Both the Conservatives and Labour fear that support for the BNP will impact on their own chances of success in next month's European elections. Gordon Brown is already resigned to taking a severe drubbing at the polls, but he also knows that a surge in backing for the far right party in some of Labour's heartland areas will make its showing even worse. Meanwhile senior shadow cabinet ministers are privately concerned that the BNP could lessen David Cameron's own chances of a resounding success on 4 June. One senior Conservative MP close to the Tory leader said they were refusing to talk publicly about the threat because it would give the BNP the publicity they crave. However, he added: "We are clear that the BNP do represent a problem at the European elections. It is the poll when the minority parties benefit. "Ukip has shown how, because of the proportional system, the lesser parties can land seats. We would never talk the BNP up, but the reality is that the current climate seems to be allowing them to make some headway." Yesterday, Harriet Harman, the Labour deputy leader, also voiced her concern. She said it was vital that turn out was not low so that the minority parties - and in particular the BNP - could not prosper through apathy among voters.
The full article can be read on the website of the The Telegraph. Personally I think this is a load of cock and bull designed to hype up and then knock down the BNP. I have asked many people how they intend to vote in June and not many expressed an interest in voting BNP. I think there will be some very disheartened and demoralised BNP’rs around following this years Euro elections. Tameside Citizen
You don't have to be the best political commentator in the world to work out if the recent election results are mirrored in the Euro elections the far right party of the bnp will win seatS under the PR system.
All made easier because of the decline of the UKIP party I will be doing all I can to prevent this along with many of my friends,but it wont be a big shock.
I along with others warned the Labour party not to surrender to the Lib Dems on this issue of PR I cant stand weak politicians and and boy do we have some.
You're right, Gordon Brown is utterly feeble.
The German MMP system is an advanced type of PR that is scrupulously fair in that every single vote counts. In a General Election this would probably give the BNP 65+ seats in the House of Commons; a fair, democratic result and absolute anathema to the Lib/Lab/Con power block that is wrecking Britain.
MMP (or something extremely similar) got the BNP's Richard Barnbrook elected to the 25 seat Greater London Assembly and was a perfectly fair reflection of the votes cast. Anyone against this system is fundamentally anti-democratic. PR only fails in countries like Italy where the political system is intrinsically unstable and chaotic.
We don't need a lecture on the relative merits of voting systems from a representative of the Party that introduced the utterly corrupt British postal voting system because it suited a reciprocal arrangement between them and certain communities.
You may not want one but you got one bit like the PR system
English translator required for the above comment.
Hasn't it been quiet on here since West got the boot from the BNP?
Hes gone very quite because hes on a warning about his behavior including posting about his victimised neighbours,he came very close to getting his family evicted,only the intervention of a certain Labour councillor prevented this.
One more incident and they are out on the streets if he wants to continue with his hate campaigns hes been told to leave the home on Glenmore, hes drinking in the last chance saloon, a local bar that will never close they have lots of customers
Just to put the moron above in the picture about the eviction. The eviction is off, not because of any Labour cllr intervention. New charter are playing a dangerous game, by allowing information about me to be passed on to a certain Labour councillor. New charter sent the eviction threat letters hoping we would just walk away from our home. This eviction attempt was political motivated all the way down the line. Now they say the eviction is off the radar (their words) New charter now want to put pressure on my partner who is totally innocent of anything. New charter should stop playing games with politics and their Labour masters pulling their strings. What has been uplifting, two residents came to me with an offer of getting up a petition.
All these Labour clones who bang on about human rights and so on, yet they can't understand what human rights and social justice actually means. Social justice does not mean that new charter can just come along and throw a vulnerable tenant onto the streets. They failed to evict peter wright because social justice came into the picture. At a recent meeting with new charter, they tried to interrogate my partner. She is on a daily care plan which has been Constructed by the Tameside mental health authority to keep her out of hospital. And here you have new charter trying to interrogate her. THE FIGHT GOES ON TO BRING TRUE POLITICAL REPRESENTATION TO THE PEOPLE OF DUKINFIELD.
What is UKIP's position on Islam in Britain?
Ukip's position on Islam in Britain.
Ha ha ha ha.........joke party
Social justice only applys to Muslims (They hate homsexuals) and women of course.
Islam is a legal religion. It is a religion of peace. Blaming Islam for recent terrorism outrages is the equivalent of blaming Catholics for the IRA or Protestants for the UVF, It is a complete nonsense.
UKIP is proud of its Muslim members, (We do not compile any statistics on race or religion)and I am very happy to have many good friends who are Muslim. I think the BNP use Islam as a proxy for colour prejudice.
