These depressing images, with the exception of the top image were captured today on a short journey from Stalybridge through Hyde and on to Denton. The images we see here are just a microcosm of what is going on right across the country. Why is it that these pubs which have survived world wars and turbulent times before all appear to going under now? I have a friend who is a publican and he swears there is a government plot to kill off the independent local pub. In my opinion this is a possibility when you take into account the assault on numerous British institutions and traditions which have occurred since the nightmare of 97 when, as we all now are aware , the country fell into the hands of wilful wreckers.
How much custom did you give them, me and Wildy did our best to keep them going.
Good shout John, I am not a massive drinker so the loss of these pubs will not affect me as much as hardened boozers. But my problem is that the traditional British pub is an institution which has been with us for centuries and with apparent indecent haste the humble British pub is being slaughtered. Then of course there is the architectural loss. Non of the pubs photographed here are of great architectural value, but think of some of great pubs which have been demolished. Think of the Lake and Midland at Belle Vue or the magnificent Trafford Park Hotel which thankfully has not yet been demolished - but it is not far off. Some of the buildings mentioned would be national treasures in more forward thinking countries but sadly not in good old Blighty when we have this vicious Labour regime pulling the strings.
Do something about it: I have beermats for anybody who wants to save their local.
"The Oddfellows" on Kings Road, A-u-L recently changed hands and left the control of the 3rd generation of the same family to be it's licencees. (Since 1914)
The retiring licencee was filmed by the BBC. He was warned that any mention of the smoking ban affecting trade would result in the non-broadcasting of the interview.
The government hates uncontrolled meeting places where the public can exchange views on life , the world etc. Hence this assault on the British Pub
The BNP are currently negotiating to take over The Norman with a view to turning it into their Tameside HQ.
On the recently broadcast Panorama programme the issue of the smoking ban being the final nail in the coffin for massive numbers of pubs was played down to an absurd degree. Most of the programme was focussed on obscure upmarket country Inns. The BBC takes the line the Government wants. I don't pay the licence fee and would urge people to check out the Internet for the many loopholes available.
A better law would have been one that allowed choice for the owners of these pubs.
People would then choose to drink there or not a sign on the door or window would say smoking allowed.
Smoking is only a small part of the reason for the decline in pubs many closed long before the smoking ban.
That is UKIPs policy, to allow Landlords the choice, Do you remember the millions of non-smokers that would start going out again when pubs were smokefree? Where are they then?
Never forget that Labour have implemented Hitlers smokefree policies.
The Morning Advertiser, a trade paper for licensees recently held a survey on which party would do most to support the licensed trade. UKIP got over 70% of the vote!
Please see UKIPs policy by clicking on my name.
A lot of pubs were ticking over just managing to stay in the black until the EU's smoking ban-eagerly implemented by New Labour-pushed them over the edge. In Spain and other countries there is freedom of choice, something denied Brits by the 'we know best' Marxist fascists who govern us. Thankfully they are now starting to self destruct.
It's not just Tameside where this massacre is taking place. In one town in the north west I know very well, one former pub's now a locally owned DIY store, another's now a chinese restaurant and a third is now a fireplace showroom.
Under New Labour there's been a massive increase in alcohol abuse and a massive decrease in the number of pubs; coincidence, social engineering or chronic misgovernance?
We had far to many pubs and lets be honest many of them had past their sell by date.
Most young drinkers don't care for the traditional pubs anyway they like the bars they have in Stalybridge.
Food now plays a big part in the pub trade, I would allow smoking in pubs leave it up to the owners then the customers have this choice, do I want to go into this pub that allows smoking do I want to breath in their smoke and go home with my cloths stinking of stale tobacco, or do I want to go into another pub that does not allow smoking.
The smoke never bothered me and it would not bother me if it was allowed again.
Cllr Taylor demonstrating (yet again) his direct opposition to the policies of the Party he supposedly represents.
What a refreshing change – sensible discussion rather than the usual name calling and banality.
If the poster above using the name John Taylor is indeed Cllr John Taylor – and I have got no reason to suspect it is not on this occasion, he does raise some valid points. Pubs have been in decline for a number of years – but nobody can deny the steady trickle of pub closures has tuned into an absolute torrent since the ill-conceived (and I am a non smoker) smoking ban was introduced.
The thing I cannot understand though is the way many of the pubs now being abandoned and demolished survived the wars – where certainly after 1918 lots of regulars sadly never returned, but the pubs kept on going. Then there was the depression when times were really hard, so hard many people could barely afford to eat never mind afford the luxury of going to a pub.
