Tameside's public transport leader has welcomed a decision to improve access for passengers at Stalybridge train station. The Department for Transport has pledged to upgrade the station as part of its ?370 million 'Access for All' programme in England and Wales. Councillor Alan Whitehead, Tameside's spokesperson on Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority, said: "This is great news for Stalybridge. Work on a new ticket office and waiting area is due to start soon and I'm delighted that access will now also be improved. "The station is one of the busiest in Greater Manchester and I'm sure passengers will appreciate these improvements. We've recently seen the platforms at the station raised to help make it safer and easier for people to get on and off trains. "But older and disabled people can find it hard getting to the platforms, and it's a nuisance for parents who have to carry prams up and down steps. This work will make it much easier for people to use public transport in the future." Passengers make nearly 700,000 journeys to and from Stalybridge every year, making it the eighth busiest station in Greater Manchester. The Department for Transport's Access for All programme is designed to provide step-free access from station entrances to platforms, as well as improved lighting, hearing induction loops and passenger information screens. The government announced last week that Stalybridge would be one of forty stations to benefit from major funding to improve access. Network Rail will carry out studies at each station over the next 18 months to decide what changes need to be made. The upgrades are due to be completed between 2012 and 2015. Work is also due to start later this month on a new ticket office and waiting area. The £475,000 project, which is being funded by Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority, will include a new glass-fronted waiting area with seating and customer information screens. There will also be better pedestrian access, a new taxi pick-up area and disabled parking.
I have aired my concerns on this project in a previous post on my blog.
Now looking at the plans you will see that there is MUCH less car parking space in front of Stalybridge train station. Parking is bad as it is. It makes you wonder where the extra cars are going to go, especially when the TIF gets put in place - and trust me it is comming much quicker than we think. The answer was confirmed by Roy Oldham himself, GMPF are going to use the land they own around the station to build a car park paid for by public funds which we will then have to pay when we use it. Some P&R schemes in Manchester can be more than £5 a day - either way you will be paying £5 through the C Charge or Public Transport to Greater Manchester councils whether you like it or not.
Anyone think that members of the GMPF have a vested interest in getting the go ahead for the loss generating congestion charging scheme? After all the GMPF benefits from the increased demand from use of car parks and yet it does not have the financial risk of implementing the congestion charge.
Oh and don't be surprised if the GMPTA give funding to the GMPF to build these car parks. It is our council tax which funds the GMPF. Nice little slush fund that Uncle Roy has set up. Think I am mad? Just you wait and see.
Hey Liam no one takes you seriously your stunt at the council meeting, giving out those leflets to cllrs, I saw them all putting them in the bin outside.
I saw many people reading Liam's leaflets and thought it was a great idea. The $6m question is what stunt will Liam perform next?
Liam is very immature and very likely to get himself in hot water with John Taylor. Some say that Liams critical approach to Taylor is just a diversion.
No matter how well-planned and benevolent a society, there will always be those who don't like the way things are run, whether objecting on religious, ideological, prejudicial, paranoid, or egotistic grounds, or even because thy have been manipulated into doing so. Such subversives will always be a part of the underbelly of galactic society. And whereas hiders conceal themselves in worldships or nomadic colonies between the stars, or in the icy bodies of the oort clouds, and idealists seek to migrate outwards to the periphery and beyond to establish their own utopias, other clades, phyles, and subcultures, more militant or fanatical, seek to overthrow the rule of the imperial hyperturings, or if they cannot do that, at least make things difficult for them. These are the subversives, the terrorists. They have been around since the dawn of history, although their names and their causes may vary. For them the end always justifies the means. The authorities would dearly love to get their hands on them. But most often they can't. Viva la revolution!
Roy, you don't cover yourself well do you? I had an exact email from you this afternoon. To be honest, I don't care what you think. The reality is that my visitors have gone up since my leafleting and the coverage in the Reporter. I am on track for nearly 3,000 visitors a month and for a local blog, which is young is very good. Roy is bitter that I am no longer publishing comments by him or others who claim to be other people or who get into arguements or go off topic.
And yes, I know I am now going off topic and getting into an arguement by replying to Roy. Oh and diversion to what Roy?
No stunt this time TC. Although there will be one in the March meeting.
Liam you call someone a FUCKTARD on your blog, you are so immature.
Liam you have about as much chance of being elected on to Tameside council as Rupert Bear as.
Yes, but Liam you may by clever with computers but when it comes diplomacy you are are dead loss, anyone that rubs you up the wrong way if you get elected you will call them a FUCKTARD.