The problem is not the colour or religion of immigrants it is the sheer quantity of them.
Lets see how many BNP members would refuse emergency treatment from a Muslim Doctor.
Wake up ukip
I would reassure people that I am ‘not guilty’ of posting the item above regarding Islam. People may think it is me because it just coincides with me posting the swine flu article.
I think UKIP has hit the nail on the head (again!) when he says it is not the colour or religion but the sheer quantity of immigrants now settling in Britain that is the issue with most people. The issue must be addressed but with the Lib/Lab/Con parties constantly outdoing themselves on who can the most PC there is little chance on them discussing this pressing issue so it will be left to the likes of UKIP and the BNP to bring it into the political arena.
The white Anglo Saxon Celtic poeople's of this nation are about to be enslaved by a Muslim tyrany. It's on the horizon, and the soft Liberal under belly society helping them take over, will not escape their brutality.
Police accused of being fearful in tackling culprits over city’s growing toll of racial assaults
THE number of white victims of racist attacks in a Yorkshire city has risen 30 per cent in a year to more than 300 – and police have been accused of being afraid to take on the culprits
"I think UKIP has hit the nail on the head (again!) when he says it is not the colour or religion but the sheer quantity of immigrants now settling in Britain that is the issue with most people."
It's the number of immigrants in this country wanting to blow us all up.
Comparing Islam with Catholicism, or any other religion 'is a complete nonsense' as Islam is a way of life not a religion. It has a long, globally widespread history of aggressive expansionism based on outbreeding the host population which is in turn based on the suppression and control of women.
Again you cannot resist using the 'r' word despite the fact that Islam is patently multi-ethnic. It's a convenient stick to disguise your Party's inability to confront difficult and unpleasant issues. The comment about the 'sheer quantity' of immigrants being the 'real' problem is arrant nonsense demonstrated by the fact that (according to the
Government's own statistics) between 2004-2008 the British Islamic population increased ten
times faster than any other group.
This hostile alien creed is NOT the same as other groups and is a direct and exponentially growing threat to the
survival of our national identity.
The BNP are the only Party that wants to confront this menace.
There was a feature on the BNP in Cumria on last nights Newsnight. It was everyone except the Tories against the BNP. The Liberal Democrat looked like a right kidee fidler - not unusual for Lib Dems - but what the hell - they are 'mainstream' so it's ok.
The Muslim threat in Britain and the rest of Europe is very real.
It was ok for Britain to fight German Invasion, but Islamification Invasion is good for Britain.
"More than 30 percent of young Muslim men in Germany are “very violent” and more than 60 percent of Muslim girls are forced to marry a man of their parents’ choice, according to a German live talk radio show called Hallo Ü-Wagen broadcast on April 25, 2009."
I'm no fan of Islam, but the war criminal Tony Blair is a f****** disgrace. He and Bush.
Iraqi doctors claim that the use of weapons containing depleted uranium by British and American forces during the Gulf War is causing an "epidemic of cancer".
Allied forces have admitted using hundreds of tonnes of shells tipped with depleted uranium against Iraqi forces in the south of the country.
Every day the anxious faces of children and their parents line the corridors of the cancer wards of the main hospital in Basra, southern Iraq.
Doctors say whole areas of southern Iraq have been contaminated.
And what a surprise when they want to come here for asylum. And in many cases take revenge for their family being wiped out by our bombs.
A germane article in the Guardian no less!
Sorry forgot to add, the first of UKIPs 3 party political broadcasts is tonight. Schelduled appearances as follows:
May 7 Party Political Broadcast
BBC 1 6.55pm
BBC 2 5.55pm
ITV 6.25pm
Ch 5 6.55pm
May 8
National Campaign Launch
UKIP Leader Nigel Farage on BBC TV 'Breakfast Time' - time tbc
National launch - covered by all major broadcasters
Daily Express feature by Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage on GMTV, 6:20 am
Gerard Batten MEP on BBC1 Daily Politics Show, Noon
May 10
Nigel Farage on BBC1 Andrew Marr Show, 9-10 am
Nigel Farage on BBC South East Politics Show, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
May 12 Party Political Broadcast
BBC 1 6.55pm
BBC 2 5.55pm
ITV 6.25pm
Ch 5 tba
May 15
BBC Radio 4 Any Questions from Chichester (repeated Saturday lunchtime)
Nigel Farage on BBC Radio Oxford Breakfast Show
May 21
Marta Andreasen on BBC1 Question Time from Salisbury.
May 27
Ch 5 tba
May 29 Party Political Broadcast
BBC 1 6.55pm
BBC 2 5.55pm
ITV 6.25pm
There will be one showing of one of these broadcasts in Scotland and Wales.
