Anti-social behaviour in one area of Hyde has significantly dropped after an alley-gating and clean up operation. The Travis Street area has been suffering from anti-social behaviour for a number of years, with young people gathering down the alley, drinking and taking drugs. Since the alley-gating has been in place, police have received no complaints of nuisance or anti-social behaviour. PC Mark Smith, Community Beat Manager for Godley ward said: “We received calls about Travis Street nearly every week with complaints about young people gathering down the alley and causing nuisance behaviour. “This issue was raised at a local community meeting and it was decided the alley could be gated to limit the access. Together with a team of agencies including the town planners, local councillors, Tameside Patrollers and Manchester and District Housing we arranged for the gates to be installed and we soon saw the number of calls drop dramatically.” However, although the area was trouble-free, the alley looked unsightly so on Tuesday 22 January, officers from South Tameside’s Neighbourhood Policing Team, together with local councillors, Tameside Patrollers and the local housing agency spent the morning cleaning the area. PC Smith continued: “The results have been fantastic and the feedback from the residents has been really positive. The area is now a much more pleasant place to be and it shows the police do listen to community concerns and work together with partner agencies and the local community to make a difference to people’s quality of life.” Julie Stringer, Alleygating Project Manager for Tameside Council, said: “The area is now considerably cleaner, tidier, more secure and altogether a more pleasant environment for people to live in. “The overall impact on the fear of crime in this location has been tremendous and the Tameside Patrollers have not received any recent complaints of youths causing annoyance in this vicinity. “This proves that alley-gating is an effective deterrent in the ongoing fight against crime in our Borough. The scheme also proves that by working together through PACT* we can all have an impact on the things that make a difference in our communities.” Note:* PACT stands for Partners And Communities Together.
Maybe John Taylor the crusader against anti-social behaviour can do something about the situation on Armadale Road. Outside the shop with these little scumbags causing intimidation to residents. Asking you to go in to the shop and buy booze for them. The litter round there is dusgusting John..............
A similar scheme was introduced a few years ago on Commercial Street in Newton after a 3 year campaign by the BNP.
Roy Kevin West taking the Tameside British National Party away from the far right to the centre ground and the Christian Alliance.........
Campaign up date (BNP Dukinfield)
This week, 675 leaflets went out by post, 150 Freedom newspapers to local folk in Duki.......Representation not hate.
"A top gear campaign" that is what the BNP are now calling the Dukinfield BNP Leafleting team. The campaign for political representation is now in full swing the voice of freedom is taking Dukin field by storm, the media are using a blind eye, but local residents are taking real notice in the area. The Dukinfield BNP will step up the campaign for political representation.
The terrible acts of abuse and violence against children must never be allowed to go unpunished. I am concerned that someone who was involved in abusing me is now in my area. The acts of violence and abuse against me has a child took away my confidence and eventually left me homeless on the streets. It is now with a burst of confidence that I will campaign for what is right. The scares of childhood abuse will drive me on in a single minded campaign in Dukinfield. Let them call me a Nazi, a racist, but I will not stop untill the month of May. In- justice as been apart of my life ever since I was 8 years old but I have got them all worried now, just a few thousand leaflets did the trick, thousands more to come.Good night everyone.
I'm sorry but I have got to explain to people what I am up against in the campaign for political representation and free speech. I went for one drink in the Old General with a few friends, and the landlord Knows that I am in the BNP, he his also my step brother. As we were all going to leave he called me in the back room and said "if you ever come in here again I'll knock your f...... head off. This is the same person that used to hit me other the head with his mothers shoes while his mother watched, and the same person that took part in the abuse that lead to me going in to care. I do not know if the Labour party still use this pub for their pensioners parties, but I will never go back in there, This just shows you what I am going up against in Dukinfield. This guy is not happy with splitting my head open with his brothers as a child, now he wants to knock my f...... head off in 2008. People have to make a stand against bullies, my wife is very upset by to-nights events and she as made a complaint to the police.
If that man did that to you in the past i wouldn't have given the steam from my piss never mind money over the Bar
I am sure that many visitors to this blog have seen the comments from clockwatcher_40@yahoo.com. asking was I born "Roy Kevin West", was I ever a "school governor", Have I had to sign the sex offenders register" What started out has an idea to get back at the establishment for leaving my family to suffer 4 years of violence, has now turned in to a single minded struggle to bring true representation to the people of Dukinfield. A recent leaflet delivered in Dukinfield by Labour"community campaigners or Fascist thugs" is nothing more than a desperate attempt to smear a popular campaign. The word "thugs" can be a good way to describe members of the Anti-Nazi League in the 70's. Labour are now talking about thugs in Dukinfield, yet councillor John Taylor had a meeting with a thug that directed a 4 year campaign of violence against my family. This meeting is documented and cause great concern with my family at the time. What is Cllr Taylor's intentions when he says that he will give out my address details to members of the public that ask him.
Yes and people should be aware that countless members of the old Anti Nazi League were regular visitors to the courts to be convicted for public order offences.
Campaign up date (Dukinfield BNP) 1/2/2008. 230 leaflets went out by post in Duki, bringing representation to local people..................
Campaign up date for the Dukinfield BNP. Funds for the "Representation not hate campaign" pouring into Dukinfield from the West Yorkshire area.
Spend it well for them you know how tight them Yorkshire folk can be.
Blatant, vicious, open anti-White discrimination in the heart of London.
You didn’t think it was possible? Well, it is. An advertisement for a Press Internship with Transport London has been advertised - but only ethnic minorities are allowed to apply, and Whites are specifically banned from the job.
The advertisement, which you can find here, says that the job offers “work experience in one of the busiest press offices in the UK, highlighting transport issues across our Capital.”
The job is for “Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Students” and continues: “We are offering two six-month internships starting in March 2008. If you are a student or a recent graduate of Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) origin, with a passion for London and an interest in media and PR, we would like to hear from you.
We will send John Taylor 700 pound in the fight against the bnp in Dukinfield.
Despite all their bluster we understand that the Tories will not be having candidates in every ward again this year, not bad for the main opposition party who claim they want to run Tameside.
This week we launched healthy living in Tameside with the P.C.T. clearly many of our people live unhealthy lives and we want to advise them on how to improve their health.
Over weight is one area we will be looking at we do have some large people who could do with losing a stone or two ,my own assessment told me I should lose some weight and I have made a start by cutting out cakes especially fruit cakes and I have had an instant result now down to 11 stone.
More exercise will be on the agenda and the extra leaflets we are doing in the Hyde area will help for me ,so come on get out there and exercise get that fat reduced and get fit.
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