Good on Craig Halliday for trying to improve his neighbourhood but let’s hope he is aware these clean up initiatives have been tried many times before in this part of Hyde. What seems obvious is that firstly, clean-ups alone will not get you elected and secondly the local and inconsiderate litter louts have the potential to undo your good work in no time as they are just too lazy to use bins.
You did a good job there lads
According to Cllr John Taylor, you dumped that rubish there yourself.
Mugs, doing the council's job for nothing. The greedy, overpaid upper echelon bastards in Wellington St are laughing their heads off at these idiots.
Labour have always been scared of the BNP.
Thats why they copy them.
They send in the likes of Cllr Jim Fitzpatrick from Newton, to openly spread rumour and allegation.
Why can they do this smear campaign? because they are above the normal rules.
I do this to try and clean up the are and put pride where we live. It is not foolosh as these events are carried all across greater manchester by community groups. Also, where does Cllr Taylor say this please?
Craig Halliday
Also, the article did not cover the fact that this was done myself, not by the Labour Cllrs. The article covers the whole of Tameside so it would seem. Something not mentioned by the reporter. I am welcome to any views, my email address is available.
Thank you
Good on you, its good to see the Tories cleaning up Labours mess, literally! You got my vote Craig and will again, just a shame you didnt get voted in this May.
Dear Craig
Councillor Taylor delivered this leaflet in 2007 accusing the bnp of dumping rubbish.
Good job but as others have said it will be a tip again soon.
Best thing we can do is get elected and prevent human rubbish from breeding. No human rubbish, no rubbish to be cleaned up.
The Luftwaffe had the right idea, just a shame they flew over when most of the people here were worth something.
The Council will be more than happy to see you clean the streets of litter for them.
I take my hat off to you mate. It shows you care about your area, which is very rare these days.
Why would anyone clean up for nothing in a council where the Chief Executive gets nearly £200,000, plus all the other massively overpaid upper echelons, and the average part-time councillor £22,000, (x 57 = £1.25 million). It's not public spirited it's pathetically gullible. They may praise you in public but are laughing at you in private.
P.S. My windows need cleaning, get roung and do them boy. You won't want paying.
Get Taylor up there he's made £200,000 in 8 years on the Council.
How much has he made since 1984 from being elected onto Council.
He could be a Millionaire? or very close to being one.
We pay council tax for them to keep the area clean so why should we do it for ourselves. You'd be better employed forming a pressure group to bombard your councillors with letters etc to get it sorted instead of doing their job for them FOR NOTHING. I regularly report things, if you keep at it, in the end they act.
bombard your councillors with letters. They'll have you in court for harassment. I was speaking to a resident the other day (A dog owner) He told me what Cllr Taylor said to him.
"Take your fucking dog shit home with you"
Tameside's pigs in office see good will like everything else, something for them to consume.
Most dog owners are responsible they clean up after their dogs. It's just a tiny minority of irresponsible dog owners, allowing their dogs to foul the pavements and parks.
Councillor John Taylor is now persecuting all dog owners for that minority allowing their dogs to foul the streets.
Did not realise how much he's hated by dog owners.
We put pressure on TMBC to remove the five-a-side football pitch on Leigh Fold and received a massive amount of support from locals who were sick and tired of having to put up with rowdy youths playing football until 3am.
Eventually the Council agreed with us that placing a football pitch alongside old people's bungalows was a stupid idea, and in the end the Council demolished the whole site.
It is not pathetic to want to clean the area in which you live. Sure there are people who will continue to try and spoil our efforts, but then there are people who will join in to make a difference. The community pulled togeather can improve our area, after all it is us who live here. I try to give a little community spirit back.
NCB well according to Cllr John Taylor, you dumped all that rubbish there. Then you come along and clean it up.
Keep up the good work Craig. If everyone was like you the world would be a better place.
Keep Britain Tidy is probably from the Council Offices. Laughing their socks off at another mug, while money is not spent cleaning up the streets.
Being a good citizen and wanting to keep your area clean does not mean you are a mug. Me thinks you are Labourite who is attempting to demoralise Craig because he is actually trying to make Hyde a better place.
Can anyone tell me, is the borough solicitor, there to act has legal aid for Labour Councillor?
No! no, no, it's a fact that Councillor Jim Fitzpatrick made the area a better place. With his pushing for the new Tesco in Hattersley.
Cllr Jim Fitzpatrick Hyde
Last 8 years.
Total - £31,988.96
Total - £34,045.62
Total - £31,877.63
Total - £31,044.34
Total - £27,822.00
Total - £27,157.00
Total - £24,384.07
Total - £19,251.50
No wonder he was pushing so hard for this new Tesco in Hattersley.
