Greater Manchester Police's chief constable says he may seek to ban a march by the English Defence League (EDL) over fears it could spark unrest.
Peter Fahy is to meet Tameside councillors to discuss whether to apply for a Home Office ban for Saturday's proposed march in Hyde.
The protest follows an attack on Daniel Stringer-Prince who suffered a broken eye socket and fractured skull.
The EDL said the march was a national protest against extremism.
Mr Stringer-Price and a friend were attacked by a gang of Asian youths in Market Street on 4 February.
A statement on the EDL website said: "Our reason for demonstrating in Hyde is not to further divide communities or win support for racial politics.
"That is why we wish to make it abundantly clear that the British National Party, or any other group with a history of racial politics or racist ideas, will not be welcome at our demonstration.
"Our reason for demonstrating in Hyde is to protest about the government, the media and the Muslim community's continued inaction in the face of violent extremism and intolerance." BBC News
They're a funny bunch, aren't they strongly pro-Zionist?
I believe so, which is consistent with their anti-Islamic stance.
Take away shop in Hyde recently had their windows smashed, had a sign in the window saying "no white bastards"
I seem to recall Cllr John Taylor showing support for the EDL when they first started.
I think he got excited about seeing the Israeli flag at their demos.
That was quick Roy. I'm staying well clear of the EDs myself.
Unkless Nick turns up to that demo and the EDL REALLY don't like him being there, I can't see any immediate solution to our problems.
Stand for who you want Roy how many hundred votes to you think you will be behind Mr Wild, my best guess around 1,300
lost again 20/02/2012 18:18
You maybe interested to know, that I'm using this picture of Brian Wild on a leaflet saying "hiding behind the mask of respectability"
Don't worry Roy. We've got it boxed off with postal votes.
Oh I know that, I've stood since 2007 I know the score.
But I'll be there again getting under their skin.
Winning the right to attend the Dukinfield DA was very important to me.
In the FACE of intimidation from that police inspector from Stalybridge.
How much you want to bet that John Taylor does not turn up?
Hold on a minute. If they want to ban this march against extremists does that mean they do so because they believe the extremists have a right to be extreme?
EDL is a zionist force motivated by hate against Muslims.
Says who? At least they are doing something to stop the Islamification of Britain - what are you doing to prevent it? Look here, it is not the Jews who are colonising our country, raping our daughters, beating our sons and making bogus insurance claims for a living. Don't go chasing historical shadows, ask yourself who us the real threat to our long term survival.
Yet they are behind it, the whole thing.
The Jews want to plunge us all into a war in the middle east.
You are clueless. If the Muzzies hate anyone more than us it is the Jews. Why would the Jews be behind it when they have most to lose if Britain falls to Islam?
The Jews gain through war and the victims of war. They murder, force people off their land, kill children.
The Muslims in Hyde are Pakis not Palestinians. Massive difference.
I am not talking about war. You claim the Jews are behind the Islamification of Britain. Why would they wish to Islamify a major industrial power with a nuclear aresenal? It makes no sense for the Jews to be behind the Islamification of Britain as they would have most to lose. Now explain yourself in plain English please.
I am not talking about war. You claim the Jews are behind the Islamification of Britain. Why would they wish to Islamify a major industrial power with a nuclear aresenal? It makes no sense for the Jews to be behind the Islamification of Britain as they would have most to lose. Now explain yourself in plain English please.
The Jews have been thrown out of every nation in Europe. Why? because they enslave people.
They are motivated by money and greed. They kill children in Palestine, bulldoze their homes.
Don't expect me to be fan of the Jews.
We must not say anything bad about the Jews treatment of Palestinians.
Its interesting fact that the assailants were driven off, the ambulance was called and the young man was accompanied to hospital by an Asian taxi driver. Its interesting as it will be the first time that most of you discovered this fact.
Its also interesting that the window sign commented above never did exist and is just a photoshop job done by a knuckle dragger.
Its interesting that there is a recent trend of the EDL and other apple barrel dwellers to jump on this type of band waggon
Lastly, and to complete your education, the Muslims you refer to as being from Pakistan are actually from Bangladesh.
Nobody is asking you to be a fan of the Jews but you made an outrageous statement now back it up. In what way would the Jews benefit from promoting the Islamification of a nuclear armed major industrial power? It is a lose lose scenario for them. They would lose the banks and politicians they control and risk being wiped out in a nuclear holocaust. Now come on wise guy, explain yourself.
The edl are not going to Hyde to protest against anti-white attacks.
They are Zionist sent, to cause violence in our communities.
Pakistanis/Bangladeshis/Kashmiries, they all lack the culture and finesse of the Persians who are also Muslim but respectable and in their own countries not in other peoples milking them dry.
There's good and bad in all races.
The EDL is a Zionist force sent into these areas to stir up trouble.
Zionists are behind all wars and conflicts in the world.
So basically what you are saying is you cannot backup your stupid claim that the Jews are behind the Islamification of Britain? The moral of the story is, if you do not fully understand the nature of the beast don’t bother commenting and making yourself look daft.
Jews are most certainly behind the Islamification of Europe, along with placing the world in great peril by killing Palestinian chlidren in their beds. Causing great anger amongst Muslims by killing their brothers in the Palestinians home lands.
What a ludicrous claim. Tell us all what would the Jews have to gain from arming their worst enemies ie, the Muslims? There is no sense in what you are saying.
