Probably not looking at the way it is being dismantled piece by piece. Not sure if it is local yobs taking the bricks and dropping them into the canal or thieves stealing the bricks which may be valuable due to their age. But one thing is certain; the bridge is losing bricks quicker than William Hague is losing the hairs from his shiny head.
It is sad to think this bridge stood during the birth of the Industrial Revolution, the abolition of slavery, two world wars, man taking his first steps on the moon and even the decimation of Britain at the hands of Nu-Labour from 1997 to 2010 but it is now succumbing to total destruction at the hands of sub-humans.

They should be birched until they beg for mercy then locked up in a 7' x 7' concrete cell and fed on bread and water for five years.
A brave, principled and honest man.
I keep telling you ? Roys sortin it out when he get his community payback order and don,t worry about the bricks at the bottom off the canal, coz i,ll quiet happuly dangle the spud with a rope from he,s feet to retrive them
Really TC those posts from nationalist are boring and very childish.
I owned a boat on the canal which was 30 years old. its a good life, you now. We are a community, we see this vandalism all the time. we live on the canal to escape the city life and be free. Thank you for showing this problem to the wider public you have done a great service. Keep up the good work.
It just shows how a problem that is left to fester gets worse and worse. I bet if the wall was repaired as soon as the first signs of damage appeared it would never have ended up in this tragic state. Looking at the different levels of vegetation in the pictures it looks like this has happened over many months. Come on council lets get it fixed.
Luxuries for councillors, funding for trade unions or maintaining the structure of the borough.
No contest for a greedy mind.
That wall needs reporting to the HSE and watch how fast it gets sorted
Bewailing the state of the country or exhorting the council to repair things ispointless.
Write to your MP, councillor, the Prime Minister, or more specifically the Home Secretary, not complaining about vandalism, the state of the nation or the behaviour of young people, but demanding an increase in punishments for ALL crime and making those punishments mandatory.
Race, age, gender is irrelevant, all humans respond to certain stimuli and the reason for increasing crime, misbehaviour and disorder is manifest:insufficient deterrent.
Focussing on stopping crime by the use of harsh, mandatory punishments (instead of reacting after the event with waffle and excusemongering) would see things rapidly improve. Five years for 'Grade One' vandalism would stop the vast majority from even contemplating it.
SerpentSlayer, with all due respect to your great perceptive free thinking wisdom which straddles many worlds and all that, but have TMBC ever been responsible for the upkeep of the Huddersfield Narrow Canal and it's bridges?
And I don't know why?
Serpent Slayer is a being of immense physical prowess and intellect. All hail Serpent Slayer.
Hail serpent slayer
A farmer in yorkshire see,s a bloke drinking from his stream," and shouts, "ey up cock, tha dun wanna be drinkin watta frm theer, its full o hoss piss an cow shite" The bloke says i from pakistan, u speak bit slower please" The farmer replies" if you use twe hands you wont spill any"
It's like someone channelling the spirit of Bernard Manning on a bad connection...
I wasn''t paing a great deal of attention, to be fair I think ou can safely cut and paste the name of the relevant council borough into my post and it would make no bit of difference.
It would appear to make every bit of difference, o wise one.
Local government is not responsible for maintenance of waterways, until last year it WAS the responsibility of a 'quango', which apparently meant that they deserved to have their funding slashed before being abolished.
Inhabitants of the echo chamber such as your good self may one day realise that local authorities cannot realistically be blamed for things that they have no
control over (despite having the entire meda and judiciary in their pockets - must be true, I read it on here!)
The blame for the above example of destruction can only really lie with those who actually did it, whether they are 'feral hood rats' or 'enterprising capitalists' depending on your chosen standpoint.
Nooooo! Some pinkoleftymulticultiappeasertraitor with a gold plated pension from their corrupt non job has vandalised my post!
Not my own sausage fingered fault, oh no...
"Paing"? Even the wisest of the wise can sometimes get things wrong it seems. If the mighty Serpent Slayer makes errors like that what hope is left for the rest of humanity.
Ho and the bridge looks ok to me ? but the safty barrier ie the wall looks in very poor condition and theres a legal height this barrier has to be kept at at all times
Chill out Nationalist. It is not a safety issue unless you are a non swimmer. If anyone fell through the missing wall they would land in the water and avoid serious injury.
you forgot to put LOL on the end of that ?
