Wednesday 28 January 2009

Tameside Advertiser - unbelievable anti-BNP headline!

I cannot believe this article, surely this will have to be condemned as interfering in the democratic process by busy bodies with vested interests?


Anonymous said...

OWN GOAL HA HA...........

Anonymous said...

Considering that Newton is only one ward in the whole of Tameside it says much about the tremendous bias of The Advertiser tha they want to give this 'story' front page emphasis. At least this time a quote from a BNP spokesperson was include unlike the article which appereared in the Mncr evening News when both Purnell and Fitzpatrick were given space to specifically attack the BNP, yet the BNP were denied a reply.

These clergy are bringing themselves into disrepute for making outright party political statements and interfering in the electoral process.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Conservative voters are nationalistic in their nature, they don't like all this New Labour nonsense in the advertiser.
Most Tories in Tameside are desperate for some kind of leadership in order that they can take on the Tameside Labour Mafia.

Anonymous said...

Totally disgusting!

Anonymous said...

The Church is totally misguided in attacking the BNP which wants to preserve our national identity and values many of which have their roots in Christianity.

Anonymous said...

Hold the front page, a few local Vicars don't like the BNP. What a scoop. Just when you thought the Labourtiser couldn't get any more bent.

Anonymous said...

Porter, you are a disgrace to your profession.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, if you vote BNP you are 'evil' or 'morally inferior'. Jesus wept. He would if he saw the spineless politicized non-entities who infest the Church nowadays.

tonydj said...

So, the clergy are involving themselves in anti-BNP activity.

This is part of a government policy on "cohesion", check these documents on-line and do a search in them for "faith" and "faith leader(s)"

You will see that it is a definite policy of the government to get "faith leaders" on-side and to get them to do the dirty work of fighting the BNP on behalf of local and national government

Anonymous said...

Great quote from the BNP spokesman. It is obvious the BNP have them running scared and what are they so worried about? Is it because the BNP are anti-immigration and they are pro-immigration?

Anonymous said...

I am a regular Church goer and sick of this loty telling me how to vote.

Anonymous said...

Massive Decline in Tory Party Membership Since Cameron Took Over

Anonymous said...

We need someone with the conviction and strength of will of Oliver Cromwell not these pathetic and spineless appeasers.

Anonymous said...

BNP sinners repent. Join the Labour party and you will be absolved of your sins.

Anonymous said...

They are not Christians that regard the maintenance of peace as the only goal to be striven for while the nation is destroyed.

Anonymous said...

Well done you church leaders the BNP are evil.

Anonymous said...

Following the postal vote opening all other parties concede defeat and battle for the honour of limping in a distant second. Postal voting is the greatest aide to democracy since the invention of the sealed ballot box. lol

Anonymous said...

Tories looked very worried at the opening today they are in third place behind the BNP.
Labour lot looked very smug but theres a long way to go,we lost the postal vote last year and won the ballot on the day.
We will pick up votes and win an historic victory.

Anonymous said...

Church leaders repent. Vote for the British Natinal Party, the only Party committed to stopping the spread of Islam in the UK.

Anonymous said...

Vote Labour or Conservative the only ones who have supported the real men and women who have risked their lives fighting the Islamic extremist.

Anonymous said...

I was out in Newton today Lord Lucan was shopping at the co-op Arthur Daley's wife was out with him (her in doors)Shergar came galloping through the town,but I could not see the BNP candidate AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Armed Services, by support do you mean sending them on patrols in Iraq in Snatch Land Rovers which are little more than glorified farm vehicles and have led directly to our troops being killed. Labour have got better things to spend our money on like the £900 million they gave to India two months ago. India can afford nuclear weapons and a space programme but still comes to the softest touch Government in the world for a handout.

Anonymous said...

Massive BNP vote in Newcastle City Council's Fenham Ward yesterday.
Jan 2009:LibDem-1049;Labour-1025;BNP-836;Con-186.
May 2008:LibDem-1491;Labour-1188;BNP-295;Con-290.
The BNP trebled their vote while all the other Parties' support went down considerably.

Anonymous said...

Will someone rid us of these turbulent priests?

Anonymous said...


