I suspect the site of Two Trees school will become yet another housing development. With the Tories seemingly as uninterested as Labour when it comes to stemming the tide of the immigration invasion, we can expect every vacant piece of land to eventually be concreted over to provide housing for the vastly expanding population. Look what they are planning for Millbrook in Stalybridge - it’s an outrage!
I believe the site of the Shakespeare pub Mr Simmons mentions in his leaflet is earmarked to become a Tesco. If this happens most of the small businesses, other than fast food shops, will probably disappear from the quaint little village of Haughton Green, and that is a depressing thought!
Does anyone know when Two Trees Sports College will be demolished?
Class of '86. (And a model pupil)
Very good Carl!
Seeing a mention of the Old Rectory
in this blog,could it be a deliberate attempt to destroy the building with its historic events which carried on involving Owen Oyston.Pendry,Oldham and various companions and friends.
They stuck together like shit in business deals and many social happenings etc.
Who got the plaudits Honours and Lordships in Tameside,certainly not the decent,responsible hard workers in Tameside.
nudge nudge wink wink
Two Trees playing fields would make an excellent local park/recreation space. TMBC however will probably be thinking in their usual greedy monomaniac way: HOUSING.
Our local Councillors and MP must be running to the Banks with cheques now that the Labour Friends of Israel have once again appeared on the Internet although with a very guarded manner towards the general public.
Because an application form to join the LFI can be now downloaded including an annual fee of £15 or £25 or £50 if you can manage it payable to the Bank Hapoalim who have a world wide financial interest ie
Yair Seroussi, Chairman of the Board of Bank Hapoalim, and Zion Kenan, CEO, hosted dozens of senior bankers from around the world attending the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in Washington.
Was that Taylor,Gwynne and Reynolds
and some other Councillors I saw rushing into a Tameside Bank ?????
each with £50 quid.
In an effort not to be accused of
Zionist patronage you would think
they might have agreed with other Labour MP`s and joined the House of Commons Friends of Palestine if they were hell bent on a two state
Such impartiality is definitely not on their agenda,so its vote Labour in Tameside and become an Iraeli supporter and backer.
Rubin & Bennie Shuklegrober
Nick Griffin's micro-party turned up in London yesterday - like a bad pfennig from the thirties.
Quite what on earth they were thinking by parading their fascist views in London on the day before Remembrance Day we will never know. Perhaps they thought Londoners have now forgotten about the Nazi Luftwaffe and the Blitz. Or perhaps, as so often, they simply wished to offend.
Anyway, the results speak for themselves; 22 votes and a less than 1% share in Islington and only 34 votes in outer London.
UK fascism is kaput.
Islington St Marys:
Lab 1120 (48%)
LD 640 (27%)
Green 317 (15%)
Tories 282 (13%)
BNP 22 (0.8%)
Redbridge Aldborough:
Lab 1436 (51.7%)
Con 1071 (38.6%)
LD 87 (3.1%)
UKIP 83 (3.0%)
Green 64 (2.3%)
BNP 34 (1.2%)
bnp meltdown so why bother yourself with it all then? It's finished under Griffin. He knows that, we know that.
But anything can happen in the the nest few months ahead.
The reality facing Nick Griffin, is a FACT of life. He's got no activists left in the North West of England.
No one wants to give up any of their time to be active for him.
If he was to leave and Andrew Brons MEP take over, then thousands would come back.
He's no chance of getting re-elected in the North West.
He lives in a fantasy world, refusing to understand that his harding working activist base completely gone here.
It is all the minor parties whos votes have collapsed, the Green vote in Islington was unusually high because for those of you you who do not know, Islington is the centre of the Gurdianista cafe culture in London. It is PC heaven where are all the wealthy champagne socialist and overpaid and underworked public sectors hang out to discuss and gloat over the destruction of Britain.
Hypocrite Central I agree with that comment, but it still goes with-out saying, that NG has destroyed the BNP.
BNP Meltdown, another carbon copy: The usual 1200 or so immigrants; Labour Party activists, their friends and families; local trade unionists, their friends and families; OAPs; spongers; immigrants; morons; etc. Chronically low turnout enabling the main parties to coast in.
The winner, as usual, is monumental apathy and disenfranchisement from the democratic process.
Christ knows how how low the turnout to would be if it weren't for the stitched up 'same old same old' postal voters, most of whom haven't got two brain cells to rub together.
If things carry on like this there'll have to be a new word invented for the destruction of a nation by a massive increase in the braindead who are allowed to vote. A 'cretinocracy'.
Spot on MS, you have perfectly described the average voter.
Islington St Marys: 10150 electorate.
Labour 1120 votes, that means 8 out of every nine voters in that ward DIDN'T vote Labour. Only a couple of hundred noiraml (i.e unconnected to the local Labour mafia) bothered to turn our, out of over 10,000.
These types of results are now endemic and demonstrate how totally disconnected from, or plain ignorant of, the democratic process the vast majority of Britons are. The people and their rulers haven't been so far apart in terms of their opinions on the most important and significant issues since the Civil War.
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