Friday, 11 September 2009

Voter apathy in Audenshaw

This clip was up uploaded to Youtube yesterday. It features the lovely Stacey Knighton, Jean Brasil and some dude from the BNP. The bizarre thing is, this was filmed well over a year ago and has just been uploaded by the GMG now. A conspiracy theorist could actually believe the GMG were attempting to flood Youtube with features relating to Tameside to demote Roy West down the Youtube rankings. Roy West has posted so many videos with ‘Tameside’ as a key word that when you type Tameside into the Youtube search engine, more often than not you find a list of his amusing videos. But now he has a competitor - or so it seems! I like the quote by the chap with cap regarding the Labour Party - lol.


Tameside Citizen said...

I have disabled comment moderation so please be sensible in what you post and please please please - no repetitive spam like posts.

Judd said...

Voter apathy is the Lib/Lac/Con's biggest weapon. My advice would be vote for the Party you hate or disagree with least.

Love Jean Brazil said...

Stacey got it badly wrong could she have been talking to voters in another ward,where her Tory colleagues did win,no apathy from the Labour voters though our Jean got them out.
Jean is now the chair of the licensing panel,and tipped for a cabinet post very soon,those people in Audenshaw know what they are doing,anyone know where Stacey is these days,finally did you note the BNP would not allow their candidate to be filmed and we know why.

Anonymous said...

Did the bnp not come second in this ward?

Hairdresser said...

Ooooh hark at her!

Why did David Gough need a representative to speak on his behalf? Is it because he comes across as a typical BNP knuckle dragger.

Anonymous said...

David Gough is no knuckle dragger and he has more honesty and integrity than anyone I can think of in the Tameside Labour cabal. He stands up for true Socialist values and is a genuine man of the people. When he leaves the borough it will be a huge blow for the BNP locally.

Anonymous said...

Second The Above Post!

Well done David Gough

Anonymous said...

The BNP came third but they did pick up over 800 votes at the first attempt no canvassing and a very poor leaflet.
One theory is that the Tories did not want Stacey Knighton to represent them she ran a poor campaign and was not seen on the streets enough, Labours Jean Brazil visited each house twice and she delivered at least five leaflets,one special one the day before the election a killer blow for the Tories.
David Goughs absence from the video tells you lots about him ,he does not come over very well in public, he reminds people of his old National Front days, a wise decision to keep him out of public view.

chris@admin said...

David Gough was on holiday when it was filmed.

easy jet said...

Ah on holiday during his election campaign, so no more.

Tameside Citizen said...

Thanks for the heads up folks. The comments are again being moderated. Not to stop free speech but to stop off topic repetitive posts and wild allegations which could possibly lead to legal action.

Open Your Eyes said...

Only in England would we put up with this.

Tameside Citizen said...

That is an interesting video. People like him are the best recruiting tools the far-right could ever dream of. If you take away the rhetoric and bluster he actually talks a lot of sense. He is right to expose the way Labour and their militia’s are attempting to ignite the fuse of a race war by deliberately and constantly trying to provoke a reaction from the Muslim community by creating a bogey man which barely exists.

The EDL boneheads are a long way removed from Mosley’s fascists from the 1930’s. Ten or fifteen football hooligans announcing they plan to protest against a mosque would be a total non-event if it were ignored by the media and policed correctly when it took place. But Labour/UAF/Searchlight is playing a very dangerous game by wilfully hyping these small football hooligan protests into something far larger than they actually are.

The Muslim community can understandably feel threatened when they have Labour extremists going into their communities and trying to whip up a frenzy all in an attempt portray themselves as friends of ‘the community’ in a blatant attempt to ensure they keep the Muslim block vote. It’s quite disgusting when you thing about and well done Mr Choudary for joining up the dots.

It's the same fate for us said...

Take a look at reality with growing Muslim violence around the World.
Palestinian Christians are in the front line of Muslim violence! We should come to the aid of Palestinian Christians. Persecution is a way of life for The Palestinain Christian! This will be a fate for English Christians when Muslim numbers grow and grow!

Anonymous said...