Honestly Liam you are becoming somewhat of a circus clown...thats all nothing more, referring to people as FUCKTARDS is a bit childish and immature. What will you have on your election leaflet? my opponent is a FUCKTARD don't vote for him vote for me......
Latest News coming in, John Taylor pissed at the Old General, had to be helped in to the taxi.
Hey Liam just because you have had 3,000 visitors to your blog does not mean its any good. Neighbours has been on the box for years and its still shite.
Liam will be having some company on Tuesday and he wil have to explain his actions.
The circus continues. Anyway forget this bullsh#t and celebrate the birth of a new nation. Let us all toast to Kosovo and wish her a bright and prosperous future now she has broke free from the tyranny of Serbia
Has BROKEN free. Dickhead.
Back to school for Sean Perry.
Yes - BROKEN FREE. I helped Kosovar refugees settle in Tameside the tales of terror they told me gave me nightmares. The Serb criminals were trying to enslave the entire Kosovar people. Try reading up of arkans tigers numbskull and u will see why this is a great day for europe and the population of Kosovo.
Hey tameside vip have you made any phone calls to people you don't like recently?
Your spelling and grammar are awful. Why don't you go back to school.
You're nothing but a bloodsucking vampire on the back of Purnell.
tameside vip you would have been working for Hitler during the war, with the late night visits to people and anonymous phone calls.
I see the nameless coward has resurfaced. Come on coward climb from under ur rock and reveal urself - and I will sue ur cowardly arse
One thing that people should know about Sean Parker Perry that he his a phone pest. He very brave making threats on the other end of the phone, yet all he had to do was come round to the house.
Still waiting for you to come round and do horrible things to me Perry you little rat.
U r a liar - as well as a coward, if u were telling the truth u wouldnt hide behind a false id.
The nameless cowards are out in force tonight. Shame u all have no bottle.
You are too much of a rat to come to my house and carry out your threat, What was it you said Sean you will do horrible things to me, was you pissed when you said it?
You only live behind me Sean so I'm told, you made the call on my mobile don't you remember?
Tell me who u r and i will tell u if i called ur mobile.
Sean you thick cunt you said that you would come round and do horrible things to me, how can you not remember you stupid fuck stick.
By the way Sean how did you get away with beating your ex girl friend up and nicking her car?
Annon u r a liar and a coward. I am not wasting any more time on u. I am going to bed - goodnight liars, saddos and cowards
Perry if you would have come to my house you would have taken a beating you little rat.
Sean Parker Perry use to beat up his ex girl friend, he nicked her car but got off in court..I wonder why?
The Kosovans were a bunch of Muslim gangsters who were backed by the Yanks, Muslim murderers from the Middle East and the "New World Order" illuminatti. If they were so brave how come so many of the vermin fled over here and needed help from gullible posers??
Oh, as for Stalybridge Station, I expected this after Cllr Oldham's comment about GMPF owning land near Stalybridge Station.
neka poživi srbirj!
Long Live Serbia!
A good guess would think it is Roy West:
Wow I see scumbags like blog watch are very worried.....long may it continue...this is great stuff.
Hey Roy before you go thinking its me its its Liam, you nedd to know yuo upset him you konw what puffs are like when you upset them.
In response to your many comments Roy, I have a good job. I EARN a very good salary for my age. I probably get more than what you get with your numerous benefits you get handed out by the government you hate so much. You may hate Labour, but you will still take their benefits. Where is your moral standing point Roy? The point I am getting at here is, that I don't need the money to become a councillor like you do - Comprende? That is why you are so desperate to get in Dukinfield. The reality is that Dukinfield is solid Labour territory which you nor anyone else will ever crack - you are wasting your time.
And for the record, that ED article isn't me and nor was those comments on SPP. In fact I am beginning to think that you have been making the comments as "Tameside VIP". You will have to think harder as to who else you may of crossed Roy.
Listen Lian you are a little runt.
tameside vip is not me. I am not after getting elected for money. What do you know about the benefits I get you tw@t.........I look after my sick wife you freak.
We hear that the police were sent round to your house Liam because you have been stalking Sean Parker Perry.
Yeah and here comes the barrage of justification by calling me sick. Take a look at yourself and smell the coffee.
Hey Liam you are about has credible as the anonymous letters John Taylor sends me.
I haven't blocked you at all. I am now moderating comments so that they are now kept on topic. I have even stopped comments comming in from the Tories which are irrelevant - don't think you are the only one.
