Judging from the 1pm news bulletin I have just watched you would have to say yes, corruption appears to permeate through the Labour Party at all levels in the Greater Manchester area. Today it is reported that a local Labour MP has admitted to massive fraud by false accounting, another local Labour MP has been stripped on his parliamentary seat for cheating and just a couple of weeks ago a high profile Labour councillor was caught red handed in Dukinfield distributing third party material with the intention of smearing a rival political party.
When a local blogger first brought my attention to the existence of a corrupt local Labour Mafia I was not convinced that it was true. I thought surely if this was the case the police or the media would expose this shadowy group and close it down. This has happened by chance in relation to the crooked MP’s but the scary thing is; Labour Mafia members in Tameside are still going about their corrupt practices virtually unmolested. Not all Labour councillors are corrupt, but for an idea of the ones that might be look at the positions they occupy in the Tameside Supreme Soviet and ask yourself are these the kind of people who have reached these dizzying heights on merit or have they reached positions of influence by not what they know but who they know and the fact they are willing to cross boundaries which others with a conscience may not?
Tameside TaxPayers' Alliance leaflet going out in "targetted areas" this weekend scolding Labour's shambolic track record of wasting taxpayers' money.
Re the local elections next May, will the local electoral authorities be warning all parties about the use of non-independent third party groups to try and reduce the vote of specific opponents. As far as I understand it this is an offence under electoral law. It is particularly prevalent in one ward.
Of course they are corrupt. Any corrupt method is used by the 'Labour Mafia.'
I don`t seem to get anything posted
here, that I place on the H of C They "Work for You" site,which is strange, because it involves thousands of Tamesiders and MP Gwynne.
However on another issue if you want to get free meals at Asian Restaurants then join like Jonathon Reynolds MP the House of Commons TIFFIN CLUB and like Reynolds more than likely fill your gut in Mossley.
Check out the TIFFIN CLUB set up by Keith Vaz MP (also caught out) some years ago.
You forgot to mention Labour's Lord Sheldon who claimed £109,000 in second homes allowance despite the property being owned by his son.
"Check out the TIFFIN CLUB set up by Keith Vaz MP (also caught out) some years ago."
Can't locate much about this but I presume the oleaginous Keith has some kind of deal going with South Asian restaraunters/caterers.
Mr Vaz was caught on audio tape some years ago making IIRC what sounded like rather welcoming noises about the cleansing of non-Indians from an estate in Leicester, an attitude arguably at odds with the ostensible (public) stance of his party but which doesn't seem to have done him much lasting harm.
The crimes highlighted are bad but no less than you would expect from sleazy Labour opportunists. Their greatest crime, the crime they will always be remembered for and hopefuly one day tried for is exposed in todays Daily Mail. Read the article here. It is also worth watching this video which highlights the true extent of their crimes.
Labour's links to the Asian, and particularly Muslim community, are well known. There are block votes in the latter in particular. Combined with the totally insecure postal voting system, whoever 'sews up' the bulk of this vote could win many extra parlaimentary seats/local councillors, especially in certain areas. Mr Woolas' recent demise involved his false allegations about his LibDem opponent Elwyn Watkins, accusing Mr Watkins, amongst other things, of failing to condemn Muslim extremists.
For some parties and individuals seeking office in 'split' wards/constituencies the tightrope walk trying to appeal to both the indigenous and other cultural groups is increasingly precarious. Mr Woolas fell off.
Councillor Taylor's violent overreaction to being asked to repeat alleged swear words has now topped 27000 views. It's running at approximately a thousand hits a week and appears to be accelerating.
I wonder how he'd react to seeing someone with a dog lead over the 'prescribed' length or other such 'serious' offence. Mind you no-one takes a blind bit of notice of this fascistic edict and TMBC have obviously dropped the issue in response to the widespread hostile public reaction.
I've got this photo for my card. The hypocrite that was reported for assault and criminal damage.
Few people reading the national newspapers will realize that it was our own BNP sleazebuster, Michael Barnbrook, who was responsible for the demise of David Chaytor, the former Labour Member of Parliament for Bury North.
Mr Chaytor pleaded 'guilty' at the Old Bailey for three offences of fraud. He will be sentenced next month and had he contested the case and been found guilty he would have faced up to seven years behind bars. By accepting his guilt, any sentence will be reduced by a third.