In this area we witnessed the death of textile industry and a massive decline in manufacturing across the board – but the pubs survived this too. So why are so many pubs now biting the dust? I think most points have been addressed here but let us not forget cheap supermarket booze is another obvious factor. Supermarkets are often using cheap booze promotions as a loss leader to entice people into their stores. The tragedy of this is two fold; not only is it helping destroy the pub industry but it is leading a generation of the young and seemingly unemployed into a state of alcohol dependency. How many times have I nipped into a supermarket late at night only to find myself queuing behind a group of young men each carrying a 24 pack of what ever cheap lager is on offer? Far too many times to mention!
Going back to the smoking ban I must admit the UKIP policy of allowing individual landlords to choose is spot on. It would be interesting to hear what the Tory policy is on this subject; would they reverse it when they are elected to government? And yes Cheshire Man, if it is the real JT he is demonstrating direct opposition to a policy of the party which he represents – and good on him for doing so! If more people in his party had stood up the reckless policies of the Labour Party leadership I am sure Britain in particular and the rest of the world in general would be a happier place in which to live.
Both my partner and myself are smokers, before the the ban we used to go out a couple of nights per week. We would not stay in one pub, but did a 'tour'. Since the ban we have been 'out' less than ten times. We went out for the craic and the sheer sociability of it. We enjoy talking to people, and of course listening. I think in the video Nigel hit upon part of the truth, all totalitarian groups try to stop the free association of opponents. Also removing a large block of non Labour voters would be attractive option, I doubt many landlords vote Labour.
Another major part of the problem are 'pubco's, their greed appears to know no limits, this of course was a Conservative innovation. Never forget Labours buddy Rupert Murdoch and the scandalous fees they charge for televising sporting events.
I think the rise in binge drinking has much to do with the state of the country. No good news, unending bad news on TV and in the papers. I understand people seeking oblivion, which could of course be ameliorated by sensible landlords. Drinking at home used to be frowned upon and landlords used to prevent excesses, they can no longer afford to do so. Why do people insist upon getting so drunk?.
Battery Chickens sick of being forced to produce 'Tax Eggs'.
What can be done about it?, I despair, I have rarely felt so low as when I saw the pictures you produced showing the demise of the great British pub. One of the last unique parts of British culture, where else in the world has true pubs?
Lets take a tour of Dukinfield and see which pubs may still be here in 2010/11.
New Inn Snipe Wheatsheaf Albion friendship Astley Old General Commercial (now some sort of a club)Astley top and bottom Globe Victoria Tame valley Brunswick Masons Liston's Lodge Angel Chapel house Foresters Riverside,all these pubs are surviving in what is a small town.
Lets look who's gone recently Gardeners Lamb Norman Dukinfield arms not doing all that bad are we.
I would guess that some of the pubs still around are finding it difficult some have closed and reopened in the past few years but are still around to serve you if you need them.
Most have some form of social activities like darts teams pool teams and football teams some have quiz nights and many have artist on each week,all sorts of clubs still meet in these pubs. Dukinfields branch of Manchester city supporters club meet at the top Astley,where you can get a good meal for less than you buy and cook one.
Now which pubs have spent any money in the past week Brunswick,Tame Valley, Old General,Albion (my brother in-law owns it) and the Masons a great little pub that keeps bouncing back despite the gloom out there.
Things are not all that bad are they but I will admit all these pubs would be doing better if the customers were allowed to smoke, its not politics its a fact so why don't we allow the owners decide and the customers decide also or let them have a smoke room.
Were you ever consulted on the smoking ban I don't smoke gave it up 35 years ago pubs and clubs should have been treated differently.
I fully accept that we will be more healthy with the ban in place and that the pubs are much cleaner and fresher we just forgot what these pubs meant to many people mainly older people but its ruined their social life and contributed to the closure of many local pubs.
On a more positive note we have seen some very imaginative smoking shelters and some beer bellies have reduced.
Mr Taylor, 'beer bellies have been reduced'; have you seen the latest liver disease statistics, particularly amongst the young? All this under LABOUR stewardship.
It's all very well to comment in a seemingly affable way on a blog after the event, can you tell us what you DID at the time to stop Labour's ruinous EU ordered smoking ban.
John, I can guarantee not all of the pubs you have listed will survive.
The little Astley has a major fight on their hands, I believe its neighbours are complaining about the noise created by the refugee smokers in the smoking area.
Your point about 'creative shelters' is an interesting one, the law your party brought in insist that they must be 50% open to the elements, a nasty vindictive little touch, don't you think?
I appreciate you are against the ban and agree with UKIP on this.(and the EU) But why did you not stand up and fight it at the time?
"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist"
I made my views known long before the ban came in I wrote to ministers and met with anti smoking campaigners in Manchester.
I understand the anti E U feelings of many people on here I also have them but the E U did not bring about this smoking ban,this was done over here and all party's had support for it.
Some exemptions were granted and I understand that we came very close to a certain watering hole in the commons being one of them ,however someone intervened a rescued them pity the same person did not for-see the addition homes issue at the same time.
Not quite correct John. This Government introduced the smoking ban just before Markos Kyprianou could introduce EU legislation, as usual the original EU propasals were 'Gold-plated'.
