Tameside West Neighbourhood Policing Team is helping to raise funds for men and women injured while serving with the armed forces. An event has been organised by officers in Denton to raise money for the Help For Heroes charity on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 August at the Yew Tree Centre on Circular Road, M34 6EY. Members of the public will be able to view a wide variety of military memorabilia provided to the event by a local resident as well as meet serving members of the armed forces. The Fire And Rescue Service will also be present and people will have the opportunity to see a fire engine up close. Entrance to the event costs £2. PC Ian Rowley said: “The idea for the event followed a meeting with a local resident who has an interest in the armed forces. He has a large collection of memorabilia and I thought a fundraiser in aid of injured service personnel would provide the ideal opportunity for him to show it off. “The event also provides us with the chance to talk to people in an informal environment who might not otherwise speak to an officer. The fund-raiser not only supports a good cause but it is just one of the many ways that Tameside North Neighbourhood Policing Team is working with the local community and striving to deliver the Policing Pledge. “We are keen to hear from the residents to ensure our service is focussed on the needs of local communities, addressing the issues that matter most to people in Tameside. Help For Heroes is a registered charity and was launched in 2007 to raise funds for the treatment and rehabilitation of injured service men and women.
What an excellent initiative for a very worthy cause. I will definitely be attending. Tameside Citizen
And me
Labour out in big numbers in Dukinfield today, when we have finished we will also call down for look.
Doing a community video soon in Duki, some residents in this certain area want me to highlight something.
Can't do it today off to the cop shop to look at some mug shots, hearly 4 months after the crime took place.
"Heroes helping heroes" indeed because Labour don't care about them thats for sure.
It is time to end the Labour corruption in Dukinfield. They are vile in the sight of all things decent. The money is more important to the corrupt three. Thats what they live for, greedy and corrupt in nature and methods.....We shall not stop.
The Law for Dukinfield Labour means greed and to intimidate people. John Taylor's political past is violence and intimidation. He and his left-wing mob attacked the police lines in the 70's with bricks. (This is the man) Cllr Brian Wild's love for the bottle is more important than to represent the people of Dukinfield. Open your eyes to the truth, and to see the corruption that now holds this community to ransome. They are available for a price. Taylor/Wild/Lane can't you see that they are corrupt?
You get it highlighted Roy just like you did in Denton see if you can beat coming in a poor third this time.
Dukinfield will be ours this time you will see.
When I first stood for the BNP in Dukinfield, I knew that the evil in my political opponents was very real. They would stop at nothing to hide their corruption from the people. I'll stand my ground and carry on, the cause is right in the sight of God. You must open your eyes to what must be done for freedom and representation. Money is corruption, and the Dukinfield Labour three are so corrupt. A cllr that would make deals with out-siders to cause fear and violence, is surely Un-British. A leading cllr that would use the police for the purpose of political intimidation in the community.
Heroes at Ashton police station let Mark down again, told him to come in two nights on the run now to look at mug shots. When he gets there after work they tell him they can't do it. Big Joke.
True Blue you will not hold back my campaign you can have an army on your side in Duki, but the true Conservative values campaign shall be with me. Your party has long since abandoned true Tory values, you will no doubt defeat Labour in the gerneral election but you will not take Duki in the local election.
Tories nolonger stand for the values of Christ and the family thats all gone. There is no difference between you and corrupt Labour.
You all fail to see the truth, your eyes are closed to the corruption in local and national government.
You fail to see that the police are servants to the corrupt in local government. The police act in a political manner and intimidate. The police do not command the respect of the community any longer. The police are the arm of the politically corrupt. The police hold the policy of the politically correct.
BNP - represent conservative values?! Absurd!
What's conservative about an isolationist foreign policy? what's conservative about a centralised (almost communist) economy? What's conservative about destroying our special relationship with the US?
The BNP are extremely left-wing. In other words, they are socialists/communists in self-denial.
Yet Tom your party leader supports a violent left-wing group (UAF)
My party leader supports a broad coalition of organisations which are fighting against the trivial threat of fascism.
Just because he supports their aims doesn't mean he is hasppy with their actions.
special relationship oh come on. We follow them like sheep into wars and conflicts around the middle east. The USA is heading for racial war. While liberals plot our down fall the white man is being forced into a world minority. Tom your only 18 you know nothing.
Anonymous - i'm 17 actually.
