And a video of the garden birds eating a fat ball. Would you believe these small garden birds can devour as many as five fat balls in one day? I am not sure if it is good for their long-term health because eventually they may lose the skills to hunt and become dependent on this junk diet for birds. I have also included a picture of an unusual black moth of butterfly which has rather sinister looking red dots all over it.
Excellent pictures of one of my favourite birds.
Thanks, you should take trip down to the grazing land close to Hyde Hall to see it. In fact there are two in that area and I am sure they have had chicks but the images I took were from too far to make out if they were indeed young buzzards. There is a dead tree close to the M60 where one of them perches which is just above a rabbit warren. I can only get decent pictures when I am alone, when the hound is with me the buzzards just fly away. But even when alone it is difficult to get very close because they have the eyes of a hawk and can detect the slightest movement. The best policy is to wait near the dead tree and keep still and you will surely see one.
If you click on the third image to enlarge it, take a look at its fearsome claws. It is with these that it swoops down onto unsuspecting rabbits and grabs them. The rabbits are not clever creatures because every afternoon they bask in the sun when the buzzard is lurking and eyeing them up as potential dinner.
There was an article in The Sunday Times earlier this year which suggested buzzard numbers are recovering after reaching a point of near extinction after the war.
Your moth looks like a burnet moth.
Great photos TC, keep up the good work!
This video featuring the UKIP leader Lord Pearson may be the most important video you have will watch. Please put five minutes aside to watch it.
Great pictures as usual, and important because they emphasise the vital nature of the Green Belt and all open space in urban areas. This will become increasingly important in the coming years as government and councils try to build on, and deny access to, every bit of land they can. Virtually all caused by Labour's planned immigration tsunami, 2000-2010. TMBC is one of the worst, check out the constant house building, particularly in the last few years. Areas like Newton in particular have experienced a massive increase in addresses. White flight is another major cause, immigration lies behind that too.
The immense increase in security fencing off of school playing fields and common access land etc has very little to do with security and a great amount to do with making future planning applications for housing estates a lot easier.
It's up to local people to get involved in these issues and stay alert as the council has a clear agenda to keep increasing the Borough's population whatever the cost to the quality of life of existing Tamesiders.
Good shout Green. I agree about uncontrolled building which is leading to a chronic shortage of green land in Tameside.
As the scientist who helped eradicate smallpox he certainly know a thing or two about extinction.
And now Professor Frank Fenner, emeritus professor of microbiology at the Australian National University, has predicted that the human race will be extinct within the next 100 years.
He has claimed that the human race will be unable to survive a population explosion and 'unbridled consumption.’
Fenner told The Australian newspaper that 'homo sapiens will become extinct, perhaps within 100 years.'
'A lot of other animals will, too,' he added.
'It's an irreversible situation. I think it's too late. I try not to express that because people are trying to do something, but they keep putting it off.'
Since humans entered an unofficial scientific period known as the Anthropocene - the time since industrialisation - we have had an effect on the planet that rivals any ice age or comet impact, he said.
Free swimming for the over 60s and under 16s is gone,a wonderful Labour initiative to promote healthy life styles at very little cost.
Free travel for the over 60s is now under threat a wonderful Labour imitative to promote public transport at very little cost.
Both the above benefited the lower paid amongst us and cutting them will have no effect on the Rich Tory areas, Clegg and Cameron have learned from Thatcher ,look after your own and stuff the working class.
Clegg was always a closet Tory he would never have had any power under the Liberal Democrats,hes sold them out and is now power mad,when Cameron's got what he wants the man will be ditched.
I look forward to that day a day not to far away the Liberia Democrtas will be seriously damaged and it will take 50 years for them to recover.
if the council think that much of wild life why did you give permission for debdale reservoir and the 2 golf clubs to be wiped out, do you know how much wild life is down there? great crested nute,s being just one of them and what about the history and the old buildings down there, you lot have a judgy to look after paces like that have you not ?
Ex Lib Dem voter, free swimming, free travel, free entry to museums and art galleries etc etc etc were never free, they were subsidised by the taxpayer as was every other piece of idealistic, reckless attempted vote buying largesse brought in by Labour. They were also completely unaffordable and symbolic of Labour's 'increased spending solves everything' approach. The truth is, living within your means, whether individual or nation comes first. The Lib Dems are now in power i.e. the real world.
Running things like transport on a not for profit basis is a good idea, giving it away is idealistic, wasteful nonsense.
Another chancellor loses his nerve the benefit cheats get way with it again,but fair play to him he did say he would reduce the maximum claim for housing benefit it will go down to £400 per week.
£400 per week who the hell do we pay £4000 per week to, and what is the maximum now no wonder these big families don't have anyone working.
