BAE Systems has named Tameside engineering company Hyde Aero Products as a supplier to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter project. The Dukinfield-based company is among four North West companies which will share a contract worth more than £250m over the next ten years. The F35 is a single-engine fighter-bomber and includes a naval variant which is expected to go into service on the Royal Navy’s planned next generation of aircraft carriers. It is designed and built by Lockheed Martin with Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems.
Good News
I agree. Speaking of military aircraft what a shame we only have 16 helicopters in Afghanistan. An equivalent American force would have 100.
good news for a local company,i wonder if they could give a few quid to save the hyde united fund.
Tameside Council want the land for MORE housing and thereby MORE Council Tax.
Speaking of immigration (which we weren't) there's an interesting article on Liberia and its former leader, the sub human savage Charles Taylor in the Daily Mail today. These are the sort of countries which are trying to flood Europe with their massive population surpluses. Labour's response is the usual; do nothing; gross incompetence; put their head in the sand and pretend it's not happening or lies and abuse directed at anyone who wants to solve the problem.
This is an interesting item.
Not least because it proves that the Aircraft carrier is being built and not cancelled.
Aircraft carriers are NOT defensive weapons. they are used to project a country's foreign policy abroad. That is to say they appear off the coast of a country and dominate that country. Who are we planning to dominate?
A clue lies in the fact that this fighter-bomber will be single seat, ie no observer (who's job is ECM (electronic counter measures)) This means it is designed not for large scale raids but for small scale raids such as COIN (counter insurgency) or Special Ops where the low need for ECM means that the pilot will be able to cope alone.
So, who are we looking at?
This aircraft may be used in counter insurgency as you say but by far and away the most significant airstrikes of the near future will be the Israeli destruction of Iran's nuclear facilities with their F15 and F16 fighter jets. That is assuming the Iranian regime doesn't suddenly develop a severe outbreak of sanity, a highly unlikely occurence.
T & S, you will one day wake up and discover Iran is not the 'baddy'. There is one state in the Middle East which thrives on extortion and state terrorism - and it isn't a Muslim country. This 'shitty' little country is responsible for more conflict and heartbreak than any other country since WWII.
I didn't say aynone was the 'baddy'. I was simply stating what I believe will happen. The 'shitty little' country you mention is Israel I presume. I'm not too keen on some of the things they do but Iran is run by medieval religious lunatics and as there are only two sides in a war I would support Israel.
Ex-Postie and this weeks Home Secretary Alan Johnson stated to the Home Affairs Select Committee, 'I do not lie awake at night worrying about a population of 70 million (or presumably 80 or 90 million). I am happy to live in a multicultural society'. This man has about as much understanding of demographics as a donkey has of advanced calculus.
Good job with the Borough's rocketing unemployment rate.
So Tory rift is real if body language at last night's Denton District Assembly is anything to go by. Joan Howarth and Floyd Paterson sitting on the back row together, with strumpy Stacey, fat Gaz and John Kelly like eager schoolkids on the front row. It's like watching two separate parties operating! Pathetic.
She needed her Ashton bodyguards to protect her apparently because things have got so sour!
You wish there was a split. Joan and Floyd sat at the back because they had to leave early and meet the rest of the Conservatives for a massive leaflet drop in Denton North East. As you were so keen on watching us, you will have noticed that we were all laughing and joking with one another. Also Stacey and Gareth were telling Floyd about the positive response they had from residents when canvassing for Floyd yesterday afternoon. You wish there was a split because you are all very worried you will lose.
I think the highlight of the night was when Brenda Warrington got all worked up. Stacey Informed Brenda Warrington and Dawson Lane about the problems of teenagers drinking at the end of her street in gangs. Brenda Warrington and Dawson Lane told Stacey that this was not true. Stacey explained that this was the case as she lives at the end of the street where they hang around. Brenda and Dawson proved to be completely rude, and totally ignorant to the real issues in their own ward. Dawson Land and Brenda Warrington don't even live in Denton West so maybe that's why they are (and shown themselves to be) completely clueless. It's utterly disgracefull how the Local Labour Councillors let down our future generations though ignorance and unwillingness to listen. The Denton Councillors looked foolish and rude. They obviously don't know how to handle opposition. More to the point, I was astonished at how out of touch they are with their own ward. The sooner they go the better. It's time for change, it's time for the Conservatives.