The family of Trainee baker Daniel Stringer-Prince who suffered serious injuries after a suspected race attack in Hyde have pleaded for a march by the English Defence League (EDL) not to go ahead...
The Jews want to destroy the white race, and that means by any method.
The Jews would be committing collective suicide by Islamifying Europe. Could you imagine the Mullahs in control of Germanys manufacturing might, Frances independent nuclear deterrent and Britain’s banking system? You are barking up the wrong tree pal. The real enemies of Europe are the Marxists masquerading as liberals. These are the real culprits encouraging the Islamification of Europe.
Why not let the EDL go ahead with the 'Protest March'? Hyde's Asian community are ALL a bunch of Racist's themselve's! I remember a few year's ago ME amd my mate were cycling through the Asian Community doing NO HARM what's so ever to anybody just minding our own business and we got this large group of Asian men all shouting "White Bastads Fuck off Get Out of our Neighbourhood" etc etc.. F***N Prick's! It seems to ME that WHITE people are affraid to give out "Racist" gestures back... WHY???
will the EDL/Jewish groups March be led by J.Reynolds and A Gwynne ?
Who can fully understand the Jewish mind. They even killed Jesus. The bastards. They think nothing of killing children in their beds.
The family has been got at by those entrusted to provide us with security. The same thing happens to all White victims and their families in these situations. When Gavin Hopley was murdered in by Pakistani Muslims this time ten years ago his family were suppressed into silence by the dark forces of the internal security apparatus.
Zionists hate Muslims. The EDL is Zionist controlled. They are not going to Hyde to stand up for English people. You bunch of fucking morons.
Will you get this into your vacuous mind. The Jews have nothing to gain by pushing ahead with the Islamification of Europe. Stop rambling about them killing children in their beds and back up your ludicrous claims with reasoned argument.
But they do kill children in their beds.
So do Americans and Brits in Afghanistan. Now are you going to admit you were wrong in claiming that the Jews are trying Islamify Europe?
The Jews and murder go hand in hand.
Point proven, no reasoned argument just empty rhetoric and half backed theories. Goodnight loser.
Are you edl Jewish division? of corse it's not JEWS behind it.
Israel kills Palestinian
edl zionists to the rescue of the white race.
English Defence League Jewish Division - Pro Israeli Demo Israeli Embassy, London 24 10 10.
Moron skinheads controlled by Zionists
EDL Halifax division flaying a israel flag at Palestine Festival.
They are never there to support English people.
Jews hate Muslims, answer create a street movement and call it the English Defence League. Simples!
The point has not been proven. Just not explained well enough.
It is obvious to all students of history that as our people flocked to the big cities during the industrial revolution, that life has been increasingly ruled by credit. all peoples are in debt in some way or another, whether paying off a mortgage, business loan or acummulating a soaring national debt.
In human history there have always been those who are happy to take advantage of others. It just so happens that historically and presently that niche seems to be filled mostly by Jews.
Jews have a prolific history in the manipulation of credit and the application of usury. Many of the famous 'victimisations' of the Jews have been instigated by angry kings and princes who could not repay their heavily-inflated debts.
Today, little has changed. The banks are still largely Jewish ran. This would be merely curious if it were not for the extensive participation of the Jewish people in the genesis and spread of Marxism and it's offshoot cultural Marxism.
The Jews are overrepresented in every policy, opinion and wealth creating industry. Is this a coincidence?
I think not. The genocide of the white race through our gradual displacement is part and parcel of the control mechanism emplaced upon the world.
To answer the original point of the use of Islam to control white nations. Historically islam and Christianity have been in conflict with each other, the peoples of Europe and the Arabs had no other quabble.
It is my firm belief that the abrahamic religions are all created if not merely used by a subsection of the Jewish people to perpetuate conflict between their neighbours. Wars can be profited from and each can be used to destroy threats to the balance of power.
Currently the Muslims are used as an expedient, they reproduce quickly and are aggressive towards their hosts, a very useful tool to scare a people into submission. It is my belief that the Muslims used to colonise Europe will never pose a threat to world Jewry, or at least world Jewry believe it so.
I made a post earlier this month about the reason for the destrcution fot he white race. If it answers not your questions then feel free to ask me by any online means.
Anoymous 19:52, what do you make of the last government's official statistics that the Islamic population of Britain grew ten times faster than any other group between 2004 - 2008. What is the significance of the actions of one Asian taxi driver in the face of the facts that Britain is being increasingly Islamified.
Anonymous 20:17, and who founded Marxism and Communism? Tell us seeing as everyone else is so stupid. Tell us which demographic group controls US politics, TV, the internet and large parts of the entertainment industry and also global finance, while you're at it. No US President has ever, or could ever, win without their support. I'll give you a clue, their homeland is in the middle east, they've undisputably already got illegal nuclear weapons but for some reason the media virtually never mention it.
As for the Muslims 'taking over' the German manufacturing industry, that will never happen, Germans built it, not backwards alien cults. All they can do is spread ignorance and destroy.
So hopefully the edl morons will stay away from Hyde?
Six letters beginning with I
It's not the Jews is it? I'm shocked.
Anonymous 20:17, 'The real enemies of Europe are the Marxists maquerading as liberals.'
Marxism was created by Jewish intellectuals you cretin.
all these street movements are just moronic.
The founders of Soviet Communism and instigators of the Russian revolution were predominantly Jewish. The money to fund it came guessed it.
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