Get these lazy sods off the bed and out working sort the doctors out who give the spongers medical notes when there's sod all wrong with them.
Only UKIP have the policies to deal with these people.
I agree UKIP, but it is assessed on a local basis. Ashton residents for example can only claim £398 per month. The £400 per week is for the mad mullahs who live in London that wish for a 5 bed house to stick their 5 wives and 20 kids in.
Can one of the intelligent posters such as UKIP, Tony DJ, Conservative Values, Swingometer or Reimer please explain why the foreign aid budget of £13bn per anum is ring fenced from cuts but everything else can be viewd as fair game? I cannot understand why we give foreign aid to countries like China, India and Malaysia when they have booming economies while we are skint. This is a serious question and I look forward to your answer. It must be so obvious I just cannot figure it out.
Truly baffled, the answer to your question is that many people in the highest positions of power in Britain are mentally unsound. In other words, the 'reason' is that they've lost their reason.
We are governed by the insane.
Dave and Nick have made a good start on getting the welfare scrounger into work, please remember not all claims are fraudulent we do have genuine claims, so we have to get it right.
Labour had 13 years to do something Frank field tried but he was stopped by Brown.
Over the next 5 years this will be tackled, did you see the window cleaner this week said he could not leave the house, claimed over £100,000 in benefits, turns out he owns his own business they caught him up a ladder cleaning windows.
These are the people we need to deal with and the piss artist who can drink day and night at our expense but cant work.
Dave and Nick will call time on these scroungers very soon.
Labour Councillor (North Lincolnshire), David Spooner – Convicted and jailed for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.
Labour Council Leader - Fraud
A former Worcestershire council leader has pleaded guilty to stealing tens of thousands of pounds from a charity.
Labour Councillor (Kirkby, Merseyside) Charlie Preston – Convicted and jailed for 5 years in 1982 for assault and burglary.
Labour Councillor (Pontypridd/Wales), Ken Brookman – Bit off a mans ear in front of his victims wife and 12-year old daughter, following a dispute over a seat on a train. Convicted on 2 counts of unlawful wounding and given a fine and suspended 2-year sentence in 1997.
Labour Government Minister (Pensions), Chris Pond – Convicted, cautioned, and fined for criminal damage in 2005, after attacking a neighbour’s house following a dispute over parking spaces.
Labour Councillor (Wales) Denis Jones – Convicted and jailed for unlawful wounding after attacking a neighbour with a sledgehammer.
Labour Councillor (Farnham/Berkshire), Jogindar Bal - Stripped of his taxi drivers license in 2004 after repeatedly failing to declare his 1999 assault conviction to the taxi licensing authorities.
What chance do we all have with these bent Lib/Lab/Con bastards ruling over us?
A better chance than having all the BNP criminals.
Yet you ignore the list of vile Labour criminals and perverts. Much better to have a Labour Councillors molesting your child hey.?
Don't vote Lib/Lab/Con.
It's one party with three names that is wrecking the nation.
Living in the real world, what are Dave and Nick going to do about unemployment? Four out of every five new jobs that arose under Labour went to cheap, foreign workers. Many of them work harder, for one reason: incentive. Every £1they can save to send home/bank/spend when they get home is worth many times that in their own countries. They'll have to ship a lot of these people out if British unemployment is to go down. Even then £185 net for a full week's work isn't going to encourage high productivity. If capitalism can no longer sustain a fair day's pay for a fair day's work it's time to get rid.
Lib/Lab/Con one-party-with-three-names nation-wreckers. love it.Ed
Nice pictures of the wildlife there. Can you post more for us? We are keen supporters of the natural world.
Sorry to go off topic here guys, but someone from youtube sent me a link to this website here in OZ. I post this video of the recent Muslim gangs attacking white people here in OZ. Have you had much of this yet in the UK?
Excellent points Best system. Henry Ford paid his workers $5 a day in 1908, a massive wage at the time. The plan was to hire, keep and incentivise the best workers. He also brought in the 5 day 40 hour working week. These methods were absolutely revolutionary at the time and the cornerstone of the company's ensuing mega-success.
Modern 'capitalism' is increasingly based on exploitation and greed.
WATER WATER EVERYWHERE but not a drop to drink ? ? ? This is down to your labor fouls again they build all these new houses and not one new resivoirs in fact there closing them down (ie) debdale where they've allowed it to be wiped out to be built on yet more houses
also what they dont tell you is since our water was privited by these cheeky cunts its been sold all over the world for big dosh and it wasnt there water company to sell it was ours
yet again they get voted into run it as a public serves find out that they are to thick to do so they sell it. All of them are crocks
The best solution is to but a water butt and store rainwater.
