Sunday 8 January 2012

RSPCA Dog Dillon needs a home

You will struggle to ever find a more loyal companion than a dog. Anyone interested in giving this lovely dog a home please contact the Tameside and Glossop branch of the RSPCA


SerpentSlayer said...

If my home was my own, and my furry lakeland terrier sister wasn't so hard to live with I would take him in right away.

I've always loved dogs, ever since I was a baby and my loyal 'Tradles' stood guard by my side every night.

My second dog Russell, who I managed to procure via the tears of the bereaved child I was grew to be a friend I rated more than any of my human ones.

As a person who sometimes find humans to be poor company, I have found dogs to be excellent companions. They share my honesty, loyalty and moral courage, prescious commodities I found to be rare amongst humans as I grew older.

I hope Dillon finds a home, he seems a charming fellow. I hope he finds a good home soon.

Anonymous said...

Miliband now less popular than Clegg: Poll finds just 20% think he is doing a good job.

Why doesn`t the Advertiser/Reporter ask Our Local Labour Politicians/MP`s what they think of Miliband their Leader.
Easy enough question and the Tameside public should be aware of the opinions of all those who support Labour.
Also with Blair ripping off the UK as denoted in the national press today why not ask Tameside Labourites what they think.
Thats what democracy is all about allowing the public to ask questions of their local politicians which they are definitely denied.
How good is our local press then or are they uninterested in the Tameside Electorates up to date opinions.
PS Hoping this is not quickly superseeded by another story line TC.

No to war with Iran said...

On the subject of dogs; Don't Let the Zionists unleash the hounds of hell upon the world.

Anonymous said...

The Zionists have had their vast army of very active lobbying and venomous rhetoric entrenched individuals in place for 60 years at least.
To be aware of how vicious the threats to the world their tirades are, simply keep up to date by reading the Jewish Chronicle and The Jerusalem Post for Facts.
Every citizen of the world should be aware of how your destiny is being influenced by Israel and the support they constantly get from
Tameside via Jonathan Reynolds MP,Andrew Gwynne MP, and Councillor

Anonymous said...

This is why Tameside Citizens have and are dying prematurely,our old
TMBC inept and unfit for purpose group have their sticky fingers in the Health and Welfare of All of You and for years have been complicit in supporting all the Tameside Hospital Executives who should have been carted years ago,but serious nepotism has ruled Tameside for years and years placing inadequate people on Panels and Committee`s where they just turn up Full Stop,without a medical clue of how to improve the Health and Welfare Care of Tamesiders.
Hundreds of individuals are now involved in what must be the largest Cartel of non achievers who are administrating Tamesiders Health.(spare a thought why non of them publically are critical of
Tamesides Hospital disgusting and deplorabe years of failures.

YEAR 2010
Hospital Performance
Tameside Council‟s Personal and Health Services Scrutiny Panel had organised a
„Local health Accountability Conference‟ in partnership with the local MPs and the
LINk. This had been held at Dukinfield Town hall on 22
January. Several LINk
members had been present.
The event had given the hospital and NHS Tameside & Glossop an opportunity to
discuss the high mortality rates which had been identified in the Dr Foster „How
Safe is Your Hospital?‟ report. The LINk asked a number of questions at the event
and had gained a public commitment from both organisations to work with us on improving hospital services.
When will Tamesiders get the factual message ???????????

Alf Garnett said...

Two years ago my mum got MRSA in tameside and the doctors prescribed a very strong antibiotic and the ward failed to administer it far a full 9 days, and sadly she died. yet another accidental death was registered by the cororner ? what a bag of shit

Alf Garnett said...

When im was a boy iwas taught that sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me ? So whats all this racist crap the TV is raming down peoples throats the last few weeks ? Please sir hes calling me black

Money bonanza for immigrants said...

Here you go Nationalist, this will really make your day. Listen to this vomit inducing piece of radio 'news' discussing an immigrant who has just received £1million from the NHS for yes, you guessed it, racism in the work place. Listen to the answer given by the vile trade union traitor called Maskell when she is asked about the enormity of the payout considering the current financial climate. When that finishes keep on listening to the next article about a failed asylum seeker who is suing Britain. Listen in dismay as the 'reporter' Ruth Clegg speaks to the illegal immigrant with total reverence. No asking her why did she not seek asylum in the nearest safe country rather than travel half way around the world to Britain, the exact opposite. truly truly sickening. Click the link and fast forward to 1.18.24 but make sure your computer or any other fragile objects are not within striking distance.

Alf Garnett said...

Im sick to my back teeth with it all and im going to blow very soon

How dare these leftwing cunts push this on us

Anonymous said...

Be guarded in your comments Nationalist. The game is changing. They are now dropping the pretence that Britain needs immigrants to do the jobs us ‘Lazy Brits’ are too lazy to do. The game is switching from deception to outright oppression.

It is not possible to switch on the TV news or open a newspaper without hearing of some new outrage regarding ‘racism’. They are wilfully creating a bogeyman that barely exists. Think about the news from the beginning of December to the present.

