Tuesday 26 August 2014

Women only list.....is it legal? Unlawful??

A little bird has reminded me of a story from the past. From January 1996 to be exact. A Labour Party member took the party to an Employment Tribunal accusing them of unlawful sex discrimination AND WON! This was a move against the imposition of women only lists. The man was Mr Peter Jepson, former Labour Councillor for Audenshaw and former director of Tameside Enterprises Ltd. Now Dr Jepson, he is still of the opinion that such lists are discriminating and should not be allowed although the practise was permitted to occur by the Sex Discrimination (election candidates)Act 2002.

A simple complaint of "Sex Discrimination" is no longer likely to succeed but some commentators believe a complaint centred on Human Rights issues and E.U. law might have a chance......any offers?

Check here  and here  for further information.


Cut the Bull said...

Any woman accepting a place on such a shortlist should be thoroughly ashamed.
Professional victimhood, enacted by certain societal groups is now firmly entrenched into, accepted by and enthusiastically supported (and funded) by the modern establishment.
"I'm non-White/female/homosexual etc and therefore a victim of prejudice so things must be fixed to my advantage, and it must be dressed up as equality ".

Alf Garnett said...
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1400 White children raped and tortured by invaders in Rotherham said...

Failures in Rotherham? Not so much as utter failures of successive govts to recognise that their duty is to the native population they have placed at the bottom of the pile while placing unwanted immigrants at the top & keeping that as their priority using the punishments they have engineered to keep it that way. The words 'racist' & 'racism' were coigned to bring about the success of their multiculturalism at the behest of the NWO and its shadowy leaders. As a first step, these words should be abolished for use as their whips to manufacture a multicutural GB which few of its natives want or desire.

The present atrocity is proof of the politicians disastrous mania to make GB a multicultural society. We were happy enough to be true British in a white society but they ignored that in favour of their alien NWO bosses demands. The present dilemma may well bring an end to the barbs which largely prevent us from bringing GB back to its former state.

The news tonight still talked about 'peaceful' m*sli*s while we learn of their real nature in Britain and inhumane behaviour in the Middle East. Is the govt going to continue their insane race to barbarity in Britain? If so, they will see the fangs of the white natives before long. How long are we supposed to accept that we are at the bottom of the multicult pile? After these present revelations, I suggest and hope 'not much longer'! I think the point at which we will no longer be treated as white slaves to multicult is near its apex.

'Imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood....' and treat them like overprivileged scum, fit only to trudge the gutter on their way to their own prehistoric lands.

People should be reminded that, when this horrendous issue is buried under the soil, it will start again - once these scum have tasted wine, they will not crave for water! The white population of GB must DEMAND they are banished for life from Britain, or else!!

As for those whose jobs were there to protect these children they must all be fettered in irons for life and/or banished also - NOW, not next week!

By causing these childrens lives to be permanently shattered, they have in essence murdered them! Bring back the rope and hang them high in the streets they have stained with their inabilities! Hang their excuses and apologies too - theyve had fifteen years to aprehend and rectify the atrocities, but havent lifted one finger against these aliens.


Reimer said...

Tameside Council should look seriously at some sort of mentoring scheme for itself from Rotherham. They must be looking over the Pennines and gasping with awe - "THAT'S the way to run a really rotten borough".