Tests have confirmed four more cases of swine flu in England, taking the total number of UK patients affected to 32, the Health Protection Agency has said. The new cases, all associated with travel to Mexico, are adults from Tameside in Greater Manchester, north east Essex, and the West and East Midlands regions of England. A further 390 suspected cases of the H1N1 virus remain under investigation. Across the globe there have been more than 1,658 confirmed cases.
"The Health Protection Agency is working to ensure that any close contacts of these cases are offered antivirals as a precautionary measure," the body said on its website.
BBC NewsI really don’t know what to make of this, are we looking at another 1918 style flu pandemic which will wipe out millions across the globe or is this just another case of over-sensationalised media hype? Tameside Citizen
I fear this epidemic will kill millions.
well too be honest i think ur just gonna scare a lot of people, when actually the chances of anyone being killed from the flu is very unlikely provided the symptoms are spotted and treated, and being in such a developed country this is going to be difficult to miss. I will honestly stick my head out and say that no-one in Tameside will die from Swine flu, if treated!
Sad person first comment, don't post under my name. Put your own thoughts on this issue.
:O I'm from tameside =[
Lots of Roy's taking over your YouTube.
Very amusing above........
There has been persistent speculation for many years that AIDS is a manufactured disease deliberately introduced into the Third World to reduce its out of control population growth. Based on the rampant promiscuity, particularly in Africa, and the non-use and lack of availability of condoms in the 'developing' world this plague, natural or man-made, is partially achieving this goal. The extent of the spread amongst drug users and homosexuals is said to be an unforseen by-product.
Aids kills some 6,000 people each day in Africa - more than wars, famines and floods. Millions of children are orphans, many more live with HIV or Aids. This special report, with correspondents’ despatches, key facts, audio, video and interviews, asks why the devastation continues.
Nearly 90 million Africans could die from Aids by 2025 without huge international investment, the UN said today, but 67 million people in Africa would still probably die of the disease.
The prediction from UNAids was that the African death toll from Aids would continue to rise no matter what was done but that 16 million people could be saved from death and 43 million from HIV infection if $200bn (£104bn). That sum is far more than donor nations have pledged thus far.
It's Scotland that is becoming a dumping ground for asylum seekers from Africa with AIDS.
There has been a huge increase in cases of HIV infection among people coming to Scotland from Africa, according to figures published by the National Health Service.
Africans who have tested positive in Scotland are a combination of asylum seekers, immigrants and students. In all, nearly 6,000 asylum seekers have been moved to Glasgow under the Home Office's dispersal strategy. HIV figures in Greater Glasgow have, for the first time, overtaken Lothian.
Compare the Government's record on letting asylum seekers in - to whom they have NO international legal obligation (they're supposed to go to the nearest safe country not the softest touch) - to their shameful treatment of the Gurkhas to whom we owe much. This is a Government with no value system.
Only on the Tameside Citizen could a comment thread about swine flu turn into a debate about assylum seekers in less than ten posts!
I suggest we play a little game - it's called Six Degrees of Immigration.
I'll provide a subject matter. All you have to do is link it to immigration/assylum seekers and/or Gurkhas in six posts or less.
Today's subject is...
Prize: A year's supply of Marmite. (One jar.)
FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, The fear facter card. To take your mind off the politicains whore masters and crooks.
Is it true that Jones, Byrne & co have all left this blog because of the antics of West?
i agree mr anonymous west is to blame for this swine flu as well. lol
Saw west today on king street posting his vile racist leaflets
I was not out leafleting today,I was at home doing my caring job you pay all that tax for, why don't some of you do a second job and I will try to claim even more.
The swine flu can only mean one thing, can any one guess? I won't give out the answer it's your own mind that will have to find the clue.
Anonymous, Swine Flu is a disease which is crossing borders which led to comments about AIDS which is at epidemic levels in Africa, and due to the massive influx of Africans under NewLabour has a direct bearing on immigration, legal and illegal.
Making would be patronizing snide comments is obviously a lot easier than constructing a rational
argument for the thick and/or mentally lazy.
