A council leader has said he does not want "outsiders" in a Tameside town for a planned march by the English Defence League.
The group has formally notified Greater Manchester Police it plans to hold a demonstration in Hyde on Saturday.
Councillor Kieran Quinn said Tameside Council could not allow the march.
"This is about a hate-filled group wishing to come to Hyde to try and incite hatred and we will not support that," he said.
Mr Quinn said the council would write to the home secretary seeking a ban on the demonstration, which he said would be "the right thing".
"Hyde is a diverse and peaceful community and we don't welcome outsiders coming in whose only intention is to incite hatred. BBC News
I don’t know, what muddled times are living through. A group of Englishmen wishing to protest in an English town against extremism in the local immigrant community are branded as “hate filled outsiders” while the council leader describes the area of the planned protest as being ‘diverse and peaceful’, yea right Mr Council Leader, tell that to Daniel Stringer and all the victims of race attacks in Hyde.
In the late 1930’s Britain followed a coarse of appeasing a powerful and expansionist ideology and that ended up in a war. Let’s not repeat those mistakes again, albeit on a local level eh?
The more the authorities appear weak and cowardly in the face of threats and intimidation from the rapidly expanding immigrant community, the more emboldened certain members of that community will become.
Most people who live in Tameside are aware that the council rightly adopts a zero tolerance approach to littering and fly-tipping in the borough. How many people are aware that a certain section of the community in Hyde were given special dispensation to litter alleyways as it was considered to be ‘culturally acceptable’ due the fact that in their countries of origin it was acceptable to root through neighbours discarded items in case they found something which was of use to them. If anyone doubts what I say why not ask Cllr Bell, he was at the Hyde DA when this was discussed in great detail along with plans to leaflet the area advising the ’community’ that this practice was not really acceptable in Hyde. The difference being advice to one section of the community yet zero tolerance to the rest of us.
Appeasement does not work. The Council Leader should concern himself with the victims of hate crimes rather than trying to appease the perpetrators. Just ask yourself this, if the victim of the outrageous attack in Hyde was a young Asian boy and the attackers a large gang of white males, would the Council Leader be opposing a march by the Asian community who wanted to march against the extremism which lead to the attack? Tameside Citizen
I remember the days when Colin Grantham allowed the NF to march through Hyde.
Colin has far more backbone than Quinn and his ilk.
If it's peaceful then why did this lad get attacked a gang of Pakis Oh dear Leader?
It's never them is it? 11 Muslims in court over gang raping 5 girls between the ages of 13 and 15. Disgusting.
It must be remembered that the eleven men on trial in Liverpool are innocent until proven guilty. Please remember that and also remember any comments to the contrary could actually help the defends by causing the trial to collapse.
HO YES THEY ARE ? tameside council so called leader who doyou think you are ? This is our town not yours and i say thay can come
Our tolerant and free society brings with it many benefits. We can believe whatever we want, we have the freedom to speak our mind and to live our lives as we wish.
So long of course, that you accept the establishment line on every economic and social issue.
We must tolerate foreigners,
We must not expect them to tolerate us,
We must tolerate homosexuality,
We must tolerate a banking system that bleeds nations dry and leads to destructive wars,
We must tolerate every slight against our now forgotten way of life,
Every slight against the wellbeing and health of our people must be not only ignored, but to notice it is also a grave sin!
The fact that some disgusting Communists can 'decide' whether or not the people can protest doesn't suprise me. I would have to be remarkably naive not to notice.
Isn't the point of a protest to cause a stink?
To stick two fingers up to our oppressors?
A large proportion of the indigenous are too thick, apathetic or chickenshit to do anything about the ongoing colonisation of their country.
Funny, because Tameside Labour are quite keen on bringing in outsiders when their initials are UAF.
Mass immigration, and how Labour tried to destroy Britishness, Daily Mail
You see this and tell me, they don't want Islamification of our Country?
Sorry wrong link, not that numpty.