The turn out in Audenshaw for Labour over the past few years as been consistent,the highest votes gained were for Karen Wright in the all outs she got around 1600 votes.
The Tories have neglected the ward standing now and again, Labour were able to exploit that plus they had a candidate known for not working hard in the ward.
A turn out of 36.9% was one of the highest in Tameside last time not a good turn out but consistant with results all over the country so why pick on us in Audenshaw

I.O.O.B. said...

The Russians who can be extremely barbaric, bloodthirsty and vengeful, proved such characteristics are not necessarily always a bad thing when, in revenge for Muslim terrorist massacres in the Moscow theatre in 2002 and the even worse 2004 Beslan school massacre, wrapped the corpses of the Islamic terrorists in pigskins before burying them.
Anyone who believes 'being reasonable' with this creed will result in anything other than our annihilation as a country should supply historical precedents. Islam has been stopped in the past by only one thing, conflict.

Stacey's evil twin said...

Oh Stacey you got it so wrong...

Ready for a repeat performance in Waterloo?

Hairdresser said...

I see comment moderation has been turned on since the shit is now on the other shoe. You have allowed unjustified comments on Labour, Conservatives and even UKIP.
You posted this article mischievously in hope it would attract the same sort of comments, but instead people are taking the piss out of the BNP candidate.

Tameside Citizen said...

You are barking up the wrong tree on this occasion Hairdresser my old bean. Comment moderation has been temporarily re-introduced to prevent repetitive and vindictive bickering which falls outside the scope of civilized debate. You feel free to ‘take the piss’ out of BNP candidates to your hearts content and I will gladly publish what you have to say - as long as it is legal and decent. And to suggest I have introduced comment moderation to somehow protect the BNP from ridicule is itself worthy of the ridicule. Nobody gets as much abuse in the comments section as BNP representatives who make their opinions known. It is disappointing to think you believe voter apathy in a hotly contested Tameside ward is not a topic worthy of discussion.

Union said...

A proposal I read recently suggested that the best way to tackle voter apathy is to have, 'None of the above' on ballot papers. If the percentage of people choosing this goes above a certain level the election is declared void thus FORCING our elected, and would be elected, representatives to actually get in touch with and reflect public opinion.

The New Dawn said...

The only piss take is on the English!
If you are happry with this, then you deserve the future!

Tameside Citizen said...

I think ‘non of the above’ would win hands down in most elections these days judging from the abysmal turnouts. It is hard to imagine why people are so disinterested in politics. Take the recent Denton NE by-election as an example. The electorate had masses of information letting them know an election was to be held. There was the chance to vote for parties from across the political spectrum, yet only a small percentage of those eligible to vote actually did. I bet from amongst the majority who did not vote you would find many very opinionated pub bore types who moan about every subject under the sun, but when given the opportunity to vote they just can’t be bothered.

ukip said...

I think the fact you have 5 socialist parties to vote for may have something to do with it. None of the usual LibLabCon are offering tax cuts or smaller government, The BNP and greens are both aiming to send our economy back to the 18th century.
Voter apathy:I wonder why??

Tameside Citizen said...

Comments are again un-moderated. Please post responsibly and refrain from launching unnecessary ad hominem attacks on fellow contributors to this blog.

I will be away for a few days and I really do not like accessing the settings on this site to re-activate moderation from my handheld device which I use to access the internet while on the move. So please be good. :-)

Tameside Citizen said...

That is a good shout UKIP, but if we look back at Denton NE again; UKIP were standing in that election and those who would like to vote for a genuine non-socialist alternative such as UKIP did not turn out and vote in significant numbers. You gave them the choice and still they abstained.

ukip said...

TC: You are correct, They just do not trust anybody who asks for their vote anymore. Fifty years of Labour led socialism has had its effect. Everybody believes the state owes them a living. The state has no money! Only what it steals from us! 10% is OK to pay for defence and law and order, 25% might pay for pensions and the NHS, where does the rest go?

Tameside Citizen said...

