I recently made what could well be a winner if entered into a competition known as The Worlds Most Boring Video Contest. I am not sure if such a competition exists, but this video to most people would be a likely winning contender if such a competition did exist and it was entered.
The video drones on for just over 30 minutes. The footage is poor due to low quality video equipment and no attempts at editing have been made. It literally is just a walk around the proposed site of an enormous Casey Group housing development planned for the area. Do bear in mind this was filmed in the middle of winter on probably the dreariest day of the year. During spring and summer when the trees have leaves this area is transformed into a vast forest which is home to all different types of wildlife.
I made this video so people can see what Stalybridge and the Borough of Tameside is on the verge losing. The film was made on and around the site of the former Hartshead Power Station, a site which was once industrial but is now in the process of being reclaimed by nature.
Plans have been submitted to build 200+ new homes on the site. A nice corporate propaganda website has been set up to promote the scheme. If approved and this piece of wonderful wilderness is lost to be replaced by yet another bland residential development I will be most upset. Do any other TC readers have any opinions on the proposals for this site or am I just being selfish in wanting it to remain as it is or would redevelopment be the best thing in this case?
The newspaper cuttings above (click to enlarge) are taken from this weeks edition of the Tameside Advertiser and are relevant in relation to this issue.
Please, no boring BNP bickering here - thank you!
This house building bonanza in the borough and nationwide is just starting. It is driven by our exploding population in what is already one of the most densely populated countries in the world (330% more populated than France for example).
If it isn't stopped every piece of brownfield will be built on, then the search for other space will start. Green Belt will come under increasing pressure, our glorious countryside will be gradually submerged by urban sprawl.
The driving force behind this population explosion is mass immigration and the massively higher immigrant birth rate. Afro-Caribbeans, Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims, Indians and certain Eastern Europeans account for the vast majority of the burgeoning fertility rate. For example, according to the last government's own figures the Islamic population of Britain grew ten times faster than any other group between 2004 - 2008.
Strangely whenever 'experts' discuss the housing/population crisis in the media they neglect to mention the 'elephant in the room' that is the cause of this insane and unsustainable population rise, mass immigration. It's an umentionable subject in the spineless media/establishment bloc. They caused it by their action or inaction and don't have the guts or will to deal with it. The increasingly inferior, apathetic, gutless and moronic British people let them do it and as this is still a democracy it is the people who are ultimately responsible.
In the corridors of power and influence the subject of mass immigration has become, as Private Frazer in Dad's Army would have said, 'A thing I dinna care to talk about.'
British people want to move to places like Tameside from places like Oldham, Longsight, Openshaw, Levenshulme, Moss Side etc etc. That's what's driving the housing demand in the Borough, think how many residential developments have been built in the last ten years putting ever greater strain on our infratructure, road network, schools, hospitals etc, causing overcrowding and reducing the quality of life for Tamesiders. Do Labour ever intervene meaningfully to turn these developments down? The truth is they do as they please because they know they'll be re-elected by the signed up dross and allowed to get away with it by the ignorant, uncaring and disinterested majority.
I'll be interested to see the population in Tameside when the census results come out.
The most striking thing is how few people responded, either for or against. Apathy is fast becoming endemic in this country.
Private developments like this (of the kind mainly whites can afford)shouldn't represent any kind of demographic threat to Tameside. When cheap social housing starts being thrown up is the time to get worried, when your burkha mums with 5 kids and African 'refugees' stand at the front of the queue. Then white flight starts to kick in and you're on course to joining the likes of Bradford or Peckham. Until then I'll gladly accept the slight loss of land for the infusion of more native white blood into the local population (so long as it's decent).
No black area exists in the country where there isn't a high crime rate, and the muzzies are not exactly renowned for harmonious co-existence with the kuffar. Land going to private housing is land out of reach for future social housing, and that means less multi-culturalism and a safer environment for all of us.
All this building on greenbelt land is a direct consequence of mass immigration, every square inch of land is now vunerable. My old school Two Trees Sports College is soon to be demolished to make way for yet more houses. Most of the people buying these new properties will be 'white-flighters' from places like Levenshulme, Cheetham Hill etc, fleeing the effects of massive third world immigration such as: mosques; high levels of violent crime; feeling like a foreigner in your own country; blaring music from cars; arrogant kids with chips on their shoulders because of what they are told about slavery at school; your wife/girlfriend being looked at by lecherous males as if she is a piece of meat; seeing the neighbourhood slowly but surely taken over by newcomers; uninsured drivers on every street; hearing the call to prayers; seeing your own kids becoming a small minority in the school; corrupt elections; hearing every language but English; organised drug dealing; the foul stench of curry and massive child grooming of young girls.
This is the paradise the Liberals have created for us, but isn't it funny how they are so reluctant to live in the affected areas.
Excellent post NCB, you make good posts often but that was absolutely spot on.
This island can comfortably home 30 million English and Celtic peoples and allow them to lead healthy lives.
Instead of healthy sized towns and villages with functioning communities and an amount of self reliance we have shitty tower blocks and slumlike houses cramped into tarmacked, fume filled cesspits that would make the earth goddess cry if she had any tears to shed.
Northern Europe is a beautiful land enslaved to globalism and its demands on people and on the environment.
I think that the Lord of the rings offers an excellent allegory in the characters of Saruman the White and Grima Wormtongue who destroy vast tracts of forests and the spirits within in order to curry favour with the dark forces and to build a ghastly brown skinned army of orcs designed to wipe out humanity.
Briliant post SS, NCB and Evil Personified. We moved from Victoria Park to Droylsden to escape everything you describe.
Brilliance indeed!
Baseless conjecture, tired and meaningless old reactionary cliche followed by Lord of the Fvcking Rings?
Is it still the 1970s?
No wonder you lot are a spent force...
Thus sprach true nationalist wisdom:
SerpentSlayer, 17/12/11:
This topic has reinvigorated my love of bird watching. I find Ashton precinct to be a good spot, between three-thirty and around five o'clock on weekdays.
Was better when I was at college but I'm not too old for juvenile pursuits.
NCB, 31/12/11:
your wife/girlfriend being looked at by lecherous males as if she is a piece of meat
Mr Moorlock,
Try living in Brixton for a months and you'll know exactly what ncb is refering to. Makes your skin crawl!
Brixton y'say...
Whereabouts in Tameside would that be?
You know what else should make the skin crawl?
SerpentSlayer's self professed love of perving at young girls - who else is out and about in Ashton to be looked at by social inadequates between 330 and 5, apart from schoolgirls and college kids?
