A nurse tormented a care home resident by spraying her with cold water and laughing at her, a misconduct hearing was told today (Weds). Channa Zaibunnisa, 38, pulled off the disturbed 87-year-old woman's clothes and 'taunted' her in the shocking incident at the home in Hyde. At a Conduct & Competence Committee hearing it was claimed Channa Zaibunnisa, a 38-year-old Registered Nurse from Ashton-Under-Lyne did, whilst employed by Meridian Healthcare Limited at Hyde Nursing and Care Centre roughly handle residents and speak and act inappropriately towards residents.
Could anyone confirm if this is alleged to have occurred at the Hyde nursing home which is currently under investigation in relation to the Labour postal voting scam relating to the 2008 council elections?
Doesn't Merridian have connections to TEL?
Postal voting is a scam, full stop. Labour expanded it because it's wide open to abuse and suits certain communities who return the favour by voting Labour. Name one reason why Britain needed such a massive expansion in a system of this type.
Postal voting will be history like all the other Lib/Lab/Con corrupt practices after the great General Election clearout.
Dear M R M
I belivev it is / Was linked to TAMESIDE CARE GROUP the successor to TEL.
Their registered offices are the same (ENTERPRISE HOUSE, Grange Rd South, HYDE), also the Meridian Chairman, Alan Firth was TCG Maging Director durring the bitter strike of he late 1990's
Is this one of the foreign health workers "the NHS will collapse without?"
It seems that the lessons of CATHY WALNE (spelling?) Have not been learned
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