UK prepares emergency measures for euro collapse to prevent an influx of people and money
*Value of the Pound could surge if euro fails
*Britain's borders could be temporarily sealed against economic refugees
*Many experts believe the 17-member currency cannot survive the coming year
*Rich individuals from Greece and Portugal are already moving money into UK
Ministers are considering draconian plans to prevent a flood of money and people heading to Britain from Europe if the ailing single currency collapses.
Experts fear that the collapse of the euro would lead to the widespread movement of both people and money – with potentially damaging consequences for Britain if left unchecked. The Treasury has drawn up contingency plans to prevent investors shifting huge sums of cash from the Eurozone to Britain. Full article: Daily Mail
For decades this country has welcomed millions of penniless Third World and totally inassimilable immigrants to Britain, but now there is a possibility that comparatively wealthy Europeans may wish to shelter the European storm in Britain should the Euro disintegrate there is this talk of sealing borders and preventing wealthy people from bringing money into Britain. It is totally bonkers or am I missing something? Tameside Citizen
The elite are after a never ending source of cheap labour who will work long hours for very little pay. Wester European's do not fall into that category so they are not welcome.
I find it worrying, that these thugs are destroying our nation.
Little thugs with no education but street thug history behind them.
It's financial contingency planning and because the establishment know ANOTHER mass influx of immigrants, on top of the ongoing 'normal' deluge, might wake even the apathetic, spineless, moronic, self-interested British masses up.
Nonsense, Islamic and Afro-Caribbean culture are extremely beneficial to Britain. They are both also extremely similar to ours and are known for their willingness and ability to integrate.
There ARE lunatics who believe the above and some of them are running the country.
When in the late 1940s our politicians thought it would be a bright idea to transplant millions of non-white third-worlders into an advanced white civilisation whose identity rested on having been white for thousands years.... THAT was all the proof anyone needed that those who govern us are certifiable.
"Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad...
this country must be mad - literally mad" - Enoch
"Problems will arise if many coloured people settle here. Are we to saddle ourselves with colour problems here in the UK?" - Winston
And to think... simply using the term 'coloured' is in itself enough to have oneself reprimanded in 'modern Britain'. Surely it is Adolf having the last laugh...
I don't find this odd at all TC, it makes sense. Affluent Europeans who may be less politically correct than we are, could be a major boon for anybody who wants to resist globalist tyranny.
Furthermore allowing our European brothers and sisters into the UK would also boost white numbers here. Considering the UK is vital to oiling the globalists stranglehold on the world (along with France and the US) there is no chance that they would allow significant numbers of our ethnic kin to settle here.
They mean to wipe us out, allowing us to unite in one or two countries would put a halt to that. Be fooled not, this is GENOCIDE.
I welcome more Europeans especially young Germanic women, tall and blonde preferably.
It's only when I visited Flanders and was surrounded by such beauties that I realised just how ugly most of the young women I encounter here are. Fat mongrels with no common decency or dress sense for the most part.
Pagan Eugenics, the case grows with every dog turd I inadvertently step on in my Austrian laufers and every time I hear loud 'urban' music from the back of a bus and have to deafen mysefl with Burzum.
When people react like that it means they have lost control. He is not equiped with any social intelligence what so ever. And to think people vote for him. I thought society had checks and balances to keep angry misfits like that out of any authoritative positions.
The last thing we want is a flood of krauts frogs and spicks. give me onion bhajis and chicken tikka massala any day leave the bratwurst frogs legs and paella eaters where they belong
So, having allowed the dregs of the world into the UK the Government wants to prevent monied Europeans from entering the UK....
or should that be RE-ENTERING THE UK
Perhaps these are wealthy UK expats returning to the UK. With nowhere left to run to perhaps they may spend their wealth on fighting for this country. Which would account for contined state action against the BNP.
My name is ROY,
I'm a nationalist boy
- And the LOCAL pest of note.
My usual ploy
Is to hound and ANNOY;
- As for me they just won't VOTE.
I use the DOLE
To fund my role
- As the LOCAL Nazi scrote.
I pound the streets,
I trawl the BLOGS;
- But for me they just won't VOTE!
•Simon Crew falsely claimed more than £3,500 in benefits.
•Stewart Brown Child pornography.
•Joe Shaw Jailed Child Pornography.
•Frank McGrath Drugs and Money Laundering.
•Ben Williams Child Pornography.
