A lorry driver driver has won a David and Goliath court battle after three police officers claimed he used his mobile phone behind the wheel. Anthony Jones faced a £60 fine after being told he had been spotted using the phone as he drove. But Mr Jones, 41, from Denton, knew he was innocent and spent £2,600 to collect the evidence he needed to clear his name and fight the fine in court. His defence team used a tachometer report - which records the movement of his lorry - and a list from his mobile provider to prove he was not on the phone at the time. After this was revealed to magistrates in Tameside, they cleared him of the offence and also said the £2,600 he had spent would be paid back. The court heard how the officers had stopped the skip-lorry driver in Ashton town centre last May. All three claimed they had seen him holding something to his ear, but could not be sure it was a mobile phone. Information from Mr Jones's mobile provider showed he was not on the phone at that time and the tachometer showed that the lorry was stationary. Mr Jones took the case to court after refusing to pay the fine on 'principle'. He and his wife Debbie revealed later that it could have ruined them. "There were times when I felt like packing it in and paying up," said Mr Jones. "But it was a matter of principle. I had done nothing wrong and I was not guilty. I'm an honest guy." He said not everyone accused of using a phone at the wheel would have been as fortunate as him, as a friend had helped by putting up the money to get the reports and, as a lorry driver, he also had the tachometer chart. "Not everybody would have had that," he said. He said: "This has cost taxpayers like me money that it shouldn't have done. The whole thing has been a nightmare and shouldn't have happened." Magistrates heard the officer in charge had failed to take data from the phone, so the prosecution had to rely on the memories of the three officers. Defence solicitor Carl Millar said: "It was clear that the case should not have reached the courts. The prosecution had to prove without any doubt that Mr Jones was on his phone. "They clearly didn't do that."
Daily Mail
Sounds like something John Taylor would go for, he likes a good fit up.
With a name like that he must be guilty
What? Jones?
You got something against the Welsh boyo?
Bit racist?
Baaaa Baaaaaaaaaa
With a name like John Taylor I think he must of gone to Borstal.
"Wag said...
Baaaa Baaaaaaaaaa"
As do all Labour Councillors at all Tameside Council meetings
"Laaabour good, Roy Oldhaaaaaam saaaays so"
Its like watching "Babe"
Nice one David. Eh John, how is your leadership campaign going? Does anyone actually want to donate any money to you? Don't go accepting any dodgy donations now. We are watching.
Want to know who is sending out the ultra right wing racist material to your homes in Dukinfield ? contact me .
For those who have already contacted me its not problem for us to tell you who it is ,they should be publishing these details for you when sending you the papers and leaflets.
As the Tory Party is engulfed in (yet another) scandal over MP Derek Conway, the media have deliberately suppressed the biggest news of the story: that it was a BNP man who laid the original complaint against Conway.
The complaint against Conway was brought by Michael Barnbrook, a retired policeman who stood against him as a candidate for the UK Independence Party, and is now a member of the British National Party.
He told the BBC: “I don’t get any personal joy from it. He’s my local MP - he’s there to work on my behalf. It’s my money he’s working with and he should be using it properly.”
The BBC only made a fleeting reference to the BNP angle in one story (here), and the rest of the media has deliberately suppressed it, instead going to other parties for quotes. We are, of course, not surprised.
Mr Wag what is your agenda by giving out my address details to members of the public? There is already an address on the leaflets that I am posting out to people. I hope that you are not hoping that some left wing nutter will come to my house and smash my windows are you? It will be interesting to see if anything does happen, now that we know that you are giving out my home address details to anyone that is asking you for them.