Seriously? Thats funny. I have been covered in Sky News, the Telegraph, Guido Fawkes, Iain Dale, the Daily Express and not forgetting the local press. Now going off those well respected publications refering to my content makes me look a very credible source indeed.
The leaflets were there to piss off the councillors - for them to bin them shows that I have obviously pissed them off and they
have already been reading the blog. My objective is complete.
As for insulting folk, I would say I have been VERY fair. In fact, I have not made comment towards you, in fact I have held off from it when I could easily of done so. I have made more negative comments towards the Conservatives than what I have done of you.
I am calling you a sick freak because you question my right to get benefit for looking after my sick wife..........Who gave you the right to decide what I should get.......you should join up with Taylor and Perry.......
Well fucking look after your wife then you spoon. You seem to spend more time on here than looking after your wife.
I decide WTF I like. I am allowed an opinion. Or are you objecting to any opposition.
Hey Liam is it your position to decide who should get benefit? I get 48 pound a week for looking after my sick wife, registered with the NHS......What will you put on your election leaflet Liam "vote for me because the other guy is a FUCKSTARD" You should come round Duki with me and see how its done....support continues to grow....and no matter what Taylor and his convicted thugs post on here, The support will continue to grow. Taylor will make that mistake that many people are waiting for....Taylor has violent contacts the same contacts that have attacked my family in our home.........Since I have got involved in local politics, I never knew what a bunch of cheats and hypocrites they all are....No Liam I do not want to get elected because I want money, why would I spend all my money on campaign leaflets. A word of advice for johnny boy, I do not have to declare anything this is not an election and I have not declared myself a candidate in the May elections, I have not decided on that yet.....so piss off John and do your worst and we all know that you are well capable of that.
Why weren't you at the meeting on Monday morning with the residents from around your area we were told you had been invited.
Far to busy visiting the post office I bet.
Taylor will make a deal with anyone if he thinks it will stop the growing support in Duki....Work men told me today that Taylor was desperate in the last elections..Taylor now has a new friend in his fight against the bnp in Duki...it seems everyone that Taylor contacts has been convicted for acts of violence against my family, this Landlord of the pub in Dukinfield has been in and out of court because he his a nutter. Taylor must like violent people...no matter who he gets against me the bnp campaign will not stop untill May.
Taylor will make a deal with anyone if he thinks it will stop the growing support in Duki....Work men told me today that Taylor was desperate in the last elections..Taylor now has a new friend in his fight against the bnp in Duki...it seems everyone that Taylor contacts has been convicted for acts of violence against my family, this Landlord of the pub in Dukinfield has been in and out of court because he his a nutter. Taylor must like violent people...no matter who he gets against me the bnp campaign will not stop untill May.
Taylor will make a deal with anyone if he thinks it will stop the growing support in Duki....Work men told me today that Taylor was desperate in the last elections..Taylor now has a new friend in his fight against the bnp in Duki...it seems everyone that Taylor contacts has been convicted for acts of violence against my family, this Landlord of the pub in Dukinfield has been in and out of court because he his a nutter. Taylor must like violent people...no matter who he gets against me the bnp campaign will not stop untill May.
No Wildy you useless councillor, having to look after my wife..is that ok with you.
I think a Yahoo poster called Sceptic is behind the "blog watch" attack on you Roy. I am not 100% sure yet, but I will keep you informed.
No Wildy not invited you nasty councillor. Why are you such a nasty cllr Wildy, do you get it from Taylor?
Why weren't you at the meeting on Monday morning with the residents from around your area we were told you had been invited.
Far to busy visiting the post office I bet.
Would Tameside VIP support an independent Bradford when the Muslims become the majority there?
Well I know that Sceptic is one of Taylor's contacts...but they cannot stop the growing support..that I am getting.
Roy, you are outnumbered and the vulchers are circling ovehead. Switch off your computer and go and speak direct to the people of Dukinfield. You will never convert the people who are against you on here, but you can convert the 65% of the electorate that the establishment paties dread - the disenfranchised non voters. Go and speak directly to them - NOW, and say bollox to these lot on here who are winding you up.
Well this morning giving out leaflets and talking to people, I can see why Wildy and Taylor are looking for the smear tactic....People are saying we don't want another 4 years of useless Wildy.......
The ethnic Serbs not so long ago were in the majority in Kosovo, but have been outbred and overrun by the Muslim Albanians who now declare Kosovo is theirs.
What will happen when our Muslims become the majority in one of our provinces? Will they want independence like their Muslim brothers and sisters in Kosovo.?
