As soon as I got back today I took advantage of the glorious weather and headed for Bleaklow. To my total dismay I discovered vicious traps designed to kill small animals high up the hillside in this peaceful and tranquil place. I disabled them to prevent unnecessary suffering to animals. Would you have done the same? Watch the short video presentation to see how I disabled the traps.
Ah! the thril of the kill, the feeling of power! that rush of blood, the killing of animals!
Well done for your actions on this one! Stop Animal Cruelty!
Are those traps illegal? Or are you breaking the law removing them?
I have not removed the traps; I have disabled them and will continue to do so unless I find good a reason why they are there. They are certainly not there to catch mice or rats. There is the occasional stoat and weasel up there, and stoats and weasels have as much right live their lives free from persecution as you or I. I think it is a sicko crank with a bloodlust for killing defenceless animals. I will investigate further and try and discover who is responsible. If I catch them I hope my dog is on the lead at the time because he doesn’t like people who are cruel to animals. I imagine his jaws around their ankles wouldn’t be nearly as painful as the suffering inflicted upon a small animal with its tail or foot trapped in one of these monstrous devices. Of course a dog bite only lasts for seconds. An animal trapped up there could take days to die from blood loss, dehydration or starvation.
Its worse than fox hunting its all designed to hurt animals,fox hunters tell us its for the foxes own good,don't think the fox would agree.
I know the fox can be a nuisance and that it does kill for the sake of killing,but hunting it down with dogs a tearing it apart is not the way to deal with it.
What about the harmless but fun sport of flushing out the fox from it's den, then I can shoot it! Oh the thrill of the kill it's all mine!
Always be true! Don't Let FAKES stop what you have to do!
Foxes are vermin and a lot more than a 'nuisance' to farmers and country dwellers. They will be killed anyway, poisoned, trapped or shot. Why get rid of foxhunting which is an extremely important part of our rural history and tradition to appease a few class warriors and the totally uninformed. You're right about gratuitous suffering TC, it should be stamped out but I've noticed your generally even and rational approach goes out of the window when it comes to animals and you do come across as a bit of a bunnyhugger.
The above post is from B.K I bet
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