Shock, horror, outrage as a woman on a tram (Emma West) complains that there are too many immigrants. Shock, horror, outrage as Alan Hansen uses the word ‘coloured’ to describe a negro footballer. Shock, horror, outrage as wife beater Stan Collymore receives a racist tweet on Twitter. Shock, horror, outrage as a black footballer overhears a racist comment while playing at Anfield and then hip hip hooray, celebrations as two totally evil racist psychopaths are jailed for life over the murder of Stephen Lawrence, cue wall to wall media saturation followed by soul searching regarding racism in Britain. The fact that Norris & Dobson have clearly been framed and the convictions are totally unsafe matters not a jot. The powers that be are wilfully creating hysteria to frighten the indigenous of Britain into submission.

Do you know that when the Bolsheviks murdered the Tsar and his family and took over Russia one of the first rules implemented was a mandatory death sentence for anyone convicted of anti-Semitism, the very same people and their traitor lackeys are steering Britain in the very same direction. They know if you create enough hysteria it is very easy to create oppressive laws which work to their advantage.

Alf Garnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SerpentSlayer said...

If anybody has a spare £1,000,000 and fancies calling me a 'cracker' and such in exchange for giving me the money then feel free to contact me through my blog.

This is sickening, rest assured that any Nationalist government will seize this money back, to the last penny and send this sewer rat back to whichever pipe she crawled out of.

We have humans and dogs without homes, and we allow these aliens to live in luxury on our soil. When will people say enough is enough?

Alf Garnett said...

yes spot on pal ? But there will came a time when the people will say fuck the law coz its made by leftwing crooks anyway and ENGLAND has its own laws set down by are ansecester so we dont need phony laws

The straw that breaks the donkey's back said...

Quite true Nationalist, but the British people are cowering in submission at the present time. Things will have to get a lot worse before they grow a backbone and begin to fight back.

Dr Cameron said...

Sir, — In 1993-94, the black teenager Stephen Lawrence and white teenager Richard Everitt were murdered by young 'racist gangs' in London but there the resemblance ends.

Vast media publicity followed Stephen's case, the Home Secretary visited, a monument was erected and a judicial inquiry denounced the police as ''institutionally racist''.

Two men have now been convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment while the judge demands the other attackers be punished because they engaged in a ''joint exercise''.

Eleven Bengali youths — one aged 20 — were arrested over Richard's killing but only two came to trial with no calls for the rest to be prosecuted on a ''joint enterprise'' basis.

One was found guilty of violent disorder and served 18 months while the other served 11 years for what the trial judge described it as a ''wholly unprovoked racist murder''.

There was no visit by the Home Secretary, no monument, no judicial inquiry, no interest shown by his local MP and a code of omerta from the metropolitan leftist media.

(Dr) John Cameron.
St Andrews.

Anonymous said...

Tameside Council‟s Personal and Health Services Scrutiny Panel
These Councillors are stuck like glue to the Tameside Hospital Executives,likewise the PCT and Dr.Chand the Labour supporter responsible for the Health and Welfare of Tamesiders
These Groups support each other to the hilt regardless of how many Adults and Kiddies Die.
These large groups appoint each other to positions like tentacles to ensure the status quo is protected.
Councillors Brenda Warrington,Cartwight,Parker Perry,J.Taylor have and are closely linked to the Hospital Administration in recent years plus
other TMBC Councillors and Ex Councillors working within the PCT.
Its been and still is a bloody carve up for the power,glory and expenses hunters,resulting directly with the negligence substantiated at Tameside Hospital.
Never mind awards the many individuals involved in Our Health & Safety should have carted over recent years instead of playing God with peoples lives and failing.


This is why Tameside Citizens have and are dying prematurely,our old
TMBC inept and unfit for purpose group have their sticky fingers in the Health and Welfare of All of You and for years have been complicit in supporting all the Tameside Hospital Executives who should have been carted years ago,but serious nepotism has ruled Tameside for years and years placing inadequate people on Panels and Committee`s where they just turn up Full Stop,without a medical clue of how to improve the Health and Welfare Care of Tamesiders.
Hundreds of individuals are now involved in what must be the largest Cartel of non achievers who are administrating Tamesiders Health.(spare a thought why non of them publically are critical of
Tamesides Hospital disgusting and deplorabe years of failures.

YEAR 2010
Hospital Performance
Tameside Council‟s Personal and Health Services Scrutiny Panel had organised a
„Local health Accountability Conference‟ in partnership with the local MPs and the
LINk. This had been held at Dukinfield Town hall on 22
January. Several LINk
members had been present.
The event had given the hospital and NHS Tameside & Glossop an opportunity to
discuss the high mortality rates which had been identified in the Dr Foster „How
Safe is Your Hospital?‟ report. The LINk asked a number of questions at the event
and had gained a public commitment from both organisations to work with us on improving hospital services.
When will Tamesiders get the factual message ???????????

A cull of all those administrating our health & welfare in Tameside is needed drastically right now.

Towton 1461 said...

The reason for the massive increase in, and focus on, race related stories recently is the riots.
It is a certainty the government/establishment's 'social cohesion' gauleiters have been out gathering public opinion about the riots and have received the unwelcome news that the public saw and know what happened. Namely that amongst the rioters were a grossly disproportionate number of black youths on the rampage smashing up England's major cities. The only exception was Manchester where would be Afro-American white chav 'gangsters' turned out as well.
This has all been whitewashed by the same government/media/establishment that is using saturation coverage of race and immigration related stories to try and make the indigenous British population feel guilty because blacks smashed up our country. That's right, it's OUR fault that THEY did it.
It does make you wonder what it will take to awaken the indigenous population to the truth about the ongoing destruction of their country and their identity.