Health watchdogs have found that bosses at Tameside Hospital have failed to act on a series of recommendations to improve care.
Patients were left without water to drink, ‘help’ buzzers were out of reach and, of those surveyed, nine per cent had fallen over during their stay, a new report found.
One patient claimed they had not had a shower or a bath for more than three weeks and another was left soiled despite asking for help from staff.
Members of the Local Involvement Network inspected conditions a year ago, but during spot checks in August they found that bosses had failed to act on many of their recommendations.
In two cases, the situation had got worse – patients were still being left without drinks of water and some wards were cluttered, with furniture blocking one fire exits.
Ninety-six per cent of the 191 asked had not met their ‘dignity in care’ champion – a role introduced following concerns about care of the elderly – and 80 per cent claimed not to have a ‘shared care’ sheet, brought in to improve communication with relatives. Read the full article on the Manchester Evening News website.
Imagine going into this place for a routine op. If you're lucky you may only end up with C-Diff or MRSA, if you went on a bad day maybe hepatitis C or if you were really unlucky you may become another statistic and leave in a box.
Tameside quiz, as a male patient would your life have been at greater risk had you trusted your medical needs to Harold Shipman or Tameside General Hospital?
Anonymous said...
This is why Tameside Citizens have and are dying prematurely,our old
TMBC inept and unfit for purpose group have their sticky fingers in the Health and Welfare of All of You and for years have been complicit in supporting all the Tameside Hospital Executives who should have been carted years ago,but serious nepotism has ruled Tameside for years and years placing inadequate people on Panels and Committee`s where they just turn up Full Stop,without a medical clue of how to improve the Health and Welfare Care of Tamesiders.
Hundreds of individuals are now involved in what must be the largest Cartel of non achievers who are administrating Tamesiders Health.(spare a thought why non of them publically are critical of
Tamesides Hospital disgusting and deplorabe years of failures.
YEAR 2010
Hospital Performance
Tameside Council‟s Personal and Health Services Scrutiny Panel had organised a
„Local health Accountability Conference‟ in partnership with the local MPs and the
LINk. This had been held at Dukinfield Town hall on 22
January. Several LINk
members had been present.
The event had given the hospital and NHS Tameside & Glossop an opportunity to
discuss the high mortality rates which had been identified in the Dr Foster „How
Safe is Your Hospital?‟ report. The LINk asked a number of questions at the event
and had gained a public commitment from both organisations to work with us on improving hospital services.
When will Tamesiders get the factual message ???????????
Jusr some of the TMBC Councillors now glued or have been stuck to the
Hospital, and PCT setups,
Councillors Warrington,Cartwright,
Parker Perry,J.Taylor and even retired or ex Councillors still having tentacles into Our Health and Welfare
The lot should be carted right now if you want to safeguard your families health,safety and welfare,and add on your local MP`s
as well
The District Coroner and Dr.Penna have been supreme in letting the truth out in recent years,but the rest are unfit for purpose as proved.
Mr Hall
Why does the Tameside Hospital website not substantiate what you claim? The website lists the directors of the hospital trust and non of the people that you say are in charge at the hospital are listed.
For reference, the web page is
Eileen Dover
My father is currently in Tameside hospital.Just before Christmas the hospital telephoned to say we could not visit him "due to a bug in the ward".
We were not planning to go anyway....we had already caught it and were not fit to go out!!
Mr Hall's rant is the reason why a proper debate on our local hospital doesn't take place. He has a different agenda. Now you'll see a response that claims I'm either a Labour Councillor or MP. He'll ask me to crawl back under a stone etc etc. Yawn!
we have a beacon council don't we?
Just ignore Hall Eileen. He is a notorious trouble causer and has been causing us problems for years. He has too much time on his hands and too little grey matter between his ears.
Well said Brenda. I'm always amazed at the people, albeit only a few, on this blog site that support him.
is that brenda warrington?
Its incredibly obvious when the TMBC and its Labourites really have their cages rattled,they simply spout a load of imbecile simply rubbish.
Anon once again.
Mr Hall's rant is the reason why a proper debate on our local hospital doesn't take place.
Stupidy at its best this comment,a proper debate is a farcical load of rhetoric.
Debate many people`s deaths,debate two young children dying in recent weeks because of Tameside Hospitals
complete negligence,debate all the Coroners verdicts over years on why people die in Tameside Hospital
Its been going on for years you absolutely stupid stupid person.
You either don`t have a conscience or your that thick skinned its not true.
Its your type who refuse to be strongly critical of Tameside Hospital is one of the reasons they have been killing people off without improving time after time.
Yes I rant,because Tameside has plenty like yourself who turn the other cheek when tiny children die through negligence.
What a character you are Anonymous.
As for your friend Brenda`s comment:
Brenda said...
"Just ignore Hall Eileen. He is a notorious trouble causer and has been causing us problems for years."
Thanks Brenda so glad I have caused TMBC problems,in what Brenda ??? lets hear the basis for your again stupid rhetoric with no content.
Yes I explode accurate facts about TMBC,which involve idiots like yourself who are well out of your depth as a Councillor and totally incapable of ever offering anything more than stupid dribble.
Brenda,so we can all have a laugh at your claim to fame as a Councillor.
