A factory's expansion plans, which would have created 180 jobs, have been halted after the government cancelled an £80m loan.
The previous government pledged the cash to Forgemasters, so the Sheffield company could build parts for nuclear power stations.
Forgemasters said the plans would have created skilled jobs and the news was a "huge disappointment".
The coalition government has been reviewing Labour's spending decisions.
The Forgemasters loan is the largest sum awarded to a single organisation to be cancelled by the new government.
Announcing the loan in March, the former Business Secretary Lord Mandelson said it would make Forgemasters one of two plants in the world able to make large forgings for the nuclear energy industry.
Sheffield Central Labour MP Paul Blomfield said: "Scrapping the loan to Forgemasters is a kick in the teeth not just for Sheffield but for the whole of British manufacturing."
He added: "The Lib Dem and Tory government has cost Sheffield news jobs and growth, and people will remember this for a long time. It's a disastrous day for Sheffield."
The announcement comes a day after a man died following an industrial accident at the Forgemasters site.
A £13m project by regional development agency Yorkshire Forward to develop the former Outokumpu steelworks site in Sheffield has also been cancelled. BBC News
This is of no direct relevance to Tameside but as Paul Blomfield MP says it is a kick in the teeth for the whole of British manufacturing. These are the exact type of skills and industry this country needs to nurture if we are to ever revive our manufacturing industry.
I was saddened to hear this news and it is does not bode well for the future of manufacturing under the new coalition government. Of all the ludicrous and insane schemes Labour wasted money on why did the new government have to pick on this one to axe? This was a long term investment not a waste of money. The insanity of the situation is Sheffield Forgemasters’ will probably go to the wall now. Skilled men will be thrown out of work. The site of the factory will become a retail park with worthless ‘McJobs’ and when we need the parts for the nuclear industry we will end up buying them from an overseas manufacturer for twice the price we could have made them for ourselves. Tameside Citizen
Meanwhile the government has just announced it will spend £89 million on textbooks for Pakistani schoolchildren in the North West Khyber province. This is on top of an announcement that the sacred international aid budget will increase to 0.7% of gross national income by 2013, a total of £13000 million per year. If this doesn't prove the country is run by the insane nothing does.
Spending our money abroad is not an issue for me foreign aid is good for the world.
What we have here is a loan not a grant or a gift its a loan with a 3%payback attached a big chance to increase the skills of many people and be part of much wider scheme.
Just like Thatcher this new Government does not want a big manufacturing base in the North of England.
Sheffield council is run by the Lib/Dems who must be very embarrassed at this decision ,but they have been told to spin it out saying no jobs will be lost, we just don't get the new jobs.
Mr Clegg that may be true but its also a fact that someone else will get these new jobs and not in this country,, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK .
Mr Clegg this is not what people voted for, your party and Labour said you would protect us from the nasty Tories and their savage cuts.
If the business is not a viable concern the state should not have to prop it up. We believe in survival of the fittest and the fittest happen to be based overseas so be it. Socialism is for Labour and the BNP. Thannkfuly the days of the socialists are over.
UKIP, explain how British businesses can compete with Indian, Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Eastern European etc etc etc ones who pay 30p per hour. They're not 'fitter' they just exploit their workforce. Is that what you want for Britain.
Sold down the river, why should foreign aid be ringfenced when every other department apart fron the NHS is going to be cut to the bone?
If British industry cannot compete in the free market it must suffer the consequences. If the nations you mentioned can compete on an international level and British industry cannot - British industry must be laid to rest and allowed to die with dignity. The days of the state wasting taxpayers money propping up non-viable bussinesses is a thing of the past. Well done Mr Cameron, now give us our referndum on the EU and we will wind up our party.
Capitalism Rules, it's impossible to compete if the game is rigged before the start.
Personally I don't care if we have a capitalist system or not. The system should benefit the people and make them better off overall, which capitalism has done for the last 100 years. If it can no longer do that and has instead been transformed into globalised exploitation we should get rid of it.
Come on Lefties. If you think the 'loan' is a safe-bet, then get your hands in your own pockets and back them yourselves. You could invest some of that huge pension-pot you are hoping to receive as soon as you get your early retirement.
Don't fancy it? There is a surprise!
We all know a Labour 'Loan' means 'subsidy' to everyone else. After the money is lent, an overpriced plant will be built over budget and delivered late. It will then need Government orders to keep it busy.
The nuclear plants WILL be built. If there is a business case for Sheffield to build a specialised plant, some entrepreneurial type will put together a case and find the money in the real world. Not in the make-believe world you lot live in.
£80 million for 180 jobs = £444,444 per job created.
No wonder it was cancelled.
"Mad rulers"...what you describe is a bribe. We give cash to the Pathan area of Pakistan where the Taliban currently hold sway in an attempt to ween the kids away from "extremism"
Not quite so mad...it also copies the 19th century "subsudy" policy.
As for the rest of the posts "British jobs for British Workers". If UKIP are happy to see UK workers thrown on the scrapheap because they can't compete with Chinese Prison workers (aka slave labour) or kids paid 10p an hour then that says more about UKIP than I could.