The best solution is for us to take it back ( and it will happen }coz you cant sell something that dont belong to you coz thats call theft ? if a thief sells a car that dont belong to him it gets return to its rightful owner
our water is on sale in bottles all over the world
did the government give tameside and manchester the money for all are land thay sold in the deal ? what is denton and gorton reservoirs worth ? it was built by the mormens in the 1800 and and payed for out of local taxes
the first was the lower reservoir and that was built to provide the townshit of gorton with water as it started to grow from 200 people in to what it is to day and did the councils get are money back ? did thay ekers like
'Townshit of Gorton', best Freudian slip I've ever come across. That and neighbouring Opendoor, sorry Openshaw, have really benefitted from Labour's immigration 'enrichment' tidal wave.
UKIP has put a comment on Taylor's blog about BNP supporters not supporting England because they've got black players. Yes, I booed loudly when Defoe scored and threw a banana at the telly. Or maybe I cheered like virtually everyone else in the country. Defoe is black British and qualifies by passport, and presumably birth, to play for England. There's absolutely no problem with that but in twenty or thirty years, on current demographics, there will be two or three white players in our national team. Ten or twenty tears after that there will be none. A small number of ethnic minorities in any area/population/team/country is fine but when the indigenous population starts to be outbred and outnumbered at an exponentially growing rate by immigrants of any group, but especially those with very different cultures (because that's exactly what's happening), the essential nature of our nation will eventually be destroyed if something isn't done. Cultures don't make people, people make cultures.
They should have listened then, but now you must pay.
It just proves what we already know: UKIP is in bed with Labour and Searchlight. That nonsensicle story is straight out of the Searchlight false smear manual.
John Cooke (ukip) is Searchlight he's no interest in local elections. He's there to be a spoiler thats all. Advance! true hearts, never giving up, hit them, hit them, hit them.
Yes Enoch, UKIP are spoilers plain and simple.
Taylor's blog has descended to old farts talking about marbles. Even West's ravings were better than that.
Diane Abbott MP - A Racist & Champagne Socialist?
What a primitive life-form. Let's hope she wins the Labour leadership race.
Lets hope she does.
The expression on Michael Portillo's face said it all.
I just watched west running around the grove waving a german flag and celebrating the german world cup victory over england.
Football is not the same, the days of pride and passion lost in time.
Lost, lost, lost. The greatest ever time to run onto the park. Hail!
Osborne says he will cut incapacity benefits, well done George hit them hard most of them are faking it.
Get the cheats into work stop their benefits ,no need to cut any other services this lot have had their fill for years.
truly baffled said...
"Can one of the intelligent posters please explain why the foreign aid budget of £13bn per anum is ring fenced from cuts but everything else can be viewd as fair game?"
I'm as baffled as you as to why this is so and that it seemingly needs no explanation. Has anyone seen/heard ANYONE from the general pop'n in any of the various tame phone-ins/TV spots ask this of the Political Class?
I suspect the explanation has something to do with our masters' way of viewing the world that is at odds with ours, their charges, and is the kind of view they don't explain/share with us for fear we'll be wise to them.
"The Revolution won't happen with guns; rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism."
I think 'truly baffled' wanted a 'reason' why the international aid budget is sacrosanct while British public services are cut to the bone. As I said previously, our rulers and the liberal elite in general are afflicted by a form of insanity called 'idealism' where anything 'nice', or that makes them feel good about themselves, is automatically correct and anything unpleasant, or that makes them feel bad about themselves (such as knowing that Third Worlders are starving) is automatically incorrect. Therefore: Helping starving black children is good, nice and morally right.
And: Underfunding our own services and facilities that will cause siginficant hardship to our own people and undoubtedly result in the deaths and illness of thousands of British pensioners in particular, despite the vast majority of them having worked all their lives and helping to build and maintain this country, must also be good, nice and morally right because less people will die in the Third World if the money is spent there instead.
As I said at the start, they are insane.
"As I said previously, our rulers and the liberal elite in general are afflicted by a form of insanity called 'idealism' where anything 'nice'"
John - you are too kind to them in judging them insane IMO. There is bound to be some vile method in their apparent madness (eg does this 'aid' effectively constitute investment in the rising economies?)
Given that the society these people and those they front for apparently wish to inaugurate looks to me very like the shadow cast by a particular economic model (atomised itinerant individuals acting as self-programming cost-centres under the shadow of the globalised market-state) I suspect the old dictum of "Follow the money" may be relevant.
I was struck by UKIP's earlier dismissal of the viability/desirability of manufacturing in this country. A UKIP rep near me reckons we should opt out of Europe...so we can get closer to the Commonwealth again!
Effing great.
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