Here are some of the major broadcast appearances for UKIP that have been
confirmed so far:
May 3
Godfrey Bloom on BBC Politics Show in Yorkshire and Gordon Parkin BBC
North East.
May 5
John Whitaker on Radio Five Live from Strasbourg with other
MEPs. From either 10-11am or 11-noon. From Strasbourg again Nigel Farage on BBC News 24 and on World TV, times tba
May 10
Nigel Farage on Andrew Marr Show
May 15
Nigel Farage on Any Questions from Chichester
May 21
Marta Andreasen on Question Time from Salisbury
May 28
Nigel Farage Question Time from London. BBC
May 31
David Campbell Bannerman on BBC East.
Many of our MEPS and lead candidates also have regional tv appearances lined
Dates for the local election broadcast will not be announced until after nominations close on May 8.
Loving Shepherd, So because we used depleted uranium in Iraq and despite the scientific fact that there is no conclusive data to correlate DU exposure to specific human health effects such as cancer you want to let massive numbers of Iraqi Muslims into Britain. Can you explain rationally (i.e. without 'moralising') why you're so desperate to allow even more foreign Muslims into virtually the most overcrowded island in the world.
UKIP's 'detailed' manifesto:
1) Vote for us and keep the BNP out.
The words desperate and f*****g come to mind.
UKIP, the State set-up Party that is the 'acceptable' face of nationalism. Don't worry the BBC's Mr Marr and all the other media lefties will give you an easy ride, after all you're doing exactly what they want.
No thats not my point at all, I want them to stay where they are in their own Muslim nation.
The issue is: the war crimes committed against the Iraqi people. We have bombed the s*** out of them so they want revenge on us.
UKIP are useful pawns and no threat to the political status quo. If they were the liberal elite/media would deny them exposure and fair treatment.
So you're withdrawing your comment about the effects of DU. As for collateral damage, unfortunately that's what happens in wars no matter how much effort is made to avoid it (in this case a great effort), 'illegal' or otherwise. Blair and Bush's mistake was to invade the wrong Muslim country after the Twin Towers.
It is extremely dangerous and unwise to make anti-nationalistic comments that give succour to the enemy.
Islam is an expansionist fascistic lifestyle choice that is devoted to the worship of deliberate ignorance and the violent suppression and destruction of any criticism or attempt to stop its exponential growth.
Pathetic PC comments like 'Islam is a religion of peace' betray the utter inadequacy and shallowness at the core of the single issue group that is UKIP.
In a few years we'll be faced with a choice between capitulation to Islam or the use of 'other methods' which, by necessity will be unpleasant, and 'immoral'. The ruling liberal elite have an absolute horror of anything 'not nice' and would rather do a deal - in reality do exactly what the enemy want - and thereby ensure national destruction. A similar attitude, whether amongst our rulers or the general populace in WWII, regarding such things as the carpet bombing of German cities would have resulted in our defeat.
In the final analysis the country will get exactly the fate it deserves.
And long may it speed up. Lazy Brits
I am sorry to have dragged this thread off topic, but I was asked for my opinion on Islam which I duly gave.
I am asked why I call the BNP Nazis, the answer is in many of the posts above.
The Nazis found a multi ethnic religious grouping and whipped up hate and fear about them. The result was millions dead in the holocaust!
The UK's Muslim population after nigh on 50 years of immigration from the Indian subcontinent and elsewhere of all ages and sexes is 3.3%. Hardly likely to overwhelm us is it?
The BNPs tactics, I am afraid are hate not hope!
And ukip's hope is s state set up political party. No direction just in the pay of new Labour to take votes away from the BNP. But the party is coming to the end for ukip, running out of steam.
Hitler Youth, emigrate you racist Brit hating bigot.
UKIP my man, pull your head from the sand. You are usually the best poster on this blog but on this issue you are way off the mark. The one huge issue you have missed when assessing Muslim demographics is the disaster of 97. Since Nu Lab's assumption of power and the subsequent throwing open of the proverbial flood gates the Muslim population has grown at an unprecedented rate. Do not fool yourself that all Muslims are just like us other than the colour of their skin. You should study the concept of the global demographic Jihad. Anyway good luck tonight in Hartlepool - you are going to beat the BNP in a by-election which will be the start of your parties resurrection before the European elections.
Yet another odd post. So UKIP are a state set up party are we? Take a look at our national accounts, Show me the state funding. Why are UKIP alone of the UK parties being taken to court to force them to forfeit £220,000 of donations from a British donor, who forgot to register to vote.
