Around 6pm this evening (22/07) a convoy of Tinkers were seen converging on the land occupied by offices, a pub and a Toyota dealership. The land is just off the A57 where it joins Denton roundabout. I think they intend to set up camp on land which is currently home to a large advertising contraption which is still in the process of being built.
Oh goodie more crime, more money for them, police allowing them a free hand to rob residents. Oh what a lovely country
There's no overnight parking there... oh hang on planning permission laws don't apply to them so the authorities aren't going to do anything about it.
Currently Tameside has no official "pitches" for gypsies to set-up shop, pay no rent or any council tax. AGMA wants this to change by 2016 to support 16 "pitches". 4NW, the unelected quango board wants us to have 40. Completely and utterly barmy. Don't believe me, then take a look at David Ottewell's blog.
On a lighter side I do have a joke for you all.
The EU has decided that we can no longer use the term 'Gyppos', we must now refer to them as Caravan Utilising Nomadic Travellers or C.U.N.T's for short.
All areas with a strong BNP presence are statistically proven to have less of these type of 'guests' as the local bigwigs know the increased 'problems' that come with these sites might cost them votes that would be picked up by the one Party that would do something about it. It's no coincidence that Tameside has none of these sites.
Persecuting travellers now as well? Uncle Adolf would be proud.
What persecution. Are you saying crime doesn't go up when they're in the area?
Travellers bring wealth and prosperity where ever they go. They are great at laying tarmac, replacing broken roof slates and many other jobs. Welcome the travellers to Tameside and petition your councillors to make amenities available to them.
They did a tremendous job of trimming our tree back, and sharpening our garden fork!
It's not British travellers I'm worried about, it is some of the EU travellers that are cause for concearn.
Police are looking into the comments on here about these Tinkers in Denton.
If anyone is in doubt that the BNP is the most persecuted organisation in Britain let them read this. It is incredible, a form of mass hysteria whipped up PC zealots, corrupt politicians and the bought media. If this was going on in Iran or Burma the same hypocrites persecuting the BNP here would be screeching human rights abuse. I think Nietzsche best sums up what the end result of this persecution will lead to.
QUOTE "Police are looking into the comments on here about these Tinkers in Denton."
I hear a funny story that The Police cannot access this blog on their computers because it is blocked due to "It's connection with the BNP" (sic)
So they have to view us on computers "borrowed" from people who have complained...
What are the police doing about the Muslim gangs that are causing fear and violence in Hyde at the moment? We hear that gangs of them are wearing masks when taking part in violence and intimidation of whites in the Town centre.
Mr Friedrich Nietzsche, it's funny because the police here in Tameside turn a blind eye to Cllr Brian Wild's drink problem, in the sense that he's a drink driver. His daughter was recently reported to the dss for claiming benefit and working, but don't worry she'll get away with it.
Breaking News
A group of Tinkers are moving next door to Andrew Gwynne, he his absolutley delighted with this news. His wife is said to be over joyed, and she is looking forward to having odd jobs done by them.
The only way a story about Muslim gangs in Hyde would get in the Advertiser is if they burned the Town Hall down, then it would be two lines on page eleven.
you will not read anything in the localpapers about muslim attacks in hyde,
a couple of months ago two white lads on there way to school walking through hyde park were set upon by around 15-20 muslims one of the white kids ended up in hospital,nothing was said or done.
six weeks ago a young white lad was on his way home from the pub,as he was walking across asda carpark he was set upon by a handfull of muslims,nothing was said or done.
on the night of the euro elections a couple in there 50s were attacked on market street on there way home from the pub,nothing was said or done.
They are running starting to get out of control in Hyde. In February two white teenagers, a boy and girl were attacked in Hyde Park by a gang of Asians. It never raised a ripple. Suppressed by the local rag's 'community cohesion' gestapo.
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