This election should prove interesting. On paper the Conservatives should be in with a good chance of winning, however unless they have resolved their internal differences this is likely to be another Tameside Labour by-election win. I have only been back a few hours but people I have spoken who live in Denton NE say only Labour have been running a ‘full on’ campaign. The leaflet attached is a Labour ‘By-Election Special’. Someone should tell them the war memorial they refer to when trying to smear the BNP is from the ‘wrong’ war. I cannot workout if they are deliberately trying to deceive the electorate with reference to the Victoria Park war memorial or if they are really so thick they do not understand the 1914-18 war was not the war in which Fascism featured as a contributing factor.
The competing parties are:
The best leaflet so far in my opinion,the BNP one delivered was one of the worst ever seen, Karen Wright was seen out with Labour tonight if its true shes joined them then its a great coup for them.
Five times loser Rosilind Gauci is a strange choice for the BNP they will be on a high after their successes in Europe but will get nowhere in this part of Denton.
How sad for the Tories to be so split looks like their younger members are trying take over and have failed, bit like lions when the dominant male gets challenged the losers are out on their own in the wilderness.
This is not a time for infighting if Labour are going to be challenged strong united action is needed, but I do still expect the Tories to come in a good second behind Labour.
Forget the others they irrelevant what a pity the BNP picked a poor candidate a good strong candidate may have challenged for second place Rosalind is a poor loser Labour will destroy again just like they did in Hyde.
Its Labour first past the post for me.
Brian Wild for Labour takes up the call, he was on the streets of Denton helping in this election. What a man to have on your side.
The truth is Laour NEED to try all they can to win this by-election because the country has lost faith in them. No amount of leafleting or underhanded games are going to win this for them. The Tories do not have a "split in the ranks". This is just another Labour ploy. The Conservatives will win this ward and residents believe it's time for a positive change. Only the Conservatives can offer real change. The tired old Labour louts have had their day. After years of tax increases, cut services, red tape, crap bronze statues and political correctness and the rest of the boneidleness they have nothing left. We are now seeing a Labour party who have nobody else to blame for their political suicide. IT'S TIME TO VOTE CONSERVATIVE!
Labour call in Cllr Brian Wild, an old drunk and pervert, looking at that photo of him makes you think anyway. Wildy what do you look like you old fool?
Paddy Power, it's true. Karen Wright has joined Labour. See: labourforreddishnorth.blogspot.com
I can assure you that the bnp campaign in this election, will give justice to the BNP presence in this by-election. The BNP is growing in membership in Tameside I promise you that.
Ros Gauci increased the vote and vote share for the BNP in HydeNewton despite the biggest lies and smear campaign in the Borough's political history. 27500 smear leaflets put out by outside agitators, leftie local church leaders and a chronically biased bought and paid for local media campaign couldn't stop her. THAT'S why she was selected to fight Denton North East.
We hope that the BNP can take votes off Labour then we will see enough of a drop in the Labour vote and in we go.
The Labour Party can ridicule the first BNP leaflet which admittedly was a poor effort, however, the second leaflet will be a different story. The Labour Party will be exposed on many fronts - blatant opportunists, flag waving false patriots, destroyers of industry, betrayers of the working class and much more. If this makes the possibility of a Conservative gain a possibility - so be it! We are going to try and win this election, but if we fail, we would consider a consolation prize of a Labour loss as a job well done. Duki/Staly was sweet, let us hope Denton NE proves to be the same.
We would rather see the Tories united in this election. Labour need to be kicked out. If we can take votes off Labour and the see a Tory victory so be it. We would like to win ourselves, but it would be a victory to see the corrupt Labour mob out.
Fuck me Karen has gone down the pan a bit. Senior? She was fucking useless as a councillor. As a Lib Dem councillor in Audenshaw she hardly turned up to any meetings. Just the minimum to collect her basic allowance. No wonder Labour are not boasting this "gain" on their Denton blog - locals know better!
She looks like Saweet Eva. Do you fuck dinosaurs????