But let us not lose sight of the REAL villains. The International banking cartel who caused the recession, as they always do. for their benefit. Like in 1929 and the 1930's.
Well said Tont. The best post by far.
Too Right said? i think you forgetting about the oil produce,s and the gas workers that these furnace,s run on, and while you at it these fountry,s use forklifts, skid steer, machical shovels, grabs, wagons i could go on all day, have you any idea how many chemicals are used in metal production. Have you any idea how much a spectro lab costs for testing the metal? No cause all you left wingy,s are so narrow minded, this country should invest in as much heavy industry as it can cause it generate,s businesses, there would be at least 100 to 150 different businesses, catering, for the weekly needs of a firm of this size. So now do you calculation again and try about a 1000 to 1500 jobs, and don,t forget these smaller firms that are servicing the needs of the bigger firms also have different company,s servicing there needs its called GENERATING BUSINESS,S which creae,s jobs and also generate,s wealth. No wonder this country is in such a mess with people like you that comment on things you clearly no nothing about and while we at it don,t forget about the team of tax men it would take to audit there books each year, and also the massive amount of tax they would pay in 12 months ? which i gauntee you it would be between 20 and 50 million pounds a year, and at this moment in time the metal markets are booming. If you take the bagging plant or the scrubbers that deal with the admissions to air of dust and dyosine,s there is hundreds of commonance in this kit which all have to be manifactured and serviced and replaced probably 2 or 3 times a year, now do you understand and you can say the same about what happened with our pits its more than just a hole in the ground think outside the box and try and imagine how much equipment and resource,s it takes to make a pit works, the uk goverment is differently wrong not to invest in industry. You only have to look at china to see how well things work when business,s and goverment work together. THE END
P.S Now can you see why the BNP is so much different than the crap thats been running our country for many years cause the majority of the BNP politions can actualy use whats inside there skull, and just incase you don,t know whats in there its called a BRAIN.
Aluman what the fcuk do you know about heavy industry? I am a politician and I repeat if you think this is a good investment invest your own money. The state will not pay to prop up ailing businesses in run down northern towns.
One more thing i,m sick to my back teeth of hearing the words of the left wingy,s Education, Education, Education you should learn on the job, i think they used to call it an aprentiship and it should happen in a work shop not in a college. So think the words we should be hearing is industry, industry, industry.
Industry is for people of limited intelligence like you. The way forward is with services. We have the best service sector in the world. Rejoice at that news.
I clearly no a lot more than you, you dead head what would you rather invest in ? foreginers, queers, lesbians, would that be ok with ok with you ? this country was built by hard working men and women with thiving industry,s until you left wingy toss pots come along shut it all down with your stupid enviromental laws and wait for it paternity pay and the likes HA HA HA and you wonder why this country can,t compete, i suggest you read what i wrote again give yourself a moment to digest it think about it, and then wake the fuck up
ps and i bet its alot more of my money than yours and by the way your pretending your a politian like the rest of them, this is your fucking mess and while we at it what gives you lot the right to sell our electric, gas, water, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,etc, now where,s the fucking money, OUR MONEY?
Conservative, but the State will continue to throw massive amounts of OUR cash into the Third World money furnace.
Servicing industry? Please explain how you can make REAL money with service,s my daughter that is 6 know,s you got to produce something to make money, infact i,m not getting into it with someone with low intelligent,s like you cause anyone with half of brain who reads my post and yours will see that well your not very bright, POOR THING
Get the coal mines open again. There is enough coal under this land to make us energy self-sufficient for about four hundred years. It would also create hundreds of thousands of jobs.
This lot want to keep sending all are waste to china like thay been doing for yaers were thay have no equipment on there furnaces to deal with all the nasties thats produces when you melt metal
its are waste and we should deal with it ourself and not ship it to other countrys and then turn a blind eye well half of china has to wear face mask on the streets cause of all are crap there melting
You got it all wrong with this lot COAL MINES, oh NO NO NO NO NO they like open cast mining, ripping up great big area,s of country side with great big machines, incidently open cast mining is ilegal under British law but what they don,t tell you is a couple of years ago 7 open cast mines where given premission to open in Great Britian, stealing million tons a year off our energy resource,s.
How can this happen i hear you ask because Eurpian law over rules Briish law. (TOSSES)
P.S Not bad for someone that knows nought about every industry ah lads?
stopin company cars how many jobs did that costs ? and all because thay thought us lot was getin something for nought gust like them
thats when the car industry started to struggle ?
how and when you use to get the odd bottle off firms at christmas ? well thay stoped that anall ? firms cant put it donw to tax any more and how many jobs did this cost ? think outside the box ? you konw warehouse men and wagon drivers: bottle manifactures, label produce,s, carton manifactures, forklift truck cmpany,s etc etc etc all these company,s will have to make someone reduntant cause this government don,t like the British population getting something for nothing either tho it generates businesses. (TOSSES)
Is anyone arguing with Aluman? Or is it all in his mind?? 1hr and 10mins posting on-top of himself
Aluman is a school kid of primary age by the look of his writing. He should be called Alukid who debates with himself. He is also wrong. The government is right not to prop unproffitable old industries like steelmaking and coal mining. They should be scrapped and the workers given jobs at TK Max and Blockbuster.