If he were a Labour councillor, Hall and West would be out with pitchforks, flaming torches and FOI requests...
Well said, SerpentSlayer is the creepiest, weirdest social inadequate you could ever have the misfortune to bump in to. He is autistic and makes everybody's skin crawl.
The people defending the insanity which forced us to leave Victoria Park must really have no idea what it is like when immigrants completely take over the place you call home. They are not the nice people they are portrayed to be on soap operas. They are aggressive and opportunistic and they can turn the place you love into a mirror image of their own country in less than a decade. Our family welcomed the first immigrants back in the 1970’s but when we were forced to leave we cursed the day they ever arrived. It has destroyed our lives, Droylsden is ok but it is not home. Dennison Road was our home and we were forced out and when ever we try and tell our story we are told it is racist that is why I will always vote UKIP or BNP. They are the only ones who care about our plight and the rest do not give a damn.
A green belt or greenbelt is a policy and land use designation used in land use planning to retain areas of largely undeveloped, wild, or agricultural land surrounding or neighbouring urban areas. Similar concepts are greenways or green wedges which have a linear character and may run through an urban area instead of around it. In essence, a green belt is an invisible line encircling a certain area, preventing development of the area allowing wildlife to return and be established.
The stated objectives of green belt policy are to:
Protect natural or semi-natural environments;
Improve air quality within urban areas;
Ensure that urban dwellers have access to countryside, with consequent educational and recreational opportunities; and
Protect the unique character of rural communities that might otherwise be absorbed by expanding suburbs.
The green belt has many benefits for people:
Walking, camping, and biking areas close to the cities and towns.
Contiguous habitat network for wild plants, animals and wildlife.
Cleaner air and water
Better land use of areas within the bordering cities.
The effectiveness of green belts differs depending on location and country. They can often be eroded by urban rural fringe uses and sometimes, development 'jumps' over the green belt area, resulting in the creation of "satellite towns" which, although separated from the city by green belt, function more like suburbs than independent communities.
You bet your bottom dollar the Labour Mafia stand to benefit.
The CAUSE of housing demand is overwhelmingly mass immigration and the exploding immigrant birth rates from the particular communities described.
Whether it's social housing or people fleeing from 'enriched' areas to less enriched ones and causing private housing to be built there (as in Tameside), the results are the same: Overcrowding, strain on the local infrastructure, destruction of space and greenspace and a genrally more unpleasant, oppressive lifestyle for the existing residents.
All these people, be they foreigners or Brits have got to live somewhere. Look at the massive increase in 'garden sheds' in areas like Slough, in reality they are brick shacks housing families of immigrants, being rented out by, mostly, foreign slum landlords. No Council Tax or anything else is paid and the spineless local authorities turn a blind eye.
Put yourself in the shoes of someone in their 70s who has always lived there, they must wonder what the f**k has happened to the area they were born and brought up in.
Manta, tell us specifically which parts of the arguments posted you disagree with and why, supplying also your reasoned counter arguments.
'Brixton y'say, whereabouts in Tameside is that?'
Norbury Street, Whiteacres Road etc and expanding all the time. Try a couple of miles west of Tameside's western boundary and heading this way, as well.
Hopefully it will end in an ocean of bloodletting, as opposed to feminised liberal surrender.
Look at all these Arab Muslim states destroying themselves, the end result of the Islamic 'creed of breed'.
Massive numbers of young men, with no jobs to go to and no prospect of any because Islamic demographics have resulted in a vast youth population. All that inactivity plus testosterone plus cultures that don't create jobs, progress and development equals what we see happening now. They aren't fighting for democracy, they've never had or wanted it in these countries/cultures and wouldn't know what to do with it. Such thinking is wilfully blind, western liberal dogma.
They were better off under their respective dictators, at least there was order.
The women in these countries should be particularly worried, they can vote and sometimes freely, for now.
Population of Egypt:
1971: 36 million.
2011: 82 million.
1971: 6.3 million.
2011: 23 million.
@evil personified
Perhaps "someone in their 70s" should look no further than their own generation and exactly who and what it is that they have all been voting for over the decades.
In fact aren't most Tameside voters Labour loyalists who are responsible for the fact that those in other areas are having to up-sticks and move house? The party they vote for has been more culpable than anyone in initiating 'white flight', so as far as I'm concerned the "more unpleasant, oppressive lifestyle for the existing residents" would simply be case of tough luck.
them in stalybridge voted for it so let them have it ? LOL and its not before time . hay it mite just wake them all up
The spectre of 1932. Thought provoking article.
Looking at college girls is creepy? I'm only 21 myself. Any bloke who doesnt like looking at fit college birds is suspect if you ask me.
I suppose if I was a lefty I wouldn't dare look at young women and nor would they look at me, but being a Nationalist (i.e a real man) I enjoy female attention.
If you want creepy you should look into the Labour parties rich backers and for that matter the creep you have as a leader.
Don't justify yourself to them SS. They attack you because they cannot defeat you with debate. They are the weirdos and everyone including themselves knows it.
I know but I always feel the need to set the record straight, they cannot argue with our policies or our cast iron ideology but they can twist our word and slander us.
I suppose they must use the pathetic and meagre stratagems they have available to them. They like to pretend they know you or at least know about you, if I was more a Christian I would mention the story about the devil following Jesus in the desert.
In truth they are more representative of the mythological giants or even Loki and Bolthorn (and his many shapes) they are a manifestation of the cosmos' need to test us and to spark us to improve. Think of any action film without the bad guys, you need somebody to get shot at and introduce mayhem and adventure into the otherwise dull world.
Labour leader Ed Miliband is welcoming in the new year with a resounding endorsement from his Westminster colleagues - by being compared favourably to Tory flop Iain Duncan Smith!
"the dreaded "Ed" question draws blank expressions and long silences. Labour backbenchers thrash around for reasons to be cheerful – and often struggle to find them. To have your leadership compared favourably with that of IDS, the self-styled "quiet man" who was embarrassingly out of his depth before being dumped by the Tories in 2003, is about as limp a compliment as it is possible to get in politics. A collective gloom has descended on many sections of the Labour movement"
The hapless goon has failed to provide the party with the charismatic guiding light it so badly needed following the disaster of Brown. Some 15 years on from the embarassing D:Ream fanfare, "things can only better" must be ringing once again in Labour earholes. 'Dukinfield Views' was crowing several months back about defections to Labour and the rosy prospects for the party's future, but he's been somewhat muted of late.