Yes, I saw that. Coucillor Warrington nearly choked on her water at the first sign of opposition. They don't like it one bit. They don't know how to debate and that's why they resort to name calling - childish and not intelligent whatsoever. As the Labour don't know how to debate politically, maybe they are not fit for politics. For many years, the Labour Councillor in Denton have had an easy ride with real opposition. Denton shoud be a will be a Tory region and it will be. After years of dictatorship locally, they are now running scared from the Consevatives and their strong fight. It won't end here, we will keep fighting until we get rid of all the useless Labour Councillors.
Dream on... Stacey needed an Ashton Councillor to mother her. If she's so confident that she knows what's best for Denton West then why isn't she standing? Oh she's not even standing in her own town is she - NO she's in exile in Ashton!
Grow up, get a spine and stand in Denton West. Oh you can't Stacey - why? because Joan Howarth is standing in the way.
As for canvassing... just who are you speaking to? Either preaching to the converted or wasting time with those who NEVER vote I guess... but keep on at it, your defeat will be all the more sweeter love!
Stacey ususally attends the DAs on her own. I think you're being ageist, but as I said before, the Labour Councilors are totally out of touch. Good luck in the Denton North East by-election, you're going to need it. We have an excellent candidate in Floyd and he will make an excellent Councillor. Something very much needed in Denton.
Stacey hasn't been to a Denton DA since she was ejected from Audenshaw. She turned up last night with protection. Sad really.
Stacey is wasted in Waterloo. But that's politics!
Yes well if you had to put up with the abuse and spitefulness we have had to put up with then you would understand. Even now there is a massive battle to take control of our conservative association. Stacey and her cronies have caused enough trouble without them stealing the show at Denton DA. It should have been left to our candidate to question the useless labour councillors but she can't help herself. She sits there pontificating with that pair from Ashton like they bloody well run the show and then wonder why we are angry. Just wait til the byelection is over then you will really see what we do to those who have damaged our happy party. CCHQ won't be able to stop this now.
Why have almost all the comments on this website been about Stacey and not the District Assembly or other political issues. It appears to me, as an outsider, that these so called politicians are more interested in Stacey than they are there own constituents. Threatening remarks and rudeness toward Stacey seem to be prevalent. I feel that this is disgraceful behaviour. What these people don't realise is that they can be tracked and have been. Leave Stacey to get on with what she does best - politics and keep your jealous, bitter remarks to yourself!
So which part of Stacey's gang are you anonymous or is it Stacey herself? Put it this way, I am a very good friend of Joan and Georgina ok. Your threatening manner is typical of what we have had to put up with. Well no more. Last night's DA was the last straw for us.
So, Mr Mincemeat. What you are trying to say is that only candidates are allowed to ask a question? That Stacey is not allowed to aks her local Councillors a question or bring up important issues in her local area? Is that why you don't make DA venues public knowlege? Do you dislike residents attending DAs just incase they ask a question? That's Tameside Democracy for you! Go back to your Labour ranks and tell them Stacey will ask questions if she wishes. You and the rest of the Labour Councillors will just have to learn how to answer them.
You have it so wrong Miss? Anonymous. If you're who I think you are or if not, if you're actually in the party then you probably know who I am...
This has nothing to do with 'residents' asking questions. This has everything to do with my party being taken over by people who think they know better. What gave her the right to ask questions about Denton West when everyone knows Joan is the candidate?
Why did she think it was appropriate to stick her beak in when it is Floyd Paterson we should be promoting. I'm disgusted, but it's symptomatic of those know-it-alls from Ashton I'm afraid.
If you were a very good friend of Joan and Georgina then you woudn't be putting them in the frame re these comments. Stacey is currently out delivering leaflets in the rain for Floyd so it cannot be her. There are no gangs, there are no splits, there is one Conservative party working together to get Floyd elected.
It's clear to see you are from the Labour party. We are bored of you gutter politics and now chose to ignore them. We are far too busy.
Stacey lives in Denton West and has every right to ask a question about a huge youth problem at the end of her street. You do not have to be a candidate to ask a question.