The council might not be technically responsible for fencing off this dangerous wall, but the three main parties ARE directly responsible for the massive increase in incidents like this, and crime and disorder in general in the last fifty years since THEY systematically removed punishment as the bedrock of the criminal justice system. They replaced it with something non-existent called 'rehabilitation', an idea thought up by fantasists and idealists where people are not responsible for their actions and so mustn't be punished beyond tokenism. Serious crimes are partially exempt, for now, from this deliberate insanity because of possible public backlash. The perpetrator(s) of this vandalism will receive this tokenism and be immediately released with a caution or similar, when they should be birched and imprisoned for two tears. The fundamental difference is that the latter actually serves a purpose, in that it acts as punishment, deterrent and strongly puts out the message that such behaviour is NOT acceptable.
I recommend the book, 'A Land Fit For Criminals' by David Fraser which comprehensively demonstrates the diastrous effects on British civilisation in the 2nd half of the 20th century of failing to punish wrongdoers sufficiently.
The council are legally responible to make this safe i.e it takes 2minutes for them to ring out an emergacy boarding and shutting firm to make this wall safe, weather they chose to past the bill to the appropert company is there business, but it is there job to put this wall to a safe condition.
Walls only pull apart when badly maintained
Speaking of bad maintenance have a look at the Borough's street furniture, a lot of the sign poles are chronically corroded. No doubt it's the 'Tory cuts' like it is with everything else.
The concept of making deep and significant cuts WITHIN the council in terms of staff and wages, like tens of millions in the REAL world are suffering, is obviously a non-starter in Labour territory.
And it was only 10minutes ago when all them bridges got washed away and damaged in the storms that the house of commons ordered that all the bridges in England and Wales had to be surveyed
The keyboad made the error. Such as I do not make errors, we are just misunderstood.
I am not serious in saying this of course, but I enjoy such characterisations. Loki or whoever it is, and I am sincere in saying this, you always do well to improve my morale. Thank you.
Whether its a council or some QUANGO or Darth Vader, these people have a duty of care to the people of the borough as their elected representatives For a long time politicians have used their elected statuts as a 'get out of jail free' card.
They have a public mandate and are thus allowed free reign to make an ash of everything they touch, while drawing more in allowances than most decent folk work for.
The Quangos use their shrouded status to avoid all scrutiny. Even private companies get a cut of the public purse (transport even, or so I've heard) As an excellent poster on here as said they have no accountability.
There is a massive culture of passing the buck amongst the myriad machinery of government. There are countless organisations devoted to drawing maximum funds and doing the minimum of the work required from them.
In such circumstances it is easy to lose track of who is responsible for this or responsible for that. As is the intention. A well built hiding place has many winding passages and dead end corridors, all the better for being untouched by the burden of responsibility.
I may not agree with his politics but the poster called Nationalist talks a lot of sense. I welcome his comments and his humour and I also admire the way he avoids taking the bait from someone who is determined to create trouble at every opportunity.
I'll be standing against Brian Wild in the elections. So I've got this new card coming with this picture on the front (follow link)
With the headline "hiding behind the mask of respectability once again"
You just don't expect a Justice of the peace, to put himself in that position.
But hey that's the one rule system for you.
A young lad got mugged and his bike threw in this can al a couple of years ago.
I've ruled out approaching the English Democrats. They don't believe in the Union.
The BNP are now a joke.
So I'll take on Wildy for his earnings and expenses.
Look at people living from hand to mouth, while these greedy bastards make tens of thousands ££££. There's alot to do! so Wildy are you ready?
12/02/2012 18:18
Yes it was Mark he's a St. John Volunteer in Dukinfield. He's Met Princess Anne Twice. Good Lad.
I’ve deleted comments for trivial and petty bickering.
Feedback from TC readers tells me they find nonsensical bickering over unimportant rubbish a turn off and when they read an article riddled with such bile they don’t bother commenting on important matters.
If contributors to debate on this blog want to argue amongst themselves about irrelevant issues please feel free to exchange email addresses and do it in private by email but please spare the rest of us from reading and in my case deleting such cr@p.
How about sortin that little nob out coz when you push me i push back ? So to stand up for ones self is bickering is it
If someone doesn't 'bother commenting on important matters' because of trivial squabbles between others, that's THEIR responsibility. Ignore the bickerers and focus on your own argument.
According to the just released official figures, hypothermia cases amongst the elderly in Britain have doubled in five years. But who cares as long as there's plenty of money to shower on Third World cesspits, immigrants and home grown parasites. Not the three main parties obviously as they never mention this festering and disgraceful scandal.
