Labour's 1997 manifesto said that: ‘Every country must have firm control over immigration and Britain is no exception.’ Yet, within months of coming to power, and with no public consultation, the door to Britain was being flung wide open for literally millions of migrants. Today, a report reveals that, as a result of this deliberate policy of mass immigration, the foreign-born population of this small island has risen by 3.2million – a staggering 80 per cent of them from outside the EU. These figures do not include illegal immigrants, of whom there could be a further one million living here, according to the Migrationwatch think-tank.
Quite simply, Labour changed the make-up of this country for ever – and in clear defiance of the public will. For years, opinion polls made immigration top of the list of concerns. But anyone who tried to discuss it was denounced as ‘racist’ by the liberal class, led by the BBC which, to its eternal disgrace, crushed any debate on this vital issue. Of course, fears about migration had nothing to do with race. They were born of understandable worry that housing, schools and hospitals could not cope with the unprecedented number of arrivals.Furthermore, they stemmed from alarm at how the jobs market was being flooded with cheap foreign labour – with 75 per cent of new jobs being taken by incomers. Meanwhile, the number of Britons on incapacity benefit soared.
Only Labour knows why it deliberately ignored these legitimate concerns about the future of this country, while slurring as ‘bigots’ anybody who dared to voice them.The suspicion is that Tony Blair believed migrants, once granted citizenship, would be more likely to vote Labour. One of his ex-advisers even said the secret intention was to ‘rub the Right’s noses in diversity’, in order to create a ‘multicultural’ Britain alien to the Tory party and its supporters.
This article from today’s Daily Mail perfectly sums my thoughts on Labour. If revolutions, like the ones currently sweeping the Middle East ever start here - I wouldn’t like to be in the shoes of a Labour criminal captured by a baying mob looking for answers as to why they betrayed Britain. To read the whole article click here. Tameside Citizen
Sadly there seems to be little appetite for stringing up those responsible from the nearest lamp-post from most of the affected pop'n. Were I to spot one of the guilty parties in a vulnerable spot I'd have a hard time restraining myself.
Interesting debate over this story on Sky's Jeff Randall programme: pro-immigration German prof from UCL dismissed the point that the massive influx and its consequences had no meaningful democractic mandate - "Ve are in a different vorld now", the arrogant bastard insisted glibly, "vhere labour markets are international...ze economic benefits...bringing skills zat are not to be found here" (he's probably thinking of situations such as all those warehouse jobs round Northwich that went en-masse to Poles a year or three ago).
Fortunately Sir Andrew Green was on hand to challenge the bastard and Randall himself is obviously more sceptical about the supposed 'progress' of this (unprecedented?) era of vandalism & treachery than the creeps on the BBC.
85% of non-white Commonwealth immigrants, who are instantly granted full voting rights UPON ENTRY, vote Labour.
Listen here gobshite. we brought in the immigrants to do the work you lasy bastards were to lazy to do. if you would get off your arsese instead of sponging benefits we wouldnt have had to bring in immigrants to cover for you. Theres nothing worse than whining thick bigots rattling on about immigration when they are the reason we needed to bring in immigrants.
listen here labour gobshite ? you talk aload of crap and make dafted excuses that are just get out clawes ? So can you tell us your excuse for the illegal war
PS GOBSHITE me and my kids are now paying for your lots mess so you need to learn to keep your gob shut
As the persecuted Leeds academic Dr Frank Ellis put it, or words to the effect:- "Such are the problems caused by multi culturalism that it is not for those opposed to it to justify their stance--though they can produce many sound arguements to do so-- but for those who call for it to justify theirs"
Labour till I die...
What were these jobs we British were too lazy to do?
Labour brought immigrants in to: work cheap; vote for them,; undermine British identity; and allow the scroungers who are a key part of the Labour vote to loaf about on the dole and disability benefits etc. A crackdown on these scroungers would have been counter productive to Labour.
Labour till I die...
What were these jobs we British were too lazy to do?
Answer: Plumbers, Joiners, Bricklayers etc.
The "British" people are racist, lazy, useless bigots. I welcome their demise.
you cheeky cunt ? are you a back man ? and what the fuck have you done in the way of work ? silly labory twat
Answer: Plumbers, Joiners, Bricklayers etc.
The "British" people are racist, lazy, useless bigots. I welcome their demise."
Are you an agent-provocateur, or just some NuLab scum deposed recently who has had too much to drink?
Labour 'til I die, AKA Mike the champion pie eater, failed candidate, desperate to get on the Tameside Labour gravy train tosser, you're the racist, and against YOUR OWN people.
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