Mr Jones comments regularly, Mr Byrne infrequently. I haven't noticed any change in their habits.
There are prophecies and oracles from around the world that all seem to point to December 21, 2012 as New World Age ( World is not going to end but millions of people will die in the process of New Age Transition). The ancient Mayan Calendar, the medieval predictions of Merlin, the Book of Revelation and the Chinese oracle of the I Ching all point to this specific date as the end of civilization. A new technology called The Web-Bot Project makes massive scans of the internet as a means of forecasting the future and has turned up the same dreaded date: 2012. Skeptics point to a long history of Failed Doomsdays, but many oracles of doom throughout history have a disturbingly accurate track record.
The definition of colonisation is when a foreign people settle in a nation and force the locals to take on the ways, norms and customs of the invading force. History is replete with examples, and the end result has always been the extinction of the indigenous culture and very often of the indigenous people themselves.
Britain is being colonised by the Third World. All over the country, large areas have been turned into mini-Bangladeshes, mini-Nigerias, mini-Indias and mini-Afro-Caribbean outposts. Street signs in many major centres are now often in Cantonese, Urdu and other foreign languages.
Over 100 languages are spoken in London schools, and huge areas have been completely ethnically cleansed of native indigenous British people.
Only on the Tameside Citizen could a comment thread about swine flu turn into a debate about assylum seekers in less than ten posts!
I suggest we play a little game - it's called Six Degrees of Immigration.
I'll provide a subject matter. All you have to do is link it to immigration/assylum seekers and/or Gurkhas in six posts or less.
Today's subject is...
Prize: A year's supply of Marmite. (One jar.)"I nearly choked on my daily tea and battenberg when you said that. Hilarious!
May I suggest the game be retitled to "six degrees of segregation"
Mr Mincer, read the comment from ABC which explains how the thread developed.
Katie and Peter have split up. This is so sad - they were such a nice couple.
Roy and Pauline are still together she deserves a medal.
I agree Roy seen on Birch Lane Sunday posting his racist leaflets. cant the cops raid his house again and take all his leaflets?
Pauline, there is help for women like you. We know Roy beats you up and says nasty things to you. We can offer you help and escape Roy's violence. Only you can make the change...
I've not been on the blog for a while.....posting leaflets till they come out my ears. Put out 1300 euro leaflets in Staly today.
Good job our borders are so secure.
Hey ukip why are you obsessed with West the local racist?
Why is everybody picking on the person currently called 'Roy West' I think in the light of recent scandals of useless thieves taking taxpayers money for nothing in return, Roy could fit right in.
Roy West another tax sponging parasite for parliament!!!
Spanish flu was extracted from a corpse by Dr James Robinson (also can google Jim R.) who synthesized it combined with swine and bird flus.
Robinson is assistant director of Novavax, which patented the alleged vaccine, and stands to make a fortune.
Novavax reports positive preclinical results on its novel vaccine for pandemic influenza
26 Aug 2005
Novavax, Inc today reported preclinical results on the Company's novel Virus-Like Particle (VLP) influenza vaccine. Novavax's biological group led by Dr. Gale Smith, together with Dr. Tumpey and Dr. Bu from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, published the detailed results in the August 15 online edition of the journal Vaccine. The study demonstrates that a H9N2 influenza virus (avian flu) vaccine produced with the Company's proprietary VLP technology is effective in protecting animals when challenged with live H9N2 influenza virus.
"Our VLP technology, based on a scalable process with short production lead times, offers an attractive alternative to the existing egg-dependent and the newer cell-based methods for the manufacture of influenza vaccine and other urgently needed vaccines. These advantages address the challenge of producing large quantities of a pandemic flu vaccine within a short timeframe," said Rahul Singhvi, President and CEO of Novavax. "This publication demonstrates the value of Novavax's VLP vaccine pipeline. Our plan is to advance our VLP technology into clinical trials with both pandemic and seasonal versions of influenza VLP vaccines."
