The Local Government Association will today tell MPs that they do not have the power to shut down betting shops “causing misery for local people”.
They claimed some places in London have up to eight betting shops on a single street, leading to more crime and a higher cost to the taxpayer for policing.
David Parsons, chairman of the LGA environment and housing board, said efforts to keep betting shops away from town centres were frustrated by complicated and costly planning rules.
“The Government must give councils new powers to stop betting shops setting up if they are likely to cause a public nuisance. The same applies to places which have been taken over by fast food takeaways, strip clubs and late night bars.
“At the moment, numbers cannot be restricted and this results in crime, disorder and misery for local people. The government should look to tackle this issue. Daily Telegraph
I was walking through the formerly proud centre of Stalybridge the other day thinking how bizarre it was that betting shops appear to be flourishing while most other shops are suffering, and then today I read that this a nationwide phenomenon and not something which is exclusive to Stalybridge.
I suppose the reason the betting shops are not suffering like more traditional businesses may be due to the fact that the punters who frequent such establishments blow all their money on gambling which means they cannot afford cars and therefore they do not fall victims to the over-zealous traffic wardens which stalk the area scaring away potential town centre customers with cars. Tameside Citizen

I would like to add, the photograph above of a near deserted Stalybridge town centre was taken at lunchtime today. It is sad to see how Stalybridge centre has declined over recent years.
I remember walking down Market Street three weeks before Tesco opened, it was heaving, a real bustling little town with character. Look at it now. Well done Tameside Council, desperate to bend over for big business whatever the consequences. New superstores don't create jobs, they reduce the overall number as many small shops are put out of business.
Off topic but it was the same TMBC that pushed for the tram clogging up the Borough. I was told today that there will be twelve extra sets of traffic lights on Ashton New Rd alone.
All the massive expense of building it, all that delay and congestion to other road users, just to move a miniscule proportion of the public on an inflexible, inferior outdated mode of transport.
When you realise that many people in power nowadays are mentally unsound or pursuing their own crank agendas you start to understand these patently lunatic decisions.
Britains Sex Gangs, Channel 4 Dispatches
Yeah, 70 odd trams will solve Greater Manchester's transport problems won't they. What a load of bollocks, they won't even scratch the surface and in reality will makr things worse.
Quote:- and therefore they do not fall victims to the over-zealous traffic wardens. Unquote
Nice one TC.
It annoys me the way "ethnic" fast food establishments in Denton and Haughton Green have their planning applications rubber stamped - all in the name of "diversity". I avoid their third world slop like the plague as I intend to live to a ripe old age.
'third world slop' lol
don't eat it then.
see how many people, the bnp could get onto the streets here. Now, they cant get 10 activists out.
It shows how much Griffin has run the party down.
Tameside Council Fly-Tipping Response 2011
Four bookies on one street and not a family butchers in sight. Now I know why they call the place 'Staly Vegas'. Stalybridge is fast becoming a cinderella town where the local economy is based on fast-food joints, pubs and bookies. All that the dopes on the Tameside council can say, is that we`re powerless to do anything about it. Let`s face it, many northern towns are in terminal decline because of the policies persued by both Tory and Labour governments over the last 30 years. They couldn`t give a toss about the north.
i care a lot
I cannot understand why there is four bookies on one street. It is stupid.
Anonymous 1830, the vast majority of northern councils are Labour controlled or dominated. It's a case of cretins voting in incompetents. The resulting stagnation and failure are all around us.
Read the local hypocrites (Andrew Gwynne MP) comments in Parliament as he pontificates on a poorly run Hospital down South in his new role as a shadow health spokesperson.
What a bloody shyster this bloke is when he has had a long time lousy run Hospital on his own doorstep (Tameside) especially when today I read about a few months old baby sent home with some tablets and within hours died with meningitis and
where once again gets panned by the District Coroner for this death down to TamesideHspital.
I know this is off topic but I am furious that a local MP has never done anything about the bloody awful treatment dished out by his own local Hospital in recent years where deaths have frequently occured due to negligence.
This is one MP who most definately does not have "any credibility" when it comes to NHS debates as a Health spokesperson.
Each person posting here must squirm when told they need local Hospital treatment based on the disgusting perpetual record of where they will be treated.
Gwynne you are an absolute bloody disgrace opening your gob about area`s of the NHS outside of Tameside.