Sorry to disapoint you mincemeat but I am neither Stacey nor one of her "as you put it, gang". I am a constituent who happens to have an interest in real politics, not quibbling rug rats who call themselves silly names. By the way I would order half a pound but I don't like fatty mince.
Yes she may be delivering leaflets in the rain. So was I yesterday for the same candidate so don't give me that. What happened last night broke our agreement and you probably knew that!
ha ha ha ha jealous of stacey? she's vacant and nasty.
She'll be mincemeat when Cath Piddington has finished with her.
Sorry I couldn't attend. Rentacrowd will be back on Tuesday at the full council meeting.
Warning to the Labour lot - bring a change of underwear. You are going to need it.
Stacey isn't standing against Cath Piddington. Who's the vacant one now?
Don't people have anything interesting to talk about?
This is fun isn't it? Why aren't you working for your party and the constituents who voted for you instead of writing on this website. Hope your seats are to health and safety standards (the ones your arses are sat on) because you have spent so much in those buildings. Leave a plant or two for the conservatives and the seats of course!
An interesting item it may be Mr TonyDJ but I am surprised you did not pick up on the point that this fine piece of military hardware, along with Trident, Challenger II tanks, and the entire army, navy and air force are combined are of no use when we are being destroyed from within by traitors and agents of foreign powers. Will this aircraft or our nuclear deterrent prevent us from being annexed into the EUSSR? No! Will the new aircraft carriers prevent indigenous Britons from becoming an ethnic minority in their own land within the next 40 year? No!
Traitors infest all the corridors of power and treachery within the civil service, judiciary and police is now reaching epidemic proportions. Many are unaware that they themselves are traitors because they have been conditioned into thinking that working against our national interests is what is expected from them. Until we manage to isolate, expose and then purge or rehabilitate the traitors working towards our national destruction we can only look forward to a continued decline into mire of failed state status.
You want to do some research into the collapse of the great Roman civilization of antiquity. Their decline and ours are near mirror images. We know that following the death of Roman civilization Europe was plunged into the Dark Ages. We too are likely to enter a new dark age unless the traitors can be removed and national pride and justice restored.
Queen Elizabeth I had a plaque in her Whitehall Palace bedchamber that read, 'The fall of Rome was due to three things: self-interest, hidden hatreds and youthful council'.
A year from now I reckon Labour will have about twelve less seats in the Council chamber.
Don't people have anything interesting to talk about?
Poor Denise at the DA. She didn't have anyone to sit with, no support from any other campaigner. Unlike Floyd who had the support from John Kelly, Stacey, Gareth and Joan. Denise didn't even ask a question. Has she no real issues to raise?
Floyd's latest leaflet is a belter.
Oh so encouraging violence now Conservative Values? That's very Conservative isn't it?
What a nob cheese. I am looking forward when the police unmask some of these commenters.
Stacey didn't make a public complaint about the youths, she made a public complaint about the useless councillors for not offering enough safe places for them to go and see there friends. You obviously don't have very good listening skills or you weren't there. Stacey offered to help out at a youth provision if one was made available. Stacey explained that the "Community Centre" in Denton West should be utilised for the whole community, especially young people and asked her Councillors to allow a youth club there.
Conservative Values is not a Conserative at all. There are only a few that regularly post on here that wouls actively promote violence.
You are an utter disgrace "Conservative Values". To threaten and promote violence towards Stacey like that must be illeagal. You are nothing but an bully and bully boy tactics will not work. Nothing you have to say is of any political substance so I suggest you and your cronies rethink your political career. In the meantime, I would highly suggest your threats towards Stacey stop immediately.
How dare you say that people should insight youths at the end of Stacey's street telling them she complained about them. She actually said that there is an unused community centre next door that could be used for the young people to go, somewhere to be safe and socialise. Get your facts right you little shit. Call yourself conservative values, you haven't got any values, you are just another weak, shit stirrer who loves to sit on our fat backside typing crap. The police will be very interested to speak to you when I have finished. Call yourself by your real name if you dare you coward.
i bow to the mincers better knowledge about knob cheese, however, only a knob jockey with an axe to grind would presume that I meant violence.
You are right there CV, you didnt say anything about violence.