Smoking is still allowed in parts of the palace of Westminster, whether legally or not. Annabel Fuller filmed MPs smoking in one of the bars. They also introduced smoking rooms in Brussels and Strasberg. Hypocracy does not quite do it justice.
I am glad you brought up the second homes issue. What is your opinion on the James Purnell stories that have appeared in recent weeks?
Let us keep this discussion focused on the issues of pub closures and the associated causes. For all the people interested in BNP type issues I will provide an item above this one where you can post to your hearts content.
So you're against the EU AS WELL. There seem to be very few Labour policies you actually support Cllr Taylor.
So what is the Conservative policy on the smoking ban?
Blue Labour's policy is the same as New Labour's.
Other pubs which are going are The Bush in Hyde and just recently closed The Crown also in Hyde.
The decline of the pubs is down to greedy short sighted breweries and the Government.
The Government by taxing alcohol to the hilt and the breweries putting prices up keeping the profits and not investing in their pubs.
The smoking ban has hit some pubs not all to be fair and personaly think it's a good thing but i am biase as i am not a smoker.
I used to hate stinking of smoke leaving the pub.
Nobody would 'stink of smoke' if we had a fair system with freedom of choice. Smoking, or non-smoking pubs. The same choice would apply to the staff. Labour's Holy War on smoking is in stark contrast to their chronic leniency on Cannabis which literally dissolves sensory parts of the brain, and is KNOWN to be particularly devastating to the developing brain. Brain damage leading to an enormous increase in mental health problems amongst the young will be Labour's Cannabis legacy. All the international studies showed this but they still downgraded it, a decision they have since been forced to reverse. In the interim this poisonous weed has gained a foothold on a significant number of young people and has become more socially acceptable. Compare this to the 23 studies done worldwide on passive smoking, all but one of which declared it virtually harmless. Guess which study Labour chose to accept. This is a good example of socialists putting 'morality' above rationality, the results are all around us.
I am afraid the policy of all three of the main parties regarding the smoking ban is the same. The truth of the matter is they are not their policies at all but the EUs. It will really make no difference which one you vote for at the general election as 70% plus of laws are made by the EU.
The Crown in Hyde was my local for many years, what a great pub it was in the 90s. I am afraid it is unlikely to reopen as they have even removed the brewery name from the walls. Contrary to common belief most pubs are not owned by breweries but by 'pubcos' such as Punch taverns, Last orders etc. Breweries are only allowed to own a limited number of Pubs (250, I think). This reform was pushed through by the last Tory government. Whereas previously a pubs takings provided a profit for the landlord, the brewery and the treasury, they now also have to provide a profit for the pubcos inserted between the breweries and landlords. Add to this the increasing depredations by this Government on alcohol duty, and many pubs were in a parlous state years ago.
The smoking ban has tipped many pubs over the edge. Around a quarter of the UK population smoke, pub users were closer to 50%
smokers. Pubs require a critical mass, many will not walk into a pub where only a couple of people were drinking. It becomes a self fulfilling prophesy.
This is what 40 years of Europhilliac Tories and Labourites have done to a once proud self sustaining industry.
Yet more lives and livelihoods ruined.
UKIP, are you seriously suggesting that even if the Tories pledged to overturn the smoking ban, EU law could prevent them from doing so? If this is true the EU monster really is usurping our national power.
Sorry, have not quite managed to get the hang of posting links in the text. There are many hundreds of hours of reading leading from the link I have posted above, however just reading the headings along with the date and comparing what laws Labour have enacted since should leave you in no doubt.
The Tories are as Europhile as the other parties, never forget THEY signed half of the ratified treaties that now govern us. They will never propose anything that goes against the wishes of the EU, Had you noticed they have dropped their opposition to the CFP (Common fisheries policy).
Until we leave the EU all the electorate can select is the armband colour of their local Gauleiter.
UKIP - great information. Many thanks for opening my eyes to this scandal.
You may also find it interesting that the EU also subsidises mainly Greek tobacco farmers to the tune of £1 billion,to sell Tobacco to the third world!
Pubs are closing down at a rate of nearly four a day because of poor sales and the effect of the smoking ban, the organisation which represents the industry has warned.
Thats capitalism, the smaller layers of the bourgeoisie, the small businessmen, local shop owners, pub owners etc are unable to compete with the likes of Tesco, pub chains etc and will eventually lose their livelihoods and be absorbed into the working class.
Of course you can't have evil pubs in a Muslim country like England!
I can definately see this as a gov't plot to quell the anger rising in the public. No where to meet to discuss the crimes the gov't is committing = just another way to rob people of their rights. Also, if you erase their history, even if only in the architectural sense, you control them even more. The UK has become a horrificly Orwellian nightmare. I really feel sorry for anyone who is still there. Canada is rapidly following suit.
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