The very nature of our society was being changed by a new kind of uncontrolled mass immigration… without the British people ever having been asked whether they supported the policy.
The game was given away in 2009 by Andrew Neather, a former Labour Home Office and Downing Street adviser, who revealed that MASS IMMIGRATION WAS A DELIBERATE POLICY BY THE LEFT TO CHANGE THE SOCIAL FABRIC OF THE COUNTRY AND TO ‘RUB THE RIGHT’S NOSE IN DIVERSITY’.
This appalling policy was never discussed publicly because Labour strategists feared it would upset the party’s traditional white working-class support. For self-interested political reasons, the public could not possibly be consulted...
The idea of multiculturalism was advanced with varying degrees of stealth over several decades by politicians, civil servants and council officials. Its doctrine was spread in schools and in teacher-training colleges.
Weak as it so often is, the Church of England appeared to welcome it, even though it posed a mortal threat to that institution. The BBC, never to be found wanting when political correctness was required, suppressed any debate about mass immigration, took the tenets of multiculturalism as its gospel and preached it to the nation.
OUR SOCIETY NEEDS AN END TO MASS IMMIGRATION… OUR NATIONAL IDENTITY, founded on Christian values of tolerance and decency, and on a history of which we can be exceptionally proud, HAS BEEN GRAVELY INJURED BY BRITAIN’S LEFT-WING ENEMY WITHIN.
Yack yack yack.
Meanwhile back in the local maternity ward another batch of Islamic hatchlings enter into Britain.
One at primary school, one walking, one in the pram and one in the belly.
Muslims nearly always vote Labour, that's why Tameside Labour are trying to ban this march.
Two White boys 15 and 17 beaten and robbed by 15 strong Asian gang on Glodwick Road, police say not racist.
Wake up dummies before it's too late and you condemn your country and your descendants to barbarism and destruction.
Nearly two thirds of the babies born in London have at least one parent who was born abroad, according to figures released yesterday.
They show that 64.7 per cent of children born in the capital in 2010 had an immigrant mother or father.
In two districts – Newham, in East London, and Westminster – more than eight out of ten babies had at least one parent born abroad. Daily Mail
How much more proof do the cowardly mugs need before they get the message that we, the natives of this island, are being replaced with foreign imported labour?
F**k Daniel Stringer. Stupid trouble making white c**t. Getting himself beat up and rocking the wonderful multicultural boat. He should have stayed out of their ghett...sorry area.
Half a billion £ Royal Navy ship building contract awarded to South Korea.
The treacherous bastards could have awarded this countract to a British firm but they probably got the best bribe from the South Koreans. But hey ho, never mind, it is after all built to British design. Feckin cnuts1
I would consider a resurgance of our naval power to be integral of the capability to defend our island from foreign attack.
As it stands we have only a single aircraft carrier and 6 Destroyers. The rest are ships assigned to patrol, anti-piracy, logistics, mine detection and other side duties of naval warfare and peace keeping.
The building of Royal Navy ships by slant eyed foreigners, can only be looked upon as suspicious. Our ships should be of British build (excepting captured European ships), of British crew and be British led.
Sorry Admiral, you are wrong. We have no aircraft carriers at present. We have to rely on the Froggies to borrow us one of theirs should the need arise. We have two under construction but it is doubtful if they will ever enter service. It is almost certain one may sold when it is built and the other not commissioned.
Sold out, you are wrong too. We do not have two under construction. The HMS Prince of Wales carrier is now not going to be built.
"It is not one man nor a million, but the spirit of liberty that must be preserved. The waves which dash upon the shore are, one by one, broken, but the ocean conquers nevertheless. It overwhelms the Armada, it wears out the rock. In like manner, whatever the struggle of individuals, the great cause will gather strength"
What I want to do, over the next few months, leaflets sent out to residents in Dukinfield by post.
Labour Councillors convicted for molesting children. school governers in the Labour party guilty of child abuse.
Expose these dirty Labour scum, that hide behind the mask of respectability.
These Labour scum Cllrs spread smear in our communities hit them back.