The latest poll ratings show Ed Miliband's ratings are 15 points behind David cameron despite their parties being neck and neck (the Potential Labour voters clearly want even more ruinous debt, mass immigration, chronic incompetence etc, or are too thick to know better).
Mr Miliband's appalling performance so far and his abysmal ratings (even worse than Gordon Brown's lowest ever recorded score) come despite the 'hated Tories' being in and the dire economic circumstances. Fully emphasising the catastrophic 'leadership' of Ed Miliband, who is obviously (he hasn't even got the nous or ability to hide it), simply a Marxist intellectual with all the public appeal of a dead rat lying in a pile of cold vomit.
Correct. You need to be lucky in your enemies.
Thatcher had Michael Foot, Neil Kinnock, Galtieri and Scargill.
Blair had William Hague and Iain Duncan Smith.
Cameron's got this loser with a capital L.
But then in the talent free wasteland that is New Labour (Blair's project, and he's gone) who else is there?
Blair allowed a culture of promotion based on infighting and political correctness, allowing the rubbish, i.e no opposition to him, to rise to the top. In ancient Greece this was known as a kakistocracy: 'Government under the control of a nation's worst or least-qualified citizens.'
Ideologically speaking Labour has been flailing since Blair's exit. His 'New Labour' project turned out to be a bit of an empty vessel and neither Brown nor Miliband have reinvigorated the Labour movement was any real sense of direction.
Their problem is (like the cons and libs) they occupy a political no man's land (aka 'The Centre Ground') where policies are wrapped up in cotton wool to appeal to the public's softer instincts. From out of this pallid mush each attempts to pull out the most distinctive of bland uniforms, and at present Cameron is coming out on top - New Labour styling with a slightly harder-edged Tory rhetoric.
Blair had the easy task of contrasting 'New Labour' against Thatcherism. But times have moved on and the old class prejudices are withering, leaving Miliband and the likes in limbo. Frightened of embracing the far-left and only willing to engage in mild criticism of Blairism they've nowhere left to go. They know the Tories are closer to public opinion on issues like immigration and crime, which only leaves the usual menu of the economy and public spending (*yawn*).
The reality is all three of the main parties are taking this country and its people in the same direction, with there being only the minor arguments and bickering over the when and the how. Neither Miliband nor anyone else Labour is going to pull out of the sack anything truly earth-shattering to set the party apart from the rest, including the creepy and shifty-eyed Ed Balls and his wife Yvette who are waiting in the wings.
Ed Balls is possibly the only person in the UK with LESS public appeal than Ed Miliband (OK, Ian Brady as well). Yet he's being touted as the main contender. It's patently obvious he's a pathologically self-seeking, no-talent, who was in the highest echelons of the treasury when the spending splurge that nearly ruined Britain was at its peak. Which demonstrates what a directionless husk New labour is without its creator, Tony Blair.
please, no boring leftwing crap here . THANK YOU
The Hartshead site reminds me of the site of the former Huncoat power station, that too became redundant in the 1980's. The land was cleared and nature has reclaimed both the sites of the power station itself and the railway coal sidings that supplied it. What is actually wrong with leaving the site as a wilderness?
I have been up there today. I never knew it existed until I read it here. It is fantastic, especially the classic LNWR goods warehouse. the whole site should be left as it is. It could become the machu picchu of Tameside if left undisturbed. In centuries to come archaeologists will look upon the abandoned remains in amazement.
Isn't it nice on this blog without West and Hall. Now that they seem to have gone for good, why don't we all get together, my good friend Sandra included, and crack open a bottle of vintage champagne and toast the New Year? It's great when you have two reasons to celebrate.
The Dukinfield pest has been the old chokey for the last few days for fighting with neighbours and the Denton pest has disappeared without a trace.
Hall isn't a pest, you just don't like his persistence and exposure of some of the Labour Mafias shenanigans. As for West, why mention him if he's not posting.
Anyone who annoys the unrecycled, corrupt, cheating garbage (elected and otherwise) in the Wellington Streeet dustbin's alright by me.
February 7th, Oldham Magistrate's Court. I doubt if either West or Taylor (who must have assumed West would bottle it and plead guilty) are looking forward to that date. West might get a fine or similar if he's found guilty but won't really be any worse off. Taylor runs the risk of having some of the 'tactics' he's used in the past being exposed under oath and has a lot farther to fall.
I think they'd be better leaving it alone and as it is. Does Stalybridge really need another development of those truly awful new rabbit hutch houses?
For illustrative purposes, contrasting uses for former power station sites have been a retail park in the case of Whitebirk and the Shuttleworth Mead business park is now on the site of the former Padiham power station.
Re Taylor, I think he's had some sort of pressure put on him to do something about West. Where the pressure's come from and who by is difficult to say but anyone who knows the events in this ward over the last few years knows they have sullied local politics. If the local Labour friendly rags had reported it all in an even handed way the Dukinfield ward's name would be mud.
Tomorrow, Tuesday 3rd of January, one of the most important elections in the history of the world will take place when the Republican Candidates make their first pitch to lead their party into the American equivalent of our General Election.
Although the vote that takes place, in what is known as the Iowa caucus, is just the start of a six month run-up to the 2012 American Presidential 2012 elections, it is the most important, as it will be a good indicator as to which Republican candidate will be officially nominated to lead the Republican Party into the election.
Ron Paul, a truly patriotic Republican candidate, understands exactly how the world works, which is why the NWO media are saying so little about him.Ron Paul is totally opposed to the planned wars against Syria and Iran and has been an outspoken critic of most of America's foreign so called interventions in the past.
Now there is little we can do in this country to affect the results tomorrow in Iowa but the least we can do is pray for a Ron Paul victory, because I truly believe he is Americas and the worlds last hope for a peaceful solution to all our problems.
Now then, you must and I mean MUST watch the following video.
You must watch it for two reasons.
The first is because it provides information on the activities of the anti-American "elite" and secondly because it contains one of the greatest political campaign songs I have ever listened to.
It is by Aimee Allen singing "Ron Paul Revolution" and the lyrics really do say it all about America and who runs a country that is in as big a mess as our country. Please, please watch it in full.
Once you have watched the video why not go take a look at the Ron Paul Restore America site.
Ron Paul Revolution
TMBC said...
Isn't it nice on this blog without West and Hall. Now that they seem to have gone for good.
So wrong again like your other Anons.
