Careful Tameside is one of the best councils in the country when it comes to looking after money, according to a government watchdog.An Audit Commission report into how authorities spend cash and look after their finances took into account financial management, financial reporting, financial standing, internal control and value for money last year.Tameside scored top marks in three out of the five categories and ended up with an overall rating of four out of four.Council leader Roy Oldham said the report's findings were `pleasing'. He said: "In the last four years, Tameside has become one of the highest performing local authorities and one of the top 10 councils in the country and was given the highest possible rating in last year's comprehensive assessment. "One of the main reasons for this is because we focus on what matters to local people."But Oldham was worst placed of all Greater Manchester authorities.It notched an overall rating of two and landed a score of one for internal control and financial reporting.The town's opposition Liberal Democrats' leader, Howard Sykes, said the figures were `just not good enough'. He said: "We're in the bottom four in the country for internal controls. "These figures look at a whole raft of things and there is significant room for improvement."Liz Terry, from Oldham council, said that the report's findings had been `noted' and that action was being taken.Chief executive Andrew Kilburn has now taken the reins of the authority's internal financial controls.Also on two points was Manchester council, which scored one for financial reporting, but actually did better than Oldham overall.Tameside was joined by Wigan council, which also scored four. They were followed by Bolton, Salford, Stockport, Trafford, Rochdale and Bury, which all had a rating of three.At the bottom of the national pile was Liverpool, alongside Southend in Essex and the Isles of Sicily.
Manchester Evening News
More exercise will be on the agenda and the extra leaflets we are doing in the Hyde area will help for me ,so come on get out there and exercise get that fat reduced and get fit.
Having spent the last few weeks being lectured to about how to behave and be transparent in financial dealings in public life I found it hilarious that a Tory toff was caught spending huge amounts of our money to employ his family to do less than nothing, I bet his dog had a paper round on the gravy train .
Dear JT
Any more pictures of The Tory Totty? (Stacey) Wow, much better than miss Pushy Francis.
Did John Taylor break Copywrite laws obtaining those pictures of The Conservative Audenshaw Candidate Stacey?
Unlike some of your cadidates Stacey has the Beauty and the Brains as well.
People may come to the conclusion that what you're doing is a form of stalking and ANOTHER POlICE COMPLAINT will follow.
In fact your Website reminded me of a Disney Film seeing as you have Stacey and Claire "Two Jabs" Francis on it.
Beauty and the Beast!!!
Taylor the Stalker, he was claimed that he was being stalked crazed transvestite.
He crossed the line. Would a decent human being resort to such shallow, sexist tactics? Is this the behaviour befitting of a man who is in charge of a £50m social services budget?
Taylor has took the sexy photos of Stacey off his website, I know people will already know this but thought I would laugh.
(2/1/2008 Dukinfield)
Campaign up date Dukinfield BNP.
18 copies of the Freedon newspaper sent out to local residents by post, 350 leaflets also sent out by by post to Duki residents....................
Now in training he will be at his best fighting weight by the end of February lets see the Tories come to Dukinfield and take him on. come back Stacey.
Who is kevin Hamilton?
Roy West campaign update. Jan 2008 total: 196,000 leaflets, 27,000 newspapers.
Will the real Roy West please stand up!
go on freddie
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