The Muslim community in Tameside is being urged to be vigilant and check their home security as they look forward to celebrating the holy month of Ramadan. Last year, prior to and during Ramadan - which begins on 22 August 2009 and can last for up to 30 days - there were a number of burglaries across the borough that targeted Asian households containing valuable jewellery and other items. At this time of year Muslims make regular visits to mosques and, in order to safeguard their valuables at home, householders are being urged to use deadlocks on all external doors and windows and use burglar alarms to help deter possible burglars. The call for people to lock up comes as part of Operation Storm, which is a Forcewide initiative to crack down on burglary. Police are urging residents to take extra care of their jewellery and to store it securely in safety deposit boxes in banks and building societies. If jewellery has to be left in the house then residents should ensure that it is kept out of sight and securely locked up in a safe that is bolted into the brickwork or masonry. Tameside Police Community Relations Officer Shameem Eusuf said: “People often eat at friends and relatives’ homes during Iftari time (opening of the fast during the evening) and should ensure their homes are secure when leaving them. Also, if the property has a burglar alarm make sure that it is switched on when the house is empty or overnight. “Leave lights or a radio on when you are out of the house to give the impression that there is somebody in and take close-up photographs of all your jewellery so that items can be easily identified should they be stolen and recovered.” Cars parked outside religious buildings during prayer times should also be locked and valuable items such as handbags, purses and phones removed or kept out of view. People can register their property free of charge at www.immobilise.com so that if they are lost or stolen and later recovered, they can be returned to their rightful owner.
Some aspects of the Islamic style of justice are quite good. Cutting the hands off thieves is OK but a long prison sentence with no parole, served in a basic workcamp where offenders were made to work for the benefit of the country would be far more productive, and massively reduce the number of immigrants imported as cheap labour picking crops and suchlike. The 'punishment' meted out to the subhumans imprisoned for the death of Baby P will result in them being released in about five years or less. His injuries included; a broken back; eight fractured ribs; his fingernails were pulled out with pliers and his fingertips were sliced off with a craft knife. The punishment should fit the severity of the crime and these animalistic sadists should be executed.
This is what makes Dr Duke makes of it. He raises some interesting points.
Oh like they were warned about "right wing parties" by Tameside Patrollers?
Ashton DA report by a Tameside Patroller admitted that patrollers went to ethnic minorities telling them to vote and they won't have any problems with right wing parties.
Right wing... What like Conservatives or UKIP??? The BNP is on the far left.
The Labour Party will soon be changing its name to the Muslim Subservience Party, (AKA, F**k Britain we'll do anything for a vote Party).
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