I will say goodnight now.
But remember you've got vasts amouts of Labour scum to work with.
Use it and fight back against these bastards.
I misunderstood my information, it seems the Illustrious is now being used to launch Helicopters!
Talk about making a gentlewoman wash the laundry!
Still I wasn't too far off, I only got this job as a pretend Admiral yesterday afterall!
Eric Joyce MP deserves a knighthood according to some MPs
I was given a piece of information today from a very reliable source at Stockport College. Apparently, and this is not idle gossip or internet chatter, members of ‘The Community’ are assembling in their place of worship near Asda on Saturday and I will quote “If ‘they’ throw as much as a coin in the direction of the place of worship we will storm out and confront them”. It is said that member of The Community are going to smuggle weapons into their place of worship in case they are needed. Let’s hope the police have plenty of resources on the ground in Hyde this coming Saturday.
After the, vastly predominantly, black riots in New London last year, the Sikhs were stood outside their temples waving swords and daggers about, supposedly defending their 'communities'. The pile of traitorous excrement that now passes for the upper echelons of the Metropolitan Police sent the word out, 'Do NOT arrest anyone.' As we all know there's no such thing as a black racist, so there must also be no such thing as an Asian vigilante.
If this is the case TC, and the groups intending to come to Hyde on Saturday are just A group of Englishmen wishing to protest in an English town against extremism in the local immigrant community as you claim above, and only desire a peaceful protest, then there should be no problem for anyone, regardless of colour or creed.
They aren't equivalents unless you're pro multiculturalism or the Islamification of Britain.
Moshe Pitt, all it takes is a single spark to ignite tinder dry scrubland, all it could take to trigger a catastrophe in Hyde is a single spark by a young hot-head from any community and all hell could let loose. The people of Hyde are within their rights to demonstrate against anti-white racist attacks just as the local ethnic community have the right to protect their places of worship should they feel threatened. If the police have done their homework disorder should be avoided. Forewarned is forearmed.
I agree totally with this sentiment; The people of Hyde are within their rights to demonstrate against anti-white racist attacks just as the local ethnic community have the right to protect their places of worship should they feel threatened.
This also illustrates the main difficulty I have with the situation. Those travelling to Hyde are most emphatically NOT 'the people of Hyde', more one half of what has become a travelling circus that has little to do with either the local area or some poor lad getting a beating.
The people coming from the outside to protest are a substitute for the local, gutless zombies who will do NOTHING about attacks like this. These two groups aren't equivalents unless you're a supporter of multiculturalism.
If the local people are 'gutless zombies', what part exactly do you, as a local person, plan to play in the weekend's events?
I'm keeping out of the whole thing. Something should have been organised earlier, by proper Nationalists and not a load of Hebrew-worshipping sycophants and football casuals.
Beside which I have a policy of never fighting unarmed against swords, in the past I have fought my mates who were sword-armed with fighting sticks and various gardening implements but never unarmed.
Fighting y'say?
What's all this talk of fighting, we'll have no trouble here!
It is just going to be a peaceful protest, have you not heard?
Hyde is a town on it's arse, like many round these parts. Does anyone think any local traders will be sending messages of thanks for the loss of a day's takings thanks to the great White saviours or their UAF counterparts?
You should arm yourself with a rake and a flymo and show these upstarts some proper garden ninja skills, SerpentSlayer; seems a shame not to use your training...
Anonymous 15:46, more than you fencesitter, even though I don't support the EDL it's better than doing nothing. Are you going?
Mr Pitt, what's your view on the ongoing Islamification of Britain, or are you only concerned about the avoidance of disruption and violence?
Rakes, proper metal ones have a good reach and shouldn't be sniffed at if you need something to hand.
You could put a skull in with one of those if you had to.
We were teenagers without much cash, most of the weapons we played war with were improvised.
We moved onto Japanese martial arts stuff later on though, I'm still the only one of my mates that can use nunchaku, I've always had a knack for using weapons, don't know why.
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