The work, published in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccine, was completed in collaboration with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It involved VLP vaccines constructed from proteins (HA, NA, and M1) produced from genes cloned from avian H9N2 influenza virus by Novavax at the CDC. The animals, vaccinated with a low dose of VLP without the addition of an adjuvant, developed antibodies after the first subcutaneous immunization. Immune responses increased after booster inoculation, and were shown to be protective when challenged with the H9N2 influenza virus. To view the article visit the Company's website at http://www.novavax.com.
"VLP vaccines depend on human immune mechanisms which are highly effective at recognizing and mounting a response against particles the general size and structure of viruses. The nanometer size and structural similarity of VLP vaccines to a live virus enable efficient interaction at a cellular level. VLP vaccines safely imitate whole virus vaccines and can never cause infection since they do not contain genetic material from a virus. Our VLP vaccines for flu, HIV/AIDS and other diseases are proving to be effective at stimulating immunity even at low doses and without the addition of chemical adjuvants," said Dr. Gale Smith, Vice President Vaccine Development of Novavax.
The study was supported in part by a grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop avian flu vaccines using VLP technology. The Company expects to continue working on its Avian Flu vaccine program and produce vaccine for testing in human clinical trials. Significant progress is also being made with VLP vaccines for AIDS and SARS with the support of grants from the NIH.
About Avian Flu Viruses
Avian flu viruses are gaining worldwide attention as a strain of the virus has spread in migratory birds throughout most of Asia and Russia causing millions of birds to die from infection. Concern is growing of a potential pandemic if the virus was to become easily transmitted from human to human. There is no means to predict which specific strain of avian flu will prove capable of human to human transmission. For this reason new vaccine production methods that are rapid, not dependent on limited supplies of fertilized eggs, and ideally effective at standard doses are needed to assist health authorities in meeting the challenge of the demand for a pandemic vaccine.
About Virus-Like Particle (VLP) Technology
Novavax's VLP technology uses recombinant protein technology to imitate the important three dimensional structures of the influenza virus to provide protection without the risk of infection or disease and without the addition of chemical adjuvants. Novavax's proprietary production technology lowers the cost and eliminates the labor intensive nature of the traditional egg based process by using insect cells. The VLP technology produces safe and effective vaccine products through an aseptic process that reduces contamination risk and produces high, cost-effective yields. A key advantage of the technology is the ability to rapidly respond to emerging threats or new strains. A VLP vaccine can be engineered within a few weeks of the discovery of a new virus, after the publication of its DNA sequence data by the government. VLP vaccines can be manufactured within a three day production process in an insect cell system widely used in the biotechnology industry.
About Novavax, Inc.
Novavax, Inc. is a specialty biopharmaceutical company focused on the research, development and commercialization of products utilizing its proprietary drug delivery and biological technologies for large and growing markets. Novavax currently distributes a line of prescription pharmaceutical products, including its topical emulsion for estrogen therapy ESTRASORB, and prenatal vitamins.
Statements made in this press release that state Novavax's or management's intentions, hopes, beliefs, expectations, or predictions of the future are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include but are not limited to statements regarding usage of cash, product sales, future product development and related clinical trials and future research and development, including FDA approval. Novavax's actual results could differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things, the following: general economic and business conditions; ability to enter into future collaborations with industry partners, including an ESTRASORB(R) licensing agreement; competition; unexpected changes in technologies and technological advances; ability to obtain rights to technology; ability to obtain and enforce patents; ability to commercialize and manufacture products; ability to establish and maintain commercial-scale manufacturing capabilities; results of clinical studies; progress of research and development activities; business abilities and judgment of personnel; availability of qualified personnel; changes in, or failure to comply with, governmental regulations; the ability to obtain adequate financing in the future through product licensing, co-promotional arrangements, public or private equity financing or otherwise; and other factors referenced herein. Additional information is contained in Novavax's annual report on Form 10K for the year ended December 31, 2004 and quarterly reports on Form 10Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2005 and June 30, 2005, incorporated herein by reference. Statements made herein should be read in conjunction with Novavax's annual and quarterly reports filed with the SEC. Copies of these filings may be obtained by contacting Novavax at 508 Lapp Road, Malvern, PA 19355 Tel 484-913-1200 or the SEC at http://www.sec.gov.