Although the Daily Telegraph exposed Mr Chaytor, nothing further would have happened unless someone had reported the matter to either the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards or the Metropolitan Police. Although Mr Chaytor reported himself to the Parliamentary Commissioner, Michael Barnbrook was aware that the probable outcome would have been that Mr Chaytor would only have been told to repay the money. For that reason Mr Barnbrook, a former police inspector, wrote to the Metropolitan Police on 16th May 2009 making a criminal allegation against Mr Chaytor.
When will this madness end? For crying out loud the director was looking for the type of individuals that Tolken described in the book.
Imagine the uproar if the tables were turned and Leanardo Di Caprio decided to sue and get the directed sacked for refusing to consider him for a role as Mohamad Ali in a film.
Corruption and Labour go hand in glove. Chaytor and Woolas are the tip of the iceberg with regards to Labour fraud, cheating and lying.
Roger Smythe tells it how it is with regards to Labour's antics in relation to the Islamic community and postal/proxy voting.
As far as the TTPA is concerned, good on them for exposing Labour's disgraceful record for wasting and giving away taxpayers' hard-earned money.
I don't know about institutionally corrupt but they certainly know how to twist the truth.
Big campaign against police cuts, not a voice was heard from Tameside Labour when the then Labour home secretary refused the police pay rise (so much for respecting the police) The reason they have picked the police for their fight against cuts is they know that's the one that will really frighten people.
They are at their best when telling lies and frightening people,
but the gullible public in Tameside fall for it ever time.
Re the previous birds post, Buzzard flew over my vehicle on the M56 today no more than thirty feet up. I see it regularly, Wythenshawe Benchill area.
We did not listen to the voices of wisdom, now we will pay the price.
Is the Pope Catholic?
Perhaps another story to discuss under the link TC?. Wierdo teacher at local primary school.
"Local Pervert Teacher?"
Perhaps this should be a seperate item T.C.? It certainly poses more questions than it answers.
It appears that newspaper cuttings are not allowed inside schools any more, or rather certain ones are not.
I also love the over use of the word "appropriate" / "inappropriate" in the article and comments. This is a popular word with those in authority who use it when someone they don't like does something they don't like BUT IT IS NOT ILLEGAL. They give the word spurious moral authority,
This particular teacher does appear to be a bit odd but in general terms 'moral superiority' is often used as a substitute for reasoned argument by closet fascists. In other words, 'It is immoral to argue with us.' (Translation: because you might prove us wrong).
Out of 532 parliamentary seats in England Labour have 185 and won most of those by 'using'the totally insecure and corrupt postal voting system and grovelling to communities who have no loyalty to, and often hatred for, Britain.
Without the Scots, Welsh (many of whom would vote for anyone wearing a red rosette and who promised to keep pouring money out of English coffers onto them) scroungers, foreigners and wholesale electoral fraud they'd be reduced to less than a hundred seats.
A Labour councillor is to be hauled before the party’s governing body as part of an investigation into complaints about his behaviour.
Coun Andrew Doubleday is due to appear before Labour’s National Executive Committee on Friday.
The Advertiser understands that a total of eight complaints have been received about the Denton South councillor, including a number from fellow party members and one from a member of the public.
That complaint is believed to relate to an incident at a cricket club in the area last year. A woman is understood to have been so offended by the councillor’s behaviour that she reported it to Tameside council and the local branch of the Labour Party, which passed it to the national governing body to investigate.
Coun Doubleday, a councillor since 2000, is an assistant executive member of Tameside council, a joiner by trade and has two children.
He is waiting to learn if he will be re-selected by the local Labour party to stand for his seat in next May's elections.
It is understood at least one of the complaints has been lodged in relation to disputes over that matter.
A spokesman for the North West Labour Party confirmed complaints had been received and that a panel hearing will take place tomorrow.
Coun Doubleday did not respond to calls from the Advertiser. Tameside council said it was a political matter and declined to comment.
Coun Doubleday sits on the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority and the Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London Adjudication Joint Committee.
Don't ever allow the 'Labour Mafia' get away with their corruption and violence.
Just to clarify.
Searchlight's Hope not Hate campaign is officially registered with the electoral commission as a third party organisation.
To be considered as legal, any material they distribute has to be marked as being "promoted by Hope not Hate, Searchlight services" etc, just like all the Labour/Tory leaflets we are all familiar with.
On the other hand, if someone prints something at home, and doesnt declare what organisation it is from, or if the declared organisation isnt a) participating in the election, or b) registered with the electoral commission as a third party actor, then it is indeed illegal.
