Mr Billington really has his work cut out if he is to oust Cllr Parker-Perry. When Cllr Parker-Perry last fought this ward he won with a very respectable 1661 votes – even beating Tameside Council leader Roy Oldham. Mr Billington is very well read on electioneering and is an incredibly determined individual, but he really has a huge mountain to climb in the coming grudge match. However good his policies and propaganda, he will have to overcome the ‘lumpen’ inbred Labour voters who really would vote for a kangaroo, penguin or camel as long as it wore a Labour rosette.
Tameside Citizen wishes Mr Billington good luck in the forthcoming struggle and may the best man win.
"straight Billington v Parker-Perry fight"
One is gay the other is bent. How is that straight?
Ex Para
If Liam campaigns against the bypass, I will give him my word I will get everyone I know in Longendale who I know to vote for him. (that is if the BNP are not standing)
Which local Councillor sent this message in a letter to member of the public? "If you can't stand the heat keep out of the kitchen"
If you quess right to the above John will take you out for a meal.
Don't miss out on this night out with John.
Liam doesn't stand a chance against silver spoon up his a... Perry, anyway look at the reality of this situation Perry has got all the back up from Lord piss artist.
Cllr Parker Perry does have a massive advantage with his father in law being a lord and a serving government minister as a close friend and employer.
Why did Councillor John Taylor object to the Tameside Taxi drivers getting a small pay increase? Hyde taxi driver told me all about it.
Liam has an advantage with his surname. B is for Billington. He will be at the top of the election paper and that will give him a much needed personal vote.
Will Sissy Pissy Pants change his name again?
"Will Sissy Pissy Pants change his name again?"
To what?...Sean Arse-Perry?
The best man will certainly win.
Both Parker-Perry and Billington are dislikable characters, so I hope they both lose.
How is SPP and Billington dislikeable?
Also it could be a two horse race (no pun intended) between Sean Parker-Perry and Liam Billington. The BNP and Fib Dems don't appear to be putting up a candidate and the Tories will be placing ANOTHER paper candidate like always. If it is between SPP and Billington, I would imagine Liam will do far better than imagined and could even come very close. I doubt Liam will get in this year.
The BNP will certainly be standing a candidate in Longendale.
SPP is very arrogant.
Billington is rude.
I would not say I am rude, but I can be offensive. Anyway my first round of leaflets are currently in the design process and should be out just in time for Christmas. SPP will shit a brick when he sees them.
But can you leaflet as fast as me Liam?
Liam Anthony Billington (Leeds) wrote
at 12:17pm on November 17th, 2007
I'm a Tory and if Blair was to come back I would probably cross floor.
This was found on facebook under the group "Bring back Blair"
How can this person ever to claim he was a Tory?
I think the Tories are well shutt
That Roy west saying can you leaflet as fast as me Liam is not the real Roy West. Just thought I would mention that.
Liam will make this election exciting. Gays are so bitchy. SPP won't be able to keep up.
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