America is the only country in the world which has the guts to put the interests of western democracies at the forefront of their foreign policy. for that, they should be commended. You alluded to their black president - why is that an issue? The only problem with Barack obama is that he's a Democrat.
The BNP have only picked up protest votes in Dukinfield and the fact that we have not campaigned in Dukinfield for some time helped you, now that's over.
We will have a full hard hitting conservative campaign like we had in Duk/Staly with a local popular candidate.
Mrs Lane will be hard to beat but we can do it our campaign will start very soon finance is not a problem and lets not forget Mr West you are now a convicted criminal we will not use this against you ,however we think Labour will.
There will be a strong tidal wave in our favour in May 2010 its odds on now that local elections and National elections will be on the same day, that's in our favour people will want a change.
Read what Tom Hatton says on here its all good common sense hes our future you history.
You will all the time you want to make silly videos, that 99.9%of voters will never see just you and a few bloggers.
Save our hard earned cash you spend on useless campaigns there's still time to save your soul repent and join the conservatives, we will make you born again turn your useless life around for you, we are your only hope join a winning team now.
Dream on True Blue if thats not a Taylor clone. Beat your last two candidates, why don't you put up true blue?
No chance of beating Cllr Lane.
Just remember, Duki is Andrew Gwynne's constituency and his popularity knows no bounds.
The impact of the national swing on Denton and Ashton will be minimal.
Plus Labour are already knocking on doors talking to people, who else can say that?
I can say that, thats what I'm doing in Duki.
Taylor can put out leaflets about me, but I have confidence in the support we have here. Talking to people today shows that the BNP vote will go over the 734 I got last time.
I thought this was about helping heroes?
I shall be making a determined effort to visit (health permitting).
£2 and petrol money well spent.
Why would anyone wish to join the army just for the chance of having bits of your body blown off?
No, I would rather not go to war for bullshit.
The conservatives have decided not to stand a candidate in duki for a number of reasons. Mainly we don't want to spread ourselves too thinly and target our main winnable seats and we thought it would be funny to let labour and the bnp battle it out. Without the bnp vote split between us it should be fun to watch.
Saw stacey out canvassing in denton before. She had her rosette on. Will she now be standing in denton?
Stacey is denying she was out on Election day with Liam driving around Denton behaving like a hooligan, Labour members have given senior Conservative officials undeniable proof.
Several Conservative members have expressed their disgust at her antics on the day her supporters have excused it as exuberance,and a bit of in experience with a little bit of childishness.
What ever the outcome what we witnessed is behaviour that could mean she would never be selected to run for office representing the Conservatives if certain official have their way.
Liam is clearly leading some people astray and is justifying John Bells decision to remove him from the party, looks like others may now follow, we have a leader who will not tolerate fools
Stacey was with Liam in a Blue C2 with Floyd Paterson posters up playing 'eye of the tiger'.
Someone's in trouble...
'Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity'
Thanks anon more evidence for the local Tory investigation team, I know they read this blog each day.
We thought this girl had more sense and we are all disappointed in her.
Yeah but we don't racially abuse our neighbours and beat the shit out of our wives.
Would you like to put your real name to that post? Thought not guttless coward.
Only one t' in gutless!
Duky mafia, no but you sell porn to members of the public, clock cars, try to burn down your school. Thats all above board then John?
Duky Mafia, you must remember that there is also a moral question that my neighbour keeps from the court.
The night before the court case, myself and my wife are in his house.
He makes it clear that there is only one option for me the next morning in court, plead guilty he tells me or the judge will crucify you Roy.
He spent the time telling me how evil the BNP was and that I should leave the party. My neighbour spent the time telling me that the court case was the time to show remorse. He told me what the police thought about the case and what they said I should do. My neighbour told a lie about the flag being on his property, he went off his head about the flag and raged abuse at me thats when I gave it him back. When I was in his house the night before the court case, he told me how people thought I was a 'dickhead' in the area. He knows that he shouted abuse at me in the back garden before I said a word. His partner was not at the house during our argument. He hated to see the flag in the garden so he went off his head about it. I sat in his house that night listening to him tell me how bad I was, and that the BNP were Nazis. He was the judge that night he and his partner. He told me that the blacks in Strangways would throw boiling piss on me. This is what myself and my wife had to listen to in his house.
I see someone is no pretrnding to be me now ha ha you sad bastards
And secondly Stacey has been selected to stand in Waterloo already and wont be de selected
You sad sad obsessed cretin.
