Each woman now has 1.91 children on average - the highest since 1973 - according to the Office for National Statistics. As a result the number of births - 690,000 - increased by 20,000 in 2007 compared to the previous year, when there were 1.86 children per woman. A third of those were born to British mothers and the rest to women originally from overseas. One factor in the rise is the tendency for foreign-born mothers, particularly from the Indian sub-continent, to have large families. On average, foreign women have 2.5 children each, rising to almost five for those from Pakistan, and 3.9 from Bangladesh.The number of babies born to British mothers is also increasing, but lags far behind immigrants at an average of 1.7 children each.
The Telegraph
(All aboard for Tameside hospital)
Embrace diversity or die in misery. The future is here and there is not a thing anyone can do about it. Do not dwell on becoming dispossessed in what you consider to be your ‘own’ land. You are now part of the global community and must adapt accordingly. Britain will be the first industrialized country in the history of the world to voluntarily become white minority. This is what is asked of all countries until they no longer become countries and just melt into the pot of human diversity. There will be no countries in the future, no borders, no racial or colour differences, just a world of coffee coloured people living in harmony side by side.
Friedrich Pollock,
What exactly are you smoking?
You are living in a dream world to think that nations and races will disappear. Of course they won't. What you really mean is, you hope they will disappear. You are a sad little Marxist creep who needs to get a job.
UN, wake up, look around you. If you are under 30 you will witness, in your lifetime, Britain disappear as a nation and you will also witness the united peoples of the world become the majority population. We cannot be stopped it is just a matter of time. You remember these words in 40 years!
I think you're on a wind up
Well i hope you are on a wind up and don't believe that tripe
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