Remember these people are making alot of money. So if they can get the likes of Craig to clean up the streets for nothing for them.
The more money they can take out of the pot for themselves.
Travis, L
Executive Member - Personal and Community Services
Basic Allowance - £11,640.00
Special Responsibility Allowance - £20,099.00
Broadband Allowance - £249.96
Total - £31,988.96
I think you are talking rubbish and making up those figures. I do not believe that part-time councillors earn nearly as much as you claim.
Provide proof that what you write is true or I will call you a liar.
Read for your sen on the Council Website you numpty
Anonymous said...
Can anyone tell me, is the borough solicitor, there to act has legal aid for Labour Councillor?
Without any doubt the Borough Solicitor is nothing other than a sycophantic protector of the Tameside MBC regime.
She is wholly committed to the Labour regime and her tactics are to intimidate,frighten,defend,and
also condemn anyone who is able to build a case against a Labour Councillor or Official,
Labour has strong links over many years with Legal advisor's,who gained positions within TMBC.
Bird`s of a feather is definitely applicable throughout TMBC and its a concerted approach to reject impartiality,openness and probity.
The BNP didn't dump rubbish and then clear it up, the rubbish was already there. We picked up the litter at the request of some local residents.
I wouldn't listen to John Taylor, he is well known for telling porkies about his political opponents.
TC, when was the leaflet you have shown us distributed across Newton? I like the art work, very impressive.
BNP traitors exposed tonight BBC1 at 830
C Halliday, why are you doing a council like Tameside's work for them for nothing.
We pay Council tax for them to keep the environment clean, something they are singularly failing to do in many areas. I can't see that the recession has affected the upper echelons, elected AND non-elected, at all, they're still all coining it in. While millions are now forced to work for a pittance the local government elites are protected. You're not only doing something that someone else is responsible for, for nothing, you're doing it for a load of self-seeking c***s.
There are some ugly bleeders on that BNP leaflet.
Wellington St Slave,
The BNP leaflet featuring the various clean-ups they carried out is from 2007.
And some greedy bastards elected onto Council, hey?
Dear aluman
We have been reading your loyal comments on this blog. We want you to take the bull by the horns, and drag the local group back up by it's boot laces.
Will you take up this noble cause once again?
Yours British National Party HQ and
Group development.
Aluman has an open mandate to re-build the Tameside group from the ground up. Go on Aluman, seize the bull by the horns and show us what you can do.
And whats up with you lot did panorama not do what you hoped it would ? well for my verdict is this ? Im very surprised at MR collitt and Mr walker coz by my book they were both good lads but as for jim dawson and the rest of the cranks im not surprised ? all they are now is crassing scum
That's why you have been chosen as Tameside's version of Lazarus. It's now your baby and you can raise it back from the dead.
Just out of interest, does the reek of corruption not bother you? All the decent members have left because it bothers them, especially thieving from small independent printers who placed trust in us.
You have a hell of a job on your hands Aluman because you are starting from zero. Let's see what metal you are really made of my old spanner.
A grass is a grass wheather there is any truth in it or not ? you just dont rat on your friends
NEWS FLASH ? BNP web site down ? Coz as always every time the BBC attach the BNP there memberhisp gos through the roof ? and there site just cant hamdle the traffit ? So well done lads
So aluman lets beat the cranks together. You take control and get the bnp into shape again.
Will you do it for us? we need the money.
You wot? Even if their greed and selfish interests leads to rampant corruption? We were the party who believed in fair play and supported small independent business, under fatso's (mis)rule since elected as an MEP all that has gone out of the window as he appointed proffesional crooks and perverts to high office in the party. Not surprisingly, as the crooks gained prominence, the good people left in droves. So now there are only two kind of activist left, the crooks who are on an earner and the nice but thick who believe all the crap such as "it woz the reds/traitors.M15/malcontens".
Until Fat King Nick is de-throned the BNP is going in one direction, down hill!
Aluman, will you please get into your Pachycephalosaurus like skull that members come and go all the time, activists not members are what matters.
Anyone so stupid to join will find themselves fleeced for ££££ and fed a load of bull. That's why there is such a massive drop out rate after the first year.
If Nick Griffin was anyone else he would resign. Of course he will not, which means that the party will limp on, neutered and discredited, at the very time when conditions for nationalism should be ideal – untamed immigration, economic collapse, unemployment and inflation rising, disorder in the streets.
Since he won’t resign, and no conscientious nationalist can continue in a party run by him, there has to be a new nationalist party. How bitter it is though to have to start all over again, at so late a stage in our country’s decline and fall, with a party which no-one has heard of and which is certain to be undeservedly splashed with some of the Griffin fallout.
Dowson is just as guilty as Gri££in, they should both be banished for ever more.
