He must be, or failing that he is a young man with extraordinary knowledge of how the various government/council quango’s operate. Read what he said
here on the 17th Feb this year, then take a look at the full page advertisement in this weeks local papers regarding the C-Charge and Stalybridge railway station car parking. It is easy to see why the powers that be wish to silence someone who is as on the ball as Liam.
Liam doesn't have a crystal ball nor does he need one. He has insider information from his contacts in the council - probably fellow homosexuals.
Why are you building him up to be something he isn't?
Liam is one of the brightest and boldest players in the entire Tameside political arena. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it; he is a very bright young man who has paid the price for unearthing some very inconvenient truths involving councillors, government ministers and convicted rapists. He is currently on bail as a result of an entirely politically motivated persecution. If more Tories had a half of Liam’s courage Labour would not get a free reign on all matters political in Tameside as they currently do.
Dear "queers and child etc..."
When you can't defeat an opponent with logic try smears..... "queer" "Peeeedoh" "Puff......." etc. he's also a Roman Catholic why not have a pop at him for that ("Paddy Papist")?. Oh sorry, That wouldn't go down well in certain circles you move in would it?
Fact is anyone who knows how this corrupt local establishment works could have made a good guess like Liam but he got there first, and paid the price. He's had his bail extended to 30th September and his computer is still held by the local woodentops.
Meanwhile, same woodentops still no closer to finding the two unidentified rapists who raped a 16 year old Ashton girl
What an absolute disgusting statement to the post at the top.
Shame on you i think most people have an idea who has made the comment and it will bite you on the arse one day.
It takes all sorts to make the world go round
Tameside Citizen, I agree, Liam Billington is one of the brightest stars in the political arena in Tameside. He has a genuine instinct for finding and unearthing the sort of scandal the Labour Council and Government would rather everyone didn't know about. I find it frustrating that some are using Liam's sexuality as a stick to beat him with. The fact remains that he was arrested in the run up to the local elections to prevent him from telling the truth about the corrupt clique who run Tameside Council. Liam's arrest was politically expedient for the likes of Parker-Perry and Taylor as they pursued their grubby quest for re-election. I write this as one of Liam's friends, he's someone I'm proud to call a friend, and I just hope that he's cleared of these fabricated, jumped up allegations and is freed to live his life again. I must also make the point that Tameside Conservatives need people like Liam to show Labour for the bunch of lying charlatans they really are.
Well... the BNP missed out on the council meeting. Uncle Roy mentioned the park and ride scheme at Stalybridge Train Station, but was very careful in not mentioning the local blogs which had raised this as a concern.
I can confirm to you that Cllr. Roy Oldham has pledged an extra 350 FREE multi-storey car parking spaces for users of Stalybridge Train Station.
Just to reasure you, your local Conservative councillors are fully aware of this scheme and will be holding Roy to his word - FREE. I really can't stress the word FREE enough.
But hold your horses here. 350 car parking spaces sandwiched between Stalybridge Railway Station and Stalybridge Fire Station? How so? Surely such a large and busy car park would present a health and safety risk through INCREASED traffic in the area for fire engines. Now if your memories serve you all correct, your Labour council is highly notorious for axing fire services with Stalybridge at one point being muted as a "part time" station.
This council is known for being the most expensive for parking outside central Manchester.
And don't think because Roy says it's free doesn't mean someone isn't going to profit from the land which is owned by the GMPF. The GMPF isn't in the business of being charitable. Roy has clocked on to my theory and isn't willing to take a hit on the chin for having the GMPF profit from congestion charging... or will it? Expect the GMPTA to pay a heafty lease on the land or buy it at above the going rate.
Liam, Labour has a bad habit of axing fire services wherever you live, not just in Tameside. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they were planning to downgrade Stalybridge so that Uncle Roy can have his nice car park scheme.
"Free" parking and GMPF? Like you say, these two concepts are not ones you'd expect to be compatible. I think you're going to be proven right again when you mention that GMPF will somehow make a profit and come up smelling of roses out of all this. The real losers, as always, will be public transport users and the taxpayer.
Once again, I believe you've hit the truth again Liam, with GMPF profiting out of the congestion charge AND from the lease on the car park site. Uncle Roy must be laughing all the way to the bank (or the Costa).
Labour's tax double whammy is alive and well. It's just about to thump the good citizens of Tameside AGAIN.
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