Why are Labour so nasty and violent?
Re third party law:
What is the legal position on non-independence, i.e if representatives from one party put out the third party's leaflets in an attempt to reduce another party's vote, in other words they were in collusion.
Imagine a million pounds. Now times it by five million, in other words five million million (five trillion) pounds. That's how much Britain owes, including the Private Finance Initiative, public sector pension and all other liabilities (the stuff from the 'other' set of books). Not a word of contrition from Labour just pathetic carping from the sidelines without a single genuine idea (probably because they've got no new personnel in the shadow cabinet, just the same old reckless incompetents and cranks) of their own.
Even ardent Tory haters have got no excuse for supporting the Party that did what Labour did to Britain.
This is the true face of the evil which the Labour represents. While British OAP's die of cold because they cannot afford to heat their homes here is the disgusting traitor Harman has to say: Harriet Harman praises 'hero' immigrants who send welfare handouts home
Oh dear, mad Hattie Harperson's been at it again. That woman is a prime example of why Labour is unfit to rule and why this country endured 13 years of misrule under her party's government.
Harperson is a traitor to this country by condoning immigrants who send taxpayer-funded handouts back to their countries of origin. This practice is immoral, wrong and must be stopped. Hattie is a disgrace and is unfit to hold public office.
Did you hear about the war veteran assaulted and badly beaten by Asians in Fallowfield for wearing his medals from the war? You should listen to this song about a similar incident in Oldham which caused the race riots. The media would not publish details of the attack on the Fallowfield veteran until he approached the BNP. If it was not for the BNP and similar groups the general public would be kept in total darkness about what is happening in the name of enrichment.
Dukinfield, Hyde Newton, Stalybridge Housing Watch:
The Norman pub on Oxford Road's been flattened, guess what will take its place.
The large GTM factory on Caroline Street Stalybridge has been demolished, flats are the best bet for this site.
The Hallbottom Gate pub's been bulldozed, housing.
We already know about the vast former Gallagher's cigarette factory site on Ashton Road, Newton, the preparation work for the 'Cotton Mills' (you couldn't make it up) residential development has begun.
It will be interesting to see the census population number results for Tameside next year.
I wonder why TMBC grant so many applications of this size in what are already extremely overcrowded areas with zero consideration for infrastructure overload or the rights of the existing residents. It's obviously not backhanders as they are all known to be souls of honesty, integrity and straight dealing.
I would beg to differ. I think they are capable of taking backhanders or outright bribes. I have had all kinds of stories about backhanders and the Hattersley Tesco development.
I think Rotten Borough might have been being ironic.
Big companies don't bribe, they 'facilitate'.
"Councillor Bloggs, if you've got any concerns about this retail/residential development perhaps you, your wife and up to twelve family members would like to go on a fact finding mission to our stores/developments in Florida. Stay for a couple of weeks at this five star hotel so you can properly investigate your concerns. Don't worry about 'expenses' we'll take care of all that and 'look after you' ".
Cheers BNBN I see the point you are making. It is indirect corruption.
While I do not agree with the BNP I can see why it is useful to have such an organisation to balance the scales. I feel let down to see that the RAF veteran was attacked on Nov 1st but the media have only started reporting it now after the BNP already exposed it.
Good advise from Keith Chegwin
This man openly incites violence against the BNP candidate in Dukinfield. Also against other members of the BNP.
When he gets it back, he runs off to the media. The local rag should look into this man's methods.
And his statements and letters.
The GTM site may be part of the mega Tesco planned (i.e. bought and paid for/facilitated). Residential development on the old Tesco site could be a big earner for all concerned, and as the vast majority of these low rent spivs who represent us worship the £ sign like a God, any consideration for the existing residents will be pure tokenism.
Re third party campaigning again..
There are no legal restrictions on someone taking part in a third party campaign if they are also involved in campaigning for a political party as well. The restrictions are on the third party organisation itself to abide by the established conventions.
This is what Roy West always gets wrong, and from the sounds of his comments I doubt if hes ever actually read any of the electoral commissions guidance on the matter, or he wouldnt be coming out with some of the absurd remarks Ive heard him make.
The point of third party restrictions is to prevent people from running annonymous smear campaigns with leaflets they could've just printed at home. This is why it has to be registered with the electoral commission, and the materials have to state that they are from that organisation. So if any concerns are raised regarding the actions of the organisation, there is a clear paper trail for the electoral commission to follow.
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