Friday 13 January 2012

Hidden treasures of Tameside

The weather was stunning today so I took my poorly hound up for a nice gentle walk around the reservoirs of Stalybridge. These reservoirs are hidden treasures of Tameside and many Tameside residents are unaware of their existence.

I made this video showing random scenes and views from the reservoirs in the hope it may entice some people to ditch their TV’s and keyboards and venture out into the great outdoors.

The reservoirs are easy to find and there four in total. If you get yourself onto Huddersfield Rd which is just outside of the centre of Stalybridge and head in the direction of Carbrook, carry on for about a mile until you come to a road on your right called Brushes Rd. Turn onto Brushes Rd and continue to the end. If in a car I would suggest leaving the car at the end of Brushes Rd where the last houses are because the road from thereon in is pretty bumpy. Then follow the bumpy road until you reach the first reservoir which is called Walkerwood, as you follow the path round which is never nothing more taxing than a gentle upwards incline you will come to the other reservoirs one after the other. The scenery is pleasing and every person I met today was smiling and pleasant.

From the start of Huddersfield Rd to the top reservoir and back is just under eight miles and seeing as the weather is forecast bright and clear for tomorrow why not take a trip up there to sample this hidden treasure?


These boots were made... said...

Lovely. But don't tell the plebs. Or the destroye...sorry developers.

SerpentSlayer said...

I'm sorry to hear your hound is poorly TC, I hope they get better soon.

I just wish I were not so deserted or nocturnal as to partake in such a leisurely stroll, I urger those in a position to do so to not watse the opportunity.

thanks said...

Just got back from a three hour walk around the reservoirs. It was very enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

Is it true Myra Hindley's ashes were scattered up there?

Myra's ashes scattered said...

Yes it was around that area. Her crimes were evil and I believe she truly was reformed by the time she died. Had she never met Brady she would have just been an ordinary girl. In the end she was a victim too.

RIP Myra

Peter Norton said...

If you had read about the case as thoroughly and in depth as I have you would know that such comments about Hindley are not only arrant nonsense but grossly irresponsible.
Hindley was the worse of the two. She constantly downplayed her level of responsibility whilst trying to get parole, even within a few years of her incarceration. When she realisd this method was not going to work she enlisted a female prison officer in a lesbian relationship, again to try and get out. This failed and the prison officer was imprisoned.
Hindley then began a long campaign using highly placed and often attention seeking, willing liberal dupes, the chief one being the elderly and chronically naive Lord Longford. After a few years the vast majority walked away after realising Hindley was using tham and recognising her true character. Her whole ethos after realising she had lost Brady and was going to spend a long time in prison was to get out.
She then started to admit a small part of her true level of culpability in the crimes and was 'sorry'. All this was done to try and increase her chances of release on licence.
If she was truly remorseful for the criminal abominations she committed she would have kept quiet, been grateful she wasn't executed, and served her sentence.
If Brady had never met HER he may well never have gone on to commit these atrocities as he was little more than a semi-psychotic windbag until he linked up with her which, as she was sane and he wasn't makes you wonder even more about her influence on him. And he certainly wouldn't have escaped justice for so long.
These children went with them because they trusted HER as a woman and Hindley KNEW that.
Brady is unquestionably evil AND mad wheras Hindley was simply evil. As such, however bad Brady is, Hindley was the worse of the two.
I suggest you read the book; 'One of Your Own' by Carol Ann Lee, probably the best book about Hindley if you want to acquaint yourself with the facts.

Curate's egg said...

The highest point in Tameside is only about two miles Northeast of the top reservoir. Hoarstone Edge is 1650 ft high (497 metres if you prefer foreign).