Still reading the TC Labour dross
which never fails to make me chuckle.
Still reviewing my archives and trawling more new Tameside info.
Why not disclose your real name and allow me to expose all the
secrets from simply another phantom bullshitter.
Seeing it never does take me very long to open any Labour Pandora`s box,just offer your details from your hidey hole empty vessel and lets all know your secrets.
Don't push your luck Hall we were praying we had seen the back of you.
@Roy West
Joan Taylor must surely be arguing that she didn't know who lived in your property and was just out canvassing, otherwise it would in fact look like she had gone to your house to harass you knowing that you lived there. Given the history between you and her husband any such claim by her would be just laughable, and I'm sure your version would come over as more convincing.
As for your leaflets calling Labour councillors corrupt, that depends. Refer to Labour councillors in general as corrupt and you might get away with it. But level the accusation at someone in particular who you publicly name and you could be in a spot of bother. Without evidence to support the allegation that's libel. Presumably though, your solicitor has told you all this.
Brenda said...
Don't push your luck Hall we were praying we had seen the back of you.
Don`t push your luck seems like a threat Brenda.??
As regards pathetic types like yourself I have no problems whatsoever proving what shysters you and your close Tameside Politicians are.
Re praying Brenda that`s the New Years best funny to start 2012.
"Political corruption is the use of legislated powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain. Misuse of government power for other purposes, such as repression of political opponents and general police brutality, is not considered political corruption. Neither are illegal acts by private persons or corporations not directly involved with the government. An illegal act by an officeholder constitutes political corruption only if the act is directly related to their official duties, is done under color of law or involves trading in influence.
Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, graft, and embezzlement. Corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and human trafficking, though is not restricted to these activities."
What is your definition of a nasty, violent, man?
What is the definition of political thuggery?
Difficult to see how the Taylor/West court case is going to be de-politicised when politics are so intrinsically interwoven within it.
The Clerk of the court will have his hands full advising the magistrates on the potential complexities and ramifications. After all Mr Taylor is avowed anti-BNP, and an 'anti-fascist' going back decades, and also the self-confessed local liaison with Searchlight/UAF. No doubt Mr West's solicitor will try and make full capitol out of these undisputed facts. It would be very different if similar incidents had happened between them and Mr West was a member of say, the Green Party.
In that illegal-parking clip Wild looks like he's clutching a bottle of plonk. He looks like he doesn't know what time of day it is, but then again most times you see he looks like he's had one too many.
I was in Wetherspoons in Hyde one friday night a few months back. He was stood beside me at the bar looking sozzled, and tried taking my pint of IPA that had just been pulled for me (no kidding) before the barman intervened. A while later he was wandering around the Bike 'n Hound looking lost. Wish I'd have got that on film.
That was the night of the Proms in Hyde park - remember that Brian? I think he must have got bored and wandered down into the town centre, I only wonder if he managed to make his way back home.
Anyone who looks at the facts will see The Pest has been waging a stalking war against his ward councillors for the last three years. When he is found guilty I hope the court gives him a 12 month jail term which he deserves.
If you think Taylor's a lillywhite victim of persecution by an individual you're as ignorant of the facts as you appear.
02/01/2012 23:10
Not allowed to film them, you then open yourself to being assaulted.
And then, you'll get a visit from the police telling you that, the police don't arrest people anymore.
Like they did with me.......
As he walked into Strangeways you hear a pin drop. The whole prison was in silence as the notorious racist from Dukinfield was lead to his cell. The hundreds of black and asian inmates looking on then planned their next move and were eager to discuss matters with the racist when he was relesed into the general prison population the next morning.........to be continued
@lambs to the slaughter
and that post you just made is far more serious than any transgression West has made with alleged 'stalking'. That is incitement to violence, and shows once again that the left are the real thugs, and that far right groups like Redwatch who believe in direct action do indeed have moral justification.
What do you expect for your money? that is what the Taylor thugs are like.
A guy in his 80's from Mossley came up to me in the Caledonian, Ashton today.
Knew the now Deputy thug leader when he was a market trader.
The old guy told me about the bottles of whiskey.
And you think you are going to get justice. The Stephen Lawrence two have just been convicted at their third trial. They will never see the light of day again yet they are innocent. When a corrupt establishment wants to nail you they will do what ever it takes.
The fact remains that whether you are innocent or guilty, it matters not a jot. The state will get you in the end if it wants to.
I have seen myself cases of innocent people being set up by the establishment. Those that were 'likely to be guilty' helped along by fabricated evidence false confessions etc. Add that to the (even suspicion of) Rascism, which can only it seems be applied to whites against nonwhites and you have a recipe for disaster and two fingers to British justice.
I remember Nick Griffin rightly saying.'British Justice is the best money can buy.'
The arrogance of John Taylor is staggering to say the least, i think he's going to get a shock when having to reply to questions in court, about his violence and conduct.
This will long be remembered as the day British justice died:
Now, here's a good one. The judge in the Stephen Lawrence murder trial told potential jurors that they must approach the evidence 'with a clean slate'. That is, not be inclined to prejudge the issue as a consequence of having been assured, repeatedly, for the last twelve years, by the entire press, that the men accused are disgusting racist bastards and definitely guilty. Judge Treacy might as well have told the jurors that they must approach the case 'by eating fifteen Jacobs cream crackers, without any water or other emolument, inside one minute'. The case is a charade, and a vindictive charade at that.
A few years ago two of the men not now facing a retrial were sentenced to eighteen months in prison for having thrown an empty paper cup in the direction of a black policeman. Eighteen months! But of course they were not sentenced to eighteen months for having thrown an empty paper cup in the direction of a police officer, they were sentenced to eighteen months for the crime of having not been found guilty of the murder of Stephen Lawrence.
I don't think that they are very nice people. So I suppose it's ok that we invent a new system of justice to ensure they get banged up.
The administration of justice is the firmest pillar of government.
Who feels comfortable about repeating trials over and over until the desired outcome is tenuously reached?
Its taken 18 years, millions pf £££ and a change in an 800 yrs old British law to get this highly dubious verdict.
A newspaper report said that he died from a single knife wound. Can two people inflict one wound?
His parents have made a small fortune and we have the whole Carnival to look forward to for weeks to come. Besides the money and promise of books to be published....if this Britain - loving family love it so much, why did they bury him in Jamaica? Do thery fear grave molestation by the tolerant and placid British?