Article URL: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/29696.php
vote lib/lab/con child porn ring
Never mind the 'spirit' of the rules or the 'system' of MP's expenses being wrong, the rules themselves have been broken and fraud has been committed on a mass scale. Why aren't the Police involved? The House of Commons is riddled with thieves and fraudsters. Don't forget all three Party leaders KNEW this was going on on an industrial scale and did nothing to stop it. A vote for any
of these three shambolic, corrupt and criminal infested Parties
sends a message of approval.
Migrants will help to swell population of England by two London-sized cities within 50 years
The population of England is to increase by the equivalent of two new cities of the size of London within half a century. By 2056 there will be an extra 17 million people, taking the total to 67.9 million. Net migration is 190,000 a year. (23.5.08)
Most of the immigrants are claiming some form of benefits and are sending huge amounts of tax payers money to their homeland.
The housing benefit bill for the country is now four times what it was three years ago, they all live in rented accommodation work on the black market and in many cases re-let their homes to other people because they have that much money they can afford to buy a second home under another name.
Their income can be over £1000.00per week when you take into account all their benefits, their income from their work on the black market, and the income from the rented accommodation they get benefits for.
Ever wondered why these people flock to this country would you not do the same in their shoes,and don't forget if you insult them they will take you to court and empty your pockets,and if you try to defend yourself they will use the human rights act against you, its a fact more foreigners have used this act in Britain than British.
That's what is pissing most people off its got nothing to do with racism like the BNP crew show week in week out, ordinary Labour and Tory voters have similar views on this,the Lib Dems will just go with the flow and jump on any band waggon going their way.
Forget the racist crap its just common sense and I believe a new Tory Government will solve many of these issues they will have the balls to tackle it head on, and now they wont be able to fill their boots with expenses while they do it its win win for us all.
PS When the truth comes out about the criminals we have among the immigrants who are making millions you will be shocked and they also are on benefits
Enoch my Friend its not just immigrants who use the scams you identify, Tameside is full of what use to be called Giro drops.
There are plenty of dwellings being sub let and there are plenty of dwelling that are really empty and not being used by the tenants its just an address for official purposes like claiming benefits.
Sadly there are plenty of people like Mr West who claims benefits for something he does not do,its up to the authorities to catch them, its common knowledge that he does not care for Mrs West how can he when hes out day and night delivering 6,000 leaflets per week.
This is not me making this up he tells us about it all the time,none of this makes it right Britain is a soft touch, how many countries are there that not working is better than working, how may give benefits to people who want to blow us all up.
What we need is big dose of what the communist have to offer Stalin would have sorted this lot out, asylum seekers would not be heading for our shores (many would be fleeing seeking asylum from us),I can see it now boat loads fleeing the country to France and Germany etc why do you seek asylum they would be asked, them Brits want us to work for our living its a breach of my human rights can we stay hear and drain your country now, No fuck off would be the reply, OK lets try Sweden they can be a bit soft at times
Give us one piece of evidence to show the Tories will sort out the immigration disaster. Cameron is a bleeding heart and would be banned from the 'right-thinking' dinner party circuit where the great and good 'moralize' while Britain self-destructs around them. We need clear thinking and people with the spine to implement and enforce what is necessary - and yes this could involve The Great Satan of unpleasantness and things that aren't 'nice' - to save our country from annihilation.
Greed, corruption and self-interest permeate every corner of Parliament. It's time for a clear out of Parties and personnel. Britain has nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Uncle Joe, you don't half talk some rubbish but you're right about Sweden. My cousin has lived there for twelve years under a chronically liberal regime which has presided over mass immigration and the exploding Islamification of several major cities. Certain immigrant groups flock to the countries with the softest touch Governments which is why places like Sweden and the UK are top of their list.
Islam is a Cancer that devours nations from within.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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