What do you think our Imams are doing?

Allahu Akbar.

Anonymous said...

Get out on the streets today and see the Labour team in action another day of action planned,meeting 11 am Bay Horse be there.

Anonymous said...

New hard hitting leaflet delivered today by Labour big attack on the BNP and one at the Tories,is it true that conservative controlled councils are all on fortnightly bin collections ?
This leaflet we got today is massive very high quality and its a poster if you want to display one.

Anonymous said...

It's tragic that Labour cynically relies on the postal votes of OAPs who vote for them just because their parents did, when after 11 years of Labour government thousands of OAPs die each year for want of food and heating.

Anonymous said...

News is coming through of a confrontation on the streets with Labour and BNP members,and we understand that a complaint will be made by one party on Monday, they are claiming that council staff have been delivering Labours leaflet along with a council one about the bin collections in the area.
Its hotting up. anyone got any further updates on these issues.

Anonymous said...

Lady asked Purnell about our boys being killed in Iraq, they did not like it at all.

Anonymous said...

Purnell ran away from a lady today in the street, did not like to be Questioned about the war in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Having seen the Labour leaflets and their magnificent campaigning skills,I have decided to join them our candidate is known for being a loser, hes not been out much left all the work to the old guard.
I know that young Tom Hatton is about to join me hes very troubled by the lack of any breakthrough in Tameside by the Tories,poor leadership in what should be easy times for any opposition is devastating most young Tories.
The streets of Newton should have been filled with our party workers each day just like Labour have been doing,many have stayed away the thought of canvassing and meeting real people terrified most of them.
Even our young candidates who lost out in the last council elections have deserted us they should have been the ones leading the way full of enthusiasm instead they stay at home maybe they will come out if there's a photo opportunity for them,I am saddened by our party's lack of fight and so I am off to join a winning team one that cares for Tameside and works to achieve their ambitions. Goodbye .

Anonymous said...

Purnell may be a local MP but he wouldn't turn up to a council by-election like this in a million years if they weren't terrified of losing.

Anonymous said...

Check Taylor's Website. He's getting rattled about when he published BNP members address details.

Anonymous said...

Dear used to be true blue

What a load of crap, the Conservatives have put out 15,000 leaflets out in Newton.
And by the good responses our leaflet has recieved, including by Tameside Citizen.
You can't say the Tories haven't fought this campaign.
We don't have Unions delivering leaflets on our behalf, unlike the Labour Party.
Just for the record, the candidate has been out every day for the past 4 weeks, along with myself and others.
My guess is that, if you have decided to join Labour?
Which i have no doubt you were ever a Tory in the first place, they are very much welcome to you.
Also i know Tom very well, and there is about as much chance in him joining Labour, than Roy Oldham not doing a self apreciating sermon, at the next full council.

Tom Hatton said...

'used to be blue true', not sure where you have got this 'story' from. If you know me please make yourself known to me via my email address. To put the record straight however, I'm a Tory through and through; socialism has destroyed this country, its traditions, its working class, and its church - the very things which motivate me.

If you are in any doubt about my politics in the future then all you need to do is ask, and i shall give you an honest answer (more than we could get from Labour!).



Anonymous said...

New Labour = gutter politics.

Anonymous said...

If there wasn't a BNP candidate in this election, then I'd be making a 'protest' vote by putting my cross next to the Conservative candidate's name on polling day.

Thank goodness for Rosalind Gauci.

The voters of Newton are intelligent enough to see through the Labour lies.

Anonymous said...

Would someone please quote a "Waycist" "EVIL" policy of the BNP
Go on quote one !
It's all very well berating people without any facts!!!

It may surprise some people that the BNP has polish, hungarian, gay, jewish, Italian as members, and many members have foreign wives/husbands etc.
Adam Walker BNP teacher has a Japanese wife, Richard Barnbrook (BNP GLA member) his partner Simone Clarke (BNP member)are bringinmg up Simones mixed race young child.
Democracy=the will of the people, the opposite is dictatorship, banning legal partys.
ever wondered why the BNP is a LEGAL party?
could it just be you have been fed lies like the EU, Weapons of mass distruction anyone?