I take it your own life it that sad that you have to border line bully a young lady and proberbly to spineless to actually approach any of these people you continue to shit stir about. I suggest you concentrate on your own ward "councillor" or at least go back to the league of gentlemen where you go Andrew
" we have a leader who will not tolerate fools"
Maybe he doesn't tolerate fools but he more than tolerates the Labour party.
On the night of the Euro Count in Ashton Town Hall (that's the Sunday night) he and Cllr Cooney were thick as thieves. He spent more time chatting to Cooney than he did to Cllr Kelly, including being caught in conclave in the bar by our local organiser.
I can't tell the Conservative party how to run itself, but if I or any other party member hob-nobed with the Labour party to the same extent we would be out of the party!
Poor Suzanne Shepherd was thrown out for being in a Labour club, but it appears there is an exception to those rules where Cllr. John Bell is concerned - he has his tongue firmly between Roy Oldham's arse.
William Hague was too young at the time (though he might come again), Ian Duncan Smith, 'Do not underestimate the determination of a quiet man'...ZZZzzzz, was a total disaster who was shunted into the sidings to study 'social inclusion'. Michael Howard was a more traditional Tory who actually appeared to have a few principles. Cameron is a one-eyed Jack, careerist who is focused on one thing, 10 Downing Street. Like Blair he'll do or say anything for a vote, like Blair he'll align himself with any cause or group, no matter how detrimental to Party or nation to get into power. The reason he's a registered supporter of left wing thug groups with a track record of violence and intimidation is simple, he thinks there are votes in it.
Notice how the media are not giving full details on the Mossley race attack. If it was four whites armed with bats who attacked a foreigner it would be wall to wall news coverage but because the victim is a white local lad there is very little coverage and no mention of the racial nature of the attack.
The local media have regular meetings with the government's communities department and Tameside Council to doctor the news for the good of 'community cohesion'. So much for journalistic and governmental integrity.
Roy when you viewed the mug shots of them criminals did you see yourself,I understand you are on page 36.
No but I saw this guy in the perverts section
I think you will have to take some legal action when you see the leaflet we got today about you Mr West it does say published Dukinfield Labour party.
We live on Empire road about four of them in the area just after dinner.
Dukinfield's councillors can't bear any opposition on 'their' parch.
There was a picture of Wild in the M.E.N. with the great grandson of the founder of Mackintosh sweets. Apparently his ancestor lived in the area for a few months after he was born in the 1860's. Fascinating, relevant and time well spent by our councillors. The objective was achieved, a photo of this enthralling event in the paper, you scratch my back... . No wonder the Guardian Media Group's circulation has dropped so much.
Look forward to seeing it Empire Road resident. These people are corrupt in nature and methods. The 734 votes last year is just the start, the victory will be in 2010 for me. This is the plan in the coming months for my campaign in Dukinfield. Making myself available to talk to folk, new hard hitting leaflets. The Labour party are very worried thats the way I like it.
The good folk of Duki will see what corrupt Labour are doing.
Yes all that good publicity and more on the way, how much have you had recently (good publicity I mean).
I am going to put out a leaflet in Duki about Labour child molesters.
can you trust Labour to protect your children.
Check out this website
Lets have some light hearted fun for a change, some get a bit serious on here.
Can you suggest what group many of the characters could be in that appear on this blog.
Example -- John Bell- Wet Wet Wet. Roy West-Simple minds.
Simple minds would be a good one for you daft twat
I think Anonymous illustates Top of the Pops' point perfectly
The BNP could be The Average White Band.
Liam Billington - 4 puffs and a piano
Last week the U.S. “stood down” in Iraq, finalizing the pullout of 140,000 troops from Iraqi cities and towns — the first step on the long path home. After more than six years, most Americans are war-weary, even though a smaller percentage of us have been involved in the actual fighting than in any major conflict in U.S. history.
But not so fast. The conflict that began in 2003 is far from over for us, and the next chapter — confronting a Taliban that reasserted itself in Afghanistan while the U.S. was sidetracked in Iraq — will be expensive and bloody. The death toll for U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan reached 5,000 in June. An additional 80,000 Americans have been wounded or injured since the war in Iraq began. More than 300,000 of our troops have required medical treatment, and Army statistics show that more than 17 percent of our returning soldiers suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Meanwhile, in Iraq, even though most of the population has long told pollsters they can’t wait for U.S. forces to leave, U.S. officials have said we are likely to station 50,000 troops at military bases in the country for the foreseeable future. This is because the situation in Iraq is highly precarious.
