Housing association residents are being urged to replace their old chip pans with safer deep fat fryers to help reduce the number of house fires.
Tameside landlord New Charter Homes is giving its tenants the chance to trade in their old chip pan for a free new temperature controlled deep fat fryer.
Last year house fires cost the housing association around £122,000 in repairs and insurance work, with just one fire caused by a chip pan costing up to £30,000.
More importantly they can cost lives and the housing company wants to reduce the risk of fire hazards in the home.
Emma Marsh, New Charter’s Director of Communities, said: “It sounds simple but switching from an old chip pan to a new deep fat fryer or even oven chips can be life saving.
“Our free ‘trade-in’ offer will help reduce the risk of a house fire for more of our tenants and we hope it will encourage people to take note of the dangers of chip pans.”
Trade-ins will take place on Tuesday 15 November between 12.30 and 2pm at New Charter’s head office on Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne.
Tenants should bring along their old chip pans to be swapped for a new deep fat fryer.
There are a limited number of appliances available and they will be given out on a first come first serve basis.
Tameside Borough Manager Jon Heydon said: “Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service is delighted to acknowledge the fantastic work that partner agencies and housing trusts are doing in conjunction with their local fire stations.
“The fire stations in Tameside Borough have worked hard to make all residents of Tameside safer from the risks of fire. The work that New Charter Housing Trust and GMFRS complete together continues to make Tameside a safer place to live and has already made a real difference to the tenants of New Charter housing. It is hoped that this fantastic opportunity for residents to significantly reduce the risk of cooking related fires is a great success.”
If residents wish to further reduce the risk of fire in the home they can either contact their local borough by calling 0161 608 5410, GMFRS Contact Centre by calling 0800 555 815, or speak to their social landlord who will direct them on how to receive a free home safety check and advice on how to make their home safer.
Tenants wanting to trade in their old chip pans should call 0161 331 2000. 24dash.com
Britain to abstain on Palestine statehood vote at UN (Daily Telegraph)4th November.
So there`s your conclusive proof that
Israel,the Labour FI and Tory FI
are running Our lives,deciding Our Wars and in charge of Our Money.
Remember when the Tameside Councillors who were well treated in a top Manchester Restaurant by the
Israeli known Puppets for Free.
Turf the shite out of Our lives.
That is how the Zionists contol British and American foreign policy. They plant their patsy's in all the main parties and when the order is given they all vote in the way that will please their paymasters.
The origins of this can be traced back to the Rothschilds spreading false rumours that Napoleon won at Waterloo. When the markets crashed as a result the Rothschilds bought everything cheap and then sold them for top dollar when the true result of Waterloo was announced.
im very surprised at this coz these left wing fuckers like nothing better than loss ov life
Free windows, free kitchens, free bathrooms, free deep fat fryers. No problem with any of these (apart from the last which is completely ludicrous, why not give them all free fire extinguishers as well) if they NEED replacement, as that's the duty of any responsible land lord. But I've got friends and relatives in these properties, some of them professional scroungers, and they regularly get things like 100% double glazing replacement when there's nothing wrong with the old ones, or new roofs etc. Someone's coining it in off this somewhere, meanwhile people in their own properties, who are massively more likely to actually work for a living have to pay for everything themselves.
In my view the State should provide hostel accomodation for the long term unemployed, not luxurious flats with immaculate fittings and fixtures. the decent properties should be reserved for the WORKERS.
No, foreigners should be given priority for social accomodation, especially those with massive falilies and proven virtual unemployability like Somalians. British people, especially those who work for a living, should be put to the back of the queue and treated like shit in their own country. (There are people, many in positions of power and influence, who believe exactly this).
Tell me this is an April Fools joke! Public sector workers getting massive pensions, immigrants getting everything for nothing and now free deep fat fryers for council tennants. Why the hell do I bother going to work? I might as well throw the towel in and join the hand-out brigade and become another burden on the state.
Can't wait for the welfare reforms.
New Charter in a massive panic over the welfare reforms, which will mean, that housing benefit going straight to their tenants.
"It is not one man nor a million, but the spirit of liberty that must be preserved. The waves which dash upon the shore are, one by one, broken, but the ocean conquers nevertheless. It overwhelms the Armada, it wears out the rock. In like manner, whatever the struggle of individuals, the great cause will gather strength"
I Urge everyone to visit the government's epetitions website and sign the 'No to 70 million' petition set up by Migrationwatch, which is run by Sir Andrew Green.
Whatever your politics it is worth signing this petition that has one aim, to force the government to debate the population explosion that threatens to destroy our country. The more attention that can be drawn to this issue the better.
It needs 100,000 signatures and thanks to an advertising campaign, people spreading the word, and many people actually shaking off their apathy it has rocketed to 83,000 in no time. We need as many signatures as possible to demonstrate the strength of feeling on this crucial issue. Spread the word to everyone you know and tell them to do the same.
