At Oldham Magistrate's Court today the protagonists in the ongoing West v Taylor saga met again.
Also in attendance were three fellow councillors, enhancing the political flavour of the case and Mrs Joan Taylor sporting her new beetroot coloured hairdo. In the middle of this closely clustered group sat what were believed to be two members of the Press.
Mr West, his partner and several of his supporters sat outside the Court itself whilst some legal fine details and paperwork issues were dealt with, the exact nature of which are sub judice. The upshot is that the case has been adjourned until June.
Whilst the legal business was ongoing and everyone was in the courtroom proper one person was notable by their absence, Councillor Taylor himself. He was later seen emerging from a side room and qucikly exiting the building.
Remember the rules on sub judice and contempt of court before making comments regarding this ongoing case.
English Democrats believe in the break-up of the United Kingdom?
Q? Are you against Britain?
A. "English and Proud" - that's what English Democrats are. We reject the argument that the creation of an English parliament would automatically lead to the break-up of the United Kingdom. An English parliament is necessary to restore equality between the British nations and stop the English being treated as being second class citizens in our own country. There have been referendums in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland leading to home rule. Devolution in these countries has had a major impact on the governance of England. The people of England too are entitled to be consulted and there should be a referendum for the creation of an English parliament. Our vision is for there to be parliaments for Wales, Scotland, Ireland and England in a new post devolutionary agreement.
Q? Are you racist?
A. Of course not! Comments about being racist are the favourite insults used by Liberal Democrats, Tories and Labour, as well as the politically correct in general, as their objective is to trade on self hatred and anti-Englishness. National pride is nothing to be ashamed of and being English is not racist. Every country has ethnic minorities. You do not have to be English to support the English Democrats and we welcome support from all who share our aims. All the people of England are affected by the injustices created by the botched devolution and the preservation of English culture is in the interests of all.
What can I say? Can I tell the people of Tameside,that,the CPS today tried to sneak another 4 years of correspondents to the harassment charge.
kSounds like another state organised waste of everyone's time and money.
I filmed the Inspector from Stalybridge Police turning me away from the Dukinfield DA, because I knew he would do so.
The Inspector was not concerned about my human rights, more concerned with serving the interests of others.
If you can't see what is going on in Tameside, then you must be blind and stupid.
Without going into details can you tell us if you are NOW able to attend Dukinfield DA's etc.
So the press were sat "close" to those who are against RW according to TC
Then this rumor going round that the Advertiser Editor has had discussions with TMBC regarding becoming a Labour candidate at the first opportunity may well have merit,and thereby would denote a form of discrimination against RW
England Forever
yes I am human rights something the Inspector should read upon.
Sounds like a complete farce. How are they going to separate the political element that is fundamental to this case. Even if Mr West's gone a bit over the top at times, Mr Taylor's hardly the persecuted, lilywhite young maiden the harassment law is usually applied to. Some of the posts I've seen on his blog have been vile and right out of the gutter. I wouldn't like to have to account for them in court.
Cllr Dawson Lane is connected to the UAF. Seen some of their comments on here?
Beetroot red hair? that is an amazing description.
Amazing insight into Muslim sexual practices.
Joan's got lovely hair it's a different colour every week.
That video link is unbelievable. I wish it was too unbelievable to be true.
The Royal Navy's most sophisticated warship will sail for the South Atlantic, a move that will serve to send Argentina a strong message.
Dauntless, the second Type 45 of six, is currently being trialled off the west coast of Scotland prior to its handover to the Navy at the end of the year
Dauntless will sail for the Falkland Islands over the coming weeks equipped with enough firepower to "take out all of South America's fighter aircraft let alone Argentina's," according to one Navy source quoted by The Telegraph newspaper.
The Type 45 destroyer, the most advanced anti-aircraft and anti-ballistic ship in the world carries 48 Sea Viper missiles and a radar called The Sampson that is said to be more advanced than that at Heathrow air traffic control.
The ship is a class apart in air defence and can shoot down Argentine planes no soon after they take off from their bases, according to a Navy source quoted by newspaper.
The vessel is expected to be deployed in late March as Argentina has been stepping up up its claims over possession of the islands with a ban on all Falkland registered ships in South American ports.