Lets see your past employment CV,and compare it with mine if you want to really be exposed.
Your a silly pathetic person who has totally failed in Tameside but landed there through reliance on
similar people bonding with the likes of you.
What do you say Brenda about the recent deaths of two tiny children,but then again you don`t do apologies,or sympathy,or are openly critical of Tameside Hospital are you,such a nice type Brenda I could buy and sell you anytime and that`s why you and others have ignored for years my requests for Public Meetings where
I could openly put your mates on the rack regarding sleaze,contempt,
negligence,apathy,money grabbing,
lying,deception etc etc.
I will never be silenced by your type so forget it because unlike yourself I sincerely care
as regards what TMBC have done to this region of Manchester.
Sod all and the Councillors have robbed the public of many millions over the years with their own greed.
Next time put some facts to your silly comments or hibernate.
The NHs in general seems to have an endemic problem with the 'rocket science' of cleaming. When was the last time you heard of private hospitals having problems of this sort at all, or even approaching this massive scale.
It will carry on until those RESPONSIBLE are held ACCOUNTABLE and are scaked, punished by the law and have their pensions taken away. But this is the state sector where personal reponsibility is virtually non-existent.
Mr Hall
Why does the Tameside Hospital website not substantiate what you claim? The website lists the directors of the hospital trust and non of the people that you say are in charge at the hospital are listed.
For reference, the web page is
Eileen Dover
Learn to seek the facts about TMBC Councillors and their roles linked with Tameside Hospital,and other past Councillors linked to the PCT.
Not certain what you
"Leaned Over" (Eileen Dover)but it certainly was not the counterr when they were handing out brains.
Lets have it for Councillor Brenda Warrington from Tameside Mafia:
*Remember Ecclestonegate? Well Brenda backed it up and was fully against a ban on tobacco advertising claiming it would lose 9,000 jobs.
*British jobs for British workers? Brenda was way ahead of you all when she went against British jobs moving abroad for companies to save money. Back in 2005!
*Then the smoking ban in public places. You guessed it - Brenda was there again fully against it.
We just can't see how Brenda can continue with her job being responsible for health in Tameside and fronting an anti-smoking campaign when her campaign history of going against the Labour government's anti-smoking legislation shows some massive contradictions and hypocrisy - she should resign.
UPDATE 05/03/09: Looks like this has made it to the press with no credit mentioned. The Tameside Advertiser published it on this weeks edition on page two and online. Word of Brenda has also spread nationally to this weeks Private Eye (Eye: 1231) Rotten Boroughs column.
Didn`t go then so definately Go Know
More from Tameside Mafia and still
B.Warrington has her tentacles in a number of Health Administrations
We don't know how this slipped under our radar, but Tameside and Glossop NHS PCT issued a press release to encourage people in Tameside to stop smoking which can be downloaded here [Word Doc]. The press release has some shocking claims:
"In Tameside, there are 458 deaths from smoking per year, amounting to a total of nine deaths per week. ‘Don’t miss out on your family’s future’ is the message behind a local campaign launched by NHS Tameside and Glossop and Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council to encourage smokers to quit in 2009."
The press release comes from an employee of Tameside and Glossop NHS PCT and Labour Councillor, Brenda Warrington for the Denton West ward whose cabinet role is "Cabinet Deputy and Executive Member for Personal and Community Services with responsibility for Health and Social Care within TMBC."
But what you may or may not know is that Councillor Brenda Warrington was previously chair of The Tobacco Workers' Alliance (TWA). A contradiction or not? After all she was there to represent the workers right? Actually no, thanks to Google we have found press releases a plenty and we get to see Brenda's view on smoking:
Bloody hide of a rhino this one without any doubt.
Making fags for 27 years then next step influential top of the TMBC Councillors re your Health.
TAMESIDE’S deputy mayor has defended her position after coming under fire for a ‘conflict of interest’ in her dealings with a pro-smoking group.
As chairman of the Tobacco Workers’ Alliance (TWA), Denton West Labour councillor Brenda Warrington campaigned against a total smoking ban and for measures to protect jobs in the tobacco industry before TWA was disbanded in 2007.
The pressure group — a coalition of the Amicus, GMB and Transport and General Workers trade unions — was allied to the Tobacco Manufacturers Association, which represents the interests of tobacco giants such as Imperial Tobacco.
But in her council role as executive member for personal and community services, Councillor Warrington has overall responsibility for dealing with Tameside and Glossop NHS Trust and other health authorities — including being involved in quit smoking campaigns.
But Councillor Warrington, who worked at the Senior Service factory in Hyde for 27 years until its closure in 1999, said she didn’t see the situation as a conflict of interest.
The words bloody brazen come to mind,just what we get in Tameside.
Interesting said:
So Councillor Warrington promoted
Lung Cancer for Smokers and Non Smokers for years,and made money out of her position.
How does she sleep at night.
Gallaghers and Patrieaux cigarette factory provided a lot of jobs in Hyde/Tameside for many years, the same fags are now made in Ulster. There's nothing to celebrate in this factory being shut and turned into ANOTHER housing development.
Fear of detention without arresti rising in America. Theres a movement dedicated to raising awareness 'blog till you're detained'
It won't be long before they start doing this over here. Some excellent videos here:
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