Reading this weeks letter page in the Tameside Advertiser one could be forgiven for thinking he is. Power often goes to peoples heads, sometimes people in power develop an arrogance which leads to their ultimate downfall. How could anyone forget the fateful day when the Deputy Leader’s ideological mentor Nikolai Ceausescu addressed what he believed were his adoring followers in Bucharest only to soon discover that they were in actual fact booing and not cheering. Soon after poor old Nikolai met a fate none of us would wish on our dear Deputy Leader.
Taylor doesn't care whether he is in tune with the views of the electorate. He knows he has their vote irrespective of whatever agenda he really stands for. He knows the majority of the public supported Enoch Powell at the time of his speech, something he has always happily disregarded when aligning himself with the militant antifa left. He enthuses over local history and the people who built Tameside, whilst knowing full-well that they would be horrified at the slow demographic and cultural death he and his leftist brethren have inflicted on native Britons. If the men of the Somme were given a quick glimpse of parts of London, Birmingham Manchester Bradford etc nearly 100 years on, JT should ask himself if they would fight with the same patriotic zeal (or if they would sooner die by their own hand than go over the top).
JT likes touring the borough with his little camera, providing us with insights into what is and what once was. Oddly he rarely ever pastes on to his blog a sparkling new image of the borough's latest mosque or Diwali illuminations, juxtaposed with an old black and white of a traditional church or ale house displaying nothing but white faces. He never pens letters to the local press about the wonders of multi-culturalism, he instead prefers to tutor Tamesiders on the real local history he knows they can relate to. Wolf in sheep's clothing doesn't even begin to describe it.
JT v JT you should become a published writer. You hit the nail on the head in every department.
Try and draw him on Labour's planned mass immigration tsunami 2000 - 2008, he never bites. I wonder why.
"Every country must have firm control over immigration and Britain is no exception"
BNP speaking? Nope.... that is from Labour's 1997 manifesto. Any case for breach of contract?
Roy Hattersley is another Labourite, although pre New Labour, who now goes around writing quaint books about old English traditions or his dog. Yet I've never heard him mention or criticise Labour's mass immigration disaster.
Like the entire old Labour party, in reality he's an 'anti-Toryite' and their priority is getting the Conservatives out even though they know from bitter experience when Labour DO gain power it's a complete disaster.
Our semi-literate, pea-brained, although admittedly shrewd, Deputy Leader is a classic example of what happens when parties and their inner cliques gain too much certainty of power and dominance in a region/country over a period of time.
Ceaucescu was little more than a ruthless, manipulative, bullying moron who'd worked his way up the party ladder.
Think how many letters the Advertiser, not exactly renowned for it's anti-Labour stance, must have actually received for them to print that many.
The Deputy Leader of TMBC expresses the view that we shouldn't blame supermarkets for the decline of our town centres.
Well, we shouldn't place ALL of the blame on supermarkets; we must also blame those Labour councillors and the planning dept at TMBC, and other vested interests, who have colluded with the likes of Tesco in order to facilitate the development of yet more supermarkets - the latest being the new Tesco store on Hattersley.
All kinds of 'indirect' bribery is used by these giant corporations to "persuade" local authorities and politicians to grant planning permission to build yet another supermarket.
yes, massive companies like supermarkets with a bottomless pit of money working in cohoots with bent Labour councillors is a recipe for disaster, in this case, the decline of our town centres.
In the final analysis it's the electorate's fault for letting them get away with it, locally and nationally.
The fact that Labour currently enjoy 40% of public support after what they did to the country demonstrates the fundamentally inferior nature of a large part of Britain's adult population.
We can also blame the decline of our town centres on the rip-off car parking charges imposed by the local council, along with the proliferation of double yellow lines.
I seem to recall not too long ago TMBC big-wigs (the late) Roy Oldham and his comrade Alan Whitehead posing in the local press over the generous deed of donating OUR money to charity (obtained via parking charges). They chose not to mention the parking permits they all receive which exempt them from also having to donate. For us driving is a privilege, for them it is a birth right. Anyone can be generous with someone else's money, especially when you attempt to take all the credit and in-so-doing promote yourself to local voters.
I've yet to be told how much councillors have to stump up for those permits, and how that would compare with paying the kind of parking fees the rest of Tameside's motorists pay.
Just imagine what a potential large employer must make of Tameside then they meet Quinn and especially Taylor. Apart from their Union backgrounds, they come across as uneducated, and untravelled and inexperienced.
All of this could be accepted if it wasn't for their arrogance.
If I was planning to relocate my business here, I could forgive all of the above if they came across as humble and showed some recognition of Tameside's problems (and had a plan to sort things). Instead, they just spout the usual b*llshit about what a great job Labour has done for Tameside and what a wonderful place it is. Here is some news! It isn't. We are poorly educated and unhealthy vs the rest of the region and the UK as a whole. Our 'Leaders' have low aspirations and no plan or desire to change things.
Outsiders considering investing know that. They see Quinn's and Taylor's arrogance, and their failure to see Tameside for what it truly is, and simply go elsewhere. That is the real damage.
All forms of socialism inherently detest individual aspiration.
What would a failed market trader know about people's shopping habits?
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