“There are only two people who can tell you the truth about yourself -an enemy who has lost his temper and a friend who loves you dearly.”
Force of numbers REMEMBER!
Time is a violent torrent; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by, and another takes its place, before this too will be swept away.
Courage is not limited to the battlefield or the Indianapolis 500or bravely catching a thief in your house. The real tests of courage are much quieter. They are the inner tests, like remaining faithful when nobody's looking, like enduring pain when the room is empty, like standing alone when you're misunderstood.
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC-65) Roman philosopher and playwright.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) U.S. humorist, writer, and lecturer.
Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) U.S. poet, essayist and lecturer.
Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC-65) Roman philosopher and playwright.
It is easy to fly into a passion... anybody can do that, but to be angry with the right person to the right extent and at the right time and in the right way… that is not easy.
Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.
Rest not. Life is sweeping by; go and dare before you die. Something mighty and sublime, leave behind to conquer time.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet, novelist and dramatist.
Courage consists not in hazarding without fear; but being resolutely minded in a just cause.
Plutarch (46-120) Greek essayist, and biographer.
Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means at the point of highest reality.
C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) Irish author and scholar.
New Charter and the Labour party in Tameside are joined at the hip. The board of directors of New Charter usually includes various miscreants from Labour. Last time I looked, Ged Cooney, the sleazy Labour Councillor for Droylsden, was a New Charter director. No conflict of interest there then.
"A snake lurks in the grass."
Thank you for your email regarding Tameside Radio.
The community radio licence for this service is held by Tameside Community Radio Limited. It has made some recent changes to its personnel and funding, and we have been kept updated by the new managing director of Tameside Radio, John Chapman. We have been informed of recent support for the station from New Charter. The company operating the licence remains independent, and the station management is fully aware of the need to keep Ofcom informed if this was to change. (Ofcom has a role in approving changes of control of a licence, or licence transfers to a different company, for example.)
Community radio stations are required to be non-profit-distributing, and they have some funding restrictions. A station can only take a maximum of 50% of its income per year from the sale of advertising and sponsorship, and at least 25% of its income needs to come from other sources such as grants. Therefore it is quite common for community stations to benefit from financial support from local councils, and quite acceptable that they receive funding from such a source.
Yours sincerely,
So much for Ofcom,simply another
seriously underhand organisation whose top person was a top personal advisor to scum Blair.
The devious crap heads are running rings around us at every top level and in every organisation.
PS:Who is John Chapman ???? lets have his background uncovered.
Traitors in power, enemies within, cowards, the ignorant, those looking the other way, the apathetic. Britain 2011 is infested with all these.
Creating the Parallel Party Structure and Preparing for Action
As the article rightly points out on Taylor's website, this is vigilantism. As you can tell by my previous posts, I and others are strongly against vigilantism.
So the teenager was not allowed a trial which every person in Europe is entitl...ed to before carrying out punishment? It is obvious from Taylor's comments on his site that his views are reflective of the Labour party which is again reflected in an interesting statement from John Taylor which is more close to home:
Roy, someone told me you gave up Christianity because Jesus Christ had the same initials as Job Centre.
Yeah thats right he took lesson from the masters of benefit scroungers.
news coming in as we speak, Madni Group Ashton Punjabi Naat Das Ni Haleemah, to be re=named.
The society for taking the piss, and claiming benefits while working.
I'm sorry, but they are giving out deep fat fryers? Dr. Chand will be spitting out his lentil soup at the news. Tameside already has one of the highest levels of obesity and heart disease. Giving out deep fat fryers for the underclasses to eat their 20 Iceland Turkey Dinosaurs for a pound with will only add to the local health problems.
this blog amazes me 90% of the comments on this subject have nothing whatsoever to do with chip pans. i suggest each day TC puts on an open subject entitled THE MOAN OF THE DAY. THEN PEOPLE CAN POST ALL THE CRAP ON THAT , SO WHEN IM LOOKING AT 40 COMMENTS ON CHIP PANS I WONT BE DISAPOINTED miss b
O, let me not be mad, not mad, sweet heaven! Keep me in temper. I would not be mad.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) British poet and playwright.
Sorry wrong link above, but same subject though. It truley is a mad, mad, world.
How can you get still pictures from this video?
After one of Inspector Bill Callaghan's visits, sent round by Councillor John Taylor.
I often wonder if Inspector Bill Callaghan understands the nature of the beast.
He shares a platform with the "Deputy Leader" of Tameside Council.
The same "Deputy Leader" that supports vigilantism in the community.
So when, Inspector Bill Callaghan comes round to issue Cllr Taylor's denials about his links to UAF/Searchlight. Maybe the Inspector should take a closer look at the beast he serves so to speak?
Winston Churchill said Keep Britain White.
What did people think of dispatches last night ? Briains sex gangs
Right filthy swine that Brian...
'Councillor Taylor, is it true that you posted this vile allegation on your blog/distributed leaflets with this on them?'
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