Looking at their website one would have to fear the worse and assume they have shut up shop and given up the political struggle. When you visit their website you are greeted by the lovely lady pictured above but not the UKIP homepage and looking at it closely you will see the Tameside UKIP domain may be for sale.
It appears since last years elections the smaller parties, particularly the nationalist ones like UKIP and the BNP have gone into electoral free fall. The unbelievably poor performance of all the smaller parties but UKIP in particular in last years Longdendale by-election may have been the final nail in the coffin for the Tameside branch of UKIP? In the May elections UKIP polled 445 votes yet in the by-election a few months later they trailed in last with a measly 67 votes which would certainly be enough to demoralise most people.
I can’t see the smaller parties putting up many candidates or polling well this May but time will tell!
Ukip still active. Oh, oh, oh, and a big belly laugh from me.
Yea, we have called it a day until Labour are back on office.
Four men slashed teacher's face and left him with fractured skull 'for teaching other religions' to see if you can guess the religion?
Take a look at the 'official' Tameside Labour website.
The eternal leader writes: "As the leader of Tameside Council it is my pleasure to welcome you to our Labour Group website.
"This site has been put together to highlight not only our manifesto pledges but also to show the progress we are making towards delivering these pledges.
"Every area of activity that the Council has authority over is covered, with commentary from all the key players.
"This site will continually be improved, just like Tameside, and we hope you are able to use this site to see not only who is taking on the challenge of bringing the best to our area but also how we are effectively delivering best value services..
"We are attracting to this borough massive investment, which is bringing with it the changes we need to keep Tameside the place to live work and raise a family.
"Our political opponents can try all they like to highlight problems in Tameside however any visitor to our site will see that in all ways we are a successful and award winning borough that gets things done.
"We are the architects who are designing and constructing the Tameside for the 21st century."
The website then goes on to advertise the services of: 'porno', 'Russian Ladies' and 'bladder control treatment'.
Is this how Tameside Labour "gets things done"?
More interesting information coming soon regarding TMBC`s sleaze and those responsible.
Will it be the final straw for Tamesiders ????????
I know it will be Muslims without even clicking the link. I don't know why people keep saying they are peaceful when many obviously are not.
It was Bow East London where the teacher got badly beaten by Muslim thugs, who were relatives of the pupils. He must be extremely naive trying to teach Islamic pupils about other religions in an area like that. They regard it as THEIR area now. The only way we'll get it back is to fight for it.
Four men slashed teacher's face and left him with fractured skull 'for teaching other religions to Muslim girls'
Don't you know yet? It's the future of Britain.
Just rejoice in that news!
'Just rejoice in that news!' was Margaret Thatcher's response to a journalist's questioning her about the news that South Georgia had been retaken (i.e. fought for and won back) in the Falklands War.
Whether you like her or not Thatcher had more balls than any male Prime Minister of the last sixty years and wouldn't have stood for what is happening to our country now.
UKIP are well on the way to being replaced by the English Democrat Party. The English Democrats are also the proposed replacements for the BNP as an "apple barrel"**
Did anyone notice how the Richard Desmond media empire turned against the EDL when their leader said he would turn the EDL into a Political Party? The role assigned to the EDL is that of a street gang which will recruit the young white males, thereby leaving the English Democrats as a respectable party for the disillusioned middle classes in the coming economic downturn.
**"Apple Barrel" A term to describe a state sponsored group or party which recruits radicals and other non-establishment politcal activists. An organisation where all the "rotten apples" can be watched and directed along paths of no threat to the state.
The opposite of the "Apple Barrel" is "Leaderless Resistance", Something which the EDL started as and thus was perceived as a threat to be controlled
Is this the English Democrats that finished 8th in Oldham, behind the Monster raving loonies with 0.4% of the vote.
Thank you for your deeply incisive political analysis, as well as your obvious paranoia and conspiracy theories.
If you'd bothered to read tonydj's post properly you'd have noticed it says, 'are well on the way to being replaced by the English Democrat Party'. In other words UKIP's dip in popularity, if it continues, will benefit the next biggest 'acceptable' nationalist party which will be pushed and promoted by the media/establishment (Nigel Farge holds the record for appearances on Question Time in the last few years). At the moment that is the English Democrats who are generally doing quite well. If UKIP revive THEY will no doubt remain the 'apple barrel'.
Your second paragraph reveals your lack of civility and LACK of 'deeply (or indeed any) incisive political analysis'.
Thank you for another intelligent and informed contribution tonydj.
Another episode. I keep a detailed log of this sort of happening. These are not acts of 'roughing up' - they are acts of extreme violence., and no amount of media-managed reporting will disguise it forever. Notice the 'will be sentenced at a later date' remark. I'm convinced this is done purposely - their worships know that the sentences will not reflect the seriousness of the crime.
'GBH with intent'? This is attempted murder, plain & simple. These pack-attacks have got to be identified as a specific public risk. Imagine the media interest if an Imam, mufti or Islamic teacher was attacked by a group of caucasian yobs? In fact, can anyone recall gang attacks on anyone by British lads? I tell you, it's a rarity.
Yesterday, London's Mayor was trumpeting a substantial fall in violence on the tubes & buses. A generalisation often masks what happens in specific areas - violence has actually increased alarmingly in east London. I hate cliches, but 'know thine enemy' has a haunting ring to it. And that enemy is our own reluctant leaders who are terrified to admit what is really happening on our streets.
Ian, UKIP received more than 14 times the amount of votes that the English Democrats got. If you think that "puts them well on the way" I have a bridge I would like to sell you.