Moreover, the U.S. barely has begun to face the enormous financial bill for the war. By our accounting, the U.S. has already spent $1 trillion on operations and related defense spending, with more to come — and it will cost perhaps $2 trillion more to repay the war debt, replenish military equipment and provide care and treatment for U.S. veterans back home. Many of the wounded will require indefinite care for brain and spinal injuries. Disability payments are ramping up and will grow higher for decades. The stress of extended, multiple tours to Iraq means that a whole generation of U.S. military men and women may now be suffering from long-term mental health issues. The suicide rate in the Army is at its highest level since record-keeping began.
This wartime spending undoubtedly has been a major contributor to our present economic collapse. The U.S. has waged an expensive war as if it required little or no economic sacrifice, funding the conflict by massive borrowing. As we’ve observed in the past, you can’t spend $3 trillion on a reckless foreign war and not feel the pain at home.
Burned by the difficulties in Iraq, our political leaders have no illusions about the length and difficulty of the challenge facing us in Afghanistan. But in other respects we seem set to repeat the same mistakes that we made in Iraq. The president has just signed yet another “emergency” supplemental appropriations measure ($80 billion) to fund continuing operations in Iraq and expansion into Afghanistan. This means that for the 30th time since 2001, war spending has been rushed through the budget process without serious scrutiny.
Obstacles continue to beset returning veterans too. Despite an increase in the Department of Veterans Affairs budget, the backlog of disability claims has reached its highest level.
Early this year, President Barack Obama committed 20,000 troops to a “surge” in Afghanistan. That, combined with a large, ongoing presence in Iraq and continued reliance on private contractors for virtually every aspect of military support, remains a recipe for staggering out-of-control expenditures. Surely we can draw some lessons from the Iraq debacle and set aside money to care for our veterans, crack down on fraud and profiteering, and account for the true costs of the war in the budget so the American taxpayer can see what we are paying for.
The High Priests of War
by Michael Collins Piper.
The only book in print exposing the entire secret history of how America’s “Neo-Conservative” Trotskyites—a clique of fanatic pro-Israel intriguers - came to power and orchestrated the war against Iraq. The book that blows the lid off the real origins of America’s disaster in Iraq, exposing who really started the Iraq war—and why.
Liam Billington and John Kelly as Electric 6
No, the Tameside Tory puffs are big fans of 'cream'.
This blog will soon be deleted - hoorah!
Black Rape Within Inner Cities in UK
Ros Gauci, Tamesides wandering candidate could sing with the Drifters.
That could also go for John Cooke (UKIP) He can't be bothered to turn up to the count!
UKIP would be THE WHO
We saw Mr West chase a member of his family down Glenmore Grove with a hammer in his hand,many on the grove were terrified,Maybe he could sing with Madness
Black rape, the tip of the iceberg. The Police and authorities deliberately play down this problem and any others remotely like it as the priority isn't catching criminals, it isn't punishment, it isn't protecting the law abiding, it's 'community cohesion'. If that means drug dealing, rape, mugging and street violence go through the roof, tough.
The Police are riddled with lunatics who worship at the altar of political correctness or careerists who see this insanity as a means of promotion, which explains why the Association of Chief Police Officers are the worst of all.
South Yorkshire Police recently sent three women officers out dressed in a full burkha for a day to 'experience life as a Muslim woman', Warwickshire Police held an open day for gypsies costing the taxpayer £2000. The Metropolitan Police employed convicted murderer Winston Silcott, who was also convicted and then freed on appeal of decapitating PC Keith Blakelock in the Broadwater Farm riots, as a youth worker. He has since been convicted of shoplifting.
The Police's focus on easy or PC targets and their chronic politcisation have alienated them from the law abiding decent majority, who in ever increasing numbers have lost respect for a once admired institution.
Liam and John-- AC/DC
Roy West -- Bad Company
Tameside Labour--Manic Street Preachers.
Mr West with a hammer. Has he joined UAF?
No not joined the UAF just saying goodbye to his son in law who he had fallen out with.
Its normal for Westy to act in this way when he cant have his own way, what a good councillor he would make just what we need in out town hall.
Can you imagine him with his hammer after he lost his vote in council.
Bad day
Does West fight with weapons?