BNP Campaign up date 29/1/2008. 500 bnp leaflets went out by post to residents. (Dukinfield BNP)
Same old Tories Same old sleaze
It seems he is. We are still investigating
The tradition of active involvement by the Irish community in Scotland in their native country's revolutionary movements is deep and longstanding. In every campaign there has been a significant input by the Irish in Scotland. Several hundred Irishmen armed and readied themselves to take part in the Young Ireland rebellion in 1848. In 1921 when the War of Independence was at its zenith, Sinn Fein had over 70 cumainn (branches) in Scotland. Na Fianna Eireann and Cumann na mBan also had a significant presence at the time. When the Movement split over the Treaty, the vast majority of Republicans in Scotland remained loyal to the Republic and kept the Fenian flame alight in the subsequent decades down to the present day.
Whilst you decide, the BNP will of course continue to maintain the closest of links with many UKIP activists, constantly creating new, informal alliances, where local UKIP members agree not to stand against the BNP - despite the endeavours of the likes of Nigel Farage, Piers Merchant and ‘Searchlight’ to prevent them.
It makes sense for the minor parties to make an electoral pact, especially UKIP and BNP because as far as I am aware they stand for the same thing but UKIP court the middle class Tory vote while the BNP goes for the working class Labour vote.
UKIP in Tameside have had NO official or unofficial contact with the BNP at any time.
UKIP will not do deals with any other party in spite of JT pleading with us last July to stand a candidate in Duki.
We and we alone will decide where to stand. so BNP and labour lies against UKIP will be ignored, seems you are getting worried else why are both of you trying to pretend we are allies?
No John we DO NOT stand for the same things. BNP are a left wing authoritarian socialist party. Another way of describing them would be a National Socialist party.
They have strong racialist views, which they attempt to downplay.
UKIP is a small state, low tax libertarian party, who believe that the state should do as little as possible. We know the country is full and immigration should stop, but do not ascribe this to any particular Race or colour.
There could not and will not be any pact because the two parties are diametrically opposed
The British National Party is the Freedom Move of Great Britain moving away from the far right to wards the Christian Alliance......................
Ukip would sell out Britain just like the other two parties...................................
I used to be a member of UKIP and am still friendly with Gerald from Heaton Chapel. I am now a BNP member but I wish no ill to UKIP. The average UKIP member is pretty much like the average BNP member, but the difference comes when you compare the activists, the difference is enormous because the BNP have a great sense of camaraderie and togetherness (despite the recent factional trouble) but UKIP activists are solo players and know very little about motivating their supporters and members. They rely too heavily on central office and seem to lack local initiative. UKIP are also very naïve when it comes to electioneering. The BNP have dedicated teams of leafleters, canvassers and cyber warriors, but poor old UKIP appear to be weak in all these crucial departments. Their biggest weakness is their lack of tactical awareness, so much so that if their leader was a football manager he would be a proponent of the long ball game, which means he would get his players to kick the ball forward in the hope one of his players will be there to get it when it lands. The UKIP long ball strategy is; tread water until the next Euro election in the hope they will do will which will result in a new batch of new members. This strategy is totally flawed because when they do get new members, most drop out and don’t renew their membership. Before I jumped ship there was a comparison with running a bath with plug out and the UKIP membership churn.
LOL, it is the Judean peoples front - no it isnt it is the peoples front of Judea.
BNP and UKIP = Dumb and Dumber
Sean parker Parker really a gay boy.
Notice I say Parker Parker if you get the joke let pissy pants know.
Has Sean Parker Perry come back from his gay trip, what a bummer.
Is it true a ballot box was dropped down the the stairs of Mottram Court house, spillng ballot papers, which you and the police then picked up?
Should a sealed ballot box not withstand a drop from a height of five foot?
Even a plastic seal should withstand this, perhaps a metal one may be helpful in future?
Either way, Labour still got the 1500+ mark in Mottram, the Conservatives were down slightly in Longdendale. Why would Longdendale need to rig a vote? I don't smell any funny business. If it happened in Hurst or Staly/Duk, then I would raise my eyebrow.
"Representation not hate" the slogan for the Dukinfield BNP.
Looks like this blogs reached its sell by date like most of them do
Well you still post on here mate.
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