The Conservatives admit UKIP cost them 27 MPs at the last election,Is that another Labour plot?
They are just jealous of you UKIP. Don'y take the bait. UKIP will keep Griffin out of Europe and they know it. Keep up the good worke.
UKIP, the answer isn't 'in the posts above' it's in your mind and is based on the desire to find an easy stick to beat your opponents with.
You've finally conceded in your comparison comment about the multiethnicity of Jews that Islam has the same racial spread and therefore British nationalist opposition to it is non-racial.
The Nazis wanted a convenient scapegoat for their own political ends. There is no comparison to the dire threat Islam represents to Britain in 2009. Look at their ever increasing demands for THEIR laws and way of life to be imposed on OUR country and manifest lack of loyalty to any nation state. It's best not to comment on demographics if you have no basic understanding of them. It takes several decades to build up a
sufficient breeding base from which comes the sort of exponential (perpetually accelerating) growth that is now becoming increasingly apparent-ask anyone who has lived somewhere like Luton for 20 years or so-, all this is clearly evidenced, as previously stated, by the fact that the British Muslim population grew ten times faster than any other group between 2004-2008. In the next four years this breeding gap will widen by a much greater margin and by an increasingly larger gap in the following four years. The founders of Islam in the 7th century based their creed on the suppression and control of women as this is the best way to win the 'numbers game' that they believe will achieve domination and why it is well on the way to being the biggest religion in the
You can't do deals with the Devil, he always pursues his own ends.
With current trends we all know that it is a posibility that White indigious people in Britain will be the minority within the next 50-60 years.
In some areas in Britian this is already the case. Why?
1. White people are immigrating out of Britian
2. Immigration into Britain
3. Minority groups are having larger than average families
Muslim British women are being "set up" in arranged marriages with foreginers. The husbands are being shipped in from Islamic countries. Once here the women are used as baby factories producing up to 9 children per family.
Special "Muslim" houses are being built with tax payers money to house their large families and cater for their special Islamic needs.
Enoch Powell 50 years ago stated that we must be “stupid Stupid” to allow the level of mass immigration back then.
He predicted that mass immigration would multiply to uncontrollable levels. British identity would be lost with racial natural segregation. At the time people laughed at him branding him a racist and dismissed his predictions and level of immigration as nonsense.
10 years later his predictions on the number of immigrants where found not to be accurate; in fact in reality it was far worse.
People today in Britain are choosing to live within their own racial groups (generally speaking). The groups are not interacting with each and are forming their own communities.
I think this isolation between communities and vast differences between cultures is causing great tension and could lead to civil war once the “minority” groups become the Majority.
Loath though I am to discuss anything with somebody who glories in the title of deathshead ( a Nazi symbol) I will reply for the benefit of any non BNP supporters on here.
I did not call your condemnation of Muslims racist, your parties repatriation schemes for anybody Black,Brown,Yellow or even tanned would are enough to prove you are racist.
Your views on Islam and Jews are enough to prove you are nasty bigots. How can you decide people are not as good as you based on their skin colour, religion or lifestyle?
I know many Blacks,Muslims and Jews whom I would much prefer to have as neighbours than you.
I doubt you will ever listen to the truth and understand, you are just another brainwashed stormtrooper.
I am sorry, that was a unworthy personal attack made because I am both tired and angry.
The simple questions I would like one of the BNPers to answer: Was Irish Catholic immigration at the turn of the century, or Polish Catholic immigration in the last couple of years as bad?
Both groups have different lifestyles, larger than average amount of children. IRA terrorists have killed more British people on the UK mainland than Muslim terrorists. Should we try to remove Catholics?
I think that just about shows the religion/race con being attempted by the BNP/Nazis.
Of course we should not remove Catholics, bnp ranks are full of Catholics. (And very welcome)
Remember that Muslims have time to make up in the years to come.
Were any of these allowed to be BNP members?
Were who allowed to be members?
Click the blue name, it's a link. I meant to say would any of these Catholics be allowed to join the BNP?
Strange nobody has posted on here for at least two hours, It was quite a heated debate.
Team orders, like formula one?
If so who is the team manager? and who are most of the contributors?
Or maybe I have bored everybody to sleep?
As promised - UKIP trounce the BNP in tonights crucial by-election.
Lab 532
UKIP 300
LibD 166
BNP 157
Con 102
Listen to Tameside Citizen's resident nutjob Strength through Diversity speaking by clicking the link. She will get the BNP more votes rather than lose them votes.
Where was this so called election where the Tories came last.