Don't fight, never liked it.
Check out my channel. I can send a video to 40,000 people.
I was talking to a businessman in Dukinfield the other day, he asked me a question about the violence at Werneth Avenue. He ask me, was one of the thugs called 'soupy' nicknam for Micheal Campbell? f*** sake he replied he ran into a pub with a knife and stabbed someone in the arm about 12 times. Yes thats the nice person that cause so much violence on Werneth Avenue.
Duki Lad.
When I lived at 7 Werneth Avenue, I lived two doors from two thugs at 11 Werneth Avenue. Every night they came to my house to smash my windows. They were finally convicted at Manchester Crown Court 4 years after they started their campaign of violence against my family. I cannot understand how someone like Michael Campbell, who has a history of going around stabbing people in pubs can force my family out of our home. His brother keith Campbell also convicted for violence against my family. These people went to see John Taylor but failed to tell him about their violence on Werneth Avenue.
Duki lad a question for you here;
What action would you have taken against a thug attacking your home, that has a history of stabbing people? Also remember that he is a drug addict.
Michael Campbell came to my house with a metal bar smashing my window.
This is the type of person that would stab you in the street and leave you for dead. I have seen his violence on Werneth Avenue along with his brother Keith Campbell. Here's another question for you Duki kid; if you saw a thug trying to smash the windows at Hyde hospital would you do nothing? We came forward and suffered 4 years of violence from 11 Werneth Avenue.
A terrifying account of the Muslim takeover of Europe in today’s Daily Telegraph . this is not BNP propaganda this is true fact. When the fcuck will people wake up to this nightmare. Do you lot really want Islam to become the dominate force in Europe? Do you know what that would mean? Do you want to see the arbitrary stoning to death of women for adultery, would you like to see young men executed just because their sexual preferences are frowned upon by so called holy men? This is not a distant nightmare this is real and this is now. The enemy is at the gate just as they were in 1683 but this time there will be no King Sobieski to save us. We must act now. Please lobby your MP’s to stop the Islamic takeover of Europe.
During my never ending giving evidence against thugs from 11 Werneth Avenue, I gave evidence against Danny Sayers. He used to terrorise a woman with cancer on Backbower Lane. In the end he was given a 3 year ASBO. My question Duki kid, what would you have done?
Islamification is the danger. Britian needs to wake up in the end.
The Liberals will be the first to be thrown of the mountain along with the homosexuals.
Watch this video, Muslim gangs in London. Sad that London as become a foreign waste land.
The Brits only have themselves to be blame
Duki Lad I'm really interested to know what your reaction would have been, to someone with a history of stabbing people coming to attack your house?
We have it on the record that he tried to scalp one of the young lads from Werneth. He is a very violent and dangerous man.
Thats not the question File holder.
The question is: what action do you take to protect you family from a thug that has a history of stabbing people. How can someone that has already been to jail for stabbing someone, start a campaign of violence in the community?
Study tactics.
Track your enemy, learn their habits.
Buy a cheap outfit (shirt trousers etc) from a charity shop.
Then pounce.
Dont pose, justify yourself, apply some chav code-of-honour. Do it.
Destroy the clothes
If they are that unpopular the authorities will have tpp long a list to go at
Imogen Makin asaulted my wife twice on Werneth Avenue, one time she kicked my wife in the head and knocked her teeth out. For this crime she only got 100 court costs.
Her boyfriend Carl Hyde was sent to jail for six months for smashing my windows, he was also sent down for attacking a man in the street in Ashton. The police were not there to protect my family, but just watch a campaign of violence directed against us.
They ask me to come forward to give evidence then just watch a violent drug addict Michael Campbell smash my windows. I had young children in the house while a thug called Michael Skeer threw house bricks through my living room window. All this violence is thanks to my ex-neighbour at 11 Werneth Avenue Keith Roebuck. He used to stand in the street on Werneth watching me clean up the glass after his two sons had smashed my windows. They only escaped going to jail for 5 years because they pleaded guilty to the 4 year campaign of violence.
The plan for my family now is, to get Cllr John Taylor in a public situation where lots of people are.
And ask him the question 'why do you want to associate with these people' We know that Taylor has met the thug that directed the violence with the letter he sent me shows. It's ok for the police to want folk to come forward and give evidence, but to then abandon them to revenge attacks is not good.
Support The Freedom-Fighters of Palestine.