According to admiral Lord West, the former First Sea Lord and Falklands veteran, the Type 45 had an ''amazing anti-air warfare capability.''
In a stern warning to the Buenos Aires government he said, in the event of any foolish nonsense from Argentina, Dauntless could sit just off the airfield and take down any aircraft coming in. He added it was a game chaning capability.
Dauntless is the second of six new design destroyers that will be based in Portsmouth.
Type 45 destroyers will replace Type 42 destroyers in a £6-billion project. The new destroyers have a range of around 7,000 miles and are 45 epr cent more fuel efficient than the ones they are replacing
Shame that the country the ship is meant to represent is internally a weak and failing state that is at a complete loss to understand its own identity and direction. HMS Dauntless? I think HMS Diversity would be more apt.
Y'reckon we will soon see photos of Cameron dressed in camo stood in a tank?
Is everyone aware of their Human Rights specifically those linked to Freedom of Expression and Freedom to be Heard at all levels.
Time TC showed the Articles 6/7/8 for a start as a reminder.
Whilst TMBC have continued to usurp
Human Rights Articles the Borough
Solicitor should be vigorously challenged on her stances.
Please give me more info regarding human rights and free speech.
Tameside Councillor Jim Fitzpatrick caught delivering Communist propaganda.
Posting smear leaflets for a convicted burglar.
The Magistrates in Oldham are experienced in dealing with the BNP.who decided to have the case heard in Oldham
Brian Wild is a magistrate in Tameside, that's why it was moved to Oldham.
'Westy' is here to stay. The case against him is as weak as 'nationalist's cognitive ability.
The Labour vultures were expecting to see something akin to the witch trials, they are arrogant and stupid enough to think that they control the judiciary as well as the public purse.
Truly low-calibre, unintelligent people.
Looks like Westy got a bit of a fright in Oldham were the magistrates not all pure white and English, bit late to kiss and make up now Westy ,good job they can only dish out six months inside.
Scare tactics won't work on me.
Do your worst on here.
I want to know why he wasn't in the courtroom, did his bottle go?
His wife was sat in the court room, he was sat in the first aid room out in the Main Entrance!
Wildy was pissed at the judge for looking at West's human rights for attending the Dukinfield DA.
The original decision re DA attendance was overturned because in technical legal terms, it was bollocks.
Well done Mr West, keep needling the bastards.
Was it the same Inspector who keeps visiting your house about utterly trivial matters. He seems to devote a lot of time to this matter.
A case for having him struck off?
We could mount a campaign on here.
Funny how Cllr Tayfor likes to bring up these cases prior to an election. You would think he is trying to make a point. He's done this a few times now. The courts should be aware of Taylors vexatious complaints.
Taylor isn't scared at all. He just likes to play the victim. This is from a man who has love and hate tattooed on his knuckles and allegedly did time in Borstal. He's a low life scum bucket.
brian wild is the labour candidate this year. politics used to be boring in duky.
I want to ask the Inspector from Stalybridge, if he thinks I'm still playing games now that I've won my human right to attend council meetings?
You can't just take away someones human rights like that Inspector.
Just listen to the way he talks to me.
"I'm going to stop the meeting at this stage, someonebody walked in that shouldn't be here"
Says John Taylor!
That's why he wants do abolish the Human Rights Act.
Once you get on the wrong side of the "Labour Mafia" it then becomes a closed shop.
It's important that British people come to understand the Human Rights Act.
People like that John Taylor, don't want you to have any rights.
I wonder if he'll be working with extreme groups this election,
Spreading smear leaflets with Searchlight.
I've got some new leaflets on the person behind Searchlight.
He overstepped his authority. Put a complaint in to the IPCC, and also mention his repeated visits to your house regarding extremely trivial offences. He should be asked about that.
It's given me such a great boost in the run up to the local elections.
Stop police intimidation.
The police Inspector from Stalybridge came to my house, and told me that he was not aware that UAF members had been convicted for assaulting police officers in the line of their duties.
How could he not be aware of that. The reds attack the police wherever they go.
I think if he is investigated, is fate should be voted on by front line officers who have attended such 'demonstrations' by the Marxist left.
He would spend the next five years sat in his pants playing computer games and eating baked beans out of a saucepan, with no lucrative pension in sight.
1,544 White Farmers Murdered in South Africa.
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