Hey one here for the photo album, thanks Mellor Road Mincer
True blue
Hartlepool BC (rossmere ward)
Here you go Roy. I have modified the picture for you.
UKIP, the 'Death's Head' name was supposed to be ironic due to your constant 'Nazi, racist blah blah blah' jibes. I clearly overestimated your intelligence.
Without voluntary repatriation and concerted action on Islam in particular the indigenous population and its 8000 years of history will be outbred and thereby annihilated within a few decades. ALL the demographic evidence shows this. There is no comparison with Polish or Irish Catholics in terms of numbers, breeding rate or what we have in common. Irish and Polish people will generally make an effort to integrate especially if the numbers coming in are kept to sensible levels. Our views on Islam are based on the facts which PROVE they are a threat. We don't have any particular views on Jewish people, virtually all of whom have integrated normally into British society.
No-one said one group were 'better' than another, it's a question of defending the rights of indigenous people. Justified, historically and factually proven criticism of Islam is a valid position unlike your apparently desperate desire NOT to criticize them due to fear of being called racist. BNP members are used to namecalling and threats and most of us thrive on it as it means we are hitting home.
To sign the Downing Street e-petition to get Gordon Brown to resign put e-petitions into the search engine, click 'view petitions' then 'by size', it's the one proposed by Kalvis Jansons and is currently (at 55000+) about the 14th biggest ever out of tens of thousands posted. Tell everyone you know and let's really get it rolling.
Is she really STD? If she's the best the PC brigade have got we've no worries, she couldn't argue her way out of a paper bag.
I'm on E
You may well have over estimated my intelligence, I had tried to point out for readers under 40 the significance of the 'Deaths Head'. a Carly Simon song springs to mind!
There is NO indigenous population in the UK, we are a bastard people made up of Angles,Saxons,Romans,Normans, Celts,Vikings,Irish. The only thing these have in common is a light skin colour. The 2001 census showed we have over 850,000 Irish born people in Britain almost half of the TOTAL Muslim population, without including UK born Irish descendants (of which I am one). I would assume British born Irish descendants are in the region of 2 million, far exceeding Muslims.
The Paddies have not caused many problems have they? I do exclude the terrorists, which perhaps in the Muslim case you should do!
So where is the threat? I have to conclude that your fear of Muslims is a fear of colour and lack of first hand knowledge. You would probably chat with an Irishman in the street and discover he is basically the same as you, try it with a Muslim and you will discover so is he.
Treat it as therapy, try telling him your views on religion,I think you would be surprised to discover he has the same fears, aspirations and pride as you.
No all white people's the list you give, just different tribes!
Very interesting blog here, Read comments about the different white tribes of Britain. I'm of Irish Catholic stock but also a member of the bnp. My kin are Belfast Irish/old English catholics. You can look up the old English Catholics in the history books, anyway it's only the bnp that can save Ireland/England from Islamification and so on. Nothing wrong in saying white survival.
UKIP, repeating your previous mistakes isn't a counter argument to the points I previously raised. British/Irish people have virtually all assimilated and are in any case more or less identical to all the other other British groups. Intermarriage, general behaviour, history and a sense of British Isles identity bind us together. The vast majority of the Muslim population of Britain do not share our value system or way of life and in many ways their behaviour is utterly alien. As their number increases due to their massively disproportionate breeding rate they will increasingly demand separate laws and treatment-brutal Halal slaughter methods are a significant step in this direction.
I've worked with Muslims on a regular basis for many years and have been in their houses and the differences far outweigh any similarities in behaviour and outlook.
The notable lack of criticism on this site of Hindus, Sikhs,
Buddhists etc gives the lie to the 'usual' accusations and insults re racism.
UKIP, the Irish have been coming here since before the 9th century and there are 850,000 + the 2 million British/Irish. The fact is they are outnumbered by Muslims who didn't start arriving proper until the1950's. You have totally failed to answer the issues raised on demographics, breeding rates and the Islamic community's deliberate and manifest failure to integrate in any meaningful way thus illustrating the absurdity of your Party's position on this deadly serious issue.
serious issue.
Old christian conflicts will seem for nothing when Islam takes over.