you cant dedate coz you not got the tools to So you start to mock my disability but im glad im dislectic and not thick like you coz at least i can get help to spell and i except that help unlike you ? I tryed to help you to think and you kicked it back in my face so do your self and us a favour and dont try and talk about things you know nought about and by the way im better educated than you ? go on what can you do ? what can you make ? what can you fix apart from elections ? in fact what use are you lot atall ? all you can do is fiddle, lie,sell things that dont belong to you and run are country in to the ground with your mad ideas about how you can make money with services and how bad will you lot go before you realize we need to produce thigs to make money ? we need to trade ? so go on why am i rong ? letes see how bright you are
ps lots of people cant wight like me but dont make the mistake of thinking there thick
I have always viewed dyslexia as I do 'back-pain'. Something which is difficult to detect but which gives wasters an easy life on benefits. You prove it to be different.
your one shit head
now why is what i say rong come on lets see how thick you really are ?
If this Government wants to save billions with no pain its simple,stop paying child benefit the foreigners, stop paying sickness benefits to people abroad who are taking the piss.
Stop paying benefits to the work shy over here, send a message to the world, any asylum seeker or illegal immigrant that you will not get a single penny in help if you sneak into the country.
Tell the thousands of asylum seekers already here that their benefits will stop in one months time because we cant afford to keep you any more.
Review every person on benefits and make them prove they need it, fix housing benefits to a maximum of the average of social landlords rents in the area.
Leave the European Union this week,scrap legal aid its only the real criminals who use it.
This would make all the savings needed and get the country back to work the work shy wont like it,but they have had it all their own way for to long.
yes im havin that and all so send the buggers back and all so stop payin for interpeters
You ignorant morons. Who do you think will be your carers when you are old? Immigrants is the answer. Without immigrants the economy would collapse. We need more immigration not less.
any truth in the rumour west has been arrested for thumping pauline?
Hes done it many times before she kicked him out from Werneth Ave many times.
Yet you always remain in the shadows with these allegations. Oh well just what we have come to expect I suppose.
ONE WORLD SAID ? Its you that the ignorant moron and id send you back with them you self hating prick ? or are you a son off an ignorant ?
who do you lot think you all are to give are britain away with out asking the british people ? and you call us ignorant
The Cultural Marxist/politically correct Frankfurt School & their political stooges in the globalist EU have been successful beyond their wildest dreams in their desire to infiltrate & destroy all Western institutions, creating amongst many other vile , the political ideology of "racism" - a crime of which only whites can be guilty - in order to demonise & marginalise the indigenous people of Europe until Europe will soon be one vast homogeneous multicultural EU Federation while Asian & African nations are allowed to retain their homelands while at the same time they are encouraged to colonise the homelands of Europeans. If indigenous European people protest at this genocide they are immediately demonised as racist. None of this genocide could have been achieved without the active co-operation of the globalist-controlled media & the Lib/Lab/Con one-party-with-three-names nation-wreckers. Witness the douible standard at play in the present World Cup where whites are impossible to spot in every single African team but Africans are prolific in ever single European team. No, the Marxist/globalist agenda of multiculturalism is for the destruction of white-majority nations only.
It's what you voted for when you kept voting for New Labour.
This is just the tiny tip of the iceberg..............
Labour may have flooded the country with third world immigrants and wrecked the economy. They also may have lead us into illegal wars of aggression, promoted homosexuality to five year olds in school and done their best to destroy the union of British nations but they did not sign us up to the Euro like the Conservatives wanted so I will stick with Labour and prepare for the Islamification of Britain which when it comes will bring back moral values and law and order.
has the last poster read anything about politics in the last 15 years? What a dick.
Good news for India, at least, has come in the announcement by the “British” deputy high commissioner in eastern India, Sanjay Wadvani, that the ConDem government has ordered the “streamlining” of UK visa processing for the nearly half a million yearly visa applications.
One wporld, immigrants, particularly those from Africa and the Indian subcontinent bring hordes of often elderly relatives with them as soon as possible, all of whom have contributed nothing. Virtually all these incomers know nothing and care nothing for our ways, customs, history and tradition, in short, what makes us who we are. This, combined with an exponential birth rate, refusal to integrate and often visceral hatred of us is a massive threat to our economic wellbeing and survival as a nation.
Selective, controlled immigration can be beneficial, the current 'method' is potentially disastrous.
The Warsame family, from Somalia, live in a £1.8million six-bedroom house in central London.
Westmindter council pay the £1.600-a-week rent-which amounts to £83.200 a year.
Let me make one thing very clear - 'aluman2000' is NOT a BNP member/supporter; he is a LABOUR member pretending to be BNP.
and ill make it clear that i am. Do you wont my membership number ?
amd whats all this (we) shit on the tv .
its your mess ? we just got to suffer it ?
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