Looks like you have sent Mr West off on one again Mr Taylor,why do you fall for it Mr West just ignore him and all the others.
Hook line and sinker not fallen for anything it seems that you are hoping for that to be the case, how am I falling for something by posting facts about the violence against my family? After next week will see a new BNP campaign in Dukinfield.
Leading upto 2010 there will a constant leaflet campaign. I have a new shipment of leaflets, newspapers, coming next week.
Yes Mr West we have seen these leaflets, most oganisations bin their old ones and get new ones designed,the BNP send their old ones to you for local delivery and their new ones go to other areas.
Your leaflets in Denton were at best dreadful take a look at what Labour did each week and learn how to do it.
You cant get away from that the fact that you pleaded guilty to a criminal act, your opponents will hit you with this, so go on the offensive now, bin the crap the BNP off load on you and do some local stuff in with quality leaflets.
When you see the latest Labour leaflets in Dukinfield you will see what I mean, in most areas they are canvassing with them.
We will be out with ours soon we intend to beat them fair and square but we hope you can take lots of votes off them so get smarter.
Oh yes I'll raise my game, quality leaflets to build on the 734 votes last time round. Local issues all the way down the line. Most Labour leaflets end up in the bin.
Seems you are a Tory? Fair and square indeed. Taylor sent the police to my house on election day about my name not being Roy West. Last election it was about intimidation with Taylor/Wild. Two residents told me, that the police had knocked on their door and ask them to take down my election poster. (Fair and square)
Change the record Roy. We all know John Taylor is a corrupt, evil little wanker but we're all a bit tired of listening to the same old stories. WE KNOW WHAT HE DID! Jusrt pack it in for crying out loud, you're boring us all to tears. Why give Taylor the satisfaction of knowing he's getting to you? Just shrug it off and let him thing you don't care hat he does. It's a matter of time before he gets a shot of karma so just forget it.
Taylor and Wild are in the Astley right now saw them outside, great Sunday pub dinner,and nice beer looks like you have them on the run Roy.
We know Wildy's a piss head so what.
Occupation oppression, the suffering in Palestinian areas is massively heightened by systematic and deliberate overbreeding.
With rats and cockroaches it's instinctive, with Muslims it's planned.
No mate it's Zionist terror boming of the area
Sorry 'Zionist terror bombing'
Unless the Iranians stop their nuclear programme the Israelis WILL destroy it. Whatever your opinion of Israel, surrounded by Islamic states that want to destroy it, if you lived there you'd advocate such a strike which is compatible with the extremely successful, aggressive defensive measures they have employed for the last sixty years. Don't let a bit of justified criticism of some Jewish behaviour blind you to the REAL threat of Islamic expansionism.
When the strike comes we'll find out what Mr Obama is made of. Prior to his election he had a political career which consisted of no achievement whatsoever and was elected as the 'moral' candidate. Such complete bullshit may well be found out in a real crisis.
Meir Kahane and the Jewish Defense League
The most zealous non-governmental Zionist terrorist organization has been the Jewish Defense League. Its activists have been involved in a wide range of crimes, and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has repeatedly cited it as a criminal terrorist group.
The Jewish Defense League was founded in 1968 by Rabbi Meir Kahane. Born Martin David Kahane in 1932 in Brooklyn, New York, he was the first-born son of an orthodox rabbi who was active in the "revisionist" movement of Zionist hard-liner Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky and other leaders of his movement were guests at the Kahane household while Martin (Meir) was a boy. As a youth, Kahane became an active member of the Jewish-supremacist Betar movement, which Jabotinsky had founded in 1925. Kahane's first arrest came in 1947, when he was fifteen, for leading a group of Betar youth in an attack against visiting British foreign minister Ernest Bevin. (note 1)
Two of Jabotinsky's most fervent followers went on to gain notoriety as leaders of Zionist terror groups, and, later, as prime ministers of Israel: Menachem Begin, who once headed the Irgun group, and Yitzhak Shamir, who headed the Lehi group (Stern gang). Shamir, for example, played a crucial role in the Lehi murder in November 1944 of British Middle East envoy Lord Moyne, and in the September 1948 assassination of Swedish United Nations peace mediator Count Folke-Bernadotte
Following are just a few of the many massacres committed by Jewish-Zionist terrorists, notably by the Zionist Hagana, Irgun and Stern Gang groups.