In 1641, many of the Old English community made a decisive break with their past as loyal subjects by joining the Irish Rebellion of 1641. Many factors influenced the decision of the Old English to join the rebellion, among them fear of the rebels and fear of government reprisals against all Catholics. However, the main long term reason was a desire to reverse the anti-Catholic policies that had been pursued by the English authorities over the previous 40 years in Ireland. Nevertheless, despite their formation of an Irish government in Confederate Ireland, the Old English identity was still an important division within the Irish Catholic community. During the Irish Confederate Wars (1641-53), the Old English were often accused by the Gaelic Irish of being too ready to sign a treaty with Charles I of England at the expense of the interests of Irish landowners and the Catholic religion. The ensuing Cromwellian conquest of Ireland (1649-53), saw the ultimate defeat of the Catholic cause and the dispossession of the Old English nobility. While this cause was briefly revived before the Williamite war in Ireland (1689-91), by 1700, the Protestant descendants of the New English had become the dominant class in the country, along with the Old English families (and men of Gaelic origin such as William Conolly) who chose to comply with the new realities.
Nice to read a comment from someone with an appreciation of what makes the people of the Brirish Isles who we are, our history.
UKIP You talk about the white race, they are just different tribes. Like the Blacks in Africa they are the same just different tribes of the same race.
The Old English (Irish: Seanghaill) were the descendants of the settlers who came to Ireland from Wales, Normandy and England after the Norman invasion of Ireland in 1169-71. Many of the Old English became assimilated into Irish society over the centuries and their nobility were effectively the ruling class in the land up to the 16th century. Some were dispossessed, however, in the political and religious conflicts during and after the Tudor re-conquest of Ireland in the 16th and 17th centuries, largely due to their continued adherence to the Catholic religion. The so called "New English" Protestant settlers had largely replaced them as the governing and landowning class of Ireland by 1700.
The name Old English was coined in the late sixteenth century to describe the section of the above community which lived within the heart of English-ruled Ireland, the Pale.
Latest polling figures are showing a big surge in support for the UKIP party,the single issue they are known for getting us out of Europe is proving a vote winner.
I do appear to be arguing with people who now more about the history of civiliasations than me,I find your knowledge of the history and tribulations of different parts of the world populations interesting.I am surprised non academics spend so much time researching these subjects.
I am however more interested in the present and how we can make Britain a better place, without victimisation based upon caste or creed.
I think people who obsess about racial origins, and Nordic symbols strike a very scary parallel.
We should be celebrating the defeat of the Nazis 64 years ago yesterday, shame some appear to have survived!
UKIP has his finger right on the nations collective pulse. UKIP is right - reject Nazism in all its vile manifestations. Embrace diversity and multi-culturalism and forget the notion of the homogenous nation state. When we crushed the Nazis in the ruins of Berlin we also destroyed the last obstacle before us to bring about the disunification of the white world. The death of National Socialism not only brought down the murderous Nazi regime in Germany but it heralded the end of white dominance across the globe. Within twenty years of the wars end we had disbanded the British Empire, within 20 years of that we had started mass immigration from them the former empire. Now we have the wondrous goal of turning Europe and the whole Anglo-Saxon world over the darker peoples of this planet. Before the year 2050 there will be no white nations of the West remaining. Holland will become Europe’s first ethnically plural state, then Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, followed by France, Britain and Germany. At the same time the USA will have been reclaimed by the native peoples of America, Canada will be also white minority followed by New Zealand and Australia. Once we have displaced the whites from what they consider to be their own lands we can truly rest secure in the knowledge that the curse of white rule will never again surface to bring misery and torment to humanity and after all - that is the only thing whites have contributed to the world as we know it.
Keep up the sterling work UKIP. Together we can eleminate the scourge of racial division from out land.
If I post under my name, these are my own thoughts. If I cut and paste from a site I put quote marks around it. If I find something relevant I link it in my title.
I do not post quotes from national socialist/Nazi sites and pretend these are my research.
Try telling the truth, not what you pick up from googling 'Nazi'
I have decided that such poor attempts at propaganda will no longer merit a response from me. I do try to be as honest with people as possible, and I do apologise to any members of the public who would like to know more about UKIP and its policies. I am afraid BNP members have turned a good local site into a BNP ghetto!
Oh Mr Cooke your not that important. Stop being such a queen
I am prepared to respond to serious questions about our policies, however threads that have been invaded by BNP members who cut and paste non relevant articles, are unlikely to be responded to.
I will always answer serious questions, if I see them, but threads with loads of cut and paste I tend to ignore.
UKIP, stop going on about cut and paste merchants, cut the unbelievably dreary Nazi jibes and respond to the points raised. Nice to see you've finally admitted your lack of historical knowledge but implying people who HAVE studied our history are somehow sinister is pathetic. As for this being a 'BNP ghetto' we have to express our views somewhere as the media hate our guts and either lie or deny us publicity. UKIP don't get this treatment because they are a state safety valve and no threat to the system. If the rubbish ruling Britain at the moment hate us we must be doing
something right.
Angles,Saxons,Romans,Normans, Celts,Vikings,Irish. All of the same race just different tribes. Just like the many different Black tribes of Africa.