He should switch off his computer and look after his wife like I pay him to do with my tax £s.
NCB, the likes of Tameside VIP and the rest of them do not give a toss. They are profiteering from our nations decline and are gambling on being on the right side of the divide when the ‘Balkanisation’ of Britain begins. When the Kosovo breakaway is re-enacted on a greater scale in Britain and Western Europe, the architects of this catastrophe will have plans to be far away from the heartbreak and broken lives that this will bring. They want to hope they succeed because I promise you one thing with all my heart – if the pendulum swings in the opposite direction and their plans fail before we are destroyed as a people, they will be the ones suffering heartbreak and broken lives. Today’s persecuted could become tomorrows justice seekers and the likes of Tameside VIP would have to expect harsh punishment for his treachery.
Don't despair folks. Change is in the air. Slowly - very very slowly the British people are begining to wake up and realise what is going. In our lifetimes we will watch our nation be re-born or die under a sea filth, lies and corruption. We live in desperate but exciting times.
Herr West, dies ist eine Bestellung aufgeben, müssen Sie jetzt von Flugblättern. Fraternising withy der Feind ist verboten.
C'mon Roy, give it a break. Take the streets and sack the keyboard - just for today. Bring representation to the people of Duki.
Stop talking to yourself Roy. Nobody is listening.
Well it makes a change from having meetings with thugs that beat up women John.
Met with officers and police today to look at new schemes for the shops area on Armadale road again local residents pleased with our ideas another new fence and extra patrols will be introduced.
We know it is you Roy. Give yourself up. There is no chance you will ever get elected to represent the people of Dukinfield or Tameside. Roy you have about as much chance of being elected on to Tameside council as Yogi Bear as.
Iv'e already done that one Liam.
Everyone knows that you are a stalker........................
Hey Liam you can stand has an independent Stalker for Longdendale.
I may decide to stand in Dukinfield posing as a "nationalist" - that will dilute your vote. How about that Roy?
Well with the support that I am getting at the moment I don't care if the queen stands. IF I do stand in May it will have been an amazing journey.......with 12,000 leaflets already gone out by post in Dukinfield, the support that I have had over the last week with people fed up Taylor and co...Taylor is so desperate that he has to seek information about me from convicted thugs. The letter that he sent me with his signature on it is a disgraceful letter for a councillor to send out to someone, if I had sent that letter he would have ran off to the borough solicitor.
Make no mistake of the fact that my campaign in Dukinfield is down to Taylor, not because I hate blacks or any ethnic minority....thats not my thing at all. John Taylor's conduct in relation to the violence against my family is my motivation....Every day I send out leaflets, talk to local people, they do not see the person that Taylor and Wild put on a leaflet and sent it out to local residents.
But the shameful fact remains for Taylor, that he is willing to speak to violent thugs to try and smear my campaign.
Who pays for the leaflets Roy? You really think we believe you when you say you are not standing? 12,000 leaflets already? Why stop there? We know you are standing and we know you will be loosing.
Although it is the taking part that counts ain't it?
The bad news for John Taylor is this, the people of Dukinfield are getting to know about these letters that Taylor sent to me at Werneth Avenue, and his conduct during the time of violence against my family.....No councillor should be sending out letters like the ones Taylor has sent to me.
Liam I got alot of money criminal injuries.
I have not declared that I am standing in May not decided yet.............thanks for the interest.
Again tax payers money pissed down the drain. The compensation given is supposed to cover the costs of medical care and time out of work which can go towards rehabilitation, not some leaflets.
Whats up Liamxxxxxxxxxx
The compensation is for, for the years of violence and assaults, smashed windows, broken Ankle, to help me forget that the police and the politicians were useless. That's what I mean about Representation.
Liam how the Hell can you accuse anyone of being abuse, you sent me an email telling me to go and look after your fucking wife. Is that not abusive?
And that's another thing, If I had taken New Charter to court I would have got thousands but excepted a small amount as a gesture of good will.
No it isn't Roy, it was a kind gesture.
Stacey Knighton said...
Regarding the photos....(harassment and stalking by someone older than my own Father))
The police are fully aware of what John Taylor is doing. I can't go into details but I'm pleased to say that the matter is being dealt with.
Unfortunately, his intelligence levels are incredibly low and therefore the only political method he can use (in true underhanded Labour style) is to TRY and discredit me for going to a fancy dress party. What he doesn't realise is that he has actually discredited himself, publicly, on his OWN website.
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