Don't expect any Hollywood films highlighting any of these massacres:
1. King David Hotel, July 22, 1946.
2. Sharafat, Feb. 7, 1951.
3. Deir Yassin, April 10, 1948.
4. Falameh, April 2, 1951.
5. Naseruddine, April 14, 1948.
6. Quibya, Oct. 14, 1953.
7. Carmel, April 20, 1948.
8. Nahalin, March, 28, 1954.
9. Al-Qabu, May 1, 1948.
10. Gaza, Feb. 28, 1955.
11. Beit Kiras, May 3, 1948.
12. Khan Yunis, May 31, 1955.
13. Beitkhoury, May 5, 1948.
14. Khan Yunis Again, Aug. 31, 1955
15. Az-Zaytoun, May 6, 1948.
16. Tiberia, Dec. 11, 1955.
17. Wadi Araba, May 13, 1950.
18. As-Sabha, Nov. 2, 1955.
19. Gaza Again, April 5, 1956.
20. Houssan, Sept. 25, 1956.
21. Rafa, Aug. 16, 1956.
22. Qalqilyah, Oct. 10, 1956.
23. Ar-Rahwa, Sept. 12, 1956.
24. Kahr Kassem, Oct. 29, 1956.
25. Gharandal, Sept. 13, 1956.
26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956.
26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956.
July 2, 1946: The King David Hotel in Jerusalem was bombed, killing 91 people.
Menachem Begin, who was later awarded the Nobel Prize for peace, is the same man who planned the destruction of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin. Ex prime minister, Shamir, was originally a member of the Jewish terrorist gang called Irgun, which was headed by none other than Menachem Begin. Shamir later moved over to the even more radical "Stern Gang," which committed many vicious atrocities.
Shamir himself has defended the various assassinations committed by the Irgun and Stern gangs on the grounds that "it was the only way we could operate, because we were so small. So it was more efficient and more moral to go for selected targets." The selected moral targets in those early days of the founding of the state of Israel included bombing of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin.
Expulsions of Jews from host districts, cities and countries:
554, Diocese of Clement (France)
561, Diocese of Uzes (France)
612, Visigoth Spain
642, Visigoth Empire
855, Italy
876, Sens
1012, Mainz
1181, France
1290, England
1306, France
1348, Switzerland
1349, Heilbronn (Germany)
1349, Hungary
1388, Strasbourg
1394, Germany
1394, France
1422, Austria
1424, Fribourg & Zurich
1426, Cologne
1432, Savory
1438, Mainz
1439, Augsburg
1446, Bavaria
1453, Franconia
1453, Breslau
1454, Wurzburg
1485, Vincenza (Italy)
1492, Spain
1495, Lithuania
1497, Portugal
1499, Germany
1514, Strasbourg
1519, Regensburg
1540, Naples
1542, Bohemia
1550, Genoa
1551, Bavaria
1555, Pesaro
1559, Austria
1561, Prague
1567, Wurzburg, Genoese Republic
1569, Papal States
1571, Brandenburg
1582, Netherlands
1593, Brandenburg, Austria
1597, Cremona, Pavia & Lodi
1614, Frankfurt
1615, Worms
1619, Kiev
1649, Ukraine
1654, Little Russia (Ukraine)
1656, Lithuania
1669, Oran (North Africa)
1670, Vienna
1712, Sandomir
1727, Russia
1738, Wuerttemburg
1740, Little Russia (Ukraine)
1744, Bohemia
1744, Livonia
1745, Moravia
1753, Kovad (Lithuania)
1761, Bordeaux
1772, Jews deported to the Pale of Settlement (Russia)
1775, Warsaw
1789, Alsace
1804, Russian villages
1808, Russian villages and countrysides
1815, Lubeck & Bremen
1815, Franconia, Swabia & Bavaria
1820, Bremes
1843, Russian border with Austria & Prussia
1862, Tennessee (USA), by military order of General Grant
1866, Galatz, Romania
1919, Bavaria (foreign born Jews)
1938-45, Axis-Nazi controlled lands
1948, Arab countries.
Follow the blue link to read the full article
That list of shame just shows why anti-semitism must be crushed. The Jews have been persecuted for millenia just because of their religion.
It's part prejudice and part prejudice inspired by self-imposed separatism.
I recommend you read;
Jewish Supremacism by David Duke
One of the most important books of the 21st century.
Go to Amazon.
Liam was it you who informed us about the far right Nazi connections the scum who killed baby P had?