People should read what is written rather than claim something else. The people who have chosen to misread you should be ashamed of themselves.
They are as quick to judge you as they were quick to judge the children that are annoying Stacy.
So what does this mean then?
"letting those youth know that they should move on who it was that had been making public complaints about them."
(Conservative Values)
What did you mean by "move on"? Have a go at Stacey or worse? Have words with her? Knock on her door?
We will let the Police decide what that meant.
Oh, I see what you mean! Appologies. The word "and" should have been between "move on" and "who"
senile moment!
i can see why its not just the knob jockey with an axe to grind that got so upset
I'm sure you are sorry now you know you will be in trouble.
Explain this;
"who it was that had been making public complaints about them."
(Conservative Values)
Firstly, Stacey did not make a complaint about the young people, she made a complaint that there isn't somewhere safe for them to go. So not only are you making slandorous comments but you are suggesting someone tell the Youths that Stacey made a public complaint about them.
Tell me, what would be gained by this? So the youths can shout at Stacey? Have words with Stacey? Knock on her door?
Like I said earlier, we will let the Police decide.
I think you will find that they have better things to do
"in trouble" dont make me laugh. explanation given, end of story
They didn't have better things to do re Tameside Eye did they? I think harrassment, slandar, discrimination and hate are rather serious. Over the last few weeks Stacey has been at the raw end of these comments. Whoever is doing this can rest assured they will be caught. Stacey is a kindhearted, fun, young woman with an interest in politics and a care for her community. They way she has been treated is a disgrace and this harrassment has gone too far.
Blogs are a forum for free speech and comments are made in different contexts but direct and wilfully slanderous comments about a named individual made in an effort to smear that person, if false, are best not made.
We saved a page Conservative Values! Just letting you know.
Google will still have a trace on you.
I have removed the piece so as not to make matters worse.
It should have read -
what surprises me is why any of you were there. nobody will vote conservative or labour because the candidate attended a DA meeting.
if i was the campaign organiser i would be very pissed off that rent a mob were at a DA when there was work to be done. Labour will love it, they had to be there, rent a mob didnt.
and, while im on my high horse and if i were one of the labour councillors in denton west, i would have now been down to Stacy's street and letting those youth know that they should move on and who it was that had been making public complaints about them.
- the point being, why give labour an opportunity when we should contact the authorities ourselves and make sure the residents know who did it
Conservative Values, you have no idea what Stacey has or has not done so far, she has already done as you have said and is working with the relevant authorities on the matter. Details of this will be in the press soon enough I am sure.
Your information is incorrect and you have indangered Stacey by suggesting someone tell local youths that Stacey made a public complaint about them when she did not. Stacey made a public complaint about the lack of youth provisions in the area. Stacey is volunteering her own time to organise a youth centre.
Conservative Values RA, you are totally out of order.
Shouldn't Joan be doing this and getting the credit if she is the candidate?
Stacey lives in Denton West and cares about her local community so she's more than happy to volunteer herself. Not everything has to be done for recognition.
"Conservative Values" is not a true Conservative. To imply that Stacey is not allowed to attend her own local DA, to question her local Councillors on important issues and to volunteer at her local Community Centre is utterly disgusting, undemocratic and just totally wrong.
By the way, I do remember who Conservative Values is and think he has the morals of an alleycat.
I would also suggest "Conservative Values" apologises to Stacey in person "as to not make matters any worse".
tbh, i dont think conservative values said she wasnt allowed to attend. i think he said that she, and the others at the meeting, should be out working for a conservative victory in denton north east
I think you will find Stacey and Gareth had been leafleting all day in the rain and then went straight to the DA without having chance to eat.
Your a childish, pathetic tiny little boy who has yet to grow up to be a man and take responsibility of your actions. Look in the mirror before you call others.
Colleagues, I am led to believe that Conservative Values isn’t who many of you think he is. No names on here but I am told that it is someone who loathes RA, and blames him for his own circumstances.
Imagine for a moment the benefits of having you believe its RA, you can totally discredit him as well as those associated with him.
You should be asking yourself where the usual suspects were when these postings took place before you rush to conclusions. What would RA have to gain as he knows that some claim CV is him?