•Edward McEvilly attempting to murder.
•Les Sheppard indecent assault on Children
•Liam Temple gross indecency.
•Charlie Preston assault and burglary.
•Ken Brookman Bit off a man’s ear.
•Denis Jones unlawful wounding.
•Paul Mack assaulting a woman.
•Ian Sharman stealing money.
•See lots more of these Labour criminals.
Find what odd exactly TC? A Daily Mail article lacking in any real substance, full of 'could', 'possibly', 'an expert says' etc.
Completely made up and designed to fuel the righteous indignation of their target market more like?
Roy's Lament is possibly the best tribute to the worst folk hero these Isles have ever seen though!
Yes old bean, and the person would not even bother to post. If he was not getting to them.
*** SILENCE ***
Ch Supt Kevin Mulligan, divisional commander for Salford, said: "We have not established a clear motive for the senseless murder of Anuj and there is no definitive evidence pointing to it being racially-motivated. "However, we are treating this as a hate crime based on the growing perceptions within the community it was motivated by hate.
You couldn't make it up!
If whitey gets killed by a gang of black 'youths' screaming "Kill whitey" then somehow someway it is most definitely not classed as racially motivated.
If a non-white gets killed then the local 'community' only have to perceive it was racially motivated for the police to investigate it as such.
Vile, disgusting double standards, and what is being done? F**K ALL.
Poor Pauline, the trouble this berk brings to her door must be heartbreaking.
you rang the police ? LOL you give us BNP lads a bad name ? THE FUCKING POLICE LOL HA HA HA
... and yet you just have!
The words HATE and RACE do not mean the same thing, do they?
grow some balls man ? He would be packed and gone already if it was me you numpty ? all i can say is dont go canvasy down Bradford or Leeds till your balls drop ? you BNP boy need to stick to ducky where you are safe ? HA HA HA he got that right ? roy the BNP BOY
RUN RABBIT RUN RABBIT RUN RUN RUN HA HA HA LOL iv got a stitch LOL and he talkeds so big
Your trouble is you are a busybody who cannot keep his nose out of other peoples business. So what if a car was parked outside your house, you don't have a car so why should it bother you.
NICK steals fuck all you silly little man and dont be spreading thay sort of shit ? Roy leave that sort of crap to the UAF numptys
Its xmas and peoples families visit them at this time of the year ? So streets get busy you HUMBUG
Nick steals nothing and GMP are not working to an agenda when promoting crimes to Hate Crime status without any supporting evidence.
But you're not in a wheelchair you frekkin numpty
Nationalist, you are totally uninformed about what has been, and is going on if you still support Griffin.
The BNP has been destroyed by the Welshpool porker and only the people who are unaware of his actions still support him.
Greater Manchester Police under Paul Fahy are politicised to the nth degree. That's why, despite no evidence, they can't wait to declare it racially motivated.
The liberal establishment is infested with anti-white racists of the purest and vilest kind.
I'm an independent busybody Candidate.
My politics are independent of a busybody nature.
R T I know Nick and hes a top bloke and top blokes dont stealing and its you that is uninformed ?
You couldn't make it up, it is alleged to be a hate crime, based on race. Despite, as the police have admitted, no evidence whatsoever.
Nationalist, you don't know Griffin, and you clearly have no idea what's been going on re the court cases, debts, disappearing money, plummeting membership, virtually no activist base or councillors left, organisational chaos, massive drop in public support and vote etc etc.
So why are the accounts a Gri££in family secret? Why is it that he forbids competent accountants from holding the position of national treasurer rather than giving the position to housewives, security guards, dog breeders, nightclub doormen or anyone else who knows naff all about accounts and whose only job is to offer themselves as sacrificial offerings to the EC when dodgy accounts are handed in months late?
Nationalist, try to accept that not everyone who criticises Nick Griffin is a 'Searchlight spy' and that what they're saying may be justified and true.
BNP boy ? did you just say to me LETS GET THAT CLEAR ? you cant even clear you gate you plocker
But I did man.
H granger did i say thay thay was ? I said leave that sort of thing to the UAF numpties ? But you don,t go calling a man a thief unless you can show the proof ? and you have none ? NICKS A TOP MAN
Nationalist, you will feel very embarrassed by that comment when the truth is presented to you. How long do you think it took us mugs to discover the truth?
yes well that mite be it ? and the fact that im not a mug and you are as you just admitted mite make you look silly when you see there is no proof to show
BUT YOUR FUCKING NOT LOL HA HA HA and what will you do ? ring the police ? LOL
No proof to show? The proof is right before your eyes. He has destroyed the BNP. It no longer exists in any other form than a website.