So what exactly is the point? deluging a thread with loads of propaganda makes it impossible to know what you are talking about.
I never accused BNP members that study race as 'pathetic, I described them as obsessed with race. which I suppose is another definition of a Nazi.
Yes the press do hate you, they have done the research. Please stop hiding, you are well aware of my identity, which I do not attempt to keep secret. Stop posting under multiple names, show some guts and post under one identity. If you have the bottle put your name to the post!
UKIP, you know exactly what the points raised are but cannot answer them hence your resorting to complaining about propaganda, multiple identities etc. Large numbers of Blogs have these features as you well know.
What exactly is surprising about non-academics researching their own history? Try it then you might not be so patently out of your depth. The only person obsessed with race on here is you, namecalling being your substitute for an inability to construct a reasoned argument.
I have created a reasoned argument, It is just that you will not answer it. How is Muslim immigration any different to Irish immigration?
I have not resorted to name calling, I have pointed out that a certain mindset can be described as racist.
It is very difficult to argue with multiple posters who switch names and viewpoints. I agree it is built into the software, but that is no reason to use it. Using the MPs defence does little to contribute to fair debate.
UKIP, The Irish have been coming for 1200 years, the Muslims for 50 and yet already outnumber them. You constantly use insults such as Nazi, racist etc. A racist is someone who believes other races are inferior not someone who believes ethnicity plays a part in national identity and belonging, especially when certain other groups are deliberately trying to outbreed us by using a combination of their culture and predominant ethnicity. NOT defending the rights of the indigenous population will result in its destruction.
You don't know who or if anyone has been multiple posting and switching names and viewpoints, it's a feeble attempt to distract attention from your comprehensive defeat on this argument.
This from wiki and the Guardian, I am sorry I cannot link.
'The Irish have been the largest source of immigrants to Britain for over 200 years and over 6,000,000 Britons currently have at least one Irish grandparent, with one in four of all UK citizens claiming some degree of Irish ethnicity.'
Then this from the Guardian:
'The Muslim population in the United Kingdom may now number as many as 2 million, the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, disclosed yesterday during an official visit to Pakistan.
The last published official estimate of the size of the Muslim community in Britain was 1.6 million, based on the findings of the 2001 census. The updated Whitehall estimate confirms the position of Islam as the second largest faith community after Christianity, and means that Muslims now make up 3.3% of the UK population.'
Rather blows your argument and claims of my 'comprehensive defeat on this argument' out of the water.
You've resorted to the 'cut and paste' tactics you were so critical of.
So you're counting Brits who have one Irish Grandparent now, why not those with one Irish Great-Grandparent. The two reasons for these particular statistics in the first place are assimilation and integration something the Islamic community has manifestly refused to do (and no that's not the fault of white 'racists' it's a global phenomenon). The Irish British/Irish, people whose fifth cousin's next door neighbour once went to Dublin on a day trip, Black, Chinese or any other group were all outbred by a factor of at least ten to one between 2004-2008by 'British' Muslims according to the Government's figures.
And your point is? That we should lay back and allow Britain to surrender to Islamification.
The point is that many irish men want to left alone to work with a union thats not going to be undermined the the mass amount of illegals and scum being aloud into the country. Even thought fact upon facts are thrown against the government they wont back down. Can any one name a country that let immigrants in and the working class weren't put under massive amounts of stress. Even now the crime rates are increasing and its proven that the immigrants are to blame. There 10 percent of the population and 30 percent of the prison population. Only god or the icp can help us now.
Don't start telling the truth about the massively disproportionate amount of violent crime committed dy Afro-Caribbeans, that's taboo and racist. Just like black on white racist attacks that don't exist.
Pettition the BBC to use their might to crush the BNP on June 4th. Jam the BBC switchboards with calls demanding they do something to prevent a disaster of their own making. The BBC are being reckless and naive by not portraying the BNP as the Nazis we know they are.
Black and white unite and fight - SMASH THE BNP
Bash the Labour Paedophiles, crooks, lairs, war criminals, rapists, ect,ect,ect..........
The rocketing popularity of the British National Party is reflected in the fact that the party’s central office receives more than one hundred enquiries every day and signs up more than two hundred members every week, reports party chairman Nick Griffin.
“This is excellent news, considering that our main television broadcast dates have now also been confirmed,” Mr Griffin told BNP News.
The BBC crush the BNP? What's up, too much like a level playing field? First time I've ever seen any mainstream British media outlet give us anything approaching an impartial review.