Lets here see and hear you fight for the health of 215,000 Tamesiders or else give up on your political aspirations.
Plus where is Dr Chand and his PCT when it comes down to condemning Tameside Hospital,absolute knowhere
as usual,because they are all in the same lousy loop as usual.
J Hall is an impressive commentator on the Tameside mafia. He is not afraid to speak out and name the hypocrite liars. Men of steel like Mr Hall are the worst nightmare for corrupt politicians.
Well said Mr Hall, pity there aren't more people like you in Tameside. Keep up the fight against Andrew Gwynne.
Tameside Organisations Rules
Notice Board.
1.We will all watch each others
backs regardless.
2. Deny,dany,deny any wrongdoing
3. If caught out with no defence
state a thorough investigation
will take place (by us of
4. We will learn from this
experience statement is always
a smoother.
5. When found out attack in mass
anyone who dares to expose us.
6. Stay loyal to each other
regardless of how severe the
issue is.
7. We have our defenders placed
in all positions in every
Tameside organisation,pick up
a phone and use them.
8. Use the Legal Department at all
times when in doubt they are
fantastic because we pick them
and pay them.
9. Don`t show you are well off,the
plebs keep watching us.
10.Be it Tameside Hospital,the PCT
the Highways Agency,GMP,New
Charter,Tameside Radio,the
Tameside Advertiser,the
Tameside Reporter,the
Manchester Evening News,On
demand Lawyers or any other
groups we the Council and our
puppet Councillors are
perpetually fireproof
because for 30 years we have
carefully selected our pawns,
and placed them with great care
and ensured they stay loyal
and that applies to other
Political Party members who we
But please remember we provide these services at no cost too you,because the Tameside plebs,idiots,and ignoramus,and apathetic nutters part with their massive Council Taxes all the time to ensure you can stick two fingers up to anyone.
My view of the Tameside reality for 215,000 folk based on events,monitoring,observations, and direct experiences encountered.
My heartfelt sadness goes to the Mum,Dad,and family who lost little 7 month old Deacon
because of negligence.
So let those who figure in the Tameside repeated scandals take
heed because if targeted you are not fireproof for ever,because we will not be stopped exposing you.
DEAR Mr cameron ? after 3 years of the smoking ban ten thousand pubs have disappeared ? Just imagine what could disappear if you ban Halal meat ? Something to consider
Halal meat involves sacred minorities and foreigners. In other words despite the appalling cruelty and barbarity of Halal Cameron will demonstrate about as much balls in doing something about it as the RSPCA and the rest of the so-called animal rights organisations: i.e FUCK ALL.
Mr Hall, you are spot on about the number of morons, apathetic, uninformed etc in Tameside's electorate. It's long past time a basic current affairs etc knowledge test was issued before people were allowed to vote. As large numbers of people have become increasingly dumbed down and ignorant and can't be bothered to keep themselves even basically informed about what's going on in their own country, they should have their votes suspended until they can demonstrate otherwise. That goes for anyone who hasn't resided here for at least fifteen years as an adult. Why are foreigners who've just stepped off a boat given full voting rights?
TMBC's Organisational Rules.
1.We will all watch each other's
backs regardless.
2. Deny,deny,deny any wrongdoing.
3. If caught out with no defence,
state a thorough investigation
will take place (by us of
4. A "we will learn from this
experience" statement is always
a smoother.
5. When found out attack on mass
anyone who dares to expose us.
6. Stay loyal to each other
regardless of how severe the
issue is.
7. We have our defenders placed in every Tameside organisation:
Tameside Hospital; the PCT;
the Highways Agency; GMP; New
Charter; Tameside Radio; the
Tameside Advertiser; the
Tameside Reporter; the
Manchester Evening News; On
demand Lawyers or any other
group. Pick up a phone and use them.
8. When in doubt use the Legal Department; they are
fantastic because we pick them
and pay them.
9. Don`t show you are well off, the
plebs keep watching us.
10. We the Council and our
puppet Councillors are
perpetually fireproof
because for 30 years we have
carefully selected our pawns,
and placed them with great care
and ensured they stay loyal,
and that applies to other
political party members who we
The Tameside plebs, idiots, ignoramuses and apathetic nutters part with their massive Council Taxes all the time to ensure that we at TMBC can stick two fingers up to anyone.
My view of the Tameside reality for 215,000 folk based on events, monitoring, observations and direct experience.
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