Well said that man! I have never known disillusionment like it is now and as you correctly say the electorate have been let down so many times it is possible they do trust no politicians regardless of what party they represent - which is a real pity because so many people worked so hard to get us the vote. It should be remembered voting rights for everyone over 18 is a relatively new concept. For many years people from ‘the lower orders’ such as I would not have been eligible to vote.

Anyway, beddy boes for me now as I have an early start. Goodnight.

Anonymous said...

Voter apathy UKIP. You mirror this with a do nothing political campaign every time you stand in local elections. How can you expect people to vote for you if they see that you can't be bothered yourself.
You have no interest in local elections. And your rantings about the BNP are identical to those rantings put out by the criminal led Searchlight!

Beware of FAKE Candidates!!! said...

Voter apathy allows for this. So if you continue to vote for. and elect FAKE candidates, then you'll just get more of the same!!!

Open your eyes!!!! said...

Voter apathy.
Foreign gangs and 30,000 criminals rob 'soft touch Britain' of £40 billion a year.

Paraquat said...

It's not socialism to ask for a living wage. £188 for a full week's work or lounge around for £10 less. Why bother? I'm sick to the back teeth of being exploited and am thinking of giving my job up. I can easily pick up £50 or £60 a week doing odd jobs for elderly neighbours and the state will pay all my bills. The government, virtually all employers and the wealthy couldn't give a stuff about fair pay for those who work or the out of control welfare state as long as their own lifestyle isn't affected. Rampant and chronic self-interest has destroyed many great civilisations in the past. UKIP is simply the Party of business and will do nothing for the British worker.

ukip said...

Paraquat, £242 is what your employer pays for you to work. £54 goes to the government in taxes. Forget 10% taxrates. UKIP would increase your personal allowance to £10000, combine NI and IT at a new 33% rate. The result would be take home pay assuming the same hourly rate and hours of £211 per week, that's £23 per week difference.
Have you noticed any other party, committing and explaining how they would improve the lot of the low paid? Thought not!
Your comments about UKIP being the party of business is partially correct, without private business we would have nothing, NO jobs,NO benefits,NO money.
Late last year, we went through a bad spell. I reduced my wages, and was the lowest paid person in my firm for 6 months. It did not even cross my mind to ask anybody else to take a paycut.

Anonymous said...

The UKIP guy is a FAKE candidate.

Anonymous said...

The UKIP candidate in the Denton NE election interest started and ended with the nomination papers. After that, his interest in the people of Denton NE ended. He's a FAKE candidte, he has no interest in local politics thats why he does sod all when it counts the most!!!!

paraquat said...

Jesus, do you mean I'd be £33 a week better off than the deadleg alcy who lives in the downstairs flat. Better than nowt, just about I suppose, but like all the establishment Parties UKIP will do nothing about the massive number of scrounging c***s who infest Britain. If you treat your staff well you are in a rapidly shrinking minority. British bosses have gleefully welcomed Third Worlders and Eastern bloc drones who have absolutely no concept of exploitation (I know because I've worked with them and spoken to them). Most of them are here to work themselves into the ground for a few years, save every penny, live cheap, often in illegal and/or overcrowded conditions and go home to be, in their own domestic terms, absolutely loaded. The government and 95% of employers couldn't care less what goes on, or about British workers as long as THEY do well out of it. When capitalism becomes exploitation it's time to get rid.

New World Order said...

When capitalism was a system that benefitted the vast majority of decent, law abiding, hard working Brits, people were generally satisfied with their lot. In the last few years however people have become increasingly worse off in real terms (I've had a 3% pay increase in four years despite a massive rise in the total cost of living). Government figures on inflation bear no relation to the reality of everyday costs. Now we're told we've got to work 'til 70 to prop up a system that's starting to look well past its sell by date.

ukip said...

The very last people you should blame for the state of the country are employers!
Wages are comparatively low in this country because we have so many unemployed, if you have more people in employment, labour becomes scarcer therefore wages have to rise! The gap in income between workers and benefits widens and encourages more claimants into taking jobs. The massive disaster that has befallen this country is unfettered immigration. Wages did not rise because there have been immigrants to take the jobs.
Socialism, high taxes and the EU have all been our downfall!
You cannot get rid of capitalism, look at those that tried: the USSR,N Korea,China, Cuba. The decline of this country exactly mirrors the rise of the Labour party.