'Black and white unite' 'Smash the fascists' 'Stop the Nazis' etc etc etc. If you've lost the argument and your mental development stopped at university infantile slogans are what's left.
Do not worry my labour colleague we have it all workred oyt. Our comonwealth citizens are going to vote anbd this will keep the nazis out.
Migrant scandal - Britons feel neglected and betrayed
Britain's white working class feels it has been "betrayed" and "abandoned" in favour of immigrants, a Government report reveals. Poor white people living on some of the country's most deprived estates believe they are the biggest victims of a decade of mass immigration, according to the study. They feel unable to complain for fear of being branded racist. (3.1.09)
Mainstream parties unite to crush the BNP on June 4th. Do the right thing and vote for a mainstream political party this June. Do not get fooled into voting for minor parties as it is just a wasted vote. Only mainstream parties can solve the current problems we face as a nation. Monor partiues can solve nothing.
Ok, vote for UKIP or Green if you want to make protest against MP's expenses but please do not vote BNP.
Mainstream politician, the main Parties are riddled with self serving thieves, fiddlers and low quality time servers. They've been found out. The economy is wrecked, instead of the utterly pathetic 'Don't vote BNP' mantra tell us why we SHOULD vote for the Lib/Lab/Con trick that has wrecked Britain.
The utterly inadequate, corrupt and failed triumvirate that has done so much harm to this country is now reduced to advocating voting for other Parties. As for saying only mainstream Parties can solve the problems we currently face as a nation, all the evidence says they played a significant part in getting us into this mess in the first place. To quote from The Outlaw Josey Wales: "Don't piss down MY back and tell me it's rainin.'".
1st of four UKIP PPBs
2nd PPB
vote ukip vote Paedophile
A FORMER Worcester UKIP candidate –- who has since converted to Islam – has been sentenced for possessing indecent photographs of children.
Gobsmacked at the world-destruction fantasies of STD. Karen Reissmann? An interesting name, and the page to which her deranged millenarian rant links betrays a preoccupation with all-consuming revenge worthy of someone from the part of the world that produced the Old Testament, but who unlike many of the more sophisticated and civilised emigres originating there, is still steeped in the bathing-in-blood mentality as a default state.
Going by "UKIP"'s utterances here I don't know how to tell his/her party apart from the pious thugs of Unite Against Fascism. No wonder they mysteriously reappear on the BBC when election time rolls around, seemingly spending the rest of the time on in-fighting and troughing in the wake of their big breakthrough in 04.
Get your lazy arses into gear and get fighting the nazis. Are you so fucking thick you do not realise you are sleepwalking into allowing the nazis to make a breakthrough. Once they have made the breakthrough they will be impossible to stop.
Read Griffins comment from Tuesday he claims black footballers are not English and the Gurkha's can F**K off.
I haven't heard that one Billy Liar. But 'black players' are not English. It is impossible that they could be, they could be British citizens or British nationals, but not English.
If I as a white European and my white European partner decided to settle in China – and we had children, would that make our children Chinese?
With regards to the Ghurkhas - the BNP say - let them stay - and git rid of the countless hordes of bogus asylum seekers, terrorists and scroungers that have flocked to this once pleasant land.
The above comment has a link to my videos..........not my comment but nice try. I have full support for the Ghurkhas, those that have served the crown and the British people should be allowed to stay here. The troule for new Labour allowing them to stay: the Ghurkhas are far to loyal to the crown.
Billy Liar is Daily Mirror reader. What a pathetic smear attempt. Talk about taking comments out of context. The hysteria surrounding the BNP at the moment can only help the BNP to gain wider recognition from those who are sick to the back teeth of the rampant politcal corruption as recent exposed by the newspapers. I predict the BNP will gain three MEP's next month. Anyone care to suggest I am likely to be wrong?
Eire Today Eirabia Tomorrow.
Watch this and open your eyes.
"Don't vote for the fucking 'Nazis'". Brilliant political analysis and reasoned argument. Tell us why anyone should vote for the three card trick of thieves, fraudsters, and EU loving corrupt incompetents ensconced in Troughminster.
UKIP will HAVE to rely on PPB's as their single issue group disguised as a Party is a disorganized shambles.
270,000 foreign workers arrive in a year
The number of foreign workers has risen dramatically, with nearly 300,000 people coming to work here in the past year. This is the biggest annual influx of foreign workers since the Government started to keep count 10 years ago. The number of foreigners over the age of 16 working in Britain reached 2.29 million at the end of March – 270,000 more than at the same time last year. (20.8.08)
Seems like very good news, Still think Nigel Farage was joking about UKIP getting rid of Brown?
The BNP appear to be leaving their surge quite late.
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