Monday 13 December 2010

Roy West says "time's up" for the Tameside Labour Mafia


Follow The Link said...

Good people of Dukinfield.
This Labour Councillor gave support to known criminals.
That forced a mother and her children out of their home on Werneth Avenue.

Dukinfield BNP said...

Nice one Roy, now get a bloody haircut.

RW said...

I don't really like my hair cut short.
I've always had curly/wavy hair.
Why, are you jealous you aint got any hair left?

Dukinfield BNP said...

No you Greek freak. Or is that racist.

Bert said...

'libelous' please explain what is.
Thank You.

same old tories said...

Well done Roy but the Tories are nearly as bad. Read what a pompous Tory twit should be done to the people of the north.

Unemployed Northerners should replace Eastern European immigrants and 'pick cherries on fruit farms' instead of living on benefits, a senior Conservative council chief has suggested.

David Shakespeare, leader of Buckinghamshire County Council and head of the Conservative group in the Local Government Association, said people from poorer parts of the country affected by the rising joblessness and public sector cuts should go to work in orchards.

Mr Shakespeare made his 'let them pick fruit' comment during a LGA debate about the prospect of councils being allowed to keep the business rates they collect rather than being redistributed to poorer areas.

'The North may replace the Romanians in the cherry orchards,' he said.
'That may be a good thing.'

His remarks were immediately seized on by Labour, who likened them to Norman Tebbit’s infamous advice to the unemployed in the 1980s to 'get on your bike'.

Tom Blenkinsop, Labour MP for Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland, said the remark undermined David Cameron’s claim to be a 'one nation' leader by portraying Northerners as second-class citizens.

'These types of comment prove [David] Cameron hasn’t reformed his party one bit.

To see northerners in this second class, undermining and disrespectful way is typical for a very southern-orientated political party like the Conservatives.

The Tory Party certainly can’t claim to be the party of one nation,' he said.

Michael Dugher, Labour MP for Bansley East, has now written to Mr Cameron asking if he will condemn the comments.

'Do you appreciate how out of touch, insensitive and insulting these comments are? Doesn’t it just demonstrate that the Tories are still the same old nasty party?” he said.

Will Young said...

I don't think that he was talking about everyone living on benefits.
I think you know the types he's going on about.

£5.93 = Peanuts said...

Nothing wrong with parasites, or anyone else who's been unemployed more than six months or so, being made to pick fruit. As long as they're paid a living wage for it.

Cost Cutting Conservative said...

Listen love, picking fruit at minimum wage is far more than what you would get elsewhere. Be fucking grateful for what you get. Labour have sent manufacturing down the pan by making this country uncompetitive on wages by introducing a minimum wage. The cost of living has soared too. But I'm sure you can survive at Aldi (hey it's German!) on min wage - stop thinking you can live a Waitrose lifestyle when you haven't got a pot to piss in to begin with. That would be a good start.

Some people on here have visions of grandeur. Why should I pay for you all to sit on your arse all day just because you think you are worth more than the minimum wage. You are worth what the market is willing to pay for you. Get in line at the job centre and I'm sure they will find you a job in no time.

The BNP and UKIP all complain of cheap foreign labour. At least the vast majority of immigrants work and not give excuses to say that they are looking after their retarded wife back home. When was Westie last in line at the job centre? When did he last work? What was his last job?

Anonymous said...

Above ya tosser

Cost Cutting Conservative said...

C'mon Roy. Answer the questions. Just why should I fund you to sponge off the state? You say you need time to look after your dopey wife, but that doesn't stop you from coming on here to post crap or newspapers that nobody reads (look how your vote crashed in 2010).

When I go to vote, I look at the job what the candidate does. It gives me an idea if they have a grasp of the real world. I couldn't see myself voting for someone with no employment history.

And what would happen of your wife's care, if God forbid you ever became a councillor? Is it because you like the idea of doing fuck all for nowt? Just like you have always lived your life.

Elections 2011 said...

Answer your question when you use vile slurs against my partner.
Shows what kind of person you are.

Ros Gauci Tameside BNP said...

Would hardly call going down 40 votes a crash.
Now look at the ukip votes in Tameside, thats what you call a car crash.
Ha Ha oh I love all this stuff.

Wayne Bates said...

60 Victims of Muslim Paedophile Gangs in Shropshire.

well done that woman said...