News agencies are reporting lots of Nazi material in the home of the scum who killed baby P.
Well we don't have to look far to see Labour involvement with child porn. Disgrace!
Bet he was a BNP member searchlight will out him if he was.
The BNP don't take democracy haters or 'Nazis' of any kind, which is why you couldn't join.
Today's new word is V O T E, you can look it up in the dictionary.
Maybe this Labour beast has done some work for UAF/Searchlight?
Regional Tory Party have called for an investigation into the Tameside groups performance at elections, certain members are to be investigated Lady Knighton and co are to be investigated.
And again bollocks
They should be investigating Roy Oldham's pocket, that's where John Bell lives.
Don't be fooled its not bollocks, some members are deep in it now and some are very happy about it.
It is bollocks so stop talking it
Complete and utter rubbish. You people make me laugh. Some of the tripe written on here is hysterical.
"Inside information"? Don't you mean inside your imagination!
Some of the comments on here are of great entertainment value. Keep them coming!
LABOUR LATEST: Roy Oldham is stepping down next year. New candidate, Claire Reynolds, has reportedly been selected for Longdendale.
Lady Knighton of Audenshaw told party members that she did not want to be the candidate in Denton N.E. because there were far to many rough areas for her to involved in.
Hyde Werneth or Staly south would be her ideal ward more in her class she said.
Claire and Jonny Reynolds are out of the country and Labour have been so busy winning the by-election they haven't had time for selections!!!!!
Roy's back to his best and he's got a few more years in him yet.
Looking forward to next May. Tories can't compete.
In both the Newton and Denton by-elections the Tories were saying how things were different this time and the electorate were fed up. Wrong both times.
Labour's already working for next year and they have excellent voter i.d. returns alredy.
HELLO: It's called talking to voters!
well done inside info you have now completed your hatrick of talking bollocks you get to keep the match ball and go home you sad bastard
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Sad eh, well lets hear your explanation of the Denton disaster and the real reason behind the infighting,
No candidate selected until the last minute, Liam Billington an expelled member running a separate campaign with Lady Knighton.
Remember her ladyships words to the people of Audenshaw will she say the same to people of Ashton you cant beat loyalty.
Stacey was upset to not have been selected for Audenshaw. She got over 1000 votes, the most the Tories have had for many years. Plus, it was the first time the BNP put up a candidate there so they would have split the Tory votes too. Stacey ran a brilliant campaign in Audenshaw but the Denton old folks brigade don't like hard working, enthusiatic people around them because it makes them look even more lazy than they already are. Stacey has had a difficult time in the Tories locally but she still battles on. That girl deserves a bloody medal. If Tameside Tories had more members like Stacey then we wouldn't have such terrible results in Tameside.
Very true. Lady knighton is wasted in Ashton but there you go.
Councillor David Seeton shows the way, David took swift action when he saw a local police officer struggling with a local 6 ft thief in his ward.
David weighed in with rugby tackle and helped restrain the huge brute,slightly blooded and suffering from some side effects from the officers CS Gas spray David continued on his way once the brute was detained to attend to a constituents problem.
There are reports that some adults nearby stood by and did nothing to help.
Councillor David Seeton shows the way, David took swift action when he saw a local police officer struggling with a local 6 ft thief in his ward.
David weighed in with rugby tackle and helped restrain the huge brute,slightly blooded and suffering from some side effects from the officers CS Gas spray David continued on his way once the brute was detained to attend to a constituents problem.
There are reports that some adults nearby stood by and did nothing to help.
Well done councillor Sweeton. What a shame under Labour's judicial system, if by some miracle he does get sent down, he'll be out in a few weeks to do it again, and again and again until a system based on PUNISHMENT is introduced.
None of the main Parties will do this so under them the situation will continue to deteriorate.
Theft should be punished with a MANDATORY (i.e. Keep the judges out of it) 5 years imprisonment, burglary with 10, burglary with violence or a weapon 20 and robbery 25, all time served in spartan conditions, murderers should be hanged. Measures such as this would massively reduce crime making the streets safe for everyone 24/7.
Well done Cllr Sweeton that's my vote in the bag next time your up just what we need.
susanne shepherd was thrown out cos she was a stupid self opinionated stuck up piece of shit OH and she upset doreen!!!!!!!
oh and i thought david was one of us HOW BUTCH.or was it staged for publicity like when the mayoral car was booked outside the library
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