At the same point in the last two electoral cycles UKIP were polling between 1-2% in national polls. This time they are polling between 5-6%. If you think that is a dip in popularity, I have a bridge I would like to sell you.
As for my manners, If people wish to publish ill informed propaganda posts with no facts, then of course I will criticise them.
Jones mentions the Richard Desmond Media Empire and, previously, Byrne has spoken of the Robert Maxwell Media Empire. Proof, if any were needed, that these people are still obsessed with their belief in Jewish Media Domination.
Not surprising though given their leader wrote a booklet in 1997 on the subject.
Griffin's mindbenders, are you saying Jews don't dominate the media. The facts say otherwise, they have a massively disproportionate influence at the top of the news media, the internet, the film industry etc etc. The motives of SOME who state these facts may be questionable but it's still true.
UKIP (formerly Yeah right), UKIP stood 572 candidates to the English Democrat's 107 and in fact, despite thousands of times more money, media exposure and generally being a vastly bigger and more high profile party only polled 2.5 times more votes per candidate. I wouldn't buy a bridge off someone who interprets electoral statistics the way you do as it'd collapse, due to faulty calculations at the design stage. If UKIP ARE on the up they'll continue to get positive or neutral coverage, if they slump (they've had some bad results recently) significantly they'll be sidelined and the most well known similar and 'acceptable' party, currently the English Democrats, will be promoted by the media/establishment.
If you don't subscribe to the 'apple barrel' theory then presumably you also believe the media's treatment of the BNP is totally random, unplanned, fair, balanced and impartial and in no way influenced by a particular TV/newspaper group etc owner's vested interests (I've got 10,000 chocolate fireguards going cheap you might be interested in).
thank you Mr Dean for your polite response.
Richard Desmond IS head of a media Empire which HAS changed it's tack regarding the EDL. On this issue his religion / ethnic origin are of no consequence.
Yes, The English Democrats came 8th in Oldham. After fighting a full slate of candidates in every English region in 2009's Euro election. Including one Satvinder Singh Chaggar in London, thereby starting off without the "racist" smear. I think we can ignore their Oldham result!
I stand by my theoy, time will tell.
Fella christians god spoke once more last night in quiet a strange way, i was walking me sheep around the half moon on fairfield golf course when suddenly a bramble bush in front of me burst into flames and a very masterful voice spoke from behind it, I was told to tell all christians to be careful not to purchase and comsume hala meat because it was against gods will and as its not labeled property you will need to ask
Rustling in the bushes on the golf course? That's the doggers not god.
I had stopped posting on here for quite some time, I remember why now.
The ED figues for the last general election were based on standing in SELECTED seats, We on the other hand were trying to field a 'full slate'. Obviously the two are not comparable.
I do not subscribe to the 'Apple barrel' theory. We are not state sponsored in fact the Electoral commission are constantly trying to close us down. We receive no positive publicity, in fact as the fourth party in national politics, they persist in lumping us in with 'others'.
I agree the press are out to get the BNP, long may that continue.
I am sorry to hear that UKIP, I was wondering where you had been lately. I do hope you reconsider. Your old adversary Roy West rarely visits these days but we do have some excellent new posters who have knowledge in depth regarding the finer working of the council and some of oligarchs involved.
UKIP, the English Democrats did what EVERY party did at the last election, including UKIP. They focused their campaigning efforts in constituencies or areas where they had the best chance of a good vote, so your argument is invalid.
UKIP presumably supports British values like integrity and fair play so why are you celebrating the media's appalling and blatant bias against the BNP?
If you don't like people disagreeing with you perhaps you'd better not post as no-one is going to refrain just in case it upsets you.
Ian, Yes in UKIP we focused our efforts on target seats, but we still made the effort to give everybody the chance to vote for us. This meant standing in seats that we were unlikely to win. This of course diluted our vote share compared to a party that 'Cherrypicked' where they would stand. If you consider that to be invalid, perhaps you can point out the failure of logic.
Of course I support integrity and fair play. You as a party, receive the same amount of coverage as UKIP. The only exception to that is Nigel, who I agree gets a great deal of exposure. I guess the reason Griffin cannot compete is he is gaffe prone, what journalist would dare to have somebody on his show who makes remarks like Griffin made over the boats from North Africa? Of course you will say he is one man, and not the entire party. That is not correct as he dictates policy, staff and holds the purse strings . I am afraid you are stuck with a dictator, and even if you remove him you will still be tagged as racist. That in a nutshell is why the press do not like the BNP and why you will die out.
Thank you for your comments TC, I may give it another try now my arch Nemesis has left.
UKIP, the English Democrats didn't 'cherrypick' their 107 seats any more than any other small medium party. Like UKIP and the rest they focussed hard on certain areas, and campaigned less or stood paper candidates in other areas, when they could find them.
The number of candidates is irrelevant to your argument, it's the PROPRTION that matters. No-one except the English Democrats knows what percentage of their candidates were targeted, and what percentage simply stood to give people a 'chance to vote' for them. 100% targeting of constituencies only applies to tiny parties/single issue groups who stand a handful of candidates; that's the 'failure of logic' in your argument.
'I agree that the Press are out to get the BNP, long may that continue', 'Of course I support integrity and fair play' - You can let us know when you've made your mind up which it is.
The BNP don't receive a proportionate amount of coverage and the 'amount' isn't the point, it's the TYPE of coverage the BNP receive, i.e. totally prejudiced, biased and hostile. The journalists union's own official advice is: ALWAYS report negative stories about the BNP and NEVER report positive ones. That doesn't apply to any other party and betrays the fundamental lack of respect for democracy and inherent bias that now exists in the media/establishment.
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