Watch a lady EDL supporter speak out at a Fascist UAF meeting. The UAF are the private Labour militia hell bent on destroying Britain through means of violence.

Tameside Citizen said...

CCC, the attack on Mrs West is way below the belt. Please keep it civil.

Mr West, if you would like the offending post by Cost Cutting Conservative removed please just give me the word. Until them moderation is back in place.

They don't like it up em. said...

No you can leave that one on, it shows the person up for what they are.

John Ward said...

Cost Cutting Conservative, your disgusting comments about Mr West's partner aside, 'Be fucking grateful for what you get', are you saying that peole should accept exploitation, sweatshop style wages and working conditions and live in third world conditions simply to prop up capitalism. The idea of capitalism is to IMPROVE people's lifestyles overall, if it can no longer do that it should be got rid of. I've worked for thirty years and have witnessed the massive wage suppression and rising living costs of the last few years, the former mostly caused by the importation of cheap foreign labour by people with your mindset, and I don't need patronising, arrogant c***s like you to tell me to be grateful that increasing numbers of British employers are exploitative scum.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant footage of the UAF in action exposing them for what they are and giving them a bitter taste of their own medicine.

Night shift said...

Interesting comment from John Ward, I started work in 1975 and have worked full time ever since. There is pride in work but there's also a line to be drawn where you should receive a fair, living wage, on the other side of that line is exploitation and semi-slavery. I'd go straight on the dole and claim everything else going rather than be a gutless mug if my employer tried to use me in this way.

Alf Garnett said...

UKIP putin dvds thought doors where did thay get this idear from ?

Roy K West said...

Reasons To Be Cheerful.

Just 2,000 Christmas Cards to post.
Merry Christmas.
Roy K West.
BNP Candidate 2011.

Reimer said...

"You are worth what the market is willing to pay for you. Get in line at the job centre and I'm sure they will find you a job in no time."

here's hoping that when an element of CCC's highly-regarded cheaper foreign labour leaves him for dead in the gutter that his precious market forces will get him to hospital because I wouldn't cross the road for such a selfish bastard.

The minimum wage killed british industry? It was being murdered long before even NuLab came along, by ardent 'Thatcherites' and other
bullies and gangsters who threaten to relocate every time anything isn't geared to putting commercial imperatives above everything.

Englander said...

Remember this, they can only cut benefits so much, a full working week at the £5.93 minimum wage pays about £190. What does that buy you now? Wage slavery is already here and if it continues to get worse increasing numbers of working Brits (not working Eastern Europeans, Africans etc whose every £1 saved, spent at home or sent home is worth many times more, in other words they've got an INCENTIVE) will realise it LITERALLY isn't worth working and will pack it in.
People like Cost Cutting Conservative should try to accept the possibility that market forces aren't ALWAYS right.

Pickford Lane said...

I spoke to this guy a couple of years ago when he put a leaflet in my house. Don't know the ins and outs of what Labour are up to round here but he talked a lot of sense and I voted for him, and twice since. Maybe it's because I used to live in Werneth and saw what happened up there when it was taken over.

Anonymous said...

how can Roy West afford to print and send out 2000 christmas cards when he's on the dole !!! and if he's got the spare time to do that why not get a job so people dont have to work to keep him

Behind The Respectable Face. said...

This Christmas, we reflect on the campaign ahead for 2011 elections in Dukinfield.
This man's claims of wanting to bring hope to people's lives, is false.
Rather than giving hope, he met the head of a well known criminal family from Hyde.
The criminal family that forced a mother and her children out of their home.
This is the real man.

RW said...

Anonymous please get it right.
I'm not on the dole.
I have a new printer now, for all my new leaflets and cards.

Thank You for your keen interest.

Pickford Lane said...

Should have said, Oldham's Werneth is where I'm from originally.

RW said...

Actually it's 5,000 Christmas Cards delivered 3,000 so far in Dukinfield.

Dave Graham said...

You can get cards printed very cheap these days and anyway who'd give him a job if he's been out of work for so many years. Personally I think he's doing some good hassling some of these arrogant Labour bastards.

RW said...

Speaking to a postman yesterday round bottom of Chapel street.
A lot of people have been banned from getting mail, because of their mad dogs at the letter boxes.

Follow The Link said...

Tameside BNP take notice and see how it is done.

He Turned The Water Into Wine. said...

Remember this Christmas.
The Truth!