AudenshawLad, She must have done something right to get elected on 3 occasions with increased majorities each time...
There's nothing new about a BNP Tory alliance many ex Tory members are in the BNP and many ex BNP members are in the Tory party.
Lets see how smug they are when they realise many Denton Tory voters voted BNP their real choice, and the Labour vote increases again just like Newton if you have canvassed you will have some idea now about the result, WE HAVE .
Iam quite surprised Karen has joined a party with a wife beater in its pack
Who are you kidding L T I D there is no pact between the tories and the bnp and you know it.
The only thing your party do is use scare tactics to people by saying if you dont vote labour then the bnp will win and those who dont like to be told who not to vote for give them their vote as you in your own parties words said only the bnp can win out of the opposition parties so they vote for them.
And you use this tactic up and down the country and i know as i have seen the briefing from your H/Q
Karen single handedly destroyed Tameside Lib Dems. Thank you Karen. Please can you do the same with Labour? Oh wait... they are doing a good enough job of doing that themselves!
There is no alliance Tories/BNP.
No doubt, that we would not be upset with seeing a Tory victory and Labour out. I think it would be rather jolly.
errr Tameside Conservative's are distroing themselves thanks to John Bell's weak leadership.
Carry on Stacey you're doing a grand job ruining your chances!
Ltid well said most Tories are right wing nutters who would be more suited to the BNP.
In Newton many Tories defected to the BNP their vote collapsed in an area they should have won comfortably, the right wing vote in Denton will swing to the BNP just for the protest you will see.
A big split in the right wing vote will favour Labour who have out smarted other party's once again with a popular community working candidate, she lives in the heart of the traditional Tory voters who have promised to support her.
We have closed the book on the winner and will pay out now, just taking bets on who comes second.
What are you ranting on about. BNP votes come from pissed off Labour voters. So out of touch with reality above post
Let us today spare a moment to remember the victims of the 7/7 Muslim mass murder of innocents in London and at the same time remember the victims of the current Muslim slaughter of the innocents in western Chinese city of Urumqi.
That's not what happened in Audenshaw or Droylsden East in May 08 - the Labour vote held up, it was the anti-Labour vote which shifted to the BNP... same will happen in Denton NE. There is a definite Labour vote and a definite anti-Labour vote. The anti-vote will split between Tories, UKIP, BNP and Green. Oh happy days!
Yeah ex Labour voters you dick
The BNP put out a Black and White leaflet in Audenshaw, and the vote was 800.
Happy days not for-ever mate.
In what was the heart of the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire, one in six people voted for the British National Party in the European elections. Kieron Hunt, 51, was one of them.
“I’m not racist in any way,” Mr Hunt, 51, said, as he packed away the shoe stall that he runs in Barnsley town centre. “But there are too many foreigners. They are not good for the local economy. Even if they are working they are not spending; they are sending the money back home. A lot of people are fed up with the situation: they think they get treated better than others — they get houses and phones and cars. Whether they do or not I don’t know, but that seems to be the general opinion.”
Mr Hunt admits that the BNP "are extreme. A couple of their policies are racist, but a lot of what they are saying is common sense: British jobs for British workers.
“Barnsley is pretty bad now. We’ve got no big industry round here. We used to have the pits and the steelworks, now we are left with warehouses and supermarkets and that carry-on. It’s all basic wages; there are no well-paid jobs.”
He is not surprised that the BNP attracted a following locally.“ Barnsley has always been an old-fashioned Yorkshire town. People have never had foreigners living next to them. It is probably a backlash.”
The two brash lads walking down the precinct in their T-shirts had voted BNP and didn’t care who knew it. “About 40 of us went and voted BNP,” said Shane Redford, 19, a bricklayer. “All our mates wanted to vote. Get ’em out.” Who? “Foreigners. They’re dangerous. They’re too horrible.”
“You can’t get a job because of all the Polish,” said his mate Jamie Oddie, who was made redundant from his warehouse job a month ago. “It’s cheap labour. Give Britain back to the British.”