These men have been tried before for this murder and won their freedom. How can they have had a fair trial when the whole farce has been publicised for 18 years, their characters relentlessly assassinated and besmirched, box loads of money spent on getting flimsy evidence to fit the crime ,,,,,,and hundreds of physical and other attacks on them by do-gooders and monkeys?
Apart from that, what kind of legislators change the 800 yrs old law of Doublle Jeopardy in order to get a jumped up verdict for the murder of a pseudo negro? As far as Im concerned British Law is no longer British. Also, this farce went a long way to making every white man in the country liable for even looking at a black. It also went a long way to making us fourth class citizens in our own country owing to the 'Positive Discrimination' Act which was voted for by MPs who fleeced the publics pockets in the form of 'Expenses'. I hope they rot in Hell!
To make matters worse, its obvious we are going to be 'entertained' blow by blow as they fit up these condemned mens friends who were reputedly also at the scene of the murder - although I have my own description of the event.
My main point is that if the Authorities are so jamned up with the murder of one black, whilst relatively ignoring the more atrocious murders and rapes of white people and the consequent life-long distress of their families, what have the white people of Britain got to look forward to? How much longer do we have to grin and bear the thought of the oblivion of the white British race without opposing it with all our strength? Mark my word - the whole white British race is not looking at a favourable future.
We have to make sure that the brainwashed youth of Britain are made fully aware of what they are facing due to their own folly and intake of falsehoods.
"Anyone who looks at the facts will see The Pest has been waging a stalking war against his ward councillors for the last three years. When he is found guilty I hope the court gives him a 12 month jail term which he deserves"
'Jail the pest' you shouldn't make accusations so lightly. Roy is innocent until the court reinterprets the facts to find him guilty.
You can't make accusations during a court case.
On Ron Paul, this man is the only hope for a free world of sovereign governments acting in their peoples interests and keeping peace with one another. He has my support.
Miliband is a flop, say Labour supporters as 80% rate his performance as average to very poor.
Time for TMBC and its Labour sycophants who kneel to this waste of space politician should get a grip on themselves.
lambs to the slaughter said...
As he walked into Strangeways you hear a pin drop. The whole prison was in silence as the notorious racist from Dukinfield was lead to his cell. The hundreds of black and asian inmates looking on then planned their next move and were eager to discuss matters with the racist when he was relesed into the general prison population the next morning.........to be continued
03/01/2012 13:34
The above post has been reported to the police for incitement.
We already have the IP address of the offender.
The honourable principles of the 'übermensch':
SerpentSlayer makes a post calling for John Taylor to be attacked in the street.
Incitement to violence?
No! He was just being 'whimsical'. TC deletes the post...
TonyDJ makes a post calling for individuals to engage in vigilante murder, he even recommends reference to 'The Anarchists Cookbook'.
Incitement to violence?
No! It was just a 'throwaway remark'. TC deletes the post...
'It's a fit up' posts describing the killing of a child as murder of a pseudo negro. Deleted, or even criticised? No! TC proudly leaves that one up...
Each and every one a shameful coward.
The last one was copy / pasted wholesale from storm front. Our hero evens lacks the wit to create his own rants.
Bollocks to justice the racist bastards have been lifed off. Every day of the rest of their miserable lives will be torture. A great day for humanity.
Lambs to the slaughter, why are you salivating at the thought of a violent attack by non-whites on a white person. Are you an anti-white racist.
Norsefire John Taylor supports UVF punishment beatings.
Big Prick or small one.
Norris and Dobson, would you say 'bollocks to justice' if someone killed your entire family with a meat cleaver and was then let off by a court case as politicised and corrupt as the Norris, Dobson one? With so many years of adverse publicity how CAN they have got a fair trial.
Lambs to the slaughter likes it when whitey 'gets what's coming to him/her'. The massively disproportionate black on white violent and sex crime rate particularly delights LTTS.
On FEB 2nd John Taylor will have the chance to justify his violence, incitement, smear methods, and the one rule system for Labour Mafia.
And really, his wife should not be assaulting folk on their doorstep.
And people have the right to film other people on their doorstep.
I wonder why the police/establishment/media have never displayed the same deranged zeal regarding the murder of those such as Gavin Hopley? And why in fact such incidents are deliberately played down.
The grossly disproportionate number of blacks involved in last year's riots seems to have attracted the same 'blind eye' approach from those in positions of power and influence.
Well why do you think that?
John tayor doz,nt have to justify anything its not him thats in court it mr west
The new CPS thinking on JUSTICE and the rule of law.
If Joan Taylor comes to your house knocks on the door, and starts shouting the odds at you.
You then film her, she is then perfectly in her right to assault.
These people are so arrogant and above the law.
Paul Hindley related to Myra - Hindley nationalist.
No one likes him in the group.
Paul pork pie hate. You should become a Solicitor you seem to know alot. In fact not very much.
Crank, that no one wanted in the local bnp.
Sorry "pork pie hat" Paul Hindley.
Taylor will be questioned in the witness box, about his role in the long tit for tat with West.
There's always two sides to every stroy in matters like this.
He can't just brush his part of the tit for tat under the carpet.
Mr Hindley you can't even do your own paper work for the elections.
So who in the hell is going to take on board, what you say about these matters in hand.
Now you think you are a solicitor.
I was talking to an old couple today in Dukinfield.
They told me "you'll never get them out" They started to talk about the postal votes, and the votes in the care homes.
So people do know what's going on.
The vast majority of people don't vote in local elections, or any election.
Labour have a massive vote start in Duki through the postal vote scam and care home votes scam.
Paul Hindley (nationalist)
If Taylor went to your neighbours making untrue allegations.
Telling folk via his website, that you were approaching children in the park. What reaction would stir you?
You are a strange kind of nationalist in my book. When you want to fight with everyone at the meeting.
Everything involving the bnp at the moment is a strange concept.
You see: I think it's because he's got his money now.
I remember the fund rasing event in Stockport.
A friend of mine pulled out some money to buy some drinks, ng said, that can go in the pot.
The Complete Works of
Its you on trail not him you muppet,and as for the other shit do you mean Bevs click ? all for one one for all.
No I mean all the group.
No one liked having to go get your signatures for the election.
And the fact that you are mentally I'll caused problems with-in the group.
I'm not going to waste my time on a joker like you, sorry solicitor Paul Hindley.
Its ovious i know a lot more about the workings of the court than you do? There will be a little meeting in a judges chamber between the procution and the defence solicator and that will determine your fate, and i can tell you now your FUCKED coz you,ve upset to many off the wrong people. AS MY MATE DID
And that's your take on the workings of JUSTICE?