TV Licence? Say No!! said...

I mean, the guy they send round to the house is just of the f****** boat himself.

Anti Auntie said...

£145 a year for that liberal, anti-British pile of s**t, no thanks.

Don't pay for left-wing hating propaganda said...

How to deal with the TV Licence Inspector By Kroaky.

Anonymous said...

New printer eh, who paid for that then cos you did'nt go out to work to pay for it, I work a 38 hour week at min wage because my pride wont allow me to sit on my arse with my hand out, and dont give me that crap about "I cant work because I look after my partner" My wife sees your partner out and about on the bus etc all the time, so stop scrounging west and go out to work,

RW said...

So she can't go on the bus? grow up you silly person.

Anonymous said...

38 hours a week for the minimum wage, fine but don't brag about it. Thanks to the massive rise in the cost of living, the earning power of the minimum wage is lower than it's ever been. There's a line where pride crosses into exploitation and it literally becomes not worth working. Why bother if people on benefits are significantly better off for doing nothing.
The new breed of globalising capitalists love people with your attitude, they just see it as something to be exploited, they know you'll keep working no matter what.
I've worked since 1980 but if things carry on degenerating like this I'll pack it in and go on benefits.

first time poster dewsnap lane said...

i thought the bnp were finished in duky then why have i just had a christmas card through the letter box from them?

Trevor Walker said...

Anonymous it sounds like your wife is stalking her.
Get A Life You Sad T***

Sweatshop Britain said...

If you work for minimum wage I'm surprised your wife can afford bus fares.

Why we must never stop. This Man! said...

Why this man wants to bring violence to the BNP candidate in Dukinfield, and to other members of the British National Party?

It's simple. He fears them, he hates them, he's corrupt, he's a thug.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what the last paying job Roy West worked at !!!! Roy wont tell us because he's never had one, the blokes taking us for a ride

Elections 2011 said...

Anonymous stop getting an hard on over West and his benefits.
You don't know anything, about what he gets and what he does not get.
Get a life of your own,and stop relying on West to keep you from getting bored.

Hundred Years War said...

Keep up the good work Roy. Taylor lost control of himself last time, when someone else was up for re-election, imagine what he'll be like when HE'S standing. The thing is he knows he'll win comfortably but nothing less then a landslide the size of his ego will satisfy his ego.
Write to the Borough Solicitor and Chief Executive in the New Year with a copy of the footage of Fitzpatrick delivering anti-BNP third party leaflets and warn them you'll be complaining officially if there's any evidence of collusion between candidates and third parties to try and reduce the vote of other candidates during the election campaign.

Anonymous said...

Elections 2011, otherwise known as Roy West I dont want to know about any benefits you/he is getting, If im going to vote for someone in the elections I want to know a bit about the fella, is he reliable, is he a grafter, is he HONEST, So what was the last job West had and was he any good at it, im not going to vote for someone who cant give an honest amswer, its not a hard question,

The Truth said...

The Good News Is Here.

Elections 2011 said...

But you are not honest? you are anonymous.
Don't hide in the shadows be up front.

Roy K West said...

Take Note! I am only answerable to The Son Of Man.
Don't judge others, or you will be judged in equal measures.

Roy K West said...

Anonymous one other matter.
I would rather you keep your vote for someone more suited with your malicious nature.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, just vote Labour, locally and nationally they're all as honest as the day's long and did a good job running the economy 1997-2010, look at the ruination (and astronomical national debt) all around for proof.

fred said...

But Roy how can asking a simple question be malicious ! are we not all the sons of men, and how many alias's do you hide behind, thats not being honest is it, and really Roy I do want to vote BNP but you're in the way with your personal vendettas, will you answer the question or are you just going to revert to insults again

Snakes in the Grass. said...

Most of the comments on here are malicious towards WEST.
Why on earth would he answer questions from snakes in the grass, for example snakes like this one.

Tnuc a si rolyat said...

29697 views, come on! We want 30000 by Christmas Day.


Seems to me that if Roy is standing for the local elections at some point he's going to have to answer some tougher questions than the ones on here!

RW said...

Such as?

Anonymous said...

Awe dont cry roy, is some big bully having a go at you, there, there,I know!!you can stamp your feet and call them a tosser cos i know that will make you feel better. no more tantrums now theres a good boy.

Happy New Year. said...

Ha ha how very entertaining.


