Monday, 29 June 2009

A blast from the past

The images above are from a 1970’s left wing publication known as the New Manchester Review. It makes fascinating reading (click on the individual images to enlarge). It is interesting to note the then leader of the council was Conservative stalwart Colin Grantham, also of interest was the fact that the Tories then held the majority on Tameside Council. What about the passage from Bert Ellicott - very interest when put into historical context. As for the immigrant population totalling just 1200; I would hazard a guess at saying more than that attend Hyde Mosque for Friday prayers these days. There is a further piece to this feature, a suggestion was made a certain boisterous individual appearing in one of the photographs is now a well known councillor. I cannot verify this to be true so I will keep that until the authenticity of the claim can be verified.


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Death penalty for treason said...

Taylor, don't slag off British workers you traitorous, overpaid, bent c**t. Under NewLabour 71% of all new jobs have gone to foreigners, that's opposed to 20% in France and similar figures right across Europe. Many foreign companies can bring their employees with them, the jobs are NEVER ADVERTIZED IN BRITAIN. One Indian IT company has been bringing them in at the rate of 11000 a year. You and your backstabbing scum Party have wrecked this country by importing massive amounts of cheap foreign labour to suit your mates in global companies. The Labour Party was founded to look after the British working class not kick it in the teeth.

Wrecking crew said...

Saw the self satisfied c**t on Haughton Hall Rd today with his Great Grandad. Though someone said it was Wild.

tonydj said...

Just wait until we start to put out MY leaflet designs, with the details of Press / council collusion (see ) or The BARCELONA ACCORD aka EURO-MEDITERRANEAN AGREEMENT.

( )( )
( )

Next year the Arab countries around the Med become honorary EU countries.........wonder why that was not a Euro Election issue????

Bloody meadow said...

The British people are awakening to the treachery of the mainstream Parties and their attempt to sell Britain's identity to foreigners and multinationals and line their own pockets. The reckoning will be without quarter.

Walter Mitty said...

Any more gun running adventures or stories about your UVF mates for us Tony?

tonydj said...

According to the news the Loyalists are decommissioning their arms.....and according to the left, Advertiser, Searchlight etc it's the UDA I'm supposed to have been a member of!!

Just as I'm supposed to be Tameside Citizen!!!

Conservative Future said...

Take a look at this...

hahahahaha said...


Anonymous said...

who does stacey knighton think she is?

have some bloody dignity love and stop trying to justify yourself!
"i earn more than all the Labour councillors"

Not nice when the boots on the other foot is it love.

The one who laughs last laughs the longest.


Anonymous said...

I think you will find Stacey did not write any comments on here, nor did Ian Barker. Stacey has far more important thing to do like go to work.

The A-Team said...

Look at this. There doesn't seem to be Tory split as Stacey is in the picture. It just goes to show the langths Labour will go to to try and sabotage the Denton North East Tory campaign like they tried to do to the BNP in Newton. It seems the Labour lot are getting desperate. They know hey will lose to the Tories. Whilst Labour are wasting their time on here, the Tories are united and winning votes in Denton North East.

Anonymous said...

We hear that the borough solicitor is up in arms about something, She should start to open her eyes to the abuse of position by certain Cllrs. John Taylor who was in charge of social services, going through Confidential files to look for information in order to smear his political opponant in Dukinfield. He confirms that he already takes information from new charter housing about a certain person. Open your eyes borough solicitor to the abuse of position going on under your nose.

Do the maths! said...

Conservative Future, perhaps you should look at this for the real facts in Reddish North!

Anonymous said...

Do the maths BORINGzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Defector Alert! said...

Have just looked on the Reddish North site as Do the Maths suggests and see KAREN WRIGHT has defected to Labour now!!!

Will there be any Lib Dems left?

Anonymous said...

Karen Wright sent Peter round the bend, living with her was a nigtmare for Peter. His two daughters were by his side all through his court ordeal, and the new charter attempt to throw him and his daughters onto the streets.

Anonymous said...

The Tories were out in Denton North East tonight, I passed them as I was driving through. No sign of Labour, maybe they've given up fighting a losing battle.

BNP said...

No Labour out today saw them.

Anonymous said...

Carol Vorderman has done the maths alongside the Conservatives. Labour can't add up. Maybe that explains why we're in the worst recession this country has seen for over 100years. Every child born in this country will carry £17,000 of Gordon Brooooons debt. I can smell something Brown!

BNP said...

Saw John Taylor/Wild out posting leaflets in Denton Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Where were they? Were they concentrating on the council estates?

BNP New Campaign Denton said...

The BNP campaign was slow to start in this by-election. But with new quality leaflets soon available for this election, the BNP campaign will mean business. A local issue that the Lab/Con will no doubt fail to put to the people of Denton, will be raised by the BNP. We are in this election to put the wind up Labour.

Staying loyal said...

Speaking of Loyalists don't forget next Sunday -the 12th July - is the 319th anniversary of the Protestant victory at the Battle of The Boyne, a pivotal moment in British history.

Anonymous said...

two large labour teams out this evening

Local lad said...

If they don't win big after all this work there'll be hell to pay.

Tnuc a si rolyat said...

Karen Wright joins Labour. First time I've ever heard of rats JOINING a sinking ship.

Anonymous said...

Karen Wright was useless as a cllr she's joined the right party

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