You can't even stand for the bnp with-out someone going round to fill out your paper work for you.
You can't even turn up to a bnp meeting with-out wanting to fight people.
Your mentally I'll pal.
Sorry mentally ill is a common word.
Your full of shit BNP boy ? who did i want to fight you liar ? you are a little man with big ideas
Mr west is a liar
For the BBC and other media to report the crime in England and Wales as intensively and extensively as they reported the Stephen Lawrence homicide. The Kriss Donald kidnapping and murder was more obviously racially-motivated than the Stephen Lawrence homicide. Furthermore, it was the worst racially-motivated murder in British history. Yet it received only a fraction of the media coverage accorded to the Stephen Lawrence case.
Because the racial demographic of the Kriss Donald case was politically 'incorrect' and hence inconvenient. Whereas the racial demographic of the Stephen Lawrence case was capable of being portrayed as what the Establishment is always looking for: a statistically rare instance of white on black violent crime.
Schizophrenia is a controversial diagnosis. Symptoms may include confused or jumbled thoughts, hearing voices and seeing and believing things that other people don’t share. If you have these symptoms you might also become confused and withdrawn. There is debate about whether schizophrenia is actually one condition or more a collection of symptoms that are not clearly related.
The phonebox would have been bugged too if they used it regularly. Fact is, is even in their own four walls they never admitted to killing Stephen Lawrence. Such callous people, as they clearly are, would not have missed the opportunity to brag and joke about it and that is a fact, but they didn't.
This is a crucial aspect of this case. As we are all aware the five individuals targetted by the CJS are not the brightest of individuals and we are told that the police bugged not just their homes, but their cars, the pubs they frequented, their places of work and even the hotel rooms and the golf trolleys used at the hotels they stayed in while on holiday, and not once in 18 years did any member of the alleged gang make an incriminating statement, not once did any one of them boast to one of the others about what they are alleged to have done. This is powerful evidence that should have weighed very heavily in this case, but which has been brushed aside, simply because it does not provide the evidence of guilt that the establishment wanted.
Secondly we are expected to believe that the police forensic laboratories of the 1990s could not find any incriminating evidence on the clothing of the accused, but now suddenly, 'new' forensic techniques have enabled private forensic laboratories to find evidence that was originally missed. So, what was this initially elusive evidence, it must have been something microscopic if the police couldn't find it during the 1990s, but no, it was several flakes of blood, one of which was one millimeter across, that's right, ONE WHOLE MILLIMETER across, hardly microscopic!
We must ask ourselves, is it credible that a police laboratory in the 1990's couldn't find a blob of dried blood, one millimeter in diameter? Furthermore if this is not credible, it strongly suggests that the blob of dried blood was added to the defendant's jacket following those initial police forensic examinations.
The state owned Forensic Science Services that have served police forces around the country for decades have recently been wound-up as a result of cutbacks in government spending and a number of companies have been vying to take their place and to win the lucrative contract to service the police forces of Britain in future. The largest of the private companies vying for the contract is LGC, the company that apparently managed to find the ONE MILLIMETER DIAMETER blobs of dried blood that apparently, forensic officers of Forensic Science Services were previously unable to detect. I wonder what the 'ground-breaking' new technique was that suddenly enabled people who were unable to see the blobs of dried blood to suddenly see them?
The point I am making, is that anyone, even someone without a microscope can see drops of dried blood ONE MILLIMETER IN DIAMETER, such large drops of blood can be seen with the naked eye, sight of them does not require a "ground-breaking technical breakthrough", and so someone is telling lies.
LGC desperately want to win the contract to service the police forces of Britain and what better way to secure the good-will necessary to win that contract than by 'finding' the evidence that had previously eluded the Foresic Science Service. LGC will have been provided with both the defendant's clothing to examine as well as Stephen Lawrence's clothing, and it would have been very easy for someone unscrupulous to take a ONE MILLIMETER DIAMETER blob of dried blood from Stephen Lawrence's blood stained clothing and to have placed it on one of the defendant's clothing for someone else to 'find'.
This may sound like a preposterous suggestion to some, but the government have spent 18 years, with literally hundreds of police officers dedicated to this one task, with an alleged £50,000,000 spent on securing a conviction against one of the five accused. That shows a level of fanatical determination that renders any sense of 'fair play' or impartiality rather redundant in this case.
These convictions are clearly unsound.
A fear becomes a phobia when you have an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation or object. You will often begin to organise your life around avoiding the thing that you fear. The symptoms of phobias are similar to anxiety, and in severe forms you might experience panic attacks
Panic attacks
These are sudden, unexpected bouts of intense terror. If you experience an attack you may find it hard to breathe, and feel your heart beating hard. You may have a choking sensation, chest pain, begin to tremble or feel faint. It’s easy to mistake these for the signs of a heart attack or other serious medical problem. Panic attacks can occur at any time, and this is what distinguishes them from a natural response to real danger.
Sick of hearing about the Stephen Lawrence murder case. His murder was nothing to do with racial prejudice, he was involved in drug crime and got caught up in it, resulting in his murder. The men accused were trialled and found not-guilty, twice. Yet almost twenty years later, they are trialled for a third time and found guilty after a change in the law. Maybe now the media will stop mentioning this case and stop trying to make every white person feel guilty for what they are, white.
Maybe we can now see the same justice for Charlene Downes, 14, brutally murdered and put into kebabs that were served to customers in a shop in Blackpool in the same year, 2003. An unpublicised murder, kept quiet to "stop community cohesion" in Blackpool. Why? Because she was a white victim of a racist murder by a gang of Muslims.
Then Kriss Donald, 15, kidnapped, set alight, tied to a car and dragged along the road by the car, tortured, had his genitals cut off and then finally set alight and stabbed to death as he tried to crawl away. His murderers were also a group of Muslims.
Ross Parker, 17, beaten with a hammer and stabbed to death because he was white. No mass media coverage because his killers were also a gang of Muslims, with no other motive than he was male.
So, although no human being should be brutally murdered in such a disgusting way, why is there no media coverage for these murders? These murders and a lot more are evidentially due to racist Muslim gangs. What about justice for their families and their memory? Racism cuts both ways and it’s a shame the media don’t all come together to get justice for white victims, especially innocent children like Charlene Downes instead of spending twenty years making this country feel bad about Stephen Lawrence.
