coming up in Denton?
I think what you meant to ask is what will happen when the BNP beat Labour and Labour come third. The Tories are back in town and don't you know it! You've been Tangoed!
Look if the Tories couldn't win Denton North East last May nor win Tameside in the disastrous 4th June Euros, you've no chance.
Keep taking the tablets. Denton NE = Labour HOLD.
Our campaign in Denton NE is now taking off, we are on to the case.
Check it out.
Taking off a month after Labour... they call that catch up!
Anyway doesn't Floyd live in Denton West? Kendon Grove, I think! What's up couldn't you find a suitable NORTH EAST resident?
Ten yards over the boundary in a cul de sac!
Now remind me, where's Dawson Lane, is it in Denton West or Dukinfield? That's right he's a Denton West Labour councillor lving in Duk!
Alleged footage of Labour councillors on the streets of Denton North East fighting over their allowances.
At least Dawson Lane has been seen on the streets of Denton - talking to real people not cyber-monkeys! His website has no info at all on it other than he'll 'save' me £23 in Council Tax.
Why don't they own up to the fact the Fire precept and Transport levy Council Tax INCREASES were imposed by Conservative-controlled (with the help of the Lib Dems) joint authorities - or does that not fit the script?
In a culdesac just like Denton Tories lol!
Watch this all the way through to give you an idea of what will happen in Denton North East.
Wrong actually. Both the police precept and the fire precept got cross-party approval.
Oh so that's alright then - the Tories can vote for tax rises at the Fire Authority they control and at the Transport Authority they control, and because others agree, it doesn't matter??
Why didn't the Tory Chair of the GMPTA insist on following party policy and freezing the transport element of the Council Tax across Greater Manchester?
Similarly, why didn't the Tory Vice-Chair of the GMFR Authority propose the same?
Is it by chance that they like spending OUR money when they control an authority BUT when in power do something quite different?
Someone in the know please list the full list of names candidates in this election.
Thank You
Sikh Friends of the BNP Advises On Muslim Issues
it must really piss the loony right off that a little squabble between tory party members in one ward gets 400 comments on this blog and yet, if you exclude the rantings of west, the views and opinions of the far right are just ignored.
such is life
The Italian government has done what any sane government would do to protect itself from invasion and passed a law declaring it a criminal offence to enter Italy without permission or to aid invaders in any way.
In addition, the new law has instituted a policy of immediate deportation of the invaders themselves.
The law, passed yesterday in the Italian senate after earlier ratification by the lower house, states that people caught entering or living in Italy without a permit will not be taken to court but instead given immediate expulsion orders. They will also face fines of up to €10,000.
The law also says that Italians - unless they are doctors or others who will be exempted - will be obliged to report illegal immigrants. Those who knowingly house illegal migrants will face up to three years in prison.
In addition, the law includes tough fines for landlords who rent to illegal immigrants, and orders that no public services be provided to illegals or their offspring in Italy. It also requires parents registering a birth to present documents proving that they are legal residents.
John Bell increased your tax, thanks to twelve years of chronic financial incompetence and massive and endemic waste EVERY British taxpayer will spend decades paying to sort out the utter chaos LABOUR have inflicted on our country.
Is that the 'looney right' who want to do something about the fact that 71% of all new jobs in the last twelve years have gone to foreigners who work cheap, live cheap - often in chronically overcrowded conditions thereby importing Third World living standards - and send most of their wages home directly taking money away from the British economy? NewLabour are in thrall to global companies and care nothing for Britain or its workforce.
As unemployment spirals, tax revenue plummets and the debt mountain grows exponentially Ed Balls, an ultra ambitious, talentless incompetent who believes in nothing rises towards the top of our slagheap Government. Britain is headed for financial meltdown and consequent massive social unrest and the people in charge are fundamentally extremely inferior. They need to be removed ASAP to limit the potential damage to Britain's long term future.
If the alternative is continuing the way Britain is headed a civil war bloodbath is infinitely preferable.
Bring back Stacey, all is forgiven!!!!
Lazy Floyd will now have get off his back side and do some work, he is known for not doing any work in his ward or any other ward.
He and his cronies have been told that they are on their own, the civil war is still running inside our club, but its wont spill out onto the streets just yet.
They don't even have leaflet at the printers and none of them have ever canvassed the campaign will be a disaster,they will be happy if they can beat the BNP into second place.
Tameside police will crush the BNP here in Tameside, our job is to smash their active members. We are making plans to make life very difficult for them in the coming months.