As many people are appalled by the drift to the far Right. “I am disgusted with it,” said one middle-aged shopper. She is old-fashioned Barnsley: she voted for Arthur Scargill. “They had a woman on TV saying she voted BNP because her grandson couldn’t get a job. But that is not true. There are jobs out there but they are jobs people born and bred here won’t look at. Most hospitals would shut down if there were no foreign workers.
“This weekend we had 65 years after D-Day — my dad fought in the war to crush such as these. Yet the same weekend they are voted in. It’s ironic, isn’t it?”
If there is a worrying message for the Government on the streets of Barnsley, though, it is not in the number of BNP supporters, it is the utter disillusion with the Labour Party. Of the first half-dozen people to whom The Times spoke, there was one BNP voter, one for Mr Scargill, one Lib Dem, one for UKIP, one Green and one non-voter. None voted Labour.
Even those who could not bring themselves to support the BNP nevertheless echoed their rhetoric. Outside a betting shop Christopher Ferguson, 53, said: “Labour has lost it. They don’t connect with working-class people any more. I am on incapacity benefit, but there are a lot of people out there without work getting £64 a week jobseeker’s allowance. It is such a struggle to survive. I didn’t vote — if I didn’t vote Labour I didn’t know who to vote for.”
Like many others in Barnsley he blames much of the unemployment situation on foreign workers. “There’s a hell of a lot now — from all over; we’re absolutely flooded out. People feel the foreigners are looked on more favourably than our people.”
You're right Paddy, Labour's glossy leaflet looked better than ours. Shame there was hardly a grain of truth in it. In Britain 2009 glossy superficiality is King, which is why a degenerate pervert like Michael Jackson is eulogized like a God. Look under the surface and like Labour things are rotten from the roots up.
Hey lets all laugh at Labour's MP Byers getting attacked, they did when Nick Griffin was attacked.
Paddy, the soft Tory and LibDem vote in HydeNewton went to Labour after their massive lies and smear campaign against the BNP. The BNP vote held rock solid and actually increased by 43. If Tory voters had switched their allegiance to the Right the BNP vote would have gone up far more proving you are talking rubbish yet again. 'A big split in the Right Wing vote'; people aren't as stupid as you wish they were, everyone knows the three main Parties occupy the same ground so switching their vote to Tory for the vast majority will be as natural as breathing. Those who want real change to start rebuilding the unrecognizable ruin that is Britain in the 21st century will vote BNP.
LATEST NEWS - information is coming through about a big bust up last night in Denton when two rival Tory supporters met in the street.
We understand it was in the Town lane area and that locals called the police to break it up, any further information from Tory insiders will be treated in confidence
My prediction, based on 2500 people voting (which is around the same as a local election turnout):
Labour 1,100 (44%)
Con 650 (26%)
BNP 325 (13%)
UKIP 250 (10%)
Green 175 (7%)
Nick Griffin's 'crime' was to stand for election and win. Ex Labour Cabinet Minister Stephen Byers claimed more than £125,000 in 2nd home expenses for a London flat owned outright by his partner where he lives rent free. It's called obtaining money by deception. The Police have done nothing thereby actively inciting members of the public to take their own measures. He's lucky it was only a soft drink, if I saw him or Purnell in the street they'd get a lot worse than that.
Electoral Calculus, so you're saying UKIP will get an approximately 760% increase on their HydeNewton result.
I heard about the bust-up. It was the young'uns v oldies again.
or was it John Bell's wig they were fighting over? or fat gaz's pies?
My Prediction
Con: 950
Lab: 920
BNP: 375
Grn: 125
UKIP: 80
somebody hasn't been looking at the voter i.d. returns...
Is there moderation on here now?
No, no moderation, but somebody was posting Nazi marching song videos and this has no relevance to the election in Denton NE so I deleted the posts which were not related to Tameside.
Someones spent too much time on the sunbed! What do you tink John?
I see Stacey, Georgina and Joan are fully behind Floyd'd fabulous campaign.
Puts paid to the Labour lies.