'My Tram Experience' - Brutal Assault on 96 yr Old British Indian Veteran, Gets No JAIL!
stitched said ? Im havin that and iv been trying to tell Mr west to be careful with what hes doing for a long time coz its the same establishment hes been upseting ? but sadly hes to thick to understand
Links to the Charlene Down Murder. The Ross Parker murder. The Kriss Donald murder and last but not least the unsolved racist murder of local lad Gavin Hopley complete with a local link to Dukinfield.
Just four of the thousands of racist murders carried out in Britain against white people. What do they have in common? Localised reporting then brushed under the carpet by a corrupt establishment who are hell bent on persecuting white people and crucifying them on the alter of political correctness.
You are correct Nationalist. I know you are offering good advice and I am disturbed at the way you are being attacked for no good reason.
Why does Paul Hindley throw stones whilst standing in his glass house?
The last I heard Roy was able to spell and had a working knowledge of English Grammar.
Wheteher you like Roy or not Nationalist, do remember that he is also a Nationalist and that infighting only serves the opposition.
Wheteher, what the fuck is the meant to mean you self righteous prick. dont try and critisice others about spelling when you cannot even spell yourself
Serpent slayer ? Pls give that advice to your pal and his girlfriend as its them that are always at me or are you as bad at reading as i am at writing ?
Nationalist I would advise you ignore most of the idiots on here as they are only playing games and trying to wind you up.
All i said was john tayor doz.nt have to justify anything coz its not him in court and they start ?
can someone pls tell me whats wrong with this statements of facts?
Nationalist, you are right. Taylor is not on trial it is Roy West who is in the dock. It will be heard and dealt with at the magistrates and Taylor will not have to face difficult or probing questions. The magistrates will not allow a cross examination of Taylor and Roy West will be found guilty.
Paul Hindley calls other people thick. He can't stand in elections because he can't read the election papers.
Even the basic shit on the papers he can't read. Everyone else has to run round getting his election signatures.
I met him once at a meeting, and he kicked of with everyone there.
Strange kinda guy.
04/01/2012 20:24
oh yes they will.....
Having Dyslexia does make you thick. It is a recognised medical condition. Now lay off Nationalist will you. You're like a bunch of schoolyard bullies.
That should have read "does NOT make you thick.
Never take most of this stuff on here too seriously.
Come to understand that.
i see the vote on the number of councillors seems to be getting interesting?
If anything can be taken from the vote on councillors it appears that nobody is in favour of the current system of three per ward.
nationalist can't understand that his destructive nature at meetings, was not welcome.
Schizophrenia in my view, was his problem.
Never judge people diagnosed with dyslexia, that's not right.
He's very angry and aggressive in nature.
We must have a society fully understanding of mental illness.
That's the point here.
why are our councillors so greedy?
it seems a shame to see all that money being pissed up the wall.
makes you wonder who are the three votes from in favour of three councillors per ward.
Destrutive nature HA HA HA ? Its you with the destructive nature pal how many have you draged the BNPs name thought the mud ? and you are doing it again ? when you get found guilty this time the papers will read BNP man ? The party was with youlast time and you went it alone like a big man but it was are name you was fuckin with and as for having Schizophrenia ? the only people that knows what that is are the people that have it you mug
So-called 'dyslexia' LMAO - a euphemism for "I can't spell". Yes - you can have a high IQ and still be poor at spelling, different people are intellectually stronger and weaker in different respects from each other. Some who are good at spelling are poor at mathematics, but they don't tend to claim to suffer from 'dysnumeracy'.
At one time about 1 in a 100 of the semi-illiterate played the dyslexia card, now it's about three quarters of all s*** spellers. Don't be conned by this dubious 'condition'.
but can you be a moron 'dyslexia'
If you set out to oppose the system as we know it on a daily basis.
The powers that be will find ways to label you mentally ill.
It's a perfect way to challenge the one challenging you.
Call them mentally ill. So simple, state control.
Goodnight political Dyslexic freaks
Time for bed. If you can't sleep just think that if you challenge the system, police, politicians, ect... your mentally ill.
I can only assume that we are in for a very hard year economically and new laws will be coming out to repress, and oppress, the indigenous people even more in case they get a bit uppity about all these immigrants taking all the jobs, houses, school places, hospital beds, HIV treatment centre places, welfare benefits and filling up our prisons.
The big problem for the establishment now is justifying this steady and continually growing stream of third-worlders into a country that is jobless and almost bankrupt.
Looks like they are going to stop using lies, false promises and disinformation to fool the people and just go into full-blown totalitarian mode.
Looks like it's going to be an interesting year.
The establishment/media complex has gone into pro multicultural overdrive since the riots revealed what's happening in Britain. They are giving massive exposure to any story that makes blacks look like oppressed victims: Stephen Lawrence, Anton Ferdinand, Patrice Evra. There's no doubt the government have had their feelers out and know that an increasing number of people have sussed the truth about the benefits of 'enrichment' and have put their lapdogs in the media onto it.
An interesting police related story that has gone largely unreported are the backlog of cases for racial discrimination against the Metropolitan Police by white males whose applications were rejected out of hand because of 'positive' discrimination laws. Once the floodgates have been opened on this the Met will be paying vast sums of your money out. Maybe even the sacrosanct Stephen Lawrence prosecution reserve fund will have to be drawn on. Oh but that's a bottomless pit isn't it.
Latest on Tameside Hospital:
The hospital trust was hit with a formal warning after a surprise visit by inspectors from the government’s Care Quality Commission.
Campaigners are calling on chief executive Christine Green and her directors to step down.
How much bloody longer will the apathetic Tamesiders allow
Tameside Councillors,Members of Parliament and PCT administrators remain in hiding in their rank rotten bunkers seeing that they for years have been big mates of Christine Green on Committees and Panels which oversee the Tamesiders Health and Welfare.
How the hell do this overpaid health administrators cowards remain locked together behind the scenes.
I feel sure TC could contribute to a clear out of these parasitic imposters who oversee regular deaths of children and adults and Coroners slamming condemnations.
Why does the MEN and Tameside Advertiser and the Tameside Reporter keep stum on ALL THE FREELOADER Politicians and Health Administrators.
Does the local media interview our MP`s and Councillors who are directly paid to oversee the health and welfare of all Tamesiders.
The apathetic Tamesiders disgust me
as they allow this bunch of absolute parasites and imposters sit in chairs all locked together in their disgusting rancid seedy bunkers hiding away from their direct responsibilities.
If the TC Anons venture out to be critical of those who speak the truth then they have no bloody respect for Children and Adults who are being crapped on when they need proper health care.
