Trafford Council has appointed a new chief executive. Janet Callender, the former chief executive at neighbouring Tameside Council, takes over at the helm of the local authority.During her five years at Tameside Council the authority has grown from strength to strength, becoming one of the highest performing councils in the country. She was awarded an OBE last year for her services to local government. She has also been rated among the top 30 most influential figures in local government and sits on a number of Government 'think tanks'. Trafford Council's leader, Cllr Matt Colledge, said of the appointment: "I am delighted to have Janet on board. She is an experienced and enthusiastic chief executive who is joining Trafford at a critical time. "We anticipate large reductions in central Government funding over the coming years but our aspiration is to continue to deliver excellent services for residents and businesses across the borough. To achieve this we have set an ambitious agenda of Transformation, and I have no doubt that Janet will lead from the front." Janet said: “I feel proud and privileged to have been appointed as Trafford’s chief executive. "During the selection process I was very impressed by the collective determination of councillors, staff and partners to deliver high quality services and value for money. “As we embark on the delivery of our exciting transformation agenda, my job is to build on the good work so far. "I firmly believe Trafford is well placed to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and that we should approach the future with confidence.” She is expected to take up her post in early September.
Does anyone have any idea why Janet Callender left Tameside and switched to Trafford?
Tameside Citizen
I told her to fuck off
Thats not nice Roy
Stockport MBC, Reddish North Ward, LAB HOLD
Lab 1218 49.5% +1%
Con 403 16.4% -8.8%
UKIP 342 13.9% +13.9%
LD 303 12.3% + 0.7%
BNP 195 7.9% - 6.6%
considering the reddish voter i.d. was 60% in labours favour (the same as denton north east) it's looking goor for denise ward next week.
Sorry Floyd...
Poor show from the BNP and LD we will do better in Denton and will soon control Tameside.
Janet was sick of the socialist ripoff animals and so felt moving to Tory Trafford would be the right thing to do. At least now her conscience is clear. Janet will now be working with a much better team with some real intelligence.
Dunno but her press release reads like the cliche-ridden guff associated with any other technocratic grandee. Is she accountable in any way to the recipients of the "exciting programmes of transformation" she's helming at this exciting time in the council's life? Does she live in or near Trafford?
Relatively minor statistical anomalies aside it's astonishing that 50% of people can still vote Labour given that their national support is below 20%. Their ability to target spongers, the elderly and ethnic groups and get them to turn out or post their vote is a method that so far, in small targeted local campaigns has worked for them on several occasions. If YOU were threatened with losing your seat on the local Council gravy train you'd work to stay on it so motivation of volunteers is not a problem. Such tactics will not of course work on a national scale.
Alternatively, with a pathetic 23.5% turnout and half of that going to other Parties, 88.5% of the electorate did NOT vote Labour meaning if turnout rose significantly (an extremely strong possibility in the current economic climate) anything could happen.
Wait 'til the massive public spending cuts start to become apparent. THAT'S when things will change.
She has a house in the Staly/Duk ward as well as another elsewhere.
In the Norwich North parliamentary by-election the Labour vote dropped 26.7%. In Reddish it rose 1%, a massive statistical anomaly even allowing for other factors. UKIP have taken a lot of Conservative support and some from the BNP in Reddish and are now in some areas the 'acceptable' protest vote despite the electorate having little or no idea of their policies. Their anti-European position, if even partially adopted by David Cameron would clearly be a massive vote winner.
Tameside's vote in the Euro election for the BNP was 13.2%, The second highest in the NW Euro Region.
If we were not standing do you think there would be this level of campaigning from the Labour Party?
We will win seats on Tameside council soon. The sitting councillors are "resigned" to this fact.
We ae told that in times of crises and slump "extremists" do well. An "extremist" s someone who is not part of the established order, someone who puts their own community, their own people, before the internationalist agenda.
For example. at Tuesday's council meeting Cllr Keiran Quinn mentioned "Carbon Footprints".
As far as I know he is an honourable man and a fine Councillor. But on this issue he is misled. The whole "Carbon footprint / credit" issue is a scam to get us gullible sods in the West to pay a third time for something we already own!
We reject this and all the other internationalist garbage
Blimey just had another personalised letter from Denise Ward drop on my doormat today. And a Green leaflet.
Bentley Road, and a BNP leaflet.
No, didn't get one of those.
I know, that's because you don't live there.
Roy Oldham's contempt for staff is legendary!
At the full council meeting of 14 April 2009 he referred to the regrading exercise which by his own admission will lead to 16% of staff having a drop in their grading with their salary ring-fenced for only 2 years.
His advice and other words of wisdom??
"Stop this bleating"
"Solicitors sitting on the wire like vultures"
"We can't have opposition in some areas"
Check out that last one hmmmmmm
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