F****** hell what a motley crew accept the lovely Stacey
Who is the ginger with the yellow teeth?
Well Stacey you've got my deepest sympathy lass.
I want to know why the Georgina poster is still in the upstairs window?
I want to know is that the best quality line up the Denton Tories can muster?
Would'nt want to bump into those three on a dark night
On twitter MP reporting voter ID 2:1 in Labour's favour in Denton NE by-election.
Think that's bollocks. 2:1. Who they speaking to? Even the Denton nodding Labourite donkeys dont make up that much of the population surely?
Labour's HydeNewton result was before the expenses scandal which implicated large numbers of Labour and Conservative MP's. Two of the worst and most prominent offenders were ex Labour Cabinet Ministers Hazel Blears and Tameside MP James Purnell whose responsibilities included CATCHING BENEFIT CHEATS. No wonder the Tameside Mafia are working so hard.
I reckon the Conservatives will win by a hundred votes or so and the turnout will be 5 to 10% up.
See Karen Wright now plastered all over the labourfordenton blog.
I'm not sure the Tories will win. Look at 2006,07,08 in this ward.
06 straight Labour Tory fight. Narrow majority
07 3-way fight. Labour poll almost same as 06, but anti-Labour vote splits and Labour's majority doubles.
08 3-way fight. Labour's vote drops because of 10p tax as in rest of Tameside. Anti-Labour vote outnumbers Labour vote but is split. Labour wins.
Had 08 been a head-head, Tories would've beaten Martin Wareing! But it does seem Labour has a core vote and the anti-vote when split lets Labour win. Just look at the results. It's there in black and white!
Karen Wright was a heavy drinker during the problems with Peter, Peter was driven mad by this woman no doubt about that.
It tells you something that his two daughters wanted to be with him through his cort ordeal.
The Labour Party can have Karen Write. The Tories woudn't want her near.
Labours luck is unbelievable during the Newton election their biggest rivals were the BNP and guess what , they were split down the middle and had the same infighting the Tories have now in Denton how lucky can you get.
Not sure if the BNP have kissed and made up Nigel is now no where to be seen and they have selected the same useless candidate for Denton,Rosalind Gauci from Ashton how stupid can you get.
To stand any chance in by-elections you need a good local candidate, just look at the mess the Tories are in with their infighting.
The Tories have a good local candidate. Being exactly local to the ward doesn't seem to be an issue for the Labour louts, take Dawso Lane for example. A Denton West Councillor from Duki? They must be barmy.
She talks the talk, but what does she do in the elections she stands in?
Anonymous, you seem to have forgotten the recent MP's expenses scandal and James Purnell's massive media exposure as one of the worst offenders, and that was up against extremely stiff competition from many other senior Labour figures. Purnell's easily the most well known politician from Tameside on the national political scene and that will resonate with all Tamesiders, virtually all of whom will be disgusted at his claiming £400 a month off the hard pressed taxpayer for his food bill. But you're right about Labour having a core vote you can see them hanging around with nothing to do or queueing up to sign on and then sloping off back to bed with their drugs or cheap booze.
Hey TC, how about a label for the Tory blog: floydpaterson.wordpress.com.
Surely you wouldn't want to seen as being biased towards the Labour campaign would you?
I also see that a Tory leaflet has been posted on their blog.
Vote BNP if you want less asylum seekers, immigrants and refugees taking your place on the social housing list. It is a proven fact that a strong BNP presence in an area massively reduces the likelihood of immigrants of all kinds being being dispersed to that area thereby ensuring that British people are put where they should be, at the front of the queue. Nationality before 'need'.
I see the Advertiser have made a groveling apology to the councillors over their expenses sorry their allowances, I thought it was strange them running that story last week.
Greedy anyway but people keep voting for them
The Advertiser was wrong.
Charges incurred by an employee in the performance of work: was reimbursed for her travel expenses.
An amount that is allowed or granted: consumed my weekly allowance of two eggs.
This of course, would of never have happened on the blogosphere.
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