Come out of your bunker Mr Gwynne seeing that you are the Labour Party Health spokesperson on the Health Service and show how critical you are re our Local Hospital,that will be a first when it happens.
I can spell 'Labour till I die', never said I was much good at typing though.
The next time you snipe at me, make sure you aren't using blank rounds.
Insults and bickering on minor issues such as spelling,terminology,
political stances etc swamp TC daily
do not reflect the serious major issues which surround Tamesiders,and I also have read the latest press report concerning Tameside Hospital which affects everyone who contribute to this blog site,however you will find very few TC posters slating the health services in Tameside on the perpetual years of direct collusion
and complicity in the deaths and treatments of Tamesiders by those
at the PCT,and all Tameside Politicians who actually oversee the facts relating to Tameside Hospital where you deserve far better care.
Why not launch your vitriolic comments towards the many real administration imposters who decide your future health and welfare which you will need 24/7 year on year.
Get stuck into those ruling your lives not each other,if not for yourself but for the children of Tameside,because those pretending to safeguard your health are unfit
for purpose and should be immediately shown the door.
Westy, you'll bottle it and Wag will go whistling out of court.
Black people love mugging people.
Fuck the pigs, if Diane Abbott can make sweeping racist generalisations with no comeback so can I.
Ah, but she's black. She's also a loudmouthed, thick hypocrite with a track record of this type of comment.
Diane Abbott: 'West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.' Presumably not white, Asian ones etc.
Imagine a white MP saying, 'White mums will go to the wall for their children.' Sacked the same day.
Evil personified, bang on. The establishment and media are trying to rub the indigenous population's nose into the non-existent guilt trough because they know, no doubt from public polling etc, that too many people can now see what the REAL cause of the riots was and where Britain's heading.
Dianne Abbot could never be a racist in the eyes of most people even though yet again she has made vile racial slures about white people. The mental conditioning of the sheeple has programmed their minds to equate only white people with racism. No matter how obvious a non-white states their claim that they hate whites and want them all dead, it still cannot be deemed racist because the absolute corner stone of the ideology promoting cultural Marxism is that onlt white people can be racist, whites and nobody else.
With regards to West, I think he will crumble and admitt it too. He is on a sticky wicket to start with and it will end in another conviction. He will probably get a stretch in the old chokey this time though.
Can you expand on why cultural Marxism promotes hatred of white people.
I think it very unlikely that Mr West would be sent down even if convicted, a good defence solicitor should definitely be able to make a case as Mr Taylor doesn't appear to be a lillywhite victim of persecution, and there's also the telling and complex political element of this case.
In a worst case scenario Mr West might do a few weeks inside but would be segregated under Rule 45 as he would be likely to be attacked due to the massively disproportionate number of non-whites, particularly Afro-Caribbeans, in prison.
I understand prisoners can request this rule but in Mr West's case it would be offered automatically because of the prison rumour mill and the previously described prison demographics.
In any case if Mr West decided to plead guilty he would give Mr Taylor a massive political and personal boost, whilst simultaneously destroying his own credibility and political future.
Will the Tameside Advertiser Editor block this item and ignore the basic freedom of speech legistlation.
I read the Advertisers constant references to its objective and unbiased reporting service to the 220,000 Tamesiders,yet in my opinion which I am entitled to hold
is that the solid linked close associations between the Advertiser,TMBC,MP`s,PCT,Councillors is seriously detrimental to all Tamesiders and results in non investigative reporting
by a local paper.
If I was the Advertiser Editor re the disgusting continued failures at Tameside Hospital I would be immediately knocking at the doors of TMBC Councillors who are and have been directly linked to the Hospital administration via Scrutiny Panels,Committee`s etc and asking those Councillors closely linked to Ms Green why they never comment when infants,children,adults die because of Hospital blunders substantiated and confirmed by the constant Coroners reports
I would be wanting to interview immediately our local Labour MP who in the House of Commons, is the Labour Party Health spokesperson and establishing why he remains mute
on his own deplorable Hospital reports over many years which established the Hospital was not fit for purpose.
Next on my interview list would be the Tameside Primary Trust top Administrators including those regularly seeking and given awards which is well reported by the Advertiser,
yet those directly employed by the PCT to safeguard and improve the health and welfare of Tamesiders also remain mute in their ivory NHS towers when it comes to being critical.
Whilst the Advertiser is complicit in not investigating and questioning "all those responsible other than Ms Green" then Tamesiders also have a local press also not fit for purpose
because of its well established contacts with our local administrations highly paid members who dictate our lives and how long we live.
The Advertiser`s companion the Reporter Group is also another not fit for purpose press being a non fully investigative service to all Tamesiders,so until the Advertiser comes clean
on why it avoids questioning ALL THE LOCAL POLITICIANS constantly as to their direct roles and responsibilities along with their close links with Ms Green and the disgusting and deplorable reports which include the deaths of children at Tameside Hospital.
etc and the pounding rhetoric shows
how shallow with minute brain cells
many Tamesiders are who contribute on TC
Take your blinkers off and stuff what
Taylor is,we all know what he is "walking crap"and campaign on the many issues which involve the many Tameside MBC numerous corrupt imbeciles.
How dare you lot post such nonsense about Mr West, he will go to court but by the time he,s finished it will be John Tayor that will get the jail, and if you don,t agree with THE BNP BOY he will say you all related to Myra Hindley or call any relations you have in wheelchairs CABBAGES or make other crap comments about use, so good Tameside Citizens users be aware WEST KNOWS BEST, he,s like a women and as we all know there,s no winning with a woman just degrees off losing
nationalist the local bnp is a dead duck. Nick needs someone to step up to the mark.
Come on Mr Hindley you've show us all what a great nationalist you are on here. Lets have some action from you not just words on here.
05/01/2012 14:10 post click on the blue link, and just be glad we've got these great Cllrs
Thanks for heeding my polite request - not!
In response to Norsefire, may I say to you sir, it is not easy being a referee on an un-moderated blogsite such as this. The vast amount drivel posted here does not get deleted. Occasionally some comments are just so insulting, crude or depraved that I have no option but to delete and these include comments by a regular poster purported to be former Labour councillor. I do not discriminate but if I deem something just too risqué it has to go.
All the drivel posted on this blog is the fault of West, either he is posting comments or someone is responding to his comments. When/if he goes to jail perhaps this blogsite can return to a semblance of normality. One can live in hope!
everything is west's fault.
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