The suggestion from the excellent Guido Fawkes‘ blog is that he is. He follows the typical Labour pattern of constant self publicity at every opportunity via the local media. What’s the betting that when the old Bearded Bolshevik from Ashton steps down Chand becomes the Labour PPC?
The comments on the Guido Fawkes' are worth reading in relation to Dr Chand. It is difficult to argue with the comment below.
Among the near-local vacancies advertised in my local jobcentre is one for 'Interpreter - Jamaican Patois'...thirty (30!!) quid an hour!!
Kerching, innit!!
'I took a girl on holiday to the West Indies.'
'No, she came of her own accord.'
'I took a girl on holiday to Indonesia.'
'No, we went by plane.'
His odd face is always in the papers. I would guess that he is after being an MP.
My advice to him his keep doing what he is doing, kiss plenty of arse and dont worry about saying anything of substance, it's irrelevant.
In his defence, Mr Griffin said that his political activities...were motivated by a desire to ensure the survival of the white race, which, he argued, was threatened with extinction in less than a hundred years' time. He cited articles from the Guardian and Time magazine to support his view that, if current demographical trends continued, the combination of an aging white population, a fall in the white birth rate, non-white immigration and inter-breeding between people of different races in all Western countries would mean the disappearance of the white race. His aim was to build a political movement, in the form of the British National Party, which would come to power by electoral means and take measures to reverse this process. He said that he was a white separatist, and not a white supremacist. He felt no hatred towards members of other races, had no desire to rule over them, and merely wished for whites to live separately from them. Multi-racial societies, he argued, were unstable and do not work, and it would be in the interests of all races for them to live apart from each other.
A BOY of seven is facing accusations of racism after asking a fellow pupil if he was “brown because he was from Africa”.
I won a £1,000 on a Scratch Card, so I'm posting my new leaflets out by post.
In 2008 Councillor Brian Wild put his name to a smear campaign against the BNP Candidate, using the services of a convicted burglar (Gerry Gable)
Here are just a handful of convicted members of Cllr Brian Wild’s Labour party. Labour Councillors!
Stewart Brown, 60, admitted 21 offences of possessing indecent images of children and one of distributing pictures.
Joe Shaw Jailed Child Pornography.
Keith Rogers sex offender’s register.
Labour Parliamentary candidate Paul Diggert grooming young girls for sex.
Alan Prescott jailed for 2 years for molesting children.
Nicholas Green. Convicted and jailed for 10 years in 1998, for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10.
WWW.LIARSBUGGERSANDTHIEVES.COM Remember don’t forget to ask them!
A BOY of seven is facing accusations of racism after asking a fellow pupil if he was “brown because he was from Africa”.
Makes you rage with anger.
eyande perhaps,The story about the seven year old proves the teacing profession is infested with polititcally correct Marxist lunatics.
No wonder the scholls churn out such a vast quantity of brain-dead dross if they employ such people.
Sorry, should be 'schools'.
If you really did win some money via the idiot tax, you would have been better off taking your family on holiday or something to make up for all the hassle you bring to the door, rather than paying to send out more bin fodder.
Have you not realise yet that the vast majority of the population do not give a toss about what goes on under their noses, let alone a load of nonces they have never heard of?
18/02/2012 18:56
Really don't know what you are ranting on about.
But thanks for the interest anyway.
What hassle are you going on about?
And by the time I'm finished in Dukinfield,people will have them in their minds. For when, the likes of Brian Wild comes round with his Searchlight friends spreading smear leaflets.
It could be you... 18/02/2012 18:56
You've heard of them now, so have thousands of other folk living in Dukinfield.
What a prat! Claims to have won £1000. Then rants about Labour in Dukinfield. Come May the people of Dukinfield will vote Labour. They're not stupid. They don't read the idiotic comments on this blog.
The majority will not read the comments on this blog but every householder in Dukinfield will read the leaflet which will be delivered to every house warning of the connection between the Labour Party and organised paedophilia.
I'm not playing games with sending out information about Labour Cllrs, that have been convicted for molesting children.
Councillor Brian Wild plays the game of using smear in 2008 local elections. I want to pay him back in kind.
West is doing fantastic work in exposing these parasitic worms.
I've posted thousands of the leaflets WARNING the people of Dukinfield about Labour hypocrites.
Thousands of Labour Councillors have been convicted for molesting children.
Cllr Brian Wild put his name to a very nasty smear canpaign in 2008.
I want to inform the people of Dukinfield about the Labour school governers convicted for molesting children.
'Come May the people of Dukinfield will vote Labour. They're not stupid.'
That's what's known as a contradiction in terms.
Sunderland City Councillor Florence Anderson "liked" a comment that called for an IRA bomb at the next Conservative conference.
The comment was posted on the Facebook Group titled "Margaret Thatcher doesn’t have to be dead before we give her a funeral" - of which Miss Anderson is a member
I'm a socialist and traditional Labour voter but after they betrayed us all how can I ever vote for them again.
Millions of British people have elected Labour Cllrs, only to find that our children have been molested by them.
They don't want you to, you don't fit their voter profiles of: moron; traitor; deluded working class pensioner; crank; Britain hater; immigrant; Marxist; Tory hater; benefits parasite; welfare witch; credulous idiot who still thinks they're the old Labour party.
If you vote Labour, then how can you be sure that they're not going to molest children?
That's my point and why? see link.
Labour in my experience, voters aside, are similar to the dregs scraped from the bottom of a bucket reserved for squatting over.
The voters have been well categorised previously but many of the councillors seem to be a very special kind of low-life.
The kind of people who feel that they should be granted privelege and respect because of their status and yet who show no mark of intelligence or grace.
As somebody naturally anti-monarchist it has dawned on me that perhaps our old rule by aristocracy and priveleged Lords was a lesser evil.
At least those people valued art and culture, breeding and education. The ruling classes as they stand today in Britain are little better than charlatans and opportunists.
Shut up about Labour Paedos, you've made your point.
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