Anonymous said...

But Mr Cooke when it counts the most your no-where to be seen. You ask the people of Denton NE to vote for you yet treat them with contempt! No campaign, no interest in local elections.

angry voter said...

ukip, Do you think we will ever escape from the EU or are we in it until we reach the status of being just a small state in a European super state?

down with obsessive bores said...

FFS West, give up your obsession with this guy or are you out to completely destroy this blog?

Anonymous said...

Mr Cooke stop asking yourself questions, you had the chance to campaign in Denton NE but you let the people down!

Anonymous said...

It's not an obsession it's looking at a man that rants on about the BNP, state of the country and so on, and puts his name forward in a local election and does nothing. You ask a FAKE to comment on politics but when it matters the most he's no-where to be seen!

wake me up when wests gone said...

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ TC, Do us all a favour and ban this annoying fuckwit before he destroys your blog zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Why should Mr Cooke answer questions on a blog, when he was no-where to be seen in Denton NE to speak to people when it counts the most?

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz said...

Notice the pattern, he fixates on individuals and then cannot let go. Cllr Taylor, Cllr Wilde, the "14 thugs from Hyde" now UKIP. John, do yourself a favour and ignore the fucktard and eventually he will find another victim to stalk and harass.

ukip said...

Angry voter, we are already a small state in the European union. They can already decide what lightbulbs we use, whether we can have a death penalty and even our taxes(VAT). Can we get out? Yes, it takes the repeal of only one law. It will take years after that to sift through the rest to decide what to keep and what to get rid of.
Will we leave the EU? Yes, eventually!
Not much point though if we keep the same Spivs and Shysters in parliament!

Anonymous said...

So what are you doing now! Gobshite

Anonymous said...

UKIP why do you stand in local elections? Why were you not there in Denton NE to answer questions?

new UKIP voter said...

Thank you for the prompt and informative response UKIP.

Anonymous said...

New UKIP voter, I wish you luck you'll never see him on the streets campaigning where it matters!

new UKIP voter said...

Well he is courtious and civilized which is more than i can say about many of the other candidates who comment here.

Anonymous said...

Oh right thats why he sends me emails asking me for a one on one! Whats that all about? If your a genuine candidate fair enough, but his interest ends after the nomination papers have been sent in!

Anonymous said...

Standing in a local election with-out a campaign shows contempt for the voters! Whats the point in standing for council when you have no desire to connect with the voters with a political campaign?

new UKIP voter said...

If you and the UKIP candidate have one to one sexual encounters that is your business and a private matter. We do not want to hear any more of it thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

I can promise you that if I were Homosexual it would not include the UKIP candidate!

West give us a Rest said...

come on west, give it a rest!

14 thugs, Werneth Ave, Cllr Taylor, Cllr Wilde, UKIP, Liam, Registered Carer, taken into care ... Yawn.

You're boring West, give it a Rest ... new campaign slogan?

Anonymous said...

How very strange!

As a straight guy Ive never considered if I would shag a bloke, never considered "if I was homsexual I wouldnt fancy him"

Very strange, although Im sure Mr Cooke is highly delighted to know he is safe!

Anonymous said...

West give us a Res, it shows that you are taking a keen interest in what I say, why responed if you find anyone them boring?

UKIP Apathy said...

Nothing stranger than voter apathy, having a candidate that shows utter contempt for the electorate, rants on this blog about the BNP and what benefits West gets, when it comes to the day of the election he's no where to be seen. This is a man that wants to represent people in whatever ward he stands in, yet sits on his arse all through the election! Thats right UKIP, thats the way to show people you care about them!

890777654 said...

This is your song Roy

Roy West said...

No this is the Roy West song voter apathy is one thing, but recognise the great is another!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roy West said...

No this is the Roy West song voter apathy is one thing, but recognise the great is another!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paraquat said...