Meanwhile on planet greed, EDF made £3,800,000,000, (or £3.8 billion) profit in 2011. That's 11 million quid a day. Pass the vomit bag.
"I've ruled out approaching the English Democrats. They don't believe in the Union"
I would remind you that the jocks and the taffs contribute greatly to Labour's presence in Westminster. The state of things being what they are now (and set to get a whole lot worse), is saving 'the union' really still at the top of our priority list??
"Jocks & Taffs" what about "the Paddys" and then "The Southerners" not for getting those Yorkshire and those MancunianS also them from the other side of Tameside and what about them from the end of your street and ..............
The 'Jocks', 'Taffs' and 'Paddys' are my fellow countrymen and I would sooner stand shoulder to shoulder with them rather than a small minded LITTLE ENGLANDER who falls for divide and rule propaganda without even realising it.
i like it ? have i come to the rong place ? and you lot are only pissed off coz you would like to be just like me and not give a fuck about what i say or do ? well thats the way it is I am what i am its in my DNA so fuckum lol ? Ukip LOL HA HA HA PISSING MY SELF ?These are the marking of a good nationalist ? But not Mr west hes just a prick lol ? ukip lol HA HA HA Anyway its been fun but lhis is my last post coz iv got to spend more time with my son or as mr west would say my vegetable ? ? ? WELL all stay well and please feel free to bollok mr west again ? Ukip LOL
Hindley get some help you barmpot.
Paul can you send me some money?
Nick Griffin admitted his party’s debts had risen to £850,000
TC, the Huddersfield canal bridge is part of our industrial heritage, so many people in authority couldn't give a damn about it.
Off topic, I've just read this interesting quote from a senior British Army Officer:
"Why is it when they send us half way round the world to fight for the freedom of ungrateful foreigners they call us heroes, but when we stand up for the liberty and rights of our own people back in England they call us racists and fascists?" Indeed!!
@Long live the union
I suppose when when blacks outnumber whites and the likes of Anjem Choudary are marching into Downing Street, you'll still be fretting over "the strength of the union" and dancing to pomp and circumstance at proms time....
You see it's all about priorities. Where multi-culti annihilation is concerned, England is the first in line to fall, and when we fall the scots and welsh cannot and will not lift a finger to help us. However future generations of the white English fair, the more under the thumb of Labour they are the worse they will be able to deal with the looming threats the lie ahead. Circumstances being what they are, 'the union' has well and truly outlived its usefulness.
Yes, there is plenty of Labour support within our own English borders, Tameside being one nauseating example. But you don't solve such a problem by adding to it with nations that are even more saturated with unthinking lemming Labour support.
Whilst I'm not aware that the English Democrats have at present any solutions on that front themselves, I'm more than willing to consider greater English autonomy as a positive step in the right direction.
Border issues concern me regarding the dissolution of the United Kingdom.
Scotland and Wales have a great deal of beautiful wilderness that is hard for the state to police. In England we have only the pennines as a potential national redoubt.
Once our state completes it's evolution into a tyrannical police state (we are half way there, read UK Column) we patriots will need somewhere to gather, to attract people like the British army officer mentioned and start lives separate from the system.
I believe that our best bet for freedom is a society similar to that depicted in 'KD rebel' by David Lane. We must keep that border open and keep Scotlands government too weak to respond in favour of their southern fellow communists.
Anyone in doubt about the traitorous anti-white mentality of the left should click above. A leftist site reporting on the EDL and BNP plans to march in Hyde contains the following passage....
"Not content with exploiting child abuse cases, the BNP, EDL and Infidels are all keen to travel to Hyde in Manchester to demonstrate about the poor wee laddies who got attacked last week"
Can you imagine the same people referiing to the 'poor wee laddies' if they were Asians attacked by whites?
Yep, vile filth. They turned up at Liverpool Crown Court to show solidarity with the 47 alleged Muslim groomers currently on trial there. They couldn't believe it when the general public showed support to the EDL/BNP etc and abused the deluded Trots. these are the same anti-White haters Labour bring into Tameside to disrupt the democratic process.
13/02/2012 19:09
The BNP's been destroyed by Nick Griffin and his pal Patrick Harrington, not by the far-left.
Tameside BNP will not stand any candidates for Griffin/Harrington.
Tameside BNP is on the verge of folding. But staying together as group for support.
No one will ever lift a finger for that fat tosser again.
