Lots of quality literature now being distributed in Denton. The latest glossy A3 from Floyd Paterson is by far the best leaflet of the campaign to date. The Labour ‘sorry to miss you card’ is unremarkable, their ‘election update’ version of The Rose is very negative. The BNP leaflet is nice - but small. I have yet to see a UKIP or Green leaflet. The Mellor Road Mincer was spotted on the campaign trail around the York Road Area. It looks as if Roy West did manage to mobilise the BNP as they were spotted across the ward leafleting and canvassing. An incident which caused much hilarity occurred around the Bentley Road area when a couple of BNP canvassers, obviously minus rosettes bumped into a team of Labourites. The Labourites are said to have asked “so which party are you two campaigning for”, the BNP man replied ‘Greens’, the lead Labourite then proceeded - in front of his colleagues to give him a warm handshake while praising the Greens for participating only to be told ‘only joking - we are the BNP’. It is said the aforementioned Labourite broke off the handshake so rapidly it was as if he had just been electrocuted. It is said everyone was in hysterics apart from the humiliated Labourite.
Nice group photo - The Wilton Garage is in Denton West though.
I told you the team would be out!
And? It is an election after all. So have UKIP, Labour and the Tories. NAd every day not just a jolly weekend get-together. I gather people were gesticulating at the trailer through Crown Point at lunchtime.
UKIP out every day! all one member then?
And the Tories all out together! Hve they all kissed and made up for the cause?
I've had a UKIP leaflet. Was a small colour A5 about £30k expenses to be a Councillor. Is very craply designed.
good pic showin a bunch of knuckle draggin thugs(ha ha)
keep up the fight good people,keep the flag flyin
They are a bunch of thugs. You can see the evil in their eyes.
Denise has too much mascara on.
Lets put it straight. There are no major splits in the Denton Conservatives, only a very small number of people who need to learn to shut up, go away, have a long hard think about their own purpose and learn to focus on what matters - winning for Floyd.
UKIP A5 leaflet was just the introductory, more coming in final week. We are aiming for a good second or third place in this election. Watch out for us. In Denton we mean business.
Watch out for us! Like we did in Newton?
It's in the blood, they'll be nothing left if it's not in the blood.
Yes well see who is laughing when we hit the streets with our A3 newsletter. You will see the Lab/Con/LD voters splinter off to us in droves. From our canvassing it looks like the Greens and BNP are badly trailing in this election.
So John Cooke comes riding into Denton on his white horse.
You laugh now but you won't be smiling when you see us in action in the next week. The other parties are now a busted flush. UKIP is on the rise as a moderate alternative to the big three. We will have a very credible result in Denton. Good dry run for the national elections next year.
What are you going different from Newton? John Cooke seems to be the only candidate you have for the whole of Tameside.
But John Cooke is the Denton general election candidate too so it is good profile raising exercise for him. You'll see.
Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against.
In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant.
The hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning.
Labour drowned rats spotted on Stockport Road hehe!
This election is hotting up. Might be a couple of surprises left in last week and a bit. Not yet Labour's in the bag.
Swingometer, time after time the people we have been canvassing have said they are either voting for us or for Floyd and the Conservatives. Over the last week I must have canvassed at least five hundred homes and according to my returns I have only come across a handful who say they are definitely voting Traitor, sorry Labour. The few Labour voters I have spoken with are the exact type that Labour rely on to win elections in areas that have yet to be ‘enriched’ by the next generation of Labour voters - immigrants! With no immigrant block vote in Denton that Labour can depend on they are resorting to good old electioneering. They are working the marked register and in the hope they can identify 1000 voters who are too educationally challenged or thick to realise the disaster Labour has brought to our once fine country. When they have these thousand or so lemmings they can harass to vote on election day their job is almost done. The remaining votes needed to win will come from the scam invented by Labour solely for the benefit of Labour - postal voting. Rest assured in the knowledge that all Denton North East residents with an old fashioned sounding name will have been visited by Labour scammers asking them to sign up for postal votes and all residents of the wards nursing homes will have had similar treatment. You Conservatives can still win - of that I am convinced, but you really need to knuckle down and get on the door knocker. Keep your campaign clean as you always do. Several voters have commented on the gutter campaigning tactics employed by Labour during in this election. If the Conservatives fully canvass this ward they cannot lose because your underlying level of support is higher than Labours. Labour keep winning elections in Tameside because they are better at electioneering than anyone else in the borough. They do not have more support - they are just better at identifying and mobilising their voters to turn out, plus they have the advantage of cheating through postal vote fraud. Do us all a favour and up your game you defeat these traitors. Our final leaflet will not be harmful to your campaign but it will not be helpful to the traitors posing as patriots.
I don't know who you have been speaking to then because our returns are robust.
Labour's vote is holding firm. We are now on our second canvass of the ward, going back to those houses where people were out first time round.
The Conservative level support certainly isn't higher than Labour's in any of the polling districts. Not even close.
Where you are right is that the issue on the day is who can get more of their identified supporters out. We can do that because we know where our supporters live.
Labour canvasser has made me blush by giving a civil reply. This is not what we expect of Labour as it makes our task of disliking you harder. We expect ad-hominem attacks and below the belt bows from Labour.
If you are a real Labour canvasser surely you must know your core vote is massively disillusioned. The Blairite policies adopted by Labour have completely disenfranchised your working class power base. If you do not abandon your drive to capture the middle class vote you will leave the BNP as the only viable alternative - and that is not a nice thought is it?
The Greens were out today, take a look for yourself.
Taylor, where are your thugs? They did the job in HydeNewton. Do you think it will work again?
Jesus, that bottom picture of the human tangerine. After seeing the first one I didn't think it was possible to get any more make-up on.
Still alot more to do in the campaign, we'll see how things go!
"... whatsoever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it."
Sometimes people are put through tests.
Those tests make us stronger and prepare us
for the battles we have to fight.
There are all kinds of battles
Alan Johnson, Home Secretary and traitor of the highest order says what we all know. Labour is going to carry out a scorched earth policy in their last months in power and inflict the maximum damage imaginable to our country. They are throwing open the floodgates with an invitation to the worlds economic migrants to head to the UK before the flow can be limited. Read about it in today’ Daily Express. No wonder these traitors abolished the death penalty for treason as their first piece of legislation when they took office in 97.
Shocking! Above
Nobody could be accused of racism against the Labour candidate because no-one knows what colour she is.
Does Denise work in advertising doing adverts for Tango?
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