UKIP, 'wages did not rise' because employers could get away with paying less and screwing more work, unsociable hours, worse conditions etc etc out of recent immigrants who had virtually no expectations and no concept of exploitation. This is driven by employer's greed, and to compete decent employers are often forced to do the same. This is where capitalism starts to turn into exploitation.
The solution is to draw a clear line between workers and scroungers. If benefits were vastly reduced to sustenance level massive numbers of parasites would find work because they'd have no choice. Unless one of the establishment Parties finds the guts to do this capitalism is finished due to chronic lack of incentive to work.

Point Man said...

Paraquat you can start here if you want? but maybe UKIP'S FAKE credentials won't allow for him to comment. A bigger issue than his usual rantings about West and the BNP.

ukip said...

Paraquat, I know many other employers and not one of them took advantage of immigrant Labour. I employed three Poles, they were on the same terms,conditions and pay as everybody else.
The exploitation took place at the hands of others Foreign gang masters etc. If I buy a loaf of Sunblessed bread from Asdo, I do not ask for the nationalities, pay or living arrangements of the bakers, I just look at the price!
The same thing applies to farmers, they employ some staff year round, but at certain times of the year they need large amounts of labour for a couple of weeks, for that they go to the usually foreign run agencies and ask for a price. The exploitation is not from British employers, it is from a government that signed us up to unlimited immigration when we have six million out of work. Allow employers,by not taxing them to death to provide more work. You will see lower taxes and higher wages. It is simple economics, supply and demand. I do get very annoyed at scroungers, but I would suggest they are a small minority of the six million, most are similar to yourself, not much difference between working and claiming. Cut the taxes on the lower paid! Personal allowance should be set at around minimum wage. Stop crucifying employers,let us produce the jobs that are needed!

Anonymous said...

Your are a FAKE UKIP! every election you stand. you sit on your arse not lifting a finger!! You show you contempt for the voters,

Anonymous said...

So UKIP, not your usual Searchlight rantings about West and his benefits?

Paraquat said...

So the government allowed unfettered immigration and all Britain's Christlike employers said, 'No! I refuse to employ this Pole/Nigerian/Portugese because he'll refuse to take enhanced rates for overtime, unsociable hours and working weekends and Bank Holidays and I desperately want to pay more money out to British workers who want fair reward'. If 'more jobs were created the people getting them would be EVEN MORE foreigners who regard a pittance as a fortune.
There may be employers who treat their employees properly but a rapidly increasing number see staff as 'oily rags' used to boost profits and keep shareholders happy. I was in favour of capitalism when it generally made people better off. The truth is we are now entering the era of the globalised wage slave when workers are fodder to maintain a failing system.

ukip said...

I could not find suitable workers,not enough HGV drivers to go around, because of Labours shortsighted policy of allowing people to rot on the dole. Their mad insistence on allowing the EU to dictate the licencing rules of British drivers, causing the shortfall in the first place.
Mass immigration should be stopped, employers should have an incentive to start picking up the pieces. We have a disgraceful amount of disabled people thrown on the scrapheap, written off many of these would like a genuine job, not some make work scheme. Reduce employers NI(10.2%) to zero for twelve months if they employ a prison leaver,disabled or long time unemployed person. You would compensate the employer for any disruption, and coupled with the increase in personal allowance make it much more beneficial for somebody to come off and stay of benefits.
Capitalism is the only system proven to increase wealth. There is no other system that provides people with a chance to improve their life. How happy were the Soviets, East Germans?

Paraquat said...

Capitalism WAS the only system proven to increase wealth. Times have changed. Prisoners and the long term unemployed are virtually unemployable and why should criminals and the professionally lazy get preferential treatment? All these schemes and New Deals etc etc smack of desperation to prop up a failing and outdated system which is heading ever further into exploitation.
Pay British workers a decent wage. Not much to ask, but the truth is it's now looking to be beyond capitalism's desires or capabilities. The alternative isn't East Germany or a Soviet system it's somewhere between that and a CIVILISED capitalism wher workers aren't treated as tools to prop up an outdated system or keep shareholders, bankers or other greedy bastards in clover.