The BNP may be ran by a complete piece of human excrement in Griffin. (The BNP will be a footnote before long) The simple fact is during tough times the people support Tradition, Heritage and Nation. Tribalism holds sway. They will actively rail against any concepts of liberalism and Globalist economics. During times of crisis Nationalism becomes the default setting.
History shows (The laws of nature dictate) that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So whether it be the rise of National Socialism as a reaction to Weimar liberalism. Or the Iranian revolution of 79. Which in turn was a reaction to liberalism and corruption. (Persia was the most liberal regime in the middle east). Or even in contemporary Burma which is having a liberal reaction to years of oppression. It shows the political landscape of the UK and Europe as a whole will almost certainly change to a polar opposite. Only a complete knob head would believe an even more economically and political liberal regime is on the horizon when those very things have caused the impending crisis.
All political correctness and the stigma of 'racism' has done has driven discontent underground. People talk amongst themselves and they are not happy. In fact fury and resentment is beginning to become the norm. Its just underground at the moment which gives the leftists the impression they are safe and in charge for the long haul. In fact nothing could be further from the truth.
I do not say this as some internet warrior and certainly do not support the BNP (although i am Nationalist in outlook). I know and talk to many people of varied backgrounds and can see where things are heading. The only thing that has stopped it so far is the average man/woman worries about the mortgage and the future of their children. Threaten or take away those things and there are literally millions with nothing to lose.
Whether you consider yourself left or right, liberal or Nationalist. The chain of events towards complete social meltdown have been set. Its happening as we speak. The future leaders and political outlook of this nation will inevitably become more Traditional, Patriotic and Nationalistic over the coming years. It may not seem so now but its going to happen and nothing anybody does is going to stop it.
Excellent post by the above. I hear it too, I have good hearing and I hear it often.
One only needs to talk to family and friends or overhear hushed conversations. It makes me smile when I see the leftists smug and feeling secure, the floor they are standing on will bolt soon and their shock will be hilarious, much like their shock at the BNP membership list not being just a few skinheads and a pitbull,
The vast majority of people only tolerate liberalism because at the moment they enjoy unheard of standards of living. Much like in China but the opposite side of the coin. They accept dictatorship because their wealth is increasing. Its like a trade off really. In both cases though once the money is gone then the unpopular yet tolerable system becomes intolerable.
Economically....Firstly all national resources need to be utilised for the greater good. The reinstatement of traditional fishing grounds, investment in large scale coal extraction, self sufficiency in farming etc etc. All available finances should be thrown at re-industrialisation and scientific development asap. Free trade MUST be abolished and the introduction of tariffs on certain goods. Also you say to a company like Nike for example. If you wish to have access to our markets to sell your product to the 60 million consumers here. You manufacture those products here, instead of say making them abroad for 50p and selling them here for £60. You make them in Britain for £10 and sell them for £60. You may make less profit, but either that or none. These things would at least be a start.
Plus a limit should be put on how many supermarkets and all business monopolies can operate in each town. With the highest bidder taking the contract. Citizens should then be encouraged to re populate our high streets with small businesses. Also businesses should be encouraged to become workers co-operatives. I make these points because it is essential that business returns to the hands of private ownership. The nations finances should be in the hands of private citizens not corporate big business. Not only is it about freedom but also making sure a greater percentage of all profits return to the wider economy
The British population are so conditioned to the term 'Racist' and 'Racism' that as soon as immigration is discussed they literally shutdown mentally. It strikes me that if this issue is to be discussed openly some tact needs to be used to bypass the effects of decades of brainwashing. In fact immigration can be discussed without even mentioning Race. We as Patriotic Nationalists need to show people the REAL reasons for immigration and how it directly affects their life.
1. Immigration creates a pool of flexible, low paid, undemanding labor that requires the minimum of employment rights.
2. Business instead of investing for example £25,000 training British people will merely advertise online for a foreign worker.-Ask are they happy their son/daughter cannot find work when leaving education because companies refuse to invest in them? Or the direct link between immigration and youth unemployment.
3. That actually growth in the economy has been flatlining for decades. That immigration and a combination of cheap credit have been used to give the false impression of growth.
4. That immigration apart from being a purely economic tool used by big business and money power. Also serves a purpose for those who run the EU to essentially divide and rule Europe. To break the will and cohesion of the people. So an unholy alliance of Marxists and big business can achieve their evil machinations.
Most people understand these points completely. It bypasses their conditioning totally and allows them to feel their hatred for colonisation without the inevitable guilt they would normally feel when discussing the subject. Try it.
I have heard a woman has fallen through this gap and is in a bad way.
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