Follow the link, it was you that caused the mother and children to be moved out of their house, no one else, I remember all the trouble you caused, it was quite till you moved into your partners house then the area went down hill, your partner was a quite gentle girl and the children were lovely but you turned up and made all our lives a misery and now your doing it again it seem in Dukinfield, I feel sorry for the people who live near you,

RW said...

Oh dear another sad person above.

The shame of violence. said...

No FACT! keith Campbell ,Michael Campbell of Werneth Avenue both convicted on the 28 of Feb 2006 at Manchester Crown Court.
For putting children in fear of violence.

shame on you said...

Roy West convicted at Tameside of racial abuse, FACT FACT FACT

Elections 2011 said...

Yes but it's old news stil got 693 votes.
The above pair come from a well known criminal family that smashed windows while children slept in their beds.
And they were both convicted for it.

Anonymous said...

Rather be convicted for telling a German to F*** off, than smashing the bedroom windows of children like the above pair did.

gone for good said...

just shows what sort of a person you are, forever hiding behind your partner and her children, I dont condone what the pair did and the law dealt with them,they were convicted for beating you up, nothing to do with children, but none of it would have happened if not for you, you cause trouble everywhere you go with your delusions of importance, everytime you are confronted with an issue you use your partners disability as an excuse, If you was'nt such a self centered idle arse you would go and do some charity work for the likes of cancer research or the NSPCC, everything you winge on about is only what happens to YOU, go and earn some respect in the community instead of trying to line your own pocket, CCCs right stop sponging, A lot more people in Duckinfield would vote BNP if someone else was standing.

The Shame Of Their Violence.. said...

You really have got it bad, but we are in agreement on the issue of moving from Werneth Avenue.
Just could not risk further violence from my ex-neighbour's, seen here in this video.
The violence was designed to cause maximum levels of fear.
Thats what they did, violence directed at children. And thats what they were convicted for.

The Facts Of Their Wickedness. said...

gone for good said.
I have all the court documents here in relation to the shameful violence at Werneth Avenue.
As you can see, my ex-neighbour's were convicted for putting us all in fear of violence.
They should beg our forgiveness for their violence and thuggery.
These thugs need no excuss, to cause fear in the community.
These individuals are never out of court, they hold down local communites with fear and violence.
So many people suffer at the hands of these kind of people, they are a vile cancer in our communities.
My ex-neighbours are the one's that should hang their heads in shame, for causing so much violence and leaving us with their terrible legacy of violence.

The same of their acts of violence said...

Sorry there! better view of the document here.

It's a legacy of violence from my ex-neighbour's and their camp followers, that has had lasting affects on us.

shame on you said...

you are like a child who always needs to be the focus of attention and will instigate situations to be that way and you are doing it again,I suggested you may like to spend your time, as you seem to have plenty of it,to helping those in most need, cancer research or NSPCC but instead of commenting on these things you revert back to what "LOOK AT WHATS HAPPENED TO ME" you poor sad person, and i dont mean that in a nasty way

Elections 2011 said...

Blah blah blah get a life.

It's not about poor me, it's what violence can do to a family and a community.
It's a standing up to thugs that wreck communities.

Elections 2011 said...

One other thing that comes to mind.
You are probably one of those that moans about yobs, yet no action.

Poor me, nothing to do with the fact.
Coming forward is the fact. Allowing communities to be ruled by thugs should never be an option.

Elections 2011 said...

Already give to breast cancer research.

Already hepled the police and the community.
14 convictions due to my evidence in court.
What have you done other than hide in the shadows posting one here?

Follow The Link said...

On the subject of being the focus of attention.
I think that one has been well established now, don't you?

election 2011 my arse said...

14 convictions eh,on your evidence, dont make me laugh, unless you count yours as one

Elections 2011 said...

Got all the court documents if you want to come round and look at them.

election 2011 my arse said...

All about you again, sad sad man

Elections 2011 said...

I've just invited you to come and look at the court documents, in relation to the 14 convictions due to my evidence.

Helping the police get the convictions against the yobs.

Anonymous said...

election 2011 my arse said...
Look in the mirror and you'll probably find a sad sad person in yourself. No doubt.

two ton ted said...


HA ha HA

Anonymous said...

Well you know what they say.
Small minds, and all that.

Anonymous said...

And if you've actually pissed yourself, then I would suggest you see a doctor.