Do Conservatives at national Government level let their egos get out of control and backstab each other like this? If so and they win the next General Election God help the country (if there's one left after David Cameron has reneged on his promise to give us a referendum on the European Treaty).
We know CV is not LB, SK, GQ, PB, JK or IB because the postings were done at the wrong time for it to be them. They wouldn't do that anyway so don't bother even trying to put them in the frame.
I know exactly who he is by the way it's written and the content. His "opinion" on how to campaign and how issues should be dealt with so we get all the credit are totally trademark to "CV". I know this after working very closely with him in the past. His identity will be confirmed soon enough.
People who continuously point the finger at others stating they can't be trusted are judging others by their own actions.
I suppose you soon learn who your friends are.
"the point being, why give labour an opportunity when we should contact the authorities ourselves and make sure the residents know who did it"
This comment is absolutely trademark of CV. This is his view on everything when fron his office he doesn't have a clue what is or is not being done. He finds any excuse to have a go.
I won't write his name on here. I will at this stage (until proved) just relax in the knowledge that I know who he is, and he knows I know who it is.
Now now play nicely AK.
Good grief, all this because a Tory member asked a question at a DA meeting!! Get a grip. She is a local resident after all and has every right to be there. If others in the party can't handle that fact they need to rapidly get over it. And it isn't always on gaining political one upmanship especially when that person isn't even the candidate for that ward. Maybe the person who is the candidate for Denton West could have opened her mouth about the issue if she had wanted to rather than bemoaning that someone else did. Now enough of publicly dividing the way some commenters have been. We have an election to win in North East and that won't happen while we bicker among ourselves about who said what and who has the right to do so.
It wasn't the deal. That's why we aren't happy about it.
Mincemeat what part of keep your trap shut dont you understand. We know who you are you pillock and we will be taking action against you and your pals when this election is over. You can only hope and pray that our man wins.
I love the claim that it could be none of the usual suspects because of the time, no doubt they were all out canvasing.
Why then, does at least one of the usual suspects make a posting within that time frame?
Why the continued threats? We kept our side of the deal. It's now been broken.
Re the police getting involved:
It took months and months for Tameside Eye to have 'privacy settings' and the comments made on that website were a lot worse that the ones made on here. And there were no prosecutions. If the local Tory Party has the money to persue a private claim I would be very surprised.
Every candidate/Councillor will at one time or another be attacked and that is politics. Is it pleasant? No. But it's the way it is. Look at Guido Fawkes.
But if you can't handle it, either don't read the blogs or don't stand for election! Just don't throw a hissy fit becasue someone was a bit nasty about you.
It's just 'different' now because with TE the shoe was definitely on the other foot (particuarly for Stacey).
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen because there are plenty of people who can.
I don't think calling someone's mother a "cripple" is just politics do you?
The Tameside Eye case is totally separate and not at all the same as what has been happening on here. Stacey is not the candidate for Denton West yet she gets more publicity than the actual candidates. It seems some are obsessed with Stacey and this behaviour is bordering harrassment.
Maybe you are just wishing the police do not take this seriously, but let me tell you they are. It always helps to have friends in high places.
Let me tell you now that even if we needed to pay for a private investigation, we would do that just to ensure this coward is caught. It just so happens that we do not need to go to those lengths as we have all the best people around us.
This is not politics, this is personal. Gutter tricks played by vile, foul mouthed, badly educated cowards. They will be found out very soon and then they will have to deal with the consequences.
Mincemeat, you are starting to go off. You are "no frill" and well past your sell by date.
What pact are you dribbling on about? Did you just imagine we had a pact or did you make it with yourself? They have Doctors for that.
Everytime I look on here you have made a comment. Don't you have a life? Are you really that sad?
Go and sit down, make yourself a cup of tea, take some deep breaths and repeat to yoursel; "I am a freak who wont leave a young woman alone and I must see a Doctor".
Hopefully they will just lock you up in a padded room and throw away the key.
Obsessed with Stacey Compulsive Disorder!
This is soooo boring now. Can we return to normal politics please?
Anyone seen the Greens at all in this by-election? Are they actually alive-alive-o?
No leaflets from Greens to save trees.
I saw them before! Take a look...
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