Love them or hate them you have to give it to the Labour campaign team they looked very impressive this morning out in Denton.
I wish we had their unity and campaign management skills, take note you tossers who have messed up in Denton.
We wont see that many party workers on the streets for the whole of this election,why can they attract 20/30 workers out each day and we cant ? Answer- dead simple we have no real leaders and far to many self indulgent so called candidates.
If you are a Tory party member and have worked your sox's off over the years don't go near St Annes Road the site of all the Labour people will make you sick.
Three years after a trial in which he refused to give evidence. Sentence in pathetic.
The Judge was called Geake. How approriate.
I have been canvassed twice now and had three leaflets in the past three weeks, just one problem its all been from Labour.
Denton Con Club latest - Now there's Paterson posters downstairs (facing the side street) and a Greenwood poster upstairs facing the main road!
What's going on??
I've had a Labour leaflet and it went in the fucking bin mate
The reason Labour are working so hard and employing their increasingly dirty tricks is any loss could be catastrophic to the morale of a Party that has no centre and believes in nothing. It sold its soul and principles to Blair to win the '97 election the loss of which would have finished the Party. The appalling recent run of results at every level of election means even small defeats are now highly significant. They are aided by a massive increase in the last twelve years in the number of extremely ignorant and uninformed people and vested interest minority groups who are targeted and brainwashed or bought off in one way or another. Now however the money an influence to purchase the vote of their client state has run out and their increasingly desperate, pathetic and obvious lies about public spending and the mountain of public debt they have created are utterly exposed.
The best thing that could happen for Britain at the next General Election is the annihilation of a Party whose ruinous period of governance has done massive long-term damage to our country.
Denton voter I hope it was the Blue bin you put it in,make sure you are part of the best recycling council in the country
As a white person I am concerned that members of the Black Police Association may persecute me because of my ethnicity. Organizations that wish to defend and protect the interests of ethnic groups are fine, but law and order is the fundamental basis of civilization and its upholders should be utterly impartial and not allowed to set up groups linked to the Police Force.
The best recycling Council in the country? The bins stink thanks to fortnightly collections introduced like so many other measures by local and national Government to save money and paper over a financial black hole created by years of chronic Labour overspending.
For many years to come everything in the public sector will be about massive cut backs to repair the economic disaster wrought upon Britain by Labour. 'Green' issues and other fabrications will be manufactured and hyped up in an attempt to steal more revenue to cover up this economic chasm.
Anyone seen Lazy Floyd on the streets yet? we are told he likes to be the boss and delegate things down,£25 says hes in the Tory club talking a good election campaign
A small runt of Labour activists seen near the West End Labour Club. They were doing more talking than walking.
Big Tory team seen out and about delivering leaflets.
How soon did Labour's leaflet go to press after the death of their old gentleman Martin Wareing?
They have made great boasts about how much they have done in the last month, but considering he only died five weeks ago, their haste seems a little distasteful. At the very least the Tories had the decency and manners to begin organising their campaign after the election was called.
It really makes you wonder at the mindset of the modern Labour Party...
Anyone stupid enough to believe the utter lies in Labour's Denton North East leaflet about 'the Tories 10% cuts' in public spending is stupid enough to vote Labour. WHICHEVER Party is in power massive cuts will be made as a result of Labour's disastrous twelve years of chronic overspending, waste and ruinous financial mismanagement.
Quite right ex-commie. Pure lies. That is all they can offer.
Stop Islamification Christian Unity
http://liarsbuggersandthieves.blogspo... Check out liarsbuggers website see the politicians voted into office in Britain
A big Tory team what was it five members, they had more sat at home licking their wounds from the recent civil war.
We will be out Sunday with another large group not just leafleting but targeting our core voters using the information gathered over the past few weeks its called canvassing.
We now move up a notch just like we did in Newton I can feel another increased majority on its way.
Various Tameside Labour councillors been spotted today in Haughton Hall Road area leafleting; Foxhall Road area leafleting; Egerton Street area leafleting; Stockport Road area canvassing; Seymour Street area canvassing; Duke Street area canvassing and Mount Pleasant Road area canvassing.
Small teams of 4-6 in each but spread throughout the ward for maximum impact.
Labour til I die Mike.
Whats the difference between the German Iron cross and the The Maltese cross St Johns? Ya thick backward Labour Twat.