Last night's BBC Panarama programme on the BNP didn't tell me anything that I didn't already know. The documentary exposed Griffin as utterly corrupt, without morals or scruples, who fakes invoices and election paperwork, doesn't declare all the party's donors to the Electoral Commission, hires thugs to intimidate anyone who dares to cross him, runs up huge debts despite the party receiving record amounts of money in donations, and attempts to involve party officials in criminal conspiracies. Is it any wonder that virtually all the decent members have turned against him?
Interestingly, the show did at one point mention that Andrew Brons MEP refuses to misuse Euro money. This shows that claims that the show would be used as an attack on the BNP as a whole, rather than just being an exposé of the Griffin regime, appear to be unfounded.
Thank you 'Keep Britain Tidy' for you comments. I am also a member of the 'Keep Britain Tidy' charity. If we all did a little bit to help one another, not just litter picking instead of moaning and sitting back doing nothing, then we would have a better place in which to live. Again, something which I am trying to help achieve.
If you want to help me, contact me at craigj.halliday@gmail.com
Thank you
The programme that went out isn't the one the producers intended to put out.
Dave Hannam was very deeply involved from beginning to end and was prepared to stand up a lot of stuff that would have had plod in Welshpool toot-sweet.
His death changed everything. Even though Hannam's family agreed that Panorama could use his contributions and the evidence he supplied, without Hannam himself this lost a lot of value, and the Beeb's legal scrutineers, looking forward to possible libel proceedings from Griffin (unlikely, but they had no choice but to consider the possibility) and a possible police/CPS led court case against Griffin, decided that without the main prop (Hannam) his direct allegations could not be aired.
That's why the re-edited programme had a strung-out feel and Hannam was only briefly mentioned at the end.
Without Hannam most of the meat was gone, but there was still a fair bit left, still enough to bring Griffy down.
Panorama stuck to its brief. It did what it could under BBC constraints and under advisement from the Beeb's legal folks. They couldn't have done anything else. Dave Hannam's evidence would have been the killer. Nobody could have predicted his death, but it happened and that's that.
I think Griffin expected Hannam's evidence to be used regardless and that's why he was sweating buckets beforehand. That it wasn't used (or rather that the killer parts of it weren't used) explains his feelings of relief. It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Bad just the same, and he's still got a whole lot of explaining to do, but his relief is the relief of a man who knows he's going to get two years instead of ten.
N C B thats your take on it pal ? and mine is A grass is a grass ? There are alot of upset people in the BNP coz there not on the pay roll and its called jealousy
AND it was the programme the producers intended to show ? sour grapes ? did it not do what you hoped it would ? di dums
Further idiot question in the House of Commons from MP Andrew Gwynne.
Andrew Gwynne: May I give my hon. Friend another example? It involves
the Peel centre, a retail park in the centre of Stockport where many of
my constituents have received penalty fines for overstaying in the car
park. One of my constituents challenged this in the courts and had the
penalty overturned because the signage was so small that it was
considered unreasonable to expect people to read the notices....
They Should have gone to Spec Savers you loony MP.
They ignored the time and paid the bloody price,obvious your Labour
Action Aid found that 98 out of the 100 companies on the FTSE 100 base their operations in territories where there is low or no tax.
The heaviest users were based in the financial sector despite the industry's role in the economic crisis.
Britain's four biggest banks - HSBC, Barclays, Lloyds and RBS - have 1,649 tax haven companies between them.
LABOUR also new this but deliberately ignored the scam.
ANOTHER bloody disgrace accepted
by the Politicians who administrate our lives.
Gaol the lot who wheel and deal,
and where are Tameside Councillors stashing their ever increasing wealth ??
He who makes fools of his friends either has no friends or all his friends are fools . Lord Nelson ? and i dedicate this to the porn star and is bird nigel
PLS stop calling my son a cabbage coz these no need for that
It's labour scum making those comments. Probably a serving labour Cllr or the failed labour til i die scumbag.
Aluman is quite right. It is obscene to bring his poorly son into matters which do not concern him.
When you are dealing with the failed labour, scumbag, candidate. Can't expect any different I'm affraid.
Aluman, Griffin's no friend of nationalism or nationalists, he's run the BNP into the ground and needs to go, now.
Judging by what I've seen and heard he's now gone into total paranoia mode and will either have to be forced out, or possible financial or legal proceedings will do the job.
just gos to show that what i said about there being a big bev click in tameside BNP is true and if you dont follow the click we will all attack you and call you and you family bad name
aluman relax take a deep breath and think about the bigger picture here.............
Anonymous what do you meen bigger picture
We don't do personality clashes or cults. We only do nationalism.
Nobody does anything for nothing.
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