Welcome back "nationalist".
There are two things that people on this blog need to know about you.
1) You are NOT a nationalist, but an imposter who gives genuine nationalists a bad name.
2) You are a close relative of the late unlamented Myra Hindley.
Busybodies are despised by everyone. They remind people of prefects at school.
Nationalist, you brought up the issue of Searchlight/UAF. They're irrelevant to this debate as they're no longer interestd in destroying what's left of the BNP, nd will only act if it looks like it will rise from the semi-dead. Griffin andhis paranoia are their best assets and they know it.
Every time Griffin has been asked for 'the facts' he has refused to give them. Hundreds of long term, quality, hard working activists have left and the party is a debt ridden, chaotic shell going nowhere. Every opportunity has been given to explain about the massive amount of money unaccounted for but the replies are lies and obfuscation.
Wake up and smell the burnt coffee nationalist.
See more lies ? Im no relative of that nutter atall ? but i am very closly related to lord Hindly of Hindley manner ? which i think will make me more of an ENGLISH MAN than any of you lot on hear
Independent, waste of fucking time. You'll be lucky to get 50 votes.
so why do you ring them you spud ?
Independents have virtually no chance of winning in areas like this, increasingly full of chavs, the apathetic, cowards and foreigners. Stand as the'pro Cheryl Cole' candidate and you'll walk it. That's how thick the electorate are becoming.
"Nationalist", behind your back everybody refered to you as Myra Hindley's son, but apparently you are her nephew. Your father and Myra were cousins who grew up very near each other in Gorton.
i was talking to the burnley BNP lads the other day as they rung me to wish me Happy Christmas, and i mentioned Tameside BNP to one off them and they said DON,T MENTION THAT LOT TO US doe,s anybody know what that would be about ?
So "nationalist" is Myra Hindley's second cousin then, not her nephew. It is certain he is a relative though. EVERYBODY knows it, not matter how much he tries to deny it. In fact, the first person to tell me about it was Mr Griffin's bodyguard, so it is widely known.
No matter how much he tries to deny it, we all know about his close relationship to the despicable child-killer Myra Hindley.
Some say he is her nephew, others say he is her cousin/second cousin..
Me and martin get on very well you prick and he would,nt pass a pricklike you the time of day
Is someone going to answer my question ? why did the Burnley lads say dont mention tameside to us ?
The bnp is a fucked duck.
I wonder what has happened to Roy West's photo showing him with a boyish chuffed expression on his face as he shakes hands with big Nick. Still on the mantelpiece or on its way to landfill?
As for GMP... that force went liberal back in the 80s when lefty John Stalker took the helm. You'll remember how he contradicted the Met chief Paul Condon over the police being 'institutionally racist' and called for his resignation. Condon was a prominent anti-corruption campaigner, whilst Stalker was always suspected of having criminal connections and was a known IRA sympathiser.
I agree with Nationalist, Griffo is the best man to lead the BNP. Nobody could achieve what Griffo has done in such a short space of time. Hoorah for Griffo.
God this guy's such a busybody
Nationalist, give us a list of functioning (or even existing) BNP groups. There are hardly any left at all.
The only people still loyal to Griffin are those ignorant of what's gone on, or those wilfully ignorant of what's gone on.
well not tameside for one
So you can't name them, or anything of significance that's gone on re organisational and financial chaos, mass disillusionment, plummeting membership, 90% of activists gone etc etc. You appear to almost totally uninformed.
I believe the Tameside group still exits but isn't active due to its disenchantment with the party leadership.
NEWS FLASH ? Roy West trys to get back in the BNP last week and Nick and simon derby piss.s him off with a flea in his ear
The local group is still there, just won't be acive for Griffin/Harrington/Jefferson/Walker/Darby.
And who could blame them?
And I can tell you something else, no one, I repeat no one, wants to send them anymore money.
Why should activists send money for Griffin/Harrington leaflets?
Tameside are still active and a better bunch of Nationalists I have yet to meet.
Everybody brings something to the group and we all get along really well.
When Griffin gets replaced Tameside will be on the map as one of the first in the region to openly rebel against old one eye.
I guess Nationalist will be a lot quieter when that happens.
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