The Operation Fightback campaign exposing Conservative leader David Cameron's links with a Labour-created, trade union funded, Communist hate-gang called 'Unite Against Fascism' (UAF) has cause some noticeable discord amongst the ranks of the Conservative Party.
We must keep up the pressure at all costs! Many middle and lower rank Conservatives are confused and dismayed at David Cameron's alliance with the Stalinist-Trotskyite far left, and condemnations are flowing freely on the Tory Party grapevine.
Labour til I die, I reckon even with all this work your vote will fall. Denton North East has more homeowners and decent hardworking people, i.e those who have been taxed to death, lied to and generally hammered by Labour and who can see through the deceit to the reality of what Labour has done to Britain. And less spongers, Muslims and braindead zombies than most other wards, i.e. less core Labour voters. Many of the elderly population will probably come through for you but if the Tories and the BNP put in a good effort I think the 227 you won by last May won't be enough of a cushion to win. It may well be a similar result to Duki/Staly when a BNP paper candidate took enough votes off the obnoxious, arrogant Labour candidate to help the Tories win.
obnoxious, arrogant Labour candidate, you mean Mike Ballagher
Michael Patrick?
Welcome DENTON & REDDISH a winning team.
Stacey Knighton for Audenshaw a part of a winning team for Tameside
I can confirm that my expenses claim for 2007/8 and so far for 2008/9 are NIL
See the Advertiser for details
See Advertiser next week for the truth there is a big difference between expenses and remuneration
John Taylor £29,845 allowances. Thats £573.94 per week on top of his wages and any other income, now you know why Labour fight so hard.
A very poor leaflet being delivered today by the BNP,very poor quality photos you can hardly see and nothing about their policies.
We have nothing to fear from this shower our new leaflet with Mr Floyd's Tory policies will be well received.
They will find Denton a bit different from Newton we are confident of winning this one with ease
My other income is £35,000 per year I have a private pension that I now have access to since October 2008 it pays £15,000 per year but I did get a lump sum payment of £32,000.
All earned by my hard work over 45 years no time off work and I made some wise investments.
I find in life that you get what you work hard for and you get what you are worth.
£1535.48 per week, I doubt that some jumped up militant is worth more than 16 basic pensioners weekly income.Labour councillors are exactly the same as Labour MPs, Greedy troughing scum. What happened to Socialism then John?
Another great day for the Tory team. The response from residents is two fingers to Labour. Many complaining about Gordon Brown and saying he deserves a good hiding at the polls. Many who haven't voted in years have said they will vote just to get their revenge on Labour, and many realise that only the Tories can beat Labour in the ward. However, others who have voted Labour in the past say they won't vote for us but will vote either BNP or Green. There's a growing impression that just two days into this contest Labour are on a hiding to nothing. The Labour lot say they are canvassing hard, but as the old saying goes, you can weigh a pig as many times as you like, it won't make it fatter.
I want to know why Labour stopped emptying my bin once a week. Do I get a rebate on my council tax?
I have some more investments this year and will be doing some more hard work with some local companies, you lazy BNP scum can stay on benefits me and my mates will work harder to keep you, I wish I could decide where my hard earned cash went.
You benefit scroungers would get nothing unless you worked for it,don't talk to me about British jobs for British worker you would run a mile if you ever got offered a job.
None of you know what work is had you filled the jobs immigrants are doing they would not come here, its much easier for you to sponge on benifits
Fred, just who are you canvassing? Our returns are robust. The Labour support is firm.
TDB, I admit the current BNP leaflet is a shocker. Our regular designer has been in Kent helping to organise a big environmental event. She will be back soon and you will see a vast improvement when our next leaflet appears. Our next leaflet will do you know harm whatsoever by exposing the traitors posing as patriots in our midst.
Our campaign to win Denton NE back on track
Brian Millard, ex Lib Dem leader of Stockport has died today.
His Cheadle and Gatley ward was taken by the Tories in May 2008, so that will be a mother of all by-election scraps over in Cheadle constituency soon.
If the Tories don't win that ward, what hope have they of taking the parliamentary seat back from the yellow-bellies?
Was Brian still in office?
Yes. He was still a Councillor. The other Lib Dem member is Cllr Pam King. Cllr Mick Jones is the Conservative councillor there.
He won in May 2008 by just a 17 vote majority. See: http://interactive.stockport.gov.uk/contents/election2008/wardDetail.asp?wardId=6
All to play for in this key marginal ward in a battleground parliamentary